def search(self, start=None, end=None, diagnosis=None): """Validates the parameters, search the database, and returns the results or an error message page. """ template = self.lookup.get_template('report/results.mako') (u, c) = getUserInfo() if start and end and diagnosis: conn = Database() session = conn.get() results = [] query = session.query(RadiologyRecord).filter( RadiologyRecord.test_date >= start, RadiologyRecord.test_date <= end) for word in diagnosis.split(): query = query.filter( RadiologyRecord.diagnosis.ilike( "%" + word + "%")) for entry in query.all(): results.append( [entry.patient.last_name, entry.patient.first_name, entry.patient.address,, entry.test_date, entry.diagnosis]) conn.close() if (len(results) == 0): template = self.lookup.get_template('report/report.mako') return template.render(username=u, classtype=c, action="fail") return template.render(username=u, classtype=c, results=results) else: return template.render(username=u, classtype=c, action="noparams")
def index(self): """Returns the main page of the module which allows a user to generate a report for analysis, based on specified criteria. """ # Database connection conn = Database() session = conn.get() # Get a list of all patients patients = [] testTypes = [] for entry in session.query(User).filter(User.class_type == 'p').all(): if (entry.person.__dict__ not in patients): patients.append(entry.person.__dict__) for entry in session.query(RadiologyRecord).distinct().all(): if (entry.test_type not in testTypes): testTypes.append(entry.test_type) template = self.lookup.get_template('analysis/analysis.mako') (u, c) = getUserInfo() conn.close() return template.render( username=u, classtype=c, patients=patients, testTypes=testTypes)
def column_take(chat_id, column): db = Database() db.query("SELECT " + column + " FROM profile WHERE chat_id = %s;", (chat_id, )) items = [item for item in] db.close() return items[0][0]
class OctoPrintSchema: """ Provide methods for OctoPrint profile management """ def __init__(self): self.conn = Database().get_conn() self.curs = self.conn.cursor() self.create_octoprint_table() def __del__(self): self.conn.close() def create_octoprint_table(self): """ Init octoprint table :return: void """ query = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS octoprint ( ip CHAR(22) NOT NULL UNIQUE, host VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, x_api_key CHAR(32) NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY ); """ self.curs.execute(query) self.conn.commit()
def start_engine(): database = Database() size = database.getSize() while size <= maxentries: size = database.getSize() print 'Rows in database: ' + str(size) url = database.getUnvisited() database.update(url) if url is None: break try: finder = LinkFinder(url) if finder.isOkay(): linklist = finder.getLinks() print 'Links found: ' + str(len(linklist)) for link in linklist: if len(link) > 255: linklist.remove(link) try: database.addNew(linklist) except UnicodeEncodeError: print 'Link encoding error' else: database.markBAD(url) print 'Marked link as bad, reason: ' + finder.reason() finder.close() except socket.error: print 'timeout error' database.markBAD(url) except LookupError: print 'lookup error' if die[0]: break database.close()
def addRecord(self): """Returns a page that allows for the input of a radiology record into the system. """ template = self.lookup.get_template('upload/addrecord.mako') (u, c) = getUserInfo() conn = Database() session = conn.get() patients = [] doctors = [] # Get a list of all patients for entry in session.query(User).filter(User.class_type == 'p').all(): if (entry.person.__dict__ not in patients): patients.append(entry.person.__dict__) # Get a list of all doctors for entry in session.query(User).filter(User.class_type == 'd').all(): if (entry.person.__dict__ not in doctors): doctors.append(entry.person.__dict__) if (len(patients) == 0): template = self.lookup.get_template('upload/upload.mako') return template.render( username=u, classtype=c, action="noPatient") if (len(doctors) == 0): template = self.lookup.get_template('upload/upload.mako') return template.render( username=u, classtype=c, action="noDoctor") p = sorted(patients, key=itemgetter('last_name')) d = sorted(doctors, key=itemgetter('last_name')) conn.close() return template.render( username=u, classtype=c, patients=p, doctors=d)
