コード例 #1
ファイル: test_heap.py プロジェクト: sahebsunny/Development
	def test_sorted(self):
		l = range(10, -1, -1)
		h = Heap()
		h.items = l

		new_l = []
		h.sorted(lambda i, l: l.append(i), new_l)

		# TODO: Fix assert fail here owing to bug in remove()
		# when bubble_down() is incorrect due to one/both of L-R not present
		assert new_l == range(11)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_heap.py プロジェクト: sahebsunny/Development
	def test_custom_items(self):
		class Record:
			def __init__(self, a, b, c):
				self.a = a
				self.b = b
				self.c = c

			# by default, using 'b' as key to compare
			def __cmp__(self, other):
				return cmp(self.b, other.b)

			def __str__(self):
				return "(%s, %s, %s)" %(self.a, self.b, self.c)

		h = Heap()
		h.add(Record("record1", 1, 100))
		h.add(Record("record4", 5, 125))
		h.add(Record("record3", 2, 50))
		h.add(Record("record2", 3, 25))
		h.add(Record("record5", 4, 5))

		sorted_records_bs = []
		h.sorted(lambda x, l: l.append(x.b), sorted_records_bs)
		assert sorted_records_bs == range(1,6)

		h2 = Heap(lambda r1, r2: cmp(r1.a, r2.a))
		h2.add(Record("record1", 1, 100))
		h2.add(Record("record4", 5, 125))
		h2.add(Record("record3", 2, 50))
		h2.add(Record("record2", 3, 25))
		h2.add(Record("record5", 4, 5))

		sorted_records_as = []
		h2.sorted(lambda x, l: l.append(x.a), sorted_records_as)
		assert sorted_records_as == ["record"+str(i) for i in xrange(1,6)]

		h3 = Heap(lambda r1, r2: cmp(r1.c, r2.c))
		h3.add(Record("record1", 1, 100))
		h3.add(Record("record4", 5, 125))
		h3.add(Record("record3", 2, 50))
		h3.add(Record("record2", 3, 25))
		h3.add(Record("record5", 4, 5))

		sorted_records_cs = []
		h3.sorted(lambda x, l: l.append(x.c), sorted_records_cs)
		assert sorted_records_cs == sorted([100, 125, 50, 25, 5])