コード例 #1
def main():
    inputs = ds.data_store()
    num_pins = 9  # number of assemblies (with single pin conc)
    filename = sys.argv[1]
    inputs.enrichments = []
        file = open("./super_cell", 'r')
    except in_file_error:
        usage_error("input file error: (check path and that it exists!)")
        filedata = file.read()
        for pn in range(1, num_pins + 1):
            enrichment = aw_round(random.uniform(0.8, 5.0))
            print("pin number " + str(pn))
            filedata = filedata.replace(
                '%pin' + str(pn) + '%',
                "UO2_{:02d}".format(int(enrichment * 10)))
        # Write the file out again
            file = open(filename, 'w')
        except out_file_error:
            usage_error("file output error")
                f = open(filename + ".pickle",
                         "wb+")  # you should be creating state.pickle here...
                print("Error opening output file")
コード例 #2
ファイル: run_optimizer.py プロジェクト: AuraUAS/nav-devel
def run_filter(filter, imu_data, gps_data, filter_data, config=None):
    data_dict = data_store.data_store()
    errors = []
    # Using while loop starting at k (set to kstart) and going to end
    # of .mat file
    gps_index = 0
    filter_index = 0
    new_gps = 0
    if config and config['call_init']:
        filter_init = False
        filter_init = True
    if config and 'start_time' in config:
        for k, imu_pt in enumerate(imu_data):
            if imu_pt.time >= config['start_time']:
                k_start = k
        k_start = 0
    if config and 'end_time' in config:
        for k, imu_pt in enumerate(imu_data):
            if imu_pt.time >= config['end_time']:
                k_end = k
        k_end = len(imu_data)
    #print k_start, k_end
    for k in range(k_start, k_end):
        imupt = imu_data[k]
        if gps_index < len(gps_data) - 1:
            # walk the gps counter forward as needed
            newData = 0
            while gps_data[gps_index+1].time - gps_latency <= imupt.time:
                gps_index += 1
                newData = 1
            gpspt = gps_data[gps_index]
            gpspt.newData = newData
            # no more gps data, stay on the last record
            gpspt = gps_data[gps_index]
            gpspt.newData = 0
        #print gpspt.time`
        # walk the filter counter forward as needed
        if len(filter_data):
            if imupt.time > filter_data[filter_index].time:
                filter_index += 1
            if filter_index >= len(filter_data):
                # no more filter data, stay on the last record
                filter_index = len(filter_data)-1
            filterpt = filter_data[filter_index]
            filterpt = None
        #print "t(imu) = " + str(imupt.time) + " t(gps) = " + str(gpspt.time)

        # If k is at the initialization time init_nav else get_nav
        if not filter_init and gps_index > 0:
            print "init:", imupt.time, gpspt.time
            navpt = filter.init(imupt, gpspt, filterpt)
            filter_init = True
        elif filter_init:
            navpt = filter.update(imupt, gpspt, filterpt)

        # Store the desired results obtained from the compiled test
        # navigation filter and the baseline filter
        if filter_init:

        if gpspt.newData:
            # compute error metric with each new gps report
            # full 3d distance error (in ecef)
            p1 = navpy.lla2ecef(gpspt.lat, gpspt.lon, gpspt.alt,
            p2 = navpy.lla2ecef(navpt.lat, navpt.lon, navpt.alt,
            pe = np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2)
            # weight horizontal error more highly than vertical error
            ref = gps_data[0]
            n1 = navpy.lla2ned(gpspt.lat, gpspt.lon, gpspt.alt,
                               ref.lat, ref.lon, 0.0,
            n2 = navpy.lla2ned(navpt.lat*r2d, navpt.lon*r2d, navpt.alt,
                               ref.lat, ref.lon, 0.0,
            dn = n2 - n1
            ne = math.sqrt(dn[0]*dn[0] + dn[1]*dn[1] + dn[2]*dn[2]*0.5)

            # it is always tempting to fit to the velocity vector
            # (especially when seeing some of the weird velocity fits
            # that the optimizer spews out), but it never helps
            # ... seems to make the solution convergence much more
            # shallow, ultimately never seems to produce a better fit
            # than using position directly.  Weird fits happen when
            # the inertial errors just don't fit the gps errors.
            # Fitting to velocity doesn't seem to improve that
            # problem.
            v1 = np.array( [gpspt.vn, gpspt.ve, gpspt.vd] )
            v2 = np.array( [navpt.vn, navpt.ve, navpt.vd] )
            ve = np.linalg.norm(v1 - v2)
            errors.append(ne)   # ned error weighted towards horizontal
        # Increment time up one step for the next iteration of the
        # while loop.
        k += 1