def index(self, username=None, password=None): """Returns a login page, and responsible for verifying the provided login information and accepting or rejecting it accordingly. """ template = self.lookup.get_template('login.mako') if username and password: username = escape(username, True) password = escape(password, True) conn = Database() session = conn.get() try: user = session.query(User).filter( User.user_name == username).filter( User.password == password).one() cherrypy.session['username'] = user.user_name cherrypy.session['classtype'] = user.class_type raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/home") except NoResultFound: conn.close() return template.render(loginStatus=1) except MultipleResultsFound: conn.close() return template.render(loginStatus=1) else: return template.render(loginStatus=0)
def color(color): db = Database(DB_URL) con = db.controller res = con.get_color(color) db.close() return render_template("home.html", cars=res, colors=COLORS)
class TestServerAccount(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.db = Database() self.db.connect() def tearDown(self): self.db.close() def test_init(self): account = Account(self.db) self.assertIsInstance(account, Account) account2 = Account(self.db, 1) self.assertIsInstance(account, Account) def test_exists(self): account = Account(self.db, 123) account.destroy() self.assertFalse(account.exists()) account.create() self.assertTrue(account.exists()) def test_destroy(self): account = Account(self.db, 123) account.create() self.assertTrue(account.exists()) account.destroy() self.assertFalse(account.exists()) def test_create(self): account = Account(self.db) self.assertFalse(account.exists()) accountId = account.create() cursor = self.db.connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM bitcoin.accounts WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [accountId]) self.assertIsNotNone(cursor.fetchone()) def test_update(self): account = Account(self.db) accountId = account.create() self.assertTrue(account.balanceBitcoins == 0.0) account.balanceBitcoins = 543.0 account.update() account2 = Account(self.db, accountId) self.assertTrue(account2.balanceBitcoins == 543.0) def test_create_update_fetch_init(self): account = Account(self.db) self.assertIsInstance(account.create(), int) account.balanceBitcoins = 123.0 account.update() account.fetch() self.assertTrue(account.balanceBitcoins == 123.0) # create new instance and test it self.assertTrue( Account(self.db, account.accountId).balanceBitcoins == 123.0)
def column_add(chat_id, column, column_value): db = Database() db.query( "UPDATE profile SET " + column + " = %(column_value)s WHERE chat_id = %(chat_id)s;", ({ 'column_value': column_value, 'chat_id': chat_id })) db.close()
class YouTubeTrendingAnalysisApplication(Form): def __init__(self): self.__db = Database() self.__codes_config = CountryCodesConfigForm(self, self.__db) self.__database_management = DatabaseManagementForm( self, self.__db, self.__codes_config.country_codes) self.__analyze_data = AnalyzeDataForm( self, self.__db, self.__codes_config.country_codes) def launch(self): loop = True while loop: self.__print__menu() choice = input(">>> Enter your choice [0-3]: ") if choice == '1': self.__codes_config.launch() elif choice == '2': self.__database_management.country_codes = self.__codes_config.country_codes self.__database_management.launch() elif choice == '3': self.__analyze_data.country_codes = self.__codes_config.country_codes self.__analyze_data.launch() elif choice == '0': self.__db.close() loop = False else: print(">>> Wrong option selection!") if not loop: os.system('cls') print('>>> Bye, bye...') @staticmethod def __print__menu(): os.system('cls') print('\n', 30 * '-', 'MAIN MENU', 30 * '-', '\n') print('1. Configure country codes') print('2. Database management ') print('3. Analyze data') print('0. Exit') print('\n', 71 * '-', '\n')
class DeviceSchema: def __init__(self): self.conn = Database().get_conn() self.curs = self.conn.cursor() self.create_device_table() self.create_power_strip_table() def __del__(self): self.conn.close() def create_device_table(self): query = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS device ( id CHAR(40) NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, ip CHAR(22) NOT NULL, type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, path VARCHAR(10) ) """ self.curs.execute(query) self.conn.commit() def create_power_strip_table(self): """ Init power_strip table :return: void """ query = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS power_strip ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, device_id CHAR(40), name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, switch_number INT NOT NULL, switch_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (device_id) REFERENCES device(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); """ self.curs.execute(query) self.conn.commit()
