コード例 #1
def handle_ip_range_update(target_dict, start_list, step_list,
                           repeat_list, recycle_list,
                           target_step_list, reset,
                           obj_name, prop_name):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger("methodology")
    plLogger.LogDebug(" process ip...")
    plLogger.LogDebug("  object: " + obj_name + "   property: " + prop_name)

    is_collection = dm_utils.is_property_collection(obj_name, prop_name)
    plLogger.LogDebug("  is_collection: " + str(is_collection))

    pattern_iter = 0
    target_count = 0

    # Make a distinct COPY of start_list into curr_start_list so that
    # the curr_start_list doesn't change each time start_list does.
    # curr_start_list is used to keep track of the starting values
    # for a particular target object given reset and target_step_list.
    curr_start_list = list(start_list)

    for target_key in sorted(target_dict):
        curr_mod_obj_list = target_dict[target_key]
        if reset:
            # Reset the pattern generator
            pattern_iter = 0

        # Update start_list with target_step_list
        start_iter = 0
        for start, target_step in zip(curr_start_list, target_step_list):
            start_list[start_iter] = if_utils.expand_ip_pattern(
                target_count, 1, str(start), str(target_step), 0, 0)[0]
            start_iter = start_iter + 1
        plLogger.LogDebug("curr_start_list: " + str(curr_start_list))
        plLogger.LogDebug("start_list: " + str(start_list))
        plLogger.LogDebug("target_count: " + str(target_count))
        plLogger.LogDebug("target_step_list: " + str(target_step_list))

        # Iterate over the objects to be modified (per target object)
        for mod_obj in curr_mod_obj_list:
            list_pos = 0
            val_list = []

            # Iterate over the elements in the start_list (list_pos)
            for start in start_list:
                ip_list = if_utils.expand_ip_pattern(
                    pattern_iter, 1,
                plLogger.LogDebug(" setting next ip to: " + str(ip_list[0]))
                list_pos = list_pos + 1
            if is_collection is True:
                mod_obj.SetCollection(prop_name, val_list)
                mod_obj.Set(prop_name, val_list[0])
            pattern_iter = pattern_iter + 1
        target_count = target_count + 1
コード例 #2
def apply_range_modifier(container, modifier_ele):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger("methodology")

    if container is None:
        return "template_processing_functions.apply_range_modifier " + \
            "requires an StmTemplateConfig.  Received invalid element (None)."
    if not container.IsTypeOf("StmTemplateConfig"):
        return "template_processing_functions.apply_range_modifier " + \
            "requires an StmTemplateConfig.  Received an object of type: " + \
            container.GetType() + "."
    if modifier_ele is None:
        return "template_processing_functions.apply_range_modifier " + \
            "requires an ElementTree modifier_ele (ModifierInfo).   " + \
            "Received invalid element (None)."

    tag_name = modifier_ele.get("TagName")
    md_json = modifier_ele.get("ModifierInfo")

    if tag_name is None:
        return "TagName attribute is required in the ModifierInfo"
    if md_json is None:
        err_str = "ModifierInfo is required in the StmPropertyModifier: " + \
        return err_str

    # Validate the ModifierInfo against the schema
    res = json_utils.validate_json(md_json,
    if res != "":
        err_str = "ModifierInfo JSON is invalid or does not conform " + \
            "to the schema: " + res
        return err_str

    # Load the JSON
    err_str, md_dict = json_utils.load_json(md_json)
    if err_str != "":
        return err_str
    plLogger.LogDebug("md_dict: " + str(md_dict))

    obj_name = md_dict.get("objectName")
    prop_name = md_dict.get("propertyName")
    if not CMeta.ClassExists(obj_name):
        err_str = "Class " + obj_name + " does not exist."
        return err_str
    if prop_name not in CMeta.GetProperties(obj_name):
        err_str = "Property " + prop_name + " does not exist on " + \
        return err_str
    # prop_range = CMeta.GetPropertyRange(obj_name, prop_name)
    is_collection = dm_utils.is_property_collection(obj_name, prop_name)

    plLogger.LogDebug("obj_name: " + obj_name)
    plLogger.LogDebug("prop_name: " + prop_name)

    # Determine the property type
    prop_dict = CMeta.GetPropertyMeta(obj_name, prop_name)
    plLogger.LogDebug("prop_dict: " + str(prop_dict))
    prop_type = prop_dict["type"]

    # Process the propertyValueDict
    prop_val_dict = md_dict.get("propertyValueDict", {})

    # start (required)
    start = prop_val_dict["start"]
    if isinstance(start, basestring):
        start_list = [start]
        start_list = start

    # Truncate the list of start values based on whether the
    # property is a collection.
    if not is_collection:
        start_list = [start_list[0]]

    # Count for all lists will depend on how many items are
    # in the start_list
    count = len(start_list)

    # step (required)
    step = prop_val_dict["step"]
    if isinstance(step, basestring):
        step_list = [step]
        step_list = step

    # repeat
    repeat = prop_val_dict.get("repeat", None)
    if repeat is None:
        repeat = [0]
    if isinstance(repeat, int):
        repeat_list = [repeat]
        repeat_list = repeat

    # recycle
    recycle = prop_val_dict.get("recycle", None)
    if recycle is None:
        recycle = [0]
    if isinstance(recycle, int):
        recycle_list = [recycle]
        recycle_list = recycle

