def getPatientProfile(self, medic, patient): """ Allows a medic to get the additional information that the client inserted on his profile section :param medic: the one requesting :type medic: str :param patient: the one to get the information :type patient: str :return: keys: birth_date, height, weight, additional_info :rtype: dict """ try: if not self.relational_proxy.has_permission(medic, patient): raise LogicException("You don't have permission to access this data") profile = self.relational_proxy.get_user_profile_data(patient) if "medic_id" in profile: return json.dumps({"status":1, "msg":"There is no patient with the given username."}).encode("UTF-8") for key in ["client_id", "full_name", "email", "health_number"]: del profile[key] return profile except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def insert(self, measurement, data, user): """ Inserts new data to the influx database. This is historical data retrived from devices or external apis. :param measurement: nome of the measument to where to write the values :type measurement: str :param data: several fields to write :type data: dict :param user: username of the client :type user: str """ try: if measurement == "Sleep": self.relational_proxy.insert_sleep_session(user, data["day"], data["duration"], datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(data["begin"]), datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(data["end"])) to_write = [] for point in data["sleep"]: time = point["time"] del point["time"] to_write.append( { "measurement": measurement, "time": time, "tags": { "username": user, }, "fields": point } ) self.time_series_proxy.write(to_write) else: time = data["time"] del data["time"] if data == {}: return self.time_series_proxy.write( [{ "measurement": measurement, "time":time, "tags": { "username": user, }, "fields": data }] ) except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def getAllUsers(self): """ Obtain all usernames of all clients registered on the system :return: all usernames of all clients :rtype: list """ try: return self.relational_proxy.get_all_usernames() except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def rejectPermission(self, client, medic): """ A client rejects a pending request created by a medic to see his data :param client: username of the client :type client: str :param medic: username of the medic :type medic: str """ try: self.relational_proxy.reject_permission(client, medic) except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def getPendingPermissions(self, user): """ Used internally by the server :param user: username of the USER (can be both client and medic) :param user: str :return: pending permissions :return: list """ try: return self.relational_proxy.get_pending_permissions(user) except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def getSupportedDevices(self): """ Obtains all supported devices, that are integrated with the system, that the client can purchase/use :return: all supported devices by the system [{id:int, type:str, brand:str, model:str, metrics:[{name:str, unit:str}, ...]}, ...] :rtype: list """ try: return self.relational_proxy.get_all_supported_devices() except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def deleteDevice(self, user, device_id): """ Deassociates a device from a user deleating associated infor with the device :param user: username of the client :type user: str :param device_id: id of the device to update :type device_id: int """ try: self.relational_proxy.delete_device(user, device_id) except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def allPermissionsData(self, user): """ Used by both medic and client :param user: username of the USER (can be both client and medic) :param user: str :return: three lists concerning the three types of permissions (pending, accepted and expired) :return: dict """ try: return self.relational_proxy.get_all_permissions_data(user) except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def getAllDevices(self, user): """ Get all devices associated with the client passed on the arguments :param user: username of the client to query :type user: str :return: all devices associated with the specific client [{device:int, type:int, token:str}, ...] :rtype: list """ try: return self.relational_proxy.get_all_devices_of_user(user) except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def removeAcceptedPermission(self, client, medic): """ Allows a client to delete an accepted permission :param client: username of the client :type client: str :param medic: username of the medic :type medic: str """ try: self.relational_proxy.remove_accepted_permission(client, medic) except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def getProfile(self, user): """ Gets all profile data associated with the username (user) in the arguments :param user: username of the client :type user: str :return: all profile data {client_id:int, full_name:str, email:str, health_number:int, birth_date:datetime, weight:float, height:float} :rtype: dict """ try: return self.relational_proxy.get_user_profile_data(user) except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def verifyUser(self, data): """ Verifies if the received credentials are correct :param data: keys : [username:str, password:str] :type data: dict :return: true if credentials are ok, false otherwise :rtype: bool """ try: return self.relational_proxy.check_credentials( data["username"], data["password"] ) except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def updateProfile(self, user_type, user, data): """ Updates the profile data of a client with the username received from the arguments :param user_type: user type :type user_type: str :param user: username of the client to update :type user: str :param data: common : [type:str, username:str, password:str, new_password:str name:str, email:str] client : [health_number:str, birth_date: str dd-mm-yyyy, weight:float, height:float, additional_info:str] medic : [company: str, specialities:str] :type data: dict """ try: if user_type == "client": self.relational_proxy.update_client_profile_data( user, data.get("password"), data.get("new_password"), data["name"], data["email"], data["health_number"], data.get("birth_date"), data.get("weight"), data.get("height"), data.get("additional_info") ) elif user_type == "medic": self.relational_proxy.update_medic_profile_data( user, data.get("password"), data.get("new_password"), data["name"], data["email"], data.get("company"), data.get("specialities") ) else: raise Exception("Unkown type of user!") except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def updateDevice(self, user, data): """ Only used to change the authentications fields of some device of a client, the type can never change. :param user: username of the client :type user: str :param data: new data to associate with an existing device {id:int, token:asdf, ...