def save_intents_by_tasks(): """ Fetches intents from all users, divides them by task and save it to a csv """ db = client.Database() intents_by_task = { 0: [], 1: [], 2: [], 3: [], 4: [], 5: [] } with open(config.USER_STUDY_QUESTIONNAIRE_PATH.format("post")) as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',',) next(reader) # skip header for row in reader: uuid = row[1] session_intents = db.get_intents(uuid) for intent in session_intents: task_completed = tasks.check_intent(intent) if task_completed > 0: intents_by_task[task_completed].append(intent['text']) print("INTENTS", intents_by_task) with open(config.USER_STUDY_INTENTS_PATH, 'w') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',') writer.writerow(['Task', 'Intent']) for (task, intents) in intents_by_task.items(): for intent in intents: writer.writerow([task, intent])
def build_accepted(request): """ Webhook action to deploy Nile intent after user confirmation """ uuid = request.get("session").split("/")[-1] db = client.Database() intent = db.get_latest_intent(uuid) db.update_intent(intent["_id"], {"status": "confirmed"}) # TODO: fix conflict after user study # conflict = inspector.check(intent, uuid) # if conflict : # text = "The intent you described probably conflict s a previous one. Do you want to deploy it anyway or remove the old one?" # return make_card_response("Possible conflict ", text, text, beautify_intent(conflict ["nile"]), # suggestions=["Deploy it anyway", "Remove old one and deploy new", "Keep old one"]) merlin_program, compilation_time = compiler.compile(intent["nile"]) if merlin_program: db.update_intent(intent["_id"], {"status": "compiled", "merlin": merlin_program}) return make_simple_response("Okay! Intent compiled and deployed!") # TODO: fix deploy API after user study # res =, {"intent": intent["nile"]}) # if res.status["code"] == 200: # return make_simple_response("Okay! Intent compiled and deployed!") # db.update_intent(intent["_id"], {"status": "deployed"}) return make_simple_response("Sorry. Something went wrong during deployment. :(")
def check(session, task): """Given Session UUID and Task number, check if user has completed it.""" db = client.Database() intents = db.get_intents(session) checker = { 1: check_task_one, 2: check_task_two, 3: check_task_three, 4: check_task_four, 5: check_task_five } return checker[task](intents) if task in checker else False
def check_intents(): """ Fetches intents from sessions in the user study to analyze them """ db = client.Database() live_sessions = {} intents = {} confirmed_intents = {} tasks_completed_by_session = {} with open(config.USER_STUDY_QUESTIONNAIRE_PATH.format("pre")) as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',',) next(reader) # skip header for row in reader: uuid = row[1] if uuid not in live_sessions: live_sessions[uuid] = 0 live_sessions[uuid] += 1 with open(config.USER_STUDY_QUESTIONNAIRE_PATH.format("post")) as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',',) next(reader) # skip header for row in reader: uuid = row[1] if uuid not in live_sessions: live_sessions[uuid] = 0 live_sessions[uuid] += 1 print("NUM LIVE SESSIONS", len(list(live_sessions))) for session, count in live_sessions.items(): if count == 2: session_intents = db.get_intents(session) # print(session_intents) intents[session] = [] confirmed_intents[session] = [] for intent in session_intents: intents[session].append(intent) if intent['status'] != 'pending': # print(intent['status']) confirmed_intents[session].append(intent) print("NUM INTENTS", session, len(intents[session])) print("CONFIRMED INTENTS", session, len(confirmed_intents[session])) tasks_completed_by_session[session] = 0 for task in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: result = tasks.check(session, task) # print("TASK #", task, result['done']) tasks_completed_by_session[session] += 1 if result['done'] else 0 print("COMPLETED TASKS", tasks_completed_by_session[session]) print("TOTAL INTENTS", sum([len(intents) for (uuid, intents) in intents.items()]))