    # proper cleanup
    return errors, data_dict
コード例 #3
ファイル: run_optimizer.py プロジェクト: AuraUAS/nav-devel
if args.flight:
    plotname = os.path.basename(args.flight)    
elif args.aura_flight:
    plotname = os.path.basename(args.aura_flight)
elif args.sentera_flight:
    plotname = os.path.basename(args.sentera_flight)
elif args.sentera2_flight:
    plotname = os.path.basename(args.sentera2_flight)
elif args.umn_flight:
    plotname = os.path.basename(args.umn_flight)

# plots
plt = plots.Plots(plotname)

# plot onboard filter
data_ob = data_store.data_store()
for filterpt in filter_data:
plt.update(data_ob, 'On Board', c='g', alpha=0.5)

# plot gps
data_gps = data_store.data_store()
for gpspt in gps_data:
plt.update(data_gps, 'GPS', marker='*', c='g', alpha=0.5)

# find the range of gps time stamps that represent some significant
# amount of velocity
k_start = 0
for k, gpspt in enumerate(gps_data):
    gps_vel = math.sqrt(gpspt.vn*gpspt.vn + gpspt.ve*gpspt.ve)
コード例 #4
import unittest
import data_store
ds = data_store.data_store()

class TestCalc(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_Key_type(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
    def test_Value_type(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
コード例 #5
ファイル: run_filters.py プロジェクト: AuraUAS/nav-devel
def run_filter(filter, data, call_init=True, start_time=None, end_time=None):
    # for convenience ...
    imu_data = data['imu']
    gps_data = data['gps']
    if 'air' in data:
        air_data = data['air']
        air_data = []
    filter_data = data['filter']
    if 'pilot' in data:
        pilot_data = data['pilot']
        pilot_data = []
    if 'act' in data:
        act_data = data['act']
        act_data = []
    data_dict = data_store.data_store()
    # t_store = []
    # Using while loop starting at k (set to kstart) and going to end
    # of .mat file
    run_start = time.time()
    gps_index = 0
    air_index = 0
    airpt = nav.structs.Airdata()
    filter_index = 0
    pilot_index = 0
    pilotpt = None
    act_index = 0
    actpt = None
    new_gps = 0
    if call_init:
        filter_init = False
        filter_init = True
    k_start = 0
    if start_time != None:
        for k, imu_pt in enumerate(imu_data):
            #print k_start, imu_pt.time, start_time
            if imu_pt.time >= start_time:
                k_start = k
    k_end = len(imu_data)
    if end_time != None:
        for k, imu_pt in enumerate(imu_data):
            if imu_pt.time >= end_time:
                k_end = k
    print k_start, k_end
    for k in range(k_start, k_end):
        imupt = imu_data[k]
        if gps_index < len(gps_data) - 1:
            # walk the gps counter forward as needed
            newData = 0
            while gps_index < len(gps_data) - 1 and gps_data[gps_index+1].time <= imupt.time:
                gps_index += 1
                newData = 1
            gpspt = gps_data[gps_index]
            gpspt.newData = newData
            # no more gps data, stay on the last record
            gpspt = gps_data[gps_index]
            gpspt.newData = 0
        #print gpspt.time
        if air_index < len(air_data) - 1:
            # walk the airdata counter forward as needed
            while air_index < len(air_data) - 1 and air_data[air_index+1].time <= imupt.time:
                air_index += 1
            airpt = air_data[air_index]
        elif len(air_data):
            # no more air data, stay on the last record
            airpt = air_data[air_index]
        # print airpt.time
        # walk the filter counter forward as needed
        if len(filter_data):
            while filter_index < len(filter_data) - 1 and filter_data[filter_index].time <= imupt.time:
                filter_index += 1
            filterpt = filter_data[filter_index]
            filterpt = filter_data[filter_index]
        #print "t(imu) = " + str(imupt.time) + " t(gps) = " + str(gpspt.time)
        if 'pilot' in data:
            while pilot_index < len(pilot_data) - 1 and pilot_data[pilot_index].time <= imupt.time:
                pilot_index += 1
            pilotpt = pilot_data[pilot_index]
        elif 'pilot' in data:
            pilotpt = pilot_data[pilot_index]
        if 'act' in data:
            while act_index < len(act_data) - 1 and act_data[act_index].time <= imupt.time:
                act_index += 1
            actpt = act_data[act_index]
            #print act_index, imupt.time, actpt.time, actpt.throttle, actpt.elevator
        elif 'act' in data:
            actpt = act_data[act_index]