def getAll(): try: conn = Database().conexao() cur = conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT, contato.nome, contato.celular,\ contato.telefone,, endereco.cep, endereco.logradouro,\ endereco.bairro, endereco.numero, endereco.complemento, endereco.localidade,\ endereco.uf \ FROM contato INNER JOIN endereco ON\ contato.idEndereco =" cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() return rows except Exception as e: print("Erro ao consultar todos - "+e.__str__()) finally: cur.close() conn.close()
def insere(self, endereco): try: conn = Database().conexao() cur = conn.cursor() sql = 'INSERT INTO endereco (idContato, cep, logradouro, bairro, numero, complemento, uf)\ values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)' cur.execute(sql, (endereco.idContato, endereco.cep, endereco.logradouro, endereco.bairro, endereco.numero, endereco.complemento, endereco.uf )) aux = cur.lastrowid conn.commit() except Exception as e: print("Erro ao inserir CONTATO - "+e.__str__()) finally: cur.close() conn.close() return aux
def insere(self, contato): try: conn = Database().conexao() cur = conn.cursor() sql = "INSERT INTO contato (nome, celular, telefone, email, idEndereco)\ values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cur.execute(sql, (contato.getNome(), contato.getCelular(), contato.getTelefone(), contato.getEmail(), 0)) aux = cur.lastrowid conn.commit() except Exception as e: print("Erro ao inserir CONTATO - "+e.__str__()) finally: cur.close() conn.close() return aux
def generate(self, start=None, end=None, patient=None, testType=None): """Returns a generated report for the analysis module""" template = self.lookup.get_template('analysis/generate.mako') # Database connection conn = Database() session = conn.get() #Basic query #query = session.query(RadiologyRecord).join(PacsImage, RadiologyRecord.record_id == PacsImage.record_id).join(Person, RadiologyRecord.patient_id == Person.person_id) query = session.query(RadiologyRecord, RadiologyRecord.test_type, func.count(PacsImage.record_id).label('total')).join(PacsImage).group_by(RadiologyRecord.test_type).order_by(RadiologyRecord.patient_id) # All edge cases are inclusive if (start != "") and (end != ""): query = query.filter( RadiologyRecord.test_date <= end).filter( RadiologyRecord.test_date >= start) testTypes = [] if testType != "_ALLTESTTYPES_": query = query.filter(RadiologyRecord.test_type == testType) testTypes.append(testType) else: for entry in session.query(RadiologyRecord).distinct().all(): if (entry.test_type not in testTypes): testTypes.append(entry.test_type) if patient != "_ALLPATIENTS_": query = query.filter(RadiologyRecord.patient_id == patient) results = query.all() #results = [] #for entry in query.all(): # if entry.__dict__ not in results: # results.append(entry.__dict__) (u, c) = getUserInfo() conn.close() return template.render( username=u, classtype=c, results=results, testTypes=testTypes)
def delete(): if request.method == "POST": if request.form.get("target-delete"): target_delete = request.form.get("target-delete") db = Database(DB_URL) con = db.controller car, msg = con.pop(target_delete) if car is not None: try: db.conn.commit() except sqlite3.Error: db.conn.rollback() db.close() return redirect(url_for("all"))
def selectRecord(self): """Returns a page with a list of records from which one can be chosed to have images uploaded to it. Only records belonging to the current user are displayed. """ template = self.lookup.get_template('upload/selectrecord.mako') (u, c) = getUserInfo() conn = Database() session = conn.get() user = session.query(User).filter(User.user_name == u).one() records = session.query( Person).filter(Person.person_id == user.person_id).one( ).radiologyrecords_radiologist record = [] for r in records: record.append( [r.record_id, r.prescribing_date, r.test_date, r.diagnosis, r.description]) conn.close() return template.render( username=u, classtype=c, records=record)
def order(): if request.method == "POST": if request.form.get("target-move") and request.form.get("to-move"): target_move = request.form.get("target-move") to_move = request.form.get("to-move") db = Database(DB_URL) con = db.controller car, msg = con.pop(target_move) car, msg = con.insert(car, to_move) if car is not None: try: db.conn.commit() except sqlite3.Error: db.conn.rollback() db.close() return redirect(url_for("all"))