def feedback_count(): """ Count the total number of intents generated, and count the number of feedbacks given """ db = client.Database() num_intents = 0 num_intents_accepted_right = 0 num_intents_accepted_wrong = 0 num_intents_pending = 0 num_intents_rejected_no_feedback = 0 num_intents_feedback = 0 num_intents_feedback_accepted = 0 with open(config.USER_STUDY_QUESTIONNAIRE_PATH.format("post")) as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',',) next(reader) # skip header for row in reader: uuid = row[1] session_intents = db.get_intents(uuid) for intent in session_intents: num_intents += 1 if intent['status'] == 'declined': if 'missingEntities' in intent: num_intents_feedback += 1 else: num_intents_rejected_no_feedback += 1 elif 'missingEntities' in intent and 'nileFeedback' in intent: num_intents_feedback_accepted += 1 elif intent['status'] == 'compiled': if tasks.check_intent(intent): num_intents_accepted_right += 1 else: num_intents_accepted_wrong += 1 else: num_intents_pending += 1 print("NUM INTENTS", num_intents) print("CONFIRMED INTENTS RIGHT", num_intents_accepted_right) print("CONFIRMED INTENTS WRONG", num_intents_accepted_wrong) print("PENDING INTENTS", num_intents_pending) # print("REJECTED INTENTS", num_intents_rejected_no_feedback) print("FEEDBACK REJECTED INTENTS", num_intents_feedback) print("FEEDBACK ACCEPTED INTENTS", num_intents_feedback_accepted) plotter.plot_pie_chart(['Confirmed Intents (Right)', 'Confirmed Intents (Wrong)', 'Pending Intents', 'Feedback Accepted', 'Feedback Rejected'], [num_intents_accepted_right, num_intents_accepted_wrong, num_intents_pending, num_intents_feedback_accepted, num_intents_feedback], config.USER_STUDY_PLOTS_PATH.format("feedback"))
def finish(session): """ API to finish session and record end timestamp """ print("Session: {}".format(session)) try: db = client.Database() res = db.finish_session(session) if res: res = "Session {} finished and recorded.".format(session) else: res = "Session {} does not exist or was already finished.".format(session) except Exception as err: traceback.print_exc() res = "{}".format(err) print("Response: {}".format(res)) return make_response(res)
def feedback_confirm(request): """ Webhook action to confirm feedback received from the user """ uuid = request.get("session").split("/")[-1] db = client.Database() intent = db.get_latest_intent(uuid) print("INTENT CONFIRM", intent) entities = intent['entities'] for entity, values in intent["missingEntities"].items(): entity_key = entity if entity == "middlebox": entity_key = "middleboxes" elif entity == "service": entity_key = "services" elif entity == "traffic": entity_key = "traffics" elif entity == "protocol": entity_key = "protocols" elif entity == "operation": entity_key = "operations" elif entity == "location": entity_key = "locations" if entity_key not in entities: entities[entity_key] = list(values.keys()) else: entities[entity_key] += list(values.keys()) try: nile = speech = "So, is this what you want then?" response = make_card_response("Nile Intent", nile, speech, beautify_intent(nile), suggestions=["Yes", "No"]) # tracking db.update_intent(intent["_id"], {"status": "pending", "nileFeedback": nile}) except ValueError as err: traceback.print_exc() # TODO: use slot-filling to get the missing info # TODO: use different exceptions to figure out whats missing response = make_simple_response("{}".format(err)) return response
def gateway(): """ Gateway for Dialogflow API request = { session: <uuid>, live: <true/false>, queryInput: { text: { text: <text>, languageCode: 'en' } } } """ req = request.get_json(silent=True, force=True) # print("Request: {}".format(json.dumps(req, indent=4))) try: dialogflow = api.Dialogflow() session = req.get("session") live = req.get("live") text = req.get("queryInput").get('text').get('text') res = dialogflow.detect_intent(text, session) # tracking db = client.Database() db.insert_session(session, live) query_result_text = res.query_result.fulfillment_text if res.query_result.fulfillment_messages: query_result_text = ', '.join([MessageToString(x.text) for x in res.query_result.fulfillment_messages]) db.insert_message(session, text, query_result_text, res.query_result.intent.display_name) except Exception as err: traceback.print_exc() res = "{}".format(err) res = MessageToJson(res) # print("Response: {}".format(json.dumps(res, indent=4))) response = make_response(res) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" return response
