def testGetFile(self): logger = data_logger.Logger(self.file_prefix) expected = os.path.join('' % self.file_prefix) self.assertEqual(expected, logger.file_path) logger.GetFile(256) expected = os.path.join('' % self.file_prefix) self.assertEqual(expected, logger.file_path)
def main(max_time, altitude_dif, delay_sample): formatted_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() print('[{}][main] Starting main'.format(formatted_time)) bmp280_0 = bmp280.BMP280(delay_sample - 0.01) dht11_0 = dht11.DHT11(pin=4) mpu9250_0 = mpu9250.MPU9250() servo_0 = servo.Servo(0) deployer_0 = parachute_deployer.Deployer(bmp280_0, servo_0, altitude_dif, delay_sample) logger_0 = data_logger.Logger(bmp280_0, dht11_0, mpu9250_0) camera_0 = camera.Camera() deployer_thread = threading.Thread(target=deployer_0.main) logging_thread = threading.Thread(target=logger_0.log) deployer_thread.start() logging_thread.start() camera_0.start_recording() finisher_input_thread = threading.Thread(target=finisher_input, args=(deployer_0, logger_0, camera_0), daemon=True) finisher_time_thread = threading.Thread(target=finisher_time, args=(deployer_0, logger_0, camera_0, max_time), daemon=True) finisher_input_thread.start() finisher_time_thread.start()
def testWriteAndReadBack(self): logger = data_logger.Logger(self.file_prefix) logger.WriteProto(self.point) logger.WriteProto(self.point) logger.current_file.flush() file_points = [] for file_point in logger.ReadProtos(): file_points.append(file_point) expected = [self.point, self.point] self.assertEqual(expected, file_points)
def testMidHeader(self): logger = data_logger.Logger(self.file_prefix) logger.WriteProto(self.point) logger.current_file.flush() with open(logger.file_path, 'ab') as temp_file: temp_file.write((1).to_bytes(data_logger.PROTO_LEN_BYTES, data_logger.BYTE_ORDER)) file_points = [] for file_point in logger.ReadProtos(): file_points.append(file_point) expected = [self.point] self.assertEqual(expected, file_points)
def testShortWrite(self): logger = data_logger.Logger(self.file_prefix) logger.WriteProto(self.point) logger.WriteProto(self.point) logger.current_file.flush() with open(logger.file_path, 'rb') as temp_file: contents = with open(logger.file_path, 'wb') as temp_file: temp_file.write(contents[:-1]) file_points = [] for file_point in logger.ReadProtos(): file_points.append(file_point) expected = [self.point] self.assertEqual(expected, file_points)
def ReplayLog(filepath, include_sleep=False): """Replays data, extermely useful to LED testing. Args: filepath: A string of the path of lap data. include_sleep: If True replays adds sleeps to simulate how data was processed in real time. Returns: A exit_speed.ExitSpeed instance that has replayed the given data. """'Replaying %s', filepath) logger = data_logger.Logger(filepath) points = list(logger.ReadProtos())'Number of points %d', len(points)) if include_sleep: replay_start = time.time() time_shift = int(replay_start * 1e9 - points[0].time.ToNanoseconds()) session_start = None else: FLAGS.set_default('commit_cycle', 10000) es = exit_speed.ExitSpeed(live_data=not include_sleep) for point in points: if include_sleep: point.time.FromNanoseconds(point.time.ToNanoseconds() + time_shift) if not session_start: session_start = point.time.ToMilliseconds() / 1000 es.point = point es.ProcessSession() if include_sleep: run_delta = time.time() - replay_start point_delta = point.time.ToMilliseconds() / 1000 - session_start if run_delta < point_delta: time.sleep(point_delta - run_delta) if not include_sleep: time.sleep(1) qsize = len(es.pusher.point_queue) while qsize > 0: qsize = len(es.pusher.point_queue) logging.log_every_n_seconds(logging.INFO, 'Queue size %s', 2, qsize) es.pusher.stop_process_signal.value = True print(time.time()) es.pusher.process.join(10) print(time.time()) return es