def user(self, firstname=None, lastname=None, address=None, email=None, phone=None, password=None, password2=None): """Returns a page to edit a user's own information. If new information was passed on to it, it verifies it and edits accordingly. """ template = self.lookup.get_template('user.mako') (u, c) = getUserInfo() conn = Database() session = conn.get() user = session.query(User).filter(User.user_name == u).one() fail = False # make sure password was entered correctly if password or password2: if password == password2: user.password = password else: fail = True if firstname and not fail: user.person.first_name = firstname if lastname and not fail: user.person.last_name = lastname if address and not fail: user.person.address = address if email and not fail: = email if phone and not fail: = phone if firstname or lastname or address or email or phone or password: if not fail: conn.commit() user = session.query(User).filter(User.user_name == u).one() oldinfo = [] oldinfo.append(user.person.first_name) oldinfo.append(user.person.last_name) oldinfo.append(user.person.address) oldinfo.append( oldinfo.append( if firstname or lastname or address or email or phone or password: if fail: conn.close() return template.render( username=u, classtype=c, oldinfo=oldinfo, action="nomatch") else: conn.close() return template.render( username=u, classtype=c, oldinfo=oldinfo, action="success") else: conn.close() return template.render(username=u, classtype=c, oldinfo=oldinfo)
class MusiciansDBApp(npyscreen.NPSAppManaged): def __init__(self, *args, **keywords): super().__init__(*args, **keywords) self.database = Database('', 'postgres') def onStart(self): self.database.connect('postgres', '1') self.fill_database() self.addForm("MAIN", MainList.MainListDisplay, title='Main menu') self.addForm("MUSICIANSLIST", MusiciansList.MusiciansListDisplay, title='Musicians') self.addForm("MUSICIANEDIT", MusicianEdit.MusicianEdit) self.addForm("RELEASESLIST", ReleasesList.ReleasesListDisplay) self.addForm("RELEASEEDIT", ReleaseEdit.ReleaseEdit) self.addForm("LISTENERSLIST", ListenersList.ListenersListDisplay) self.addForm("LISTENEREDIT", ListenerEdit.ListenerEdit) self.addForm("SUBSCRIBE_TO_RELEASE", SubscribeToRelease.SubscribeToRelease) self.addForm("SEARCH_STATUS", SearchStatus.SearchStatus) self.addForm("SEARCH_VIDEO", SearchVideo.SearchVideo) self.addForm("FULLTEXT_SEARCH", FulltextSearch.FulltextSearch) def onCleanExit(self): self.database.close() def fill_database(self): self.database.create_musicians_table() self.database.create_releases_table() self.database.create_listeners_table() self.database.create_listeners_releases_table() patokaband = Musician(name='Patoka', status=Status.BAND.value, members=["Skiper", "Kovalski", "Rico"]) sportband = Musician(name='Lets sport', status=Status.BAND.value, members=["Skiper", "Kovalski", "Private"]) sportsband = Musician( name='sports', status=Status.ORCHESTRA.value, members=["Skiper", "Kovalski", "Rico", "Private"]) sportsportsport = Musician( name='sport sport sport', status=Status.BAND.value, members=["sportsman1", "sportsman2", "sportsman3"]) release1 = Release(name='Release1', date=datetime.datetime(year=1999, month=1, day=7), style="Pop", is_video=True, musician_id=3) release2 = Release(name='Release2', date=datetime.datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=7), style="Garage rock", is_video=False, musician_id=1) release3 = Release(name='Release3', date=datetime.datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=7), style="Rock", is_video=False, musician_id=3) listener1 = Listener(name='Anna Siryk', services=["soundcloud", "bandcamp"]) listener2 = Listener(name='Simple Listener', services=["soundcloud", "vk"]) listener3 = Listener(name='Listener3', services=["soundcloud"]) self.database.create_new_musician(patokaband) self.database.create_new_musician(sportband) self.database.create_new_musician(sportsband) self.database.create_new_musician(sportsportsport) # self.database.generate_random_musicians(100) self.database.create_new_release(release1) self.database.create_new_release(release2) self.database.create_new_release(release3) self.database.create_new_listener(listener1) self.database.create_new_listener(listener2) self.database.create_new_listener(listener3) self.database.add_listener_release(1, 1) self.database.add_listener_release(2, 1) self.database.add_listener_release(1, 2)
def test_close(self): db = Database() db.connect() db.close()
