コード例 #1
    def handler(self, **args):
        """adds larts and praises"""
        import priv

        from irclib import Event
        import database
        type = args["text"].split()[2]
        value = " ".join(args["text"].split()[3:])
        if args["type"] == "privmsg":
            from irclib import nm_to_n
            target = nm_to_n(args["source"])
            target = args["channel"]
        if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "add_lart_priv") == 0:
            return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                         ["You do not have permission to do that.  "])

        value = value.replace("\\", "\\\\")
        value = value.replace("\"", "\\\"")
        value = value.replace("'", "\\'")
        database.doSQL("insert into data values('" + value + "', '" + type +
                       "', '" + args["source"] + "')")
        return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                     ["Adding: \"" + value + "\" as " + type + "."])
コード例 #2
ファイル: moolog.py プロジェクト: oink/BadGirl
def check_logfile():
    global logtype, template, logfile

    import database

    if logtype == "":
        line = database.doSQL("SELECT data FROM data WHERE type = 'logtype'")
        if len(line) > 0 and len(line[0]) > 0:
            logtype = line[0][0]
    if template == "":
        line = database.doSQL("SELECT data FROM data WHERE type = 'logfile'")
        if len(line) > 0 and len(line[0]) > 0:
            template = line[0][0]

    if logtype in ["date", "file"] and template == "":
        if (logfile != None):
        print "logtype is " + logtype + ", but there is no logfile entry."
        logfile = None

    if logtype == "date":
        filename = time.strftime(template)
    elif logtype == "file":
        filename = template

    if (logfile != None and filename != logfile.name):
    if (logfile == None or filename != logfile.name):
        logfile = open(filename, "a")
コード例 #3
ファイル: moolog.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
def check_logfile():
	global logtype, template, logfile

	import database

	if logtype == "":
		line = database.doSQL("SELECT data FROM data WHERE type = 'logtype'")
		if len(line) > 0 and len(line[0]) > 0:
			logtype = line[0][0]
	if template == "":
		line = database.doSQL("SELECT data FROM data WHERE type = 'logfile'")
		if len(line) > 0 and len(line[0]) > 0:
			template = line[0][0]

	if logtype in ["date", "file"] and template == "":
		if (logfile != None):
		print "logtype is " + logtype + ", but there is no logfile entry."
		logfile = None

	if logtype == "date":
		filename = time.strftime(template)
	elif logtype == "file":
		filename = template

	if (logfile != None and filename != logfile.name):
	if (logfile == None or filename != logfile.name):
		logfile = open(filename, "a")
コード例 #4
ファイル: priv.py プロジェクト: oink/BadGirl
    def handler(self, **args):
        """ revokes a privilege from a  nick/host """
        from irclib import Event
        from irclib import nm_to_n
        import database

        target = args["channel"]
        if args["type"] == "privmsg":
            target = nm_to_n(args["source"])

        privilege = args["text"].split()[2]
        mask = args["text"].split()[4]

        if checkPriv(args["source"], "grant_priv") == 0 or checkPriv(
                args["source"], privilege) == 0:
            return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                         ["You don't have permission to do that."])

        mask = mask.replace("*", "%")

        if checkPriv(mask, privilege) == 0:
            return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                         [mask + " does not have " + privilege + "."])

        database.doSQL("delete from grants where hostmask = '" +
                       self.sqlEscape(mask) + "' and priv_type = '" +
                       self.sqlEscape(privilege) + "'")
        return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                     ["Revoked " + privilege + " from " + mask + "."])
コード例 #5
ファイル: priv.py プロジェクト: oink/BadGirl
    def handler(self, **args):
        """ gives a nick/host mask a privileve """
        from irclib import Event
        from irclib import nm_to_n
        import database

        target = args["channel"]
        if args["type"] == "privmsg":
            target = nm_to_n(args["source"])
        privilege = args["text"].split()[2]

        mask = args["text"].split()[4]

        if checkPriv(args["source"], "grant_priv") == 0 or checkPriv(
                args["source"], privilege) == 0:
            return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                         ["You don't have permission to do that."])