        # If k is at the initialization time init_nav else get_nav
        if not filter_init and gps_index > 0:
            print "init:", imupt.time, gpspt.time
            navpt = filter.init(imupt, gpspt, filterpt)
            filter_init = True
        elif filter_init:
            navpt = filter.update(imupt, gpspt, filterpt)

        if filter_init:
            # experimental: run wind estimator
            # print airpt.airspeed
            (wn, we, ps) = wind.update_wind(imupt.time, airpt.airspeed,
                                            navpt.psi, navpt.vn, navpt.ve)
            #print wn, we, math.atan2(wn, we), math.atan2(wn, we)*r2d
            wind_deg = 90 - math.atan2(wn, we) * r2d
            if wind_deg < 0: wind_deg += 360.0
            wind_kt = math.sqrt( we*we + wn*wn ) * mps2kt
            #print wn, we, ps, wind_deg, wind_kt

            # experimental: synthetic airspeed estimator
            if 'act' in data and synth_asi.rbfi == None:
                #print airpt.airspeed, actpt.throttle, actpt.elevator
                synth_asi.append(navpt.phi, actpt.throttle, actpt.elevator,
                                 imupt.q, airpt.airspeed)
            elif 'act' in data:
                asi_kt = synth_asi.est_airspeed(navpt.phi, actpt.throttle,
                                               actpt.elevator, imupt.q)
                data_dict.add_asi(airpt.airspeed, asi_kt)
        # Store the desired results obtained from the compiled test
        # navigation filter and the baseline filter
        if filter_init:
            data_dict.append(navpt, imupt)
            data_dict.add_wind(wind_deg, wind_kt, ps)

        # Increment time up one step for the next iteration of the
        # while loop.
        k += 1

    # proper cleanup
    run_end = time.time()
    elapsed_sec = run_end - run_start
    return data_dict, elapsed_sec
コード例 #6
def run_filter(filter, data, call_init=True, start_time=None, end_time=None):
    # for convenience ...
    imu_data = data['imu']
    gps_data = data['gps']
    if 'air' in data:
        air_data = data['air']
        air_data = []
    filter_data = data['filter']
    if 'pilot' in data:
        pilot_data = data['pilot']
        pilot_data = []
    if 'act' in data:
        act_data = data['act']
        act_data = []
    data_dict = data_store.data_store()
    # t_store = []
    # Using while loop starting at k (set to kstart) and going to end
    # of .mat file
    run_start = time.time()
    gps_index = 0
    air_index = 0
    airpt = nav.structs.Airdata()
    filter_index = 0
    pilot_index = 0
    pilotpt = None
    act_index = 0
    actpt = None
    new_gps = 0
    synth_filt_asi = 0
    if call_init:
        filter_init = False
        filter_init = True
    k_start = 0
    if start_time != None:
        for k, imu_pt in enumerate(imu_data):
            #print k_start, imu_pt.time, start_time
            if imu_pt.time >= start_time:
                k_start = k
    k_end = len(imu_data)
    if end_time != None:
        for k, imu_pt in enumerate(imu_data):
            if imu_pt.time >= end_time:
                k_end = k
    print k_start, k_end
    for k in range(k_start, k_end):
        imupt = imu_data[k]
        if gps_index < len(gps_data) - 1:
            # walk the gps counter forward as needed
            newData = 0
            while gps_index < len(gps_data) - 1 and gps_data[gps_index+1].time - args.gps_lag <= imupt.time:
                gps_index += 1
                newData = 1
            gpspt = gps_data[gps_index]
            gpspt.newData = newData
            # no more gps data, stay on the last record
            gpspt = gps_data[gps_index]
            gpspt.newData = 0
        #print gpspt.time
        if air_index < len(air_data) - 1:
            # walk the airdata counter forward as needed
            while air_index < len(air_data) - 1 and air_data[air_index+1].time <= imupt.time:
                air_index += 1
            airpt = air_data[air_index]
        elif len(air_data):
            # no more air data, stay on the last record
            airpt = air_data[air_index]
        # print airpt.time
        # walk the filter counter forward as needed
        if len(filter_data):
            while filter_index < len(filter_data) - 1 and filter_data[filter_index].time <= imupt.time:
                filter_index += 1
            filterpt = filter_data[filter_index]
            filterpt = filter_data[filter_index]
        #print "t(imu) = " + str(imupt.time) + " t(gps) = " + str(gpspt.time)
        if 'pilot' in data:
            while pilot_index < len(pilot_data) - 1 and pilot_data[pilot_index].time <= imupt.time:
                pilot_index += 1
            pilotpt = pilot_data[pilot_index]
        elif 'pilot' in data:
            pilotpt = pilot_data[pilot_index]
        if 'act' in data:
            while act_index < len(act_data) - 1 and act_data[act_index].time <= imupt.time:
                act_index += 1
            actpt = act_data[act_index]
            #print act_index, imupt.time, actpt.time, actpt.throttle, actpt.elevator
        elif 'act' in data:
            actpt = act_data[act_index]