class Launcher: def __init__(self, environment=SlurmEnvironment): print("[LAUNCH] Initialize") self.id_cache = {} self.db = Database(args.u, args.p) self.data_collector = DataCollector(self.db, dry_run=settings.DATA_DRY_RUN) # self.data_collector.add_listener(ArduinoPowerListener()) self.data_collector.add_listener(PDUListener(sample_rate=2)) feature_model = FeatureModel(path_handler.model_path) self.sampled_configs = sample_configs(feature_model) self.benchmark = Benchmark( bench_config_path=path_handler.bench_config_path) self.environment = environment(self.data_collector) self.evaluator = Plotter(self.db) self.model_trainer = ModelTrainer(self.db) def launch(self): self.sync_with_db() if self.data_collector.listeners is not None: for listener in self.data_collector.listeners: listener.start() print("[LAUNCH] Execute benchmark") self.environment.execute(self.benchmark) if self.data_collector.listeners is not None: for listener in self.data_collector.listeners: listener.stop() def evaluate(self, fixed_data=None): if fixed_data is None: ids = self.id_cache["run_sched"] else: ids = fixed_data self.evaluator.plot_energy_performance_tradeoff( ids, self.model_trainer.plotted_figures, metric="power") self.model_trainer.plotted_figures += 1 self.evaluator.plot_energy_performance_tradeoff( ids, self.model_trainer.plotted_figures, metric="energy") self.model_trainer.plotted_figures += 1 self.evaluator.plot_performance_by_host( ids, self.model_trainer.plotted_figures) self.model_trainer.plotted_figures += 1 self.evaluator.plot_config_variance(ids) self.model_trainer.plotted_figures += 1 self.evaluator.plot_power_curve(4451) self.model_trainer.plotted_figures += 1 self.evaluator.plot_power_curve(3807) self.model_trainer.plotted_figures += 1 def train_models(self, fixed_data=None): if fixed_data is None: ids = self.id_cache["run_sched"] else: ids = fixed_data self.model_trainer.train(ids, settings.BENCHMARK["name"]) def sync_with_db(self): print("[LAUNCH] Sync with DB") hw_conf_id = 1 # TODO: Read from file or something self.id_cache["hw_conf"] = hw_conf_id self.id_cache["sw_system"] = self.db.request_id( "system_sw", "name", self.benchmark.command_name, [self.benchmark.command_name]) bench_cmd = self.benchmark.command_name + " [OPTIONS] " + " ".join( self.benchmark.arguments) self.id_cache["benchmark"] = self.db.request_id( "benchmark", "command", bench_cmd, [settings.BENCHMARK["name"], bench_cmd]) = self.id_cache["benchmark"] for config in self.sampled_configs: feature_hash = config.compute_hash() bin_features = config.get_binary_features() num_features = config.get_numeric_features() = self.db.request_id("conf_sw", "feature_hash", feature_hash, [ feature_hash, json.dumps(bin_features), json.dumps(num_features) ]) run_id = self.db.request_id( "run_spec", ["hw_conf", "sw_system", "sw_version", "sw_conf", "benchmark"], [ self.id_cache["hw_conf"], self.id_cache["sw_system"], 0,, ], [ self.id_cache["hw_conf"], self.id_cache["sw_system"], 0,, ]) self.benchmark.add_run(RunSpecification(run_id, config, hw_conf_id)) sched_id = self.db.get_free_index("run_schedule") self.id_cache["run_sched"] = [ x for x in range( sched_id, sched_id + settings.RUN_REPETITIONS * len(self.benchmark.runs)) ] def shutdown(self): print("[LAUNCH] Shutdown...") self.db.close()
class Bot(Client): def __init__(self): Client.__init__(self) self.utils = Utils() self.timeout = Timeout() self.send = self.utils.send self.modules = self.utils.get_modules_info() self.config = self.utils.get_config_info() self.start_time = self.utils.time_now() self.say = self.send_message return def start_bot(self): try: try: self.database = Database() self.database.connect() except Exception as e: self._quit("Database connection error!") return # TODO MAKE BEETER self.loop.run_until_complete(self.start( except KeyboardInterrupt: self._cleanup() finally: sys.stdout.write("Bot has been closed\n") return async def on_ready(self): self.send(1, "Logged in as: {}".format( self.send(1, "Client ID: {}".format( self.send(1, "Listening to the chat!") return def _quit(self, msg=""): sys.exit(msg + "\n") def _cleanup(self): try: self.loop.run_until_complete(self.logout()) self.database.close() self.database.dispose() except: pass finally: pending = asyncio.Task.all_tasks() gathered = asyncio.gather(*pending) try: gathered.cancel() self.loop.run_until_complete(gathered) gathered.exception() except: pass finally: self.loop.close() def restart_bot(self): try: self._cleanup() except: self._quit("error restarting the bot") finally: self.start_bot() async def on_member_join(self, member): server_exists = self.database.server.exists( if not server_exists: self.database.server.add( server_info = self.database.server.get( if server_info.welcome_channel != None: channel = self.get_channel(server_info.welcome_channel) letter = server_info.welcome_message if letter != "": await self.send_message(channel, letter.format(, ) #{0=username} {1=servername} if server_info.welcome_private: letter = server_info.welcome_private_message if letter != "": await self.send_message(member, letter.format( ) #{0=username} return async def on_member_remove(self, member): server_info = self.database.server.get_from_server_aut_add( member.sesrver) name = self.utils.author_nickanme(member) if server_info.goodbye_channel != None: channel = self.get_channel(server_info.goodbye_channel) letter = server_info.goodbye_message if letter != "": await self.send_message( channel, letter.format(, member.nick, name, ) #{0=username} {1=usernick} {2=nick then name}{3=servername} return async def on_member_update(self, before, after): if before.nick != after.nick: self.send(1, "Adding nick for {}".format( self.database.nickname.add(, before.nick, after.nick) if ( != or (before.status != after.status): try: game_before = except: game_before = "" try: game_after = except: game_after = "" try: game_type = except: game_type = 0 self.send(1, "Updating game for {}".format( self.database.status.add(, game_before, game_after, game_type, str(before.status), str(after.status)) return async def on_message_delete(self, message): self.database.message.delete(message) return async def on_message_edit(self, before, after): return async def get_module(self, module_name): for module in self.modules: if module_name == or module_name in module.aliases: return module async def filter_module(self, message, server_stats): if not message.content.startswith(server_stats.command_start): return content = message.content.replace(server_stats.command_start, "", 1) try: command, args = content.split(" ", 1) except: command = content args = None finally: class_name_, arguments = "", [] # Check if cd, if not -> add if await self.timeout.user_cmd_check_add(, command): return module = await self.get_module(command) if module is None: class_name_ = "GetCommand" arguments = command else: if module.owner: if != return class_name_ = module.class_name if module.args.delimeter is None: if args != None: arguments.append(args) if not (len(arguments) in module.args.length): return elif module.args.delimeter is not None: if args: arguments.extend( args.split(module.args.delimeter, module.args.split)) if len(arguments) not in module.args.length: return class_ = getattr(modules, class_name_)() await class_.main(self, self.database, message, arguments) await asleep(self.database.cache.botinfo.module_timeout) await self.timeout.user_cmd_remove(, command) async def on_message(self, message): """Doesn't really like private messages yet, actually not at all""" name = self.utils.author_nickanme( self.send(1, "{} > {}".format(name, message.content)) self.database.message.add(message) if #TODO ADD HELP MODULE HERE return user_stats = self.database.user.get_from_msg_aut_add(message) server_stats = self.database.server.get_from_server_aut_add( message.server) bot_stats = if message.content.startswith(server_stats.command_start): points_amount = randint(bot_stats.cmd_point_min, bot_stats.cmd_point_max) xp_amount = randint(bot_stats.cmd_xp_min, bot_stats.cmd_xp_max) else: points_amount = randint(bot_stats.msg_point_min, bot_stats.msg_point_max) xp_amount = randint(bot_stats.msg_xp_min, bot_stats.msg_xp_max) messages_active = await self.timeout.check_user_msg( if not messages_active: self.database.user.points_alter(, points_amount) self.database.user.xp_alter(, xp_amount) await self.timeout.user_msg( levels = self.utils.level_check(, user_stats.xp, user_stats.level, bot_stats.level_base_xp, bot_stats.level_scaling_xp, bot_stats.level_scaling_max) if levels.set_level: self.database.user.level_alter(, 1) if server_stats.post_level: letter = server_stats.post_level_msg if server_stats.post_level_same_channel_as_msg: await self.send_message(, letter.format(name, levels.new_level)) else: channel = self.get_channel(server_info.post_info_channel) await self.send_message( channel, letter.format(name, levels.new_level)) if == return await self.filter_module(message, server_stats) return
def chat_id_found(chat_id): db = Database() db.query("SELECT chat_id FROM profile WHERE chat_id = %s;", (chat_id, )) items = [item for item in] db.close() return True if len(items) > 0 else False
