コード例 #1
	def step( self ) :
		error = None
		mets_file = self.command_line.exported_mets_file
		mets_file_original = mets_file + self.config.general.mets_file_original_extension 
		# Duplicate METS so we always have the original file (This has the current image paths)
		if self.debug:
			print "File locations:", mets_file, mets_file_original
		shutil.copyfile( mets_file, mets_file_original )
		error = self.checkFile( mets_file_original )
		if error == None:
			silo = self.config.databank.silo
			mets, error = self._open( mets_file )
			if mets:
				error = None
				schema = r"{http://www.loc.gov/METS/}"
				pretty_print = False
				if self.debug:
					pretty_print = True
				root = mets.getroot()
				for div_element in root.iterfind( r"./{0}structMap[@TYPE='PHYSICAL']/{0}div/{0}div".format (schema) ) :
					uuid = div_element.get( "CONTENTIDS" )[9:]
					for fptr in div_element.iterfind( "{0}fptr".format(schema) ) :
						xpath = r"./{0}fileSec/{0}fileGrp/{0}file[@ID='{1}']/{0}FLocat".format( schema, fptr.get( "FILEID" ) )
						file_link = root.find( xpath )
						file_href_basename = os.path.basename( file_link.get( "{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}href" ) )
						databank_href = self.config.update_mets.databank_url + Databank.getFileUrl( silo, uuid, file_href_basename )
						file_link.set( "{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}href", databank_href )
				success, error = self._save( mets_file, unicode( etree.tostring( root, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8', method='xml', pretty_print=pretty_print ), "utf-8" ) )
				if success:
					error = None
			error += " Unable to copy the METS file"
		return error