        # If k is at the initialization time init_nav else get_nav
        if not filter_init and gps_index > 0:
            print "init:", imupt.time, gpspt.time
            navpt = filter.init(imupt, gpspt, filterpt)
            filter_init = True
        elif filter_init:
            navpt = filter.update(imupt, gpspt, filterpt)

        if filter_init:
            # experimental: run wind estimator
            # print airpt.airspeed
            (wn, we, ps) = wind.update_wind(imupt.time, airpt.airspeed,
                                            navpt.psi, navpt.vn, navpt.ve)
            #print wn, we, math.atan2(wn, we), math.atan2(wn, we)*r2d
            wind_deg = 90 - math.atan2(wn, we) * r2d
            if wind_deg < 0: wind_deg += 360.0
            wind_kt = math.sqrt( we*we + wn*wn ) * mps2kt
            #print wn, we, ps, wind_deg, wind_kt

            # experimental: synthetic airspeed estimator
            if 'act' in data and synth_asi.rbfi == None:
                #print airpt.airspeed, actpt.throttle, actpt.elevator
                synth_asi.append(navpt.phi, actpt.throttle, actpt.elevator,
                                 imupt.q, airpt.airspeed)
            elif 'act' in data:
                asi_kt = synth_asi.est_airspeed(navpt.phi, actpt.throttle,
                                               actpt.elevator, imupt.q)
                synth_filt_asi = 0.9 * synth_filt_asi + 0.1 * asi_kt
                data_dict.add_asi(airpt.airspeed, synth_filt_asi)
        # Store the desired results obtained from the compiled test
        # navigation filter and the baseline filter
        if filter_init:
            data_dict.append(navpt, imupt)
            data_dict.add_wind(wind_deg, wind_kt, ps)

        # Increment time up one step for the next iteration of the
        # while loop.
        k += 1

    # proper cleanup
    run_end = time.time()
    elapsed_sec = run_end - run_start
    return data_dict, elapsed_sec
コード例 #7
ファイル: run_optimizer.py プロジェクト: icedaigua/navigation
def run_filter(filter, imu_data, gps_data, filter_data, config=None):
    data_dict = data_store.data_store()
    errors = []
    # Using while loop starting at k (set to kstart) and going to end
    # of .mat file
    gps_index = 0
    filter_index = 0
    new_gps = 0
    if config and config['call_init']:
        filter_init = False
        filter_init = True
    if config and 'start_time' in config:
        for k, imu_pt in enumerate(imu_data):
            if imu_pt.time >= config['start_time']:
                k_start = k
        k_start = 0
    if config and 'end_time' in config:
        for k, imu_pt in enumerate(imu_data):
            if imu_pt.time >= config['end_time']:
                k_end = k
        k_end = len(imu_data)
    #print k_start, k_end
    for k in range(k_start, k_end):
        imupt = imu_data[k]
        if gps_index < len(gps_data) - 1:
            # walk the gps counter forward as needed
            newData = 0
            while gps_data[gps_index+1].time - gps_latency <= imupt.time:
                gps_index += 1
                newData = 1
            gpspt = gps_data[gps_index]
            gpspt.newData = newData
            # no more gps data, stay on the last record
            gpspt = gps_data[gps_index]
            gpspt.newData = 0
        #print gpspt.time`
        # walk the filter counter forward as needed
        if len(filter_data):
            if imupt.time > filter_data[filter_index].time:
                filter_index += 1
            if filter_index >= len(filter_data):
                # no more filter data, stay on the last record
                filter_index = len(filter_data)-1
            filterpt = filter_data[filter_index]
            filterpt = None
        #print "t(imu) = " + str(imupt.time) + " t(gps) = " + str(gpspt.time)

        # If k is at the initialization time init_nav else get_nav
        if not filter_init and gps_index > 0:
            print "init:", imupt.time, gpspt.time
            navpt = filter.init(imupt, gpspt, filterpt)
            filter_init = True
        elif filter_init:
            navpt = filter.update(imupt, gpspt, filterpt)

