コード例 #1
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Leo-Farias/flask_app
def get_consult_values():
    # Connecting to db
    mysql = sql.SQL('root', '12qwaszx', 'db_python')

    # Getting list of teams
    command = "SELECT DISTINCT team_jogador FROM tb_jogador ORDER BY team_jogador;"
    cs = mysql.consultar(command)

    sel_team = "<SELECT CLASS = 'select-css' id='team'>"
    sel_team += "<OPTION>Todos</OPTION>"
    for [team] in cs:
        sel_team += f"<OPTION>{team}</OPTION>"
    sel_team += "</SELECT>"

    # Getting list of countries
    command = "SELECT DISTINCT cntr_jogador FROM tb_jogador ORDER BY cntr_jogador;"
    cs = mysql.consultar(command)

    sel_country = "<SELECT CLASS = 'select-css' id='country'>"
    sel_country += "<OPTION>Todos</OPTION>"
    for [country] in cs:
        sel_country += f"<OPTION>{country}</OPTION>"
    sel_country += "</SELECT>"

    return (sel_team, sel_country)
コード例 #2
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Leo-Farias/flask_app
def excluir():
    # Recuperando dados do formulário de parExcluir()
    idt = int(request.form['idt'])

    # Alterando dados no SGBD
    mysql = sql.SQL(user, password, schema)
    comando = "DELETE FROM tb_jogador WHERE idt_jogador=%s;"

    if mysql.executar(comando, [idt]):
        msg = "<div id = 'operation' value = 'excluir'></div>"
        msg = "<div id = 'operation' value = 'falha'></div>"

    return render_template('result.html', msg=msg, op_from='delete')
コード例 #3
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Leo-Farias/flask_app
def create():
    # Requesting values from create form
    name = request.form['name']
    team = request.form['team']
    country = request.form['country']

    # Acessing db and inserting values
    mysql = sql.SQL('root', '12qwaszx', 'db_python')
    comando = "INSERT INTO tb_jogador(name_jogador, team_jogador, cntr_jogador) VALUES (%s, %s, %s);"

    if mysql.executar(comando, [name, team, country]):
        msg = "<div id = 'operation' value = 'incluir'></div>"
        msg = "<div id = 'operation' value = 'falha'></div>"

    return render_template('result.html', msg=msg, op_from='create')
コード例 #4
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Leo-Farias/flask_app
def alterar():
    # Recuperando dados do formulário de formAlterar()
    idt = int(request.form['idt'])
    name = request.form['name']
    team = request.form['team']
    country = request.form['country']

    # Alterando dados no SGBD
    mysql = sql.SQL(user, password, schema)
    command = "UPDATE tb_jogador SET name_jogador=%s, team_jogador=%s, cntr_jogador = %s WHERE idt_jogador=%s;"

    if mysql.executar(command, [name, team, country, idt]):
        msg = "<div id = 'operation' value = 'alterar'></div>"
        msg = "<div id = 'operation' value = 'falha'></div>"

    return render_template('result.html', msg=msg, op_from='update')
コード例 #5
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Leo-Farias/flask_app
def consultar():
    # Pegando os dados de parâmetro vindos do formulário parConsultar()
    name = request.form['name']
    team = request.form['team']
    country = request.form['country']

    name = "a" if name == "undefined" else name

    # Recuperando jogadorss que satisfazem aos parâmetros de filtragem
    mysql = sql.SQL(user, password, schema)
    country_list = [name]

    command = "SELECT * FROM tb_jogador WHERE name_jogador LIKE CONCAT('%', %s, '%')"

    if team != "Todos":
        command += " AND team_jogador = %s"

    if country != "Todos":
        command += " AND cntr_jogador = %s"

    command += "ORDER BY name_jogador;"

    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'pt_BR.UTF8')

    cs = mysql.consultar(command, country_list)
    players = "<table>" + \
        "<tr>" + \
        "<th>Nome</th>" + \
        "<th>Time</th>" + \
        "<th>País</th>" + \

    for [idt, name, team, country] in cs:
        players += "<TR CLASS = 'player-row'>"
        players += "<TD CLASS = 'consulta-result' >" + name + "</TD>"
        players += "<TD CLASS = 'consulta-result' >" + team + "</TD>"
        players += "<TD CLASS = 'consulta-result' >" + country + "</TD>"
        players += "</TR>"

    players += "</table>"

    return render_template('ajax.html', AJAX=players)
コード例 #6
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Leo-Farias/flask_app
def parDelete():

    # Getting all lines from database for delete
    mysql = sql.SQL(user, password, schema)
    comando = "SELECT idt_jogador, name_jogador, team_jogador, cntr_jogador FROM tb_jogador ORDER BY team_jogador;"

    cs = mysql.consultar(comando, ())
    players = ""
    for [idt, nome, time, pais] in cs:
        players += "<TR>"
        players += "<TD CLASS = 'item-excluir'>" + nome + " (" + time + ")" + "</TD>"
        players += "<TD CLASS = 'item-excluir'>" + pais + "</TD>"
        players += "<TD><BUTTON CLASS = 'button-excluir' ONCLICK=\"jsDelete('" + nome + " (" + time + ")" + "', " + str(
            idt) + ")\">Excluir" + "</BUTTON></TD>"
        players += "</TR>"

    return render_template('sDelete.html', players=players)
コード例 #7
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Leo-Farias/flask_app
def formUpdate():
    # Getting name from form
    name = request.form['name']

    # Requesting data that corresponds to name from form.
    mysql = sql.SQL(user, password, schema)
    command = "SELECT * FROM tb_jogador WHERE name_jogador=%s;"

    cs = mysql.consultar(command, [name])
    data = cs.fetchone()

    if data == None:
        ajx = "<div class='input-area'>" + \
              "<label for='name'>Nome</label>" + \
              "<input type='text' placeholder='(Ex: fiB0b)' id='name' name='name' size='50' maxlength='50' required />" + \
              "</div>" + \
              "<input type='submit' class = 'button' value='Alterar' onclick='exec()'/>" + \
              "<div class='error-area'>" + \
              "<p>Não foi possível encontrar este jogador.</p>" + \
        return render_template('ajax.html', AJAX=ajx)
        ajx = "<form action='/update' method='post'>" + \
            "<div class='input-area'>" + \
            "<label for='name'>Nome</label>" + \
            "<input type='text' placeholder='(Ex: fiB0b)' id='name' name='name' size='50' maxlength='50' value="+data[1]+" required />" + \
            "</div>" + \
            "<div class='input-area'>" + \
            "<label for='name'>Nome</label>" + \
            "<input type='text' placeholder='(Ex: B4n4n4s In Pij4m4s)' id='team' name='team' size='50' maxlength='50' value="+data[2]+" required />" + \
            "</div>" + \
            "<div class='input-area'>" + \
            "<label for='name'>Nome</label>" + \
            "<input type='text' placeholder='(Ex: Brasil)' id='country' name='country' size='50' maxlength='50' value="+data[3]+" required />" + \
            "</div>" + \
            "<input type='hidden' name='idt' value= "+str(data[0])+" />" + \
            "<input class = 'button' type='submit' value='Alterar jogador'/>" + \
        return render_template('ajax.html', AJAX=ajx)