コード例 #1
def get_mentioned_landmarks(thesaurus, str_instruction):
    split_instr = split_instruction(clean_instruction(str_instruction))
    word2term = thesaurus["word2term"]
    term_groundings = thesaurus["term_groundings"]
    lm_name2index = get_landmark_name_to_index()

    # Map each word in the instruction to it's corresponding term:
    split_instr_terms = words_to_terms(split_instr, word2term)

    mentioned_landmark_names = set()

    # For each term, find all the landmarks that have been mentioned
    for term in split_instr_terms:
        for landmark_name in term_groundings[term]["landmarks"]:

    mentioned_landmark_names = list(mentioned_landmark_names)
    mentioned_landmark_indices = [
        lm_name2index[name] for name in mentioned_landmark_names
    return mentioned_landmark_names, mentioned_landmark_indices
コード例 #2
def ground_terms(word2id, clustered_corpus, landmark_names,
    # the clustered corpus is a dictionary of lists, where the keys are valid english words and the values are
    # lists of words found in the corpus that are assumed to be misspellings of the key valid words

    # We make the distinction that a word is any word in an instruction
    # Terms are words in the english vocabulary. Multiple words (misspellings) can map to a single term.

    num_terms = len(clustered_corpus)
    vocab_size = len(word2id)
    num_landmarks = len(landmark_names)

    # This is gonna be the new word2id, once we start using the thesaurus
    term2id = {}
    id2term = {}
    for i, term in enumerate(sorted(clustered_corpus.keys())):
        term2id[term] = i
        id2term[i] = term

    # Calculate the mutual information between each cluster and each landmark
    # Number of times each term appears in an instruction
    term_occurences = np.zeros(num_terms)
    # Number of times each landmark appears near a segment path
    landmark_occurences = np.zeros(num_landmarks)
    # The number of times each term and landmark combination appears in the instruction and near the path
    term_landmark_cooccurences = np.zeros((num_terms, num_landmarks))
    # The number of total segments that were considered
    total_occurences = 0

    landmark_indices = get_landmark_name_to_index()

    # Inverse the clusters so that we can efficiently map each word in each instruction to it's cluster core
    word2term = {}
    for real_word, misspellings in clustered_corpus.items():
        for misspelling in misspellings:
            word2term[misspelling] = real_word

    # Count landmark and word occurences and co-occurences
    for env_id, instruction_sets in train_instructions.items():
        path = load_path(env_id)
        env_config = load_env_config(env_id)
        for instruction_set in instruction_sets[0]["instructions"]:
            instruction_str = instruction_set["instruction"]
            start_idx = instruction_set["start_idx"]
            end_idx = instruction_set["end_idx"]

            present_landmarks = close_landmark_names(env_config, path,
                                                     start_idx, end_idx)
            present_lm_indices = [
                landmark_indices[lm] for lm in present_landmarks

            mentioned_words = split_instruction(
            mentioned_terms = words_to_terms(mentioned_words, word2term)

            for term in mentioned_terms:
                term_id = term2id[term]
                term_occurences[term_id] += 1

            for lm_idx in present_lm_indices:
                landmark_occurences[lm_idx] += 1
                for term in mentioned_terms:
                    term_id = term2id[term]
                    term_landmark_cooccurences[term_id][lm_idx] += 1

            total_occurences += 1

    term_prob = np.expand_dims(term_occurences / total_occurences,
                               1).repeat(num_landmarks, 1)
    landmark_prob = np.expand_dims(landmark_occurences / total_occurences,
                                   0).repeat(num_terms, 0)
    term_and_landmark_prob = term_landmark_cooccurences / total_occurences

    # term_and_landmark_prob has dimensions 0: terms, 1: landmarks
    mutual_info_factor = term_and_landmark_prob / (landmark_prob * term_prob +
    #mutual_info_factor = term_and_landmark_prob / ((1 / num_landmarks) * term_prob + 1e-9)
    mutual_info = term_and_landmark_prob * np.log(mutual_info_factor + 1e-27)

    # The above line is the correct formula for mutual information. For our case, below formula might be better?
    # The mutual information is higher for common words than uncommon ones. We might prefer the opposite effect.
    # On the other hand, uncommon words are more likely to spuriously correlate with landmarks, which will cause a
    # less reliable corpus.
    #mutual_info = np.log(mutual_info_factor + 1e-27)

    # Ground each term and produce the thesaurus
    term_meanings = {}

    common_words = []

    for i in range(num_terms):
        grounded_lm_indices = [
            idx for idx in range(num_landmarks)
            if mutual_info[i][idx] > MUTUAL_INFO_THRESHOLD

        grounded_lm_names = [
            landmark_names[idx] for idx in grounded_lm_indices
        mutual_infos = np.asarray(
            [mutual_info[i][idx] for idx in grounded_lm_indices])

        args = list(np.argsort(mutual_infos))
        grounded_lm_names = list(
            reversed([grounded_lm_names[idx] for idx in args]))
        mutual_infos = list(reversed([mutual_infos[idx] for idx in args]))

        # If the word is too common to be referring to a landmark, ignore ita
        this_term_prob = term_prob[i][0]
        if this_term_prob > MAX_TERM_PROB:
            grounded_lm_names = []
            mutual_infos = []

        term_meanings[id2term[i]] = \
                "landmarks": grounded_lm_names,
                "mutual_info": mutual_infos,
                "term_prob": this_term_prob

    for k in term_meanings.keys():
        if len(term_meanings[k]["landmarks"]) > 0:
            print(k, term_meanings[k])

    print("Ignored groundings for these common words: " + str(common_words))

    return term_meanings, word2term