        # Store the desired results obtained from the compiled test
        # navigation filter and the baseline filter
        if filter_init:
            data_dict.append(navpt, imupt)

        if gpspt.newData:
            # compute error metric with each new gps report
            # full 3d distance error (in ecef)
            p1 = navpy.lla2ecef(gpspt.lat, gpspt.lon, gpspt.alt,
            p2 = navpy.lla2ecef(navpt.lat, navpt.lon, navpt.alt,
            pe = np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2)
            # weight horizontal error more highly than vertical error
            ref = gps_data[0]
            n1 = navpy.lla2ned(gpspt.lat, gpspt.lon, gpspt.alt,
                               ref.lat, ref.lon, 0.0,
            n2 = navpy.lla2ned(navpt.lat*r2d, navpt.lon*r2d, navpt.alt,
                               ref.lat, ref.lon, 0.0,
            dn = n2 - n1
            ne = math.sqrt(dn[0]*dn[0] + dn[1]*dn[1] + dn[2]*dn[2]*0.5)

            # it is always tempting to fit to the velocity vector
            # (especially when seeing some of the weird velocity fits
            # that the optimizer spews out), but it never helps
            # ... seems to make the solution convergence much more
            # shallow, ultimately never seems to produce a better fit
            # than using position directly.  Weird fits happen when
            # the inertial errors just don't fit the gps errors.
            # Fitting to velocity doesn't seem to improve that
            # problem.
            v1 = np.array( [gpspt.vn, gpspt.ve, gpspt.vd] )
            v2 = np.array( [navpt.vn, navpt.ve, navpt.vd] )
            ve = np.linalg.norm(v1 - v2)
            errors.append(ne)   # ned error weighted towards horizontal
        # Increment time up one step for the next iteration of the
        # while loop.
        k += 1

    # proper cleanup
    return errors, data_dict
コード例 #8
ファイル: run_optimizer.py プロジェクト: icedaigua/navigation
elif args.px4_sdlog2:
    plotname = os.path.basename(args.px4_sdlog2)
elif args.sentera_flight:
    plotname = os.path.basename(args.sentera_flight)
elif args.sentera2_flight:
    plotname = os.path.basename(args.sentera2_flight)
elif args.umn_flight:
    plotname = os.path.basename(args.umn_flight)
    plotname = "plotname not set correctly"

# plots
plt = plots.Plots(plotname)

# plot onboard filter
data_ob = data_store.data_store()
for filterpt in data['filter']:
plt.update(data_ob, 'On Board', c='g', alpha=0.5)

# plot gps
data_gps = data_store.data_store()
for gpspt in data['gps']:
plt.update(data_gps, 'GPS', marker='*', c='g', alpha=0.5)

# find the range of gps time stamps that represent some significant
# amount of velocity
k_start = 0
for k, gpspt in enumerate(data['gps']):
    gps_vel = math.sqrt(gpspt.vn*gpspt.vn + gpspt.ve*gpspt.ve)
コード例 #9
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: huge-star/JRT-PythonTutorial
from data_init import data_init
from data_store import data_store
from data_sort import data_sort
data = {}
# print(data)
data_store(data, "关键字 参数")
data_store(data, "J RT")
data_store(data, "J AA")
data_store(data, "B RT")
full_name = input("输入全名,注意空格分隔开姓和名\n")
data_store(data, full_name)
label = input("输入要first_name 或者 last_name来指定查找的字段\n")
name = input("输入要查找字段:%s的值?\n" % label)
result = data_sort(data, label, name)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_loading.py プロジェクト: nrmassey/tri_tracker
	# test load of tri-grid
	if False:
		tg = tri_grid()
		fh = open(EU("../grids/eu_mesh_1_7_meta"), 'rb')
		print tg.get_meta_data()
		y = tg.get_triangles_at_level(3)
		for z in y:
			print z.get_data().get_label()

	# test load of data-store (regridded data)
	file_stub = "../test_data/hadam3p_eu_2kci_1962_1_007425047_1/2kciga.pdg2dec"
	if False:
		ds = data_store()
		fh = open(EU(file_stub + "_l7.rgd"), 'rb')
		print ds.get_meta_data()
		print ds.get_n_idxs(), ds.get_n_t_steps()
		print ds[0,1], ds[29,345]
	# test load of extrema-list (identified extrema)
	if False:
		ex = extrema_list()
		fh = open(EU(file_stub + "_l7.ex"), 'rb')
		print ex.get_meta_data()
		print ex.get_n_t_steps()
		print ex.get_n_extrema(0)