def feedback_train(request): """ Webhook action to train chatbot with feedback information """ uuid = request.get("session").split("/")[-1] db = client.Database() intent = db.get_latest_intent(uuid) dialogflow = Dialogflow() for entity, values in intent["missingEntities"].items(): try: entity_type_id = dialogflow.get_entity_type_id(entity) for value in values.keys(): dialogflow.create_entity(entity_type_id, value, []) except: traceback.print_exc() merlin_program, compilation_time = compiler.compile(intent["nileFeedback"]) if merlin_program: db.update_intent(intent["_id"], {"status": "compiled", "merlin": merlin_program}) return make_simple_response("Okay! Feedback received. Intent compiled and deployed!") return make_simple_response("Sorry. Something went wrong during deployment. :(")
def build_feedback(request): """ Webhook action to receive feedback from user after rejecting built intent """ uuid = request.get("session").split("/")[-1] db = client.Database() intent = db.get_latest_intent(uuid) feedback = parse_feedback(request) entity_types = ["Location", "Group", "Middlebox", "Service", "Traffic"] query = request["queryResult"]["queryText"].lower() if "cancel" in query or "start over" in query: response = make_simple_response("Okay, cancelled. Please start over.") return reset_output_context(request, response) # slot-filling if "entity" not in feedback and "value" not in feedback: return make_simple_response("First of all, what entity did I miss?", suggestions=entity_types) elif "entity" not in feedback: return make_simple_response("What type of entity is '{}'?".format(feedback["value"]), suggestions=entity_types) elif "value" not in feedback: suggestions = [] for word in intent['text'].split(): entities = intent['entities'].values() if word not in entities: suggestions.append(word) return make_simple_response("Great! And what word is a {}?".format(feedback["entity"]), suggestions=suggestions) missing_entities = {} if "missingEntities" in intent: missing_entities = intent["missingEntities"] if feedback["entity"] not in missing_entities: missing_entities[feedback["entity"]] = {} missing_entities[feedback["entity"]][feedback["value"]] = True db.update_intent(intent["_id"], {"status": "declined", "missingEntities": missing_entities}) print("training feedback", uuid, intent) return make_simple_response("Okay! And is there anything else I missed?", suggestions=["Yes", "No"])
def build_nile_intent(request): """ Webhook action to build Nile intent from Dialogflow request """ uuid = request.get("session").split("/")[-1] text = request.get("queryResult").get("queryText") response = {} try: entities = parse_entities(request) intent = speech = "Is this what you want?" response = make_card_response("Nile Intent", intent, speech, beautify_intent(intent), suggestions=["Yes", "No"]) # tracking db = client.Database() db.insert_intent(uuid, text, entities, intent) except ValueError as err: traceback.print_exc() # TODO: use slot-filling to get the missing info # TODO: use different exceptions to figure out whats missing response = make_simple_response("{}".format(err)) return response
def check(new_intent, session): """ Checks new intent for conflicts """ model = ClassificationModel('forest') contradictory = None if model.load(10000): db = client.Database() confirmed_intents = db.get_confirmed_intents(session) for intent in confirmed_intents: if intent['_id'] != new_intent['_id']: features = get_features(new_intent['nile'], intent['nile']) print("Extracted features:", features) res = model.predict([features]) print('Conflict?', res) db.insert_conflict(session, intent, new_intent, features, bool(res[0])) if res[0]: print("conflict detected!") contradictory = intent break else: print("Failure loading conflict model. Will continue without it.") return contradictory