def chat_id_del(chat_id): db = Database() db.query("DELETE FROM profile WHERE chat_id = %s;", (chat_id, )) db.close()
def chat_id_add(chat_id): db = Database() db.query("INSERT INTO profile (chat_id) VALUES (%s);", (chat_id, )) db.close()
class UserSchema: """ Provide methods for user data management """ def __init__(self): self.conn = Database().get_conn() self.curs = self.conn.cursor() self.create_user_table() self.create_otp_table() def __del__(self): """ Body of destructor :return: void """ self.conn.close() def create_user_table(self): """ Init user table :return: void """ query = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user ( name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, surname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE, email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, api_key CHAR(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, admin TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, created_on DATE DEFAULT (CURRENT_DATE), otp_requests INT DEFAULT 0, last_otp_timestamp TIMESTAMP NULL ); """ self.curs.execute(query) self.conn.commit() def create_otp_table(self): """ Init otp table :return: void """ query = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS otp ( api_key CHAR(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, otp_code INT(6) NOT NULL, otp_timestamp TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (api_key) REFERENCES user(api_key) ON DELETE CASCADE ); """ self.curs.execute(query) self.conn.commit()
def search(self, start=None, end=None, keywords=None, sort=None): """Validates the parameters, search the database, and returns the results or an error message page. """ template = self.lookup.get_template('search/search_results.mako') (u, c) = getUserInfo() if not ((start and end and sort) or (keywords and sort)): template = self.lookup.get_template('search/search.mako') return template.render(username=u, classtype=c, action="noparams") conn = Database() session = conn.get() user = session.query(User).filter(User.user_name == u).one() query = session.query(RadiologyRecord) # Check if a date has been passed if (start and end): query = query.filter(RadiologyRecord.test_date >= start, RadiologyRecord.test_date <= end) # Check user's security level if (c == 'd'): ''' Checks that both the record's doctor id is the same as the current user's id and that the user's id is in the family_doctor table for the record's patient id ''' query = query.join( FamilyDoctor, FamilyDoctor.doctor_id == user.person_id).filter( RadiologyRecord.doctor_id == user.person_id).filter( FamilyDoctor.patient_id == RadiologyRecord.patient_id) elif (c == 'r'): query = query.filter( RadiologyRecord.radiologist_id == user.person_id) elif (c == 'p'): query = query.filter( RadiologyRecord.patient_id == user.person_id) # Checks sort type if (sort == 'newest'): query = query.order_by(desc(RadiologyRecord.test_date)) elif (sort == 'oldest'): query = query.order_by(RadiologyRecord.test_date) else: query = query if (keywords): ''' Split keywords into separate words and search for each word as a keyword instead of the whole keyword as one string ''' query = query.join( Person, RadiologyRecord.patient_id == Person.person_id) for word in keywords.split(): query = query.filter(or_( Person.last_name.ilike("%"+word+"%"), Person.first_name.ilike("%"+word+"%"), RadiologyRecord.diagnosis.ilike("%"+word+"%"), RadiologyRecord.description.ilike("%"+word+"%"))) results = [] for entry in query.all(): # Build a dict to the structure that the template expects current = {} current['id'] = entry.record_id current['patient_name'] = entry.patient.last_name + \ ", " + entry.patient.first_name current['doctor_name'] = + \ ", " + current['radiologist_name'] = entry.radiologist.last_name + \ ", " + entry.radiologist.first_name current['test_type'] = entry.test_type current['prescribing_date'] = entry.prescribing_date current['test_date'] = entry.test_date current['diagnosis'] = entry.diagnosis current['description'] = entry.description current['images'] = [] if (len(entry.pacsimage) > 0): for image in entry.pacsimage: current['images'].append( [image.image_id, base64.b64encode(image.thumbnail), base64.b64encode(image.regular_size), base64.b64encode(image.full_size)]) results.append(current) if (len(results) > 0): conn.close() return template.render(username=u, classtype=c, results=results) else: conn.close() template = self.lookup.get_template('search/search.mako') return template.render(username=u, classtype=c, action="fail")