def run(cd, process_min=None, process_max=None, n_processes=None): # Read in parameters set using the UI input_vidpath = str(cd['path']) recording = bool(cd['record']) logging = bool(cd['log']) scaling = float(cd['scaling']) multi = cd['multi'] n_inds = int(cd['n_inds']) heading = bool(cd['heading']) wings = bool(cd['wings']) ifd_on = bool(cd['IFD']) arena_mms = float(cd['arena_mms']) thresh_val = cd['thresh_val'] crop = cd['crop'] r = cd['r'] mask = cd['mask'] comm = str(cd['comm']) baud = int(cd['baud']) ifd_min = float(cd['IFD_thresh']) pulse_len = float(cd['pulse_len']) pulse_lockout = float(cd['pulse_lockout']) ifd_time_thresh = float(cd['IFD_time_thresh']) rt_ifd = bool(cd['RT_IFD']) rt_pp = bool(cd['RT_PP']) rt_pp_delay = int(cd['RT_PP_Delay']) rt_pp_period = int(cd['RT_PP_Period']) rt_LED_red = bool(cd['LED_color_Red']) rt_LED_green = bool(cd['LED_color_Green']) rt_LED_intensity = int(cd['LED_intensity']) FLIR = bool(cd['FLIR']) rt_LED_color = cd['rt_LED_color'] colors = [(0, 255, 0), (0, 255, 255), (255, 0, 255), (255, 255, 255), (255, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)] # Initialize control flow parameters stop_bit, roll_call, all_present, history = False, 0, False, None # Initialize frame counters process_frame_count, fps_calc = 0, 0 # Set scaling params mm2pixel = float(arena_mms / crop.shape[0]) # Set up serial port if needed if (rt_ifd) or (rt_pp == True): ser = ard.init_serial(comm, baud) time.sleep(2) # Determine final output frame size vis, vis_shape = get_vis_shape(crop, scaling) # Generate loctions to store outuput data utils.file_ops() # Start csv logger if logging == True: logger = dl.Logger() logger.create_outfile() logger.write_header(process_frame_count, n_inds, ifd=True, headings=True) # Use calculated shape to initialize writer if (recording == True): dt = out = cv2.VideoWriter( "generated_data/movies/" + str(dt.month) + "_" + str( + "_" + str(dt.year) + "_" + str(dt.hour) + str(dt.minute) + '.avi', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MJPG'), 30, (vis.shape[1], vis.shape[0]), True) # Diff calculation initialization last, df = 0, [] # Individual location(s) measured in the last and current step [x,y] meas_last, meas_now = [[[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]], [[[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]] # Initialize metrics backups old_ifds, old_angles, last_heads = np.asarray([0, 0, 0]), [0, 0], [0, 0] # Initialize RT Experiment Backups last_pulse_time, accum = 0, [time.time(), None] # FLIR Camera Stuff def capIm(): # Function retreives buffer from FLIR camera in place of cv2 capture try: img = cam.retrieveBuffer() except PyCapture2.Fc2error as fc2Err: print("Error retrieving buffer :", fc2Err) return False, [] data = np.asarray(img.getData(), dtype=np.uint8) data = data.reshape((img.getRows(), img.getCols())) return True, data # Check if Real Time experiment being done with FLIR camera, init connection if so if FLIR == True: bus = PyCapture2.BusManager() cam = PyCapture2.Camera() uid = bus.getCameraFromIndex(0) cam.connect(uid) cam.startCapture() this = 1 else: cap = cv2.VideoCapture(input_vidpath) if cap.isOpened() == False: sys.exit( 'Video file cannot be read! Please check input_vidpath to ensure it is correctly pointing to the video file' ) else: print('Capture Opened') # Initialize time time0 = time.time() while (True): # Capture frame-by-frame n_inds = int(cd['n_inds']) time1 = time.time() if FLIR == True: ret = True ret, frame = capIm() frame = np.expand_dims(frame, 2) frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) this += 1 else: ret, frame = this = cap.get(1) if ret == True: #Resize & keep color frame, make BW frame frame = crop_frame(frame, r) cl_frame = cv2.resize(frame, None, fx=scaling, fy=scaling, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) bw_frame = cv2.cvtColor(cl_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) _, thresh = cv2.threshold(bw_frame, thresh_val, 255, 0) #+++++++++++++++++++++ # Detect contours list_of_detections, num_valid_contours = detect_blobs( cl_frame, thresh, meas_last, meas_now, last_heads, colors) #Assign detections to Track object try: tracker.assign_detections(list_of_detections, n_inds) except NameError: if len(list_of_detections) == n_inds: tracker = Tracker(n_inds, list_of_detections, process_frame_count) tracker.assign_detections(list_of_detections, n_inds) meas_now = [[track.get_mr_centroid(), track.get_mr_head()] for track in tracker.list_of_tracks] cent_meas = [[meas[0][0], meas[0][1]] for meas in meas_now] head_meas = [[meas[1][0], meas[1][1]] for meas in meas_now] ifds, old_ifds = metrics.ifd([np.asarray(cm) for cm in cent_meas], old_ifds, 0.5, mm2pixel, n_inds) # Check to see if expected animal-count is present if num_valid_contours == n_inds: if process_frame_count == 0: all_present = True roll_call += 1 if roll_call > 150: all_present = True else: if process_frame_count < 300: roll_call = 0 # Begin logging and metrics if all animals present if all_present == True: # Generate trace history history = dl.history(process_frame_count, history, cent_meas) # Drawing new_frame = draw_global_results(cl_frame, cent_meas, head_meas, colors, history, n_inds, traces=True, heading=True) # Pass dictionary to data panel for visualization info_dict = { "frame_count": process_frame_count, "fps_calc": fps_calc, "logging": logging, "ifds": float(ifds), "recording": recording } #, #"heading": angles} # Generate visualization from drawn frame and info vis = generate_info_panel(new_frame, info_dict, vis_shape) # Send light commands if doing an RT expriment if rt_ifd == True: last_pulse_time, accum = ard.lights_IFD( ser, last_pulse_time, accum, ifd, ifd_min, pulse_len, ifd_time_thresh, rt_LED_color, rt_LED_intensity) if (rt_pp == True) and ((time.time() - time0) >= rt_pp_delay): last_pulse_time = ard.lights_PP(ser, last_pulse_time, pulse_len, rt_pp_delay, rt_pp_period, rt_LED_color, rt_LED_intensity) else: # If all animals not yet present, use placeholders new_frame = cl_frame info_dict = None vis = generate_info_panel(new_frame, info_dict, vis_shape) # # Show present frame. Suppress to improve realtime speed cv2.imshow("FlyRT", vis) # # # # Write to .avi # if (recording==True): # out.write(vis) # Write current measurment and calcs to CSV # if (logging == True) and (all_present==True): # logger.write_meas(process_frame_count, float(process_frame_count/30), pixel_meas[0:n_inds], ifd, angles) # # FPS Calcs process_frame_count += 1 fps = True time2 = time.time() fps_calc = float(process_frame_count / (time2 - time0)) # GUI Stop Tracking Button stop_bit = config.stop_bit if cv2.waitKey(1) & (stop_bit == True): break else: break # Clean up if FLIR == True: cam.stopCapture() cam.disconnect() else: cap.release() if logging == True: logger.close_writer() if (recording == True): out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() cv2.waitKey() return None
import data_logger import dataconnection import data_ts_stock_daily_to_mongodb import data_ts_finance_indicator_to_mongodb import data_ts_finance_report_to_mongodb import basicdata_ts_trade_cal_to_mongodb import data_ts_daily_basic_to_mongodb import basicdata_ts_stock_basic_to_mongodb import basicdata_ts_index_basic_to_mongodb import prefinal_data_ts_stock_daily_to_mongodb if __name__ == '__main__': tsname ="%Y%m%d") sys.stdout = data_logger.Logger("log/" + tsname + ".log", sys.stdout) sys.stderr = data_logger.Logger("log/" + tsname + "err.log", sys.stderr) print('---kongo开始下载数据---') t_start = print("kongo程序开始时间:{0}".format(str(t_start))) # 连接mangoDB db = dataconnection.Connection().getmongoconnection() # 连接tushare pro = dataconnection.Connection().gettushareconnection() # 基础股票信息 basicdata_ts_stock_basic_to_mongodb.runallstock(pro, db, "stock_basic") # 基础指数信息
# # Check that we have the correct arguments # if len(sys.argv) != 2: usage() # Grab the URL to use [progname, rvi_url] = sys.argv # Welcome message print "RVI Big Data Device" print "Outbound URL to RVI: ", rvi_url print "Inbound URL from RVI: ", service_url # Setip the logger. logger = data_logger.Logger() logger.start() # Setup outbound JSON-RPC connection to the RVI Service Edge rvi_server = jsonrpclib.Server(rvi_url) print "SERVER:", rvi_server # Setup AMB DBUS integartion amb = amb_dbus.DBUSMonitor(logger) amb.start() # Setup inbound JSON-RPC server rvi_callback = RVICallbackServer(amb, logger, rvi_server, service_url) rvi_callback.start() # Setup data sender