    # targetObjectStep (use default value if nothing specified)
    target_step = prop_val_dict.get("targetObjectStep", None)
    if target_step is None:
        err_str, zero_val = get_zero_value(prop_type)
        if err_str != "":
        target_step = [str(zero_val)]
    if isinstance(target_step, basestring):
        target_step_list = [target_step]
        target_step_list = target_step

    # Default for reset is True
    reset = prop_val_dict.get("resetOnNewTargetObject", True)

    # Turn everything into lists and even them out based on start_list
    # prop_type takes precedence unless the required list/scalar is
    # unspecified.
    # len(start_list) determines list length; shorter lists will be
    # extended.  Longer lists will be truncated.
    # (start_list and start are processed above)
    step_list = build_range_parameter_list(is_collection,
                                           step_list, count=count)
    repeat_list = build_range_parameter_list(is_collection,
                                             repeat_list, count=count)
    recycle_list = build_range_parameter_list(is_collection,
                                              recycle_list, count=count)
    target_step_list = build_range_parameter_list(is_collection,
    # Check the values
    for val in start_list:
        res = check_value_type(prop_type, val)
        if res != "":
            return "Invalid value " + str(val) + \
                " in start: " + res
    for val in step_list:
        res = check_value_type(prop_type, val)
        if res != "":
            return "Invalid value " + str(val) + \
                " in step: " + res
    for val in target_step_list:
        res = check_value_type(prop_type, val)
        if res != "":
            return "Invalid value " + str(val) + \
                " in targetObjectStep: " + res

    plLogger.LogDebug("count: " + str(count))
    plLogger.LogDebug("is_collection: " + str(is_collection))
    plLogger.LogDebug("start_list: " + str(start_list))
    plLogger.LogDebug("step_list: " + str(step_list))
    plLogger.LogDebug("repeat_list: " + str(repeat_list))
    plLogger.LogDebug("recycle_list: " + str(recycle_list))
    plLogger.LogDebug("target_step_list: " + str(target_step_list))
    plLogger.LogDebug("reset: " + str(reset))

    target_dict = get_modify_objects(container, obj_name, tag_name)
    if target_dict == {}:
        plLogger.LogWarn("No objects to modify")
        return ""

    if prop_type == "u8" or \
       prop_type == "u16" or \
       prop_type == "u32" or \
       prop_type == "u64":
            target_dict, start_list, step_list, repeat_list,
            recycle_list, target_step_list, reset,
            obj_name, prop_name)
    elif prop_type == "ip" or prop_type == "ipv6":
            target_dict, start_list, step_list, repeat_list,
            recycle_list, target_step_list, reset,
            obj_name, prop_name)
    elif prop_type == "mac":
            target_dict, start_list, step_list, repeat_list,
            recycle_list, target_step_list, reset,
            obj_name, prop_name)
        return "Unsupported property type: " + prop_type + \
            ".  Please fix the template_processing_functions." + \
            "apply range modifier."
    return ""
コード例 #3
def handle_uint_range_update(target_dict, start_list, step_list,
                             repeat_list, recycle_list,
                             target_step_list, reset,
                             obj_name, prop_name):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger("methodology")
    plLogger.LogDebug(" process unsigned integer...")
    plLogger.LogDebug("  object: " + obj_name + "   property: " + prop_name)

    # Hack due to CMeta.GetPropertyRange("EmulatedDevice", "DeviceCount")
    # failing due to an invalid cast from hex (boost::lexical_cast<int>
    # is failing due to hex input).
        prop_range = CMeta.GetPropertyRange(obj_name, prop_name)
        prop_range = None
    is_collection = dm_utils.is_property_collection(obj_name, prop_name)
    plLogger.LogDebug("  prop_range: " + str(prop_range))
    plLogger.LogDebug("  is_collection: " + str(is_collection))

    pattern_iter = 0
    target_count = 0

    # Make a distinct COPY of start_list into curr_start_list so that
    # the curr_start_list doesn't change each time start_list does.
    # curr_start_list is used to keep track of the starting values
    # for a particular target object given reset and target_step_list.
    curr_start_list = list(start_list)

    for target_key in sorted(target_dict):
        curr_mod_obj_list = target_dict[target_key]
        if reset:
            # Reset the pattern generator
            pattern_iter = 0

        # Update start_list with target_step_list
        start_iter = 0
        for start, target_step in zip(curr_start_list, target_step_list):
            start_list[start_iter] = str(int(start) +
                                         int(target_step) * target_count)
            start_iter = start_iter + 1
        plLogger.LogDebug("curr_start_list: " + str(curr_start_list))
        plLogger.LogDebug("start_list: " + str(start_list))
        plLogger.LogDebug("target_count: " + str(target_count))
        plLogger.LogDebug("target_step_list: " + str(target_step_list))

        # Iterate over the objects to be modified (per target object)
        for mod_obj in curr_mod_obj_list:
            list_pos = 0
            val_list = []

            # Iterate over the elements in the start_list (list_pos)
            for start in start_list:
                int_list = if_utils.expand_int_pattern(
                    pattern_iter, 1,
                plLogger.LogDebug(" setting next int to: " + str(int_list[0]))
                num = int_list[0]
                if prop_range is not None:
                    min_val, max_val = prop_range[0], prop_range[1]
                    if num < min_val or num > max_val:
                        num = min_val + \
                            (num - min_val) % (max_val - min_val + 1)
                list_pos = list_pos + 1
            if is_collection is True:
                mod_obj.SetCollection(prop_name, val_list)
                mod_obj.Set(prop_name, val_list[0])
            pattern_iter = pattern_iter + 1
        target_count = target_count + 1