} :type data: dict """ try: device_id = data["id"] del data["id"] self.relational_proxy.updtate_device(user, device_id, data) except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def grantPermission(self, client, data): """ A clients grants temporary permission to a medic to let him see his data :param client: username of the client :type client: str :param data: keys : {username:str, duration: int} :type data: dict :return: information of source and destination intervenients of the permission :rtype: (dict, dict) """ try: return self.relational_proxy.grant_permission( client, data["username"], datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(data["duration"]))) except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def register(self, data): """ Register a user on the database :param data: common : [type:str, username:str, password:str, name:str, email:str] client : [health_number:str, birth_date: str dd-mm-yyyy, weight:float, height:float, additional_info:str] medic : [company: str, specialities:str] :type data: dict :return: the id for the new client/medic :rtype: int """ try: if data["type"].lower() == "client": additional_info = data.get("additional_info") additional_info = None if not additional_info else additional_info #converts "" (empty string to None) return self.relational_proxy.register_client( data["username"], data["password"], data["name"], data["email"], data["health_number"], data.get("birth_date"), data.get("weight"), data.get("height"), additional_info ) elif data["type"].lower() == "medic": return self.relational_proxy.register_medic( data["username"], data["password"], data["name"], data["email"], data.get("company"), data.get("specialities") ) else: raise Exception("Unkown type of user!") except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def requestPermission(self, medic, data): """ A medic requests temporary permission to see a client's data :param medic: username of the medic :type medic: str :param data: keys : {username: str, health_number: int, duration: int} :type data: dict :return: information of source and destination intervenients of the permission :rtype: (dict, dict) """ try: return self.relational_proxy.request_permission( medic, data.get("username"), data.get("health_number"), datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(data["duration"]))) except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def getDataByMedic(self, medic, measurement, client, start, end, interval): """ Allows a medic to query a client's data First the server first verifies if the medic has permission to access that data, if he has retrives the data else raises an exception :param medic: username of the client :type medic: str :param measurement: which measurement to get from database :type measurement: str :param client: username of the client :type client: str :param start: values after this time (seconds) :type start: int :param end: values before this time (seconds) :type end: int :param interval: size of interval like influx (ns, u, ms, s, m, h, d, w) :type interval: str :return: { time:[], value:[], lat:[], long:[], hearth_rate:[],calories:[],... } :rtype: dict :raises Exception: if the medic doesn't have permission to acess the client's data """ try: if not self.relational_proxy.has_permission(medic, client): raise LogicException("You don't have permission to access this data") return self.getData(measurement, client, start, end, interval) except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def addDevice(self, user, data): """ Stores a new device on the database :param user: username of the client to associate :type user: str :param data: keys : [type:int, authentication:str] :type data: dict :return: id of the new device created :rtype: int """ try: return self.relational_proxy.register_device( user, data["type"], data["authentication_fields"], data.get("latitude"), data.get("longitude") ) except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))
def getData(self, measurement, user, start, end, interval): """ Method used to read from the time_series database. :param measurement: which measurement to get from database :type measurement: str :param user: username of the client :type user: str :param start: values after this time (seconds) :type start: int :param end: values before this time (seconds) :type end: int :param interval: size of interval like influx (ns, u, ms, s, m, h, d, w) :type interval: str :return: { time:[], value:[], lat:[], long:[], hearth_rate:[],calories:[],... } :rtype: dict """ try: data = {} if measurement == "Sleep": if start is not None and end is not None: # within start_date = end_date = results = self.relational_proxy.get_sleep_sessions(user, start_date, end_date) elif start is not None: # just end None -> from start to now start_date = results = self.relational_proxy.get_sleep_sessions(user, begin=start_date) elif end is not None: # just start None -> all from until end end_date = results = self.relational_proxy.get_sleep_sessions(user, end=end_date) else: #both None -> last results = self.relational_proxy.get_sleep_sessions(user) return_value = [] for day, sleep_begin, sleep_end, duration in results: data = { "info": { "day": day.strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), "begin": time.mktime(sleep_begin.timetuple()), "end": time.mktime(sleep_end.timetuple()), "duration": duration } } session_data = {} for read in, measurement, sleep_begin.timestamp(), sleep_end.timestamp()): for key, value in read.items(): if key == "username": continue if key not in session_data.keys(): session_data[key] = [] session_data[key].append(value) data["data"] = session_data return_value.append(data) return return_value none_count = {} values_count = 0 for read in, measurement, start, end, interval): values_count += 1 for key, value in read.items(): if key == "username": continue if key not in data.keys(): data[key] = [] none_count[key] = 0 data[key].append(value) if value is None: none_count[key] += 1 for key, count in none_count.items(): if count == values_count: del data[key] return data except (InternalException, LogicException): raise except Exception as e: raise ProxyException(str(e))