        mask = mask.replace("*", "%")
        if checkPriv(mask, privilege) != 0:
            return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                         [mask + " already has " + privilege + "."])

        database.doSQL("insert into grants(hostmask, priv_type) values('" +
                       self.sqlEscape(mask) + "', '" +
                       self.sqlEscape(privilege) + "')")
        return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                     ["Granted " + privilege + " to " + mask])
コード例 #6
ファイル: quotegrab.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
	def handler(self, **args):
		import database, priv
		from irclib import Event, nm_to_n
		# if we don't have a nick supplied, get the second most recent form the DB
		# (the most recent would be the person saying "~qg"
			user = args["text"].split()[2] # get name
		except IndexError:
			temp = database.doSQL("select nick from seen order by time desc limit 2")
			if len(temp) == 2:

		if nm_to_n(args["source"]).lower() == user.lower():
			return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [ "Can't quotegrab yourself!" ])

		if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "quote_priv") == 0: #check if requester is allowed to do this
			return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [ "That requires quote_priv" ])

		results = database.doSQL("select message, time, type from seen where nick = '%s'" % (user))
		# check if they have a "seen" entry, act accordingly
		if len(results) > 0:
			quote, time, type = results[0]
			return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [ "No quote available for %s" % (user) ])
		# If it's not a privmsg, spit it back
		if type not in ["privmsg", "action"]:
			return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [ "Last event seen was not a message or action, not grabbing quote for %s" % user ])
		#update their webstats entry with the new info
		database.doSQL("update webstats set quote = '%s', quote_time = %s, type= '%s' where nick = '%s' and channel = '%s'" % (quote.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\\'"), str(time), type, user, args["channel"]))
		return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [ "Grabbing quote for %s" % (user) ])
コード例 #7
ファイル: seen.py プロジェクト: oink/BadGirl
    def handler(self, **args):
        """Report when someone was last seen."""
        import database
        from alias import whois

        result = ""

        nick = " ".join(args["text"].split()[2:])
        safenick = escape_quotes(nick.lower())
        line = database.doSQL("SELECT nick, time, message, type " + \
                "FROM seen WHERE nick = '" + safenick + \
        if (len(line) == 0):
            seentime = 0
            joiner = "However, "
            result += "I don't think I've ever seen " + nick + ".\n"
            seentime = int(line[0][1])
            joiner = "Also, "
            result += makeseenline("", line)

        realnick = escape_quotes(whois(nick))
        line = database.doSQL(
            "SELECT seen.nick, seen.time, seen.message, seen.type FROM seen, alias WHERE seen.time > "
            + str(seentime) +
            " AND seen.nick = alias.nick AND alias.realnick = '" + realnick +
            "' ORDER BY seen.time DESC LIMIT 1")
        if (len(line) > 0):
            result += makeseenline(joiner, line)

        from irclib import Event
        return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [result])
コード例 #8
ファイル: poll.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""votes on a poll."""
		import database

		from irclib import Event
		from irclib import nm_to_h, nm_to_u
		if args["type"] == "privmsg":
			from irclib import nm_to_n
		poll_num = args["text"].split()[2]
		option_key = " ".join(args["text"].split()[3:])
		#first we check to make sure the requested poll exists.
		if database.doSQL("select count(poll_num) from poll where poll_num =" +poll_num)[0][0] == 0:
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ "No such poll." ])
		#now we check to make sure the user hasn't voted in that poll
		checkmask = "%!" + nm_to_u(args["source"]) + "@%" + nm_to_h(args["source"])[nm_to_h(args["source"]).find("."):]
		if database.doSQL("select count(option_key) from poll_votes where poll_num =" + poll_num + " and voter_nickmask like '" + checkmask + "'")[0][0] != 0:
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ "You already voted in that poll." ])
		#next we check to make sure the poll option exists.
		option_key = self.sqlEscape(option_key)
		if database.doSQL("select count(option_key) from poll_options where poll_num =" + poll_num + " and option_key = '" + option_key + "'")[0][0] == 0:
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ "No such poll option." ])
		# register the vote.
		database.doSQL("insert into poll_votes values('" + args["source"] + "', '" + option_key + "', " + poll_num + ")")
		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ "Vote registered." ])
コード例 #9
ファイル: poll.py プロジェクト: plutoid/LazyCrane
    def handler(self, **args):
        """ remove a poll option to an existing poll. 
		moobot:  remove option <pollnum> <option> """
        import database
        import priv
        import string
        from irclib import Event

        target = args["channel"]
        if args["type"] == "privmsg":
            from irclib import nm_to_n

            target = nm_to_n(args["source"])

        if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "poll_priv") == 0:
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, ["You are not authorized to do that."])

        option_key = string.join(args["text"].split()[4:])
        poll_num = escape_slashes(args["text"].split()[3])

            "delete from poll_options where poll_num = " + poll_num + " and option_key = '" + option_key + "'"
        return Event("privmsg", "", target, ["Option deleted."])
コード例 #10
ファイル: poll.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
	def handler(self, **args):
		""" Adds a poll option to an existing poll. 
		moobot:  add option 1 a: yes"""
		import database
		import priv
		from irclib import Event
		if args["type"] == "privmsg":
			from irclib import nm_to_n
		if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "poll_priv") == 0:
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ "You are not authorized to do that." ])
		poll_num = args["text"].split()[3]
		option = " ".join(args["text"].split()[4:])
		option_key = self.sqlEscape(option.split(":")[0])
		option_text = self.sqlEscape(" ".join(option.split(":")[1:]))
		if database.doSQL("select count(poll_num) from poll where poll_num =" + poll_num )[0][0] == 0:
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ "No such poll." ])
		self.debug("Insert into poll_options(poll_num, option_key, option_text) values(" + poll_num + ", \"" + option_key + "\", \"" + option_text + "\")")
		database.doSQL("Insert into poll_options(poll_num, option_key, option_text) values(" + poll_num + ", '" + option_key + "', '" + option_text + "')")
		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ "Option added." ])
コード例 #11
def _getByKey(fields, factoid_key, requested_by=None):
    #  Query the database for the factoid value for the given key
    sql = "select %s from factoids "\
            "where (factoid_key) = "\
            "'%s'" % (fields, sqlEscape(factoid_key))
    result = database.doSQL(sql)

    if requested_by:
        # Now that we are sure we have a factoid that got requested, increment
        # the count, set the new requester, etc.  NOTE: even for "literal"
        # requests, this is set.  Whether or not this is really is wanted is
        # ... debatable, but we don't really care.

        import time
        sql = "update factoids set "\
                "requested_count = requested_count + 1, "\
                "requested_by = '%s', "\
                "requested_time = %s "\
                "where (factoid_key) = '%s'" % (
                        sqlEscape(requested_by), str(int(time.time())),

    if result:
        return result[0]  # first row
        return None
コード例 #12
ファイル: FactoIds.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
def _getByKey(fields, factoid_key, requested_by = None):
	#  Query the database for the factoid value for the given key
	sql = "select %s from factoids "\
	        "where (factoid_key) = "\
	        "'%s'" % (fields, sqlEscape(factoid_key))
	result = database.doSQL(sql)

	if requested_by:
		# Now that we are sure we have a factoid that got requested, increment
		# the count, set the new requester, etc.  NOTE: even for "literal"
		# requests, this is set.  Whether or not this is really is wanted is
		# ... debatable, but we don't really care.

		import time
		sql = "update factoids set "\
		        "requested_count = requested_count + 1, "\
		        "requested_by = '%s', "\
		        "requested_time = %s "\
		        "where (factoid_key) = '%s'" % (
		                sqlEscape(requested_by), str(int(time.time())),

	if result:
		return result[0] # first row
		return None
コード例 #13
ファイル: dunno.py プロジェクト: plutoid/LazyCrane
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""grabs a random reply from the database"""
		from irclib import Event
		import database, string, random
		from irclib import nm_to_n
		if database.type == "pgsql":
			# For postgres, we find the number of dunnos, calculate a random
			# offset into the table based on that number (the offset is
			# a zero-index offset), and then select the dunno at that offset
			# into the data table.
			num_query = "select count(data) from data where type='dunno'"
			num_dunnos = database.doSQL(num_query)[0][0]
			offset = random.randint(1, num_dunnos) - 1
			dunno_query = "select data from data where type='dunno' order " \
				+ "by data limit 1 offset " + str(offset)
			line = database.doSQL(dunno_query)[0][0]
		elif database.type == "mysql":
			# For MySQL we simply use the rand() function to pick a random
			# dunno for us
			dunno_query = "select data from data where type='dunno' order " \
				+ "by rand() limit 1"
			line = database.doSQL(dunno_query)[0][0]

		line = string.replace(line, "WHO", nm_to_n(args["source"]))
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)
		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ line ])
コード例 #14
ファイル: seen.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""Report when someone was last seen."""
		import database
		from alias import whois

		result = ""

		nick = " ".join(args["text"].split()[2:])
		safenick = escape_quotes(nick.lower())
		line = database.doSQL("SELECT nick, time, message, type " + \
				      "FROM seen WHERE nick = '" + safenick + \
		if (len(line) == 0):
			seentime = 0
			joiner = "However, "
			result += "I don't think I've ever seen " + nick + ".\n"
			seentime = int(line[0][1])
			joiner = "Also, "
			result += makeseenline("", line)

		realnick = escape_quotes(whois(nick))
		line = database.doSQL("SELECT seen.nick, seen.time, seen.message, seen.type FROM seen, alias WHERE seen.time > " + str(seentime) + " AND seen.nick = alias.nick AND alias.realnick = '" + realnick + "' ORDER BY seen.time DESC LIMIT 1")
		if (len(line) > 0):
			result += makeseenline(joiner, line)
		from irclib import Event
		return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [ result ])
コード例 #15
	def addUrl(self, url, hash, source, target, str):
		id, title = self.getUrl(url, hash)
		if id:
			if not title:
				title = self.fetchTitle(url)
				if title:
					database.doSQL("UPDATE url SET title='%s' WHERE url='%s' AND hash='%s'" % (self.sqlEscape(title), self.sqlEscape(url), self.sqlEscape(hash)))

			return title

		urlInfo = urlparse.urlparse(url)
		scheme = urlInfo.scheme
		port = urlInfo.port
		if not port:
			if scheme == 'http':
				port = 80
			elif scheme == 'https':
				port = 443

		host = urlInfo.hostname
		if not host:

		hostId = self.addHost(scheme, host, port)
		chanId = 0
		if is_channel(target):
			chanId = self.addChan(target[1:])

		# Strip mIRC color codes
		str = re.sub('\003\d{1,2},\d{1,2}', '', str)
		str = re.sub('\003\d{0,2}', '', str)
		# Strip mIRC bold, plain, reverse and underline codes
		str = re.sub('[\002\017\026\037]', '', str)

		values = {}

		values["nickid"]   = "%d"   % int(self.addNick(nm_to_n(source)))
		values["string"]   = "'%s'" % self.sqlEscape(str)
		values["url"]      = "'%s'" % self.sqlEscape(url)
		values["hash"]     = "'%s'" % self.sqlEscape(hash)
		values["hostid"]   = "%d"   % int(hostId)
		values["chanid"]   = "%d"   % int(chanId)
		values["time"]     = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()"
		values["type"]     = "'%s'" % self.sqlEscape(self.rImageUrl.search(url) and "image" or "html")

		if database.type == "mysql":
		elif database.type == "pgsql":
			values['time'] = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'
		elif database.type == "sqlite3":
			values['time'] = 'time()'

		title = self.fetchTitle(url) or ""

		values['title'] = "'%s'" % self.sqlEscape(title)

		sql = "insert into url(%s) values(%s)" % (','.join(values.keys()), ','.join(values.values()))
		return title
コード例 #16
ファイル: bottime.py プロジェクト: plutoid/LazyCrane
	def __init__(self):
		import os, database, time
		self.regex = "^uptime$"
		self.ppid = os.getppid()

		database.doSQL("delete from data where type = 'uptime' and created_by != '" + str(os.getppid()) + "'");
		if len(database.doSQL("select * from data where type = 'uptime' and created_by ='" + str(os.getppid()) + "'")) == 0:
			database.doSQL("insert into data values('" + str(int(time.time())) + "', 'uptime', '" + str(os.getppid()) + "')")
コード例 #17
def update(factoid_key, factoid_value, requested_by=None):
    import time
    sql = "update factoids set factoid_value='%s', " \
            "modified_time='%s', modified_by='%s' " \
            "where (factoid_key)='%s'" % (
            sqlEscape(factoid_value), str(time.time()), sqlEscape(requested_by),
コード例 #18
ファイル: FactoIds.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
def update(factoid_key, factoid_value, requested_by = None):
	import time
	sql = "update factoids set factoid_value='%s', " \
	        "modified_time='%s', modified_by='%s' " \
	        "where (factoid_key)='%s'" % (
	        sqlEscape(factoid_value), str(time.time()), sqlEscape(requested_by),
コード例 #19
ファイル: tableview.py プロジェクト: plutoid/LazyCrane
	def delete(self, *args):
		if self.selected_index != -1:
			fields = []
			for column in range(len(self.table.headings)):
				fields.append(self.listBox.get_text(self.selected_index, column))
		self.selected_index = -1
コード例 #20
def add(factoid_key, factoid_value, requested_by=None):
    import time
    sql = "insert into factoids("\
          "factoid_key, factoid_value, created_by, created_time, "\
          "requested_count) values ('%s', '%s', '%s', %s, 0)" % (
                                   requested_by and sqlEscape(requested_by) or 'me', str(time.time()))
コード例 #21
ファイル: FactoIds.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
def add(factoid_key, factoid_value, requested_by = None):
	import time
	sql = "insert into factoids("\
	      "factoid_key, factoid_value, created_by, created_time, "\
	      "requested_count) values ('%s', '%s', '%s', %s, 0)" % (
	                               requested_by and sqlEscape(requested_by) or 'me', str(time.time()))
コード例 #22
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""Search for a certain string having either a given stat or any stat
		at all ("statfind foo")"""
		import database
		from irclib import Event
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)

		# Remove bot name
		text = args["text"].split()[1:]
		stat = text[0][:-4]		# First word, strip "find" from the end
		name = text[1]

		if stat == "stat":
			# Build the message prefix
			msg = "Matching for any stat, matching on '" + name + "' "
			# Get the number first
			query = "select count(counter) from stats where nick " \
				+ "like '%" + name + "%'"
			count = database.doSQL(query)[0][0]

			if count > 15:
				msg += "(" + str(count) + " found, 15 shown): "
				msg += "(" + str(count) + " found): "
			# Now the actual nicks and types
			query = "select nick, type, counter from stats where nick " \
				+ "like '%" + name + "%' limit 15"
			results = database.doSQL(query)
			for tuple in results:
				msg += "%s (%s: %s) ;; " % tuple
			# Remove the last " ;; "
			if count != 0:
				msg = msg[:-4]
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [msg])
			# Build the message prefix
			msg = "Matching " + stat + "stats for '" + name + "' "
			# Get the number first
			query = "select count(counter) from stats where nick " \
				+ "like '%" + name + "%' and type='" + stat + "'"
			count = database.doSQL(query)[0][0]

			if count > 15:
				msg += "(" + str(count) + " found, 15 shown): "
				msg += "(" + str(count) + " found): "
			# Now the actual nicks for that type
			query = "select nick, counter from stats where nick like " \
				+ "'%" + name + "%' and type='" + stat + "' limit 15"
			results = database.doSQL(query)
			for tuple in results:
				msg += "%s: %s ;; " % tuple
			# Remove the last " ;; "
			if count != 0:
				msg = msg[:-4]
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [msg])
コード例 #23
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: plutoid/LazyCrane
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""Search for a certain string having either a given stat or any stat
		at all ("statfind foo")"""
		import database
		from irclib import Event
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)

		# Remove bot name
		text = args["text"].split()[1:]
		stat = text[0][:-4]		# First word, strip "find" from the end
		name = text[1]

		if stat == "stat":
			# Build the message prefix
			msg = "Matching for any stat, matching on '" + name + "' "
			# Get the number first
			query = "select count(counter) from stats where nick " \
				+ "like '%" + name + "%'"
			count = database.doSQL(query)[0][0]

			if count > 15:
				msg += "(" + str(count) + " found, 15 shown): "
				msg += "(" + str(count) + " found): "
			# Now the actual nicks and types
			query = "select nick, type from stats where nick " \
				+ "like '%" + name + "%' limit 15"
			results = database.doSQL(query)
			for tuple in results:
				msg += tuple[0] + " [" + tuple[1] + "] ;; "
			# Remove the last " ;; "
			if count != 0:
				msg = msg[:-4]
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [msg])
			# Build the message prefix
			msg = "Matching " + stat + "stats for '" + name + "' "
			# Get the number first
			query = "select count(counter) from stats where nick " \
				+ "like '%" + name + "%' and type='" + stat + "'"
			count = database.doSQL(query)[0][0]

			if count > 15:
				msg += "(" + str(count) + " found, 15 shown): "
				msg += "(" + str(count) + " found): "
			# Now the actual nicks for that type
			query = "select nick from stats where nick like " \
				+ "'%" + name + "%' and type='" + stat + "' limit 15"
			results = database.doSQL(query)
			for tuple in results:
				msg += tuple[0] + " ;; "
			# Remove the last " ;; "
			if count != 0:
				msg = msg[:-4]
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [msg])
コード例 #24
def lock(factoid_key, requested_by=None):
    import time

    sql = "update factoids "\
          "set locked_by = '%s', "\
          "locked_time = '%s' "\
          "where (factoid_key) = '%s'" % (
                  requested_by and sqlEscape(requested_by) or 'me',
コード例 #25
ファイル: FactoIds.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
def lock(factoid_key, requested_by = None):
	import time

	sql = "update factoids "\
	      "set locked_by = '%s', "\
	      "locked_time = '%s' "\
	      "where (factoid_key) = '%s'" % (
	              requested_by and sqlEscape(requested_by) or 'me',
コード例 #26
ファイル: bottime.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
    def handle_tz(self, input, request_nick):
        """change or reset the time zone setting

        .valid input list format
        [0]     [1]  [2]
        datestz nick +/-offset
        datestz +/-offset
        assert input[0] == "datestz"

        tz_offset = None
        tz_is_valid = False
        qnick = request_nick
        show_offset = False
        input_len = len(input)

        if input_len == 1:
            show_offset = True
        elif input_len == 2:
            tz_offset, tz_is_valid = self.tz_validate(input[1])
            if not tz_is_valid:
                qnick = input[1]
                if not qnick == "help":
                    show_offset = True
        elif input_len == 3:
            tz_offset, tz_is_valid = self.tz_validate(input[2])
            qnick = input[1]

        if not tz_is_valid:
            if not show_offset:
                return self.help_message_datestz
                return self.show_tz(qnick)
            tmp_data = database.doSQL(
                "select nick, tz_offset from bottime " "where nick = '%s'" % self.sqlEscape(qnick)

            if tmp_data:
                sql_string = (
                    "update bottime " "set tz_offset  = %s " "where nick = '%s'" % (tz_offset, self.sqlEscape(qnick))
                sql_string = "insert into bottime (nick, tz_offset) " "values ('%s', %s)" % (


        return "datastz: done!"
コード例 #27
ファイル: eightball.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
def makeline(type):
    """eightball.  usage:  Moobot:  eightball <question>?"""
    import database

    if database.type == "mysql":
        line = database.doSQL("select data from data where type='" + type + "' order by rand() limit 1")[0][0]
    elif database.type == "pgsql":
        line = database.doSQL("select data from data where type='" + type + "' order by random() limit 1")[0][0]
    elif database.type == "sqlite3":
        line = database.doSQL("select data from data " "where type = '%s' " "order by random(*)" "limit 1" % type)[0][0]

    return line
コード例 #28
def link(linkfrom, linkto, linktype, weight, requested_by=None):
    unlink(linkfrom, linkto)
    import time
    sql = "insert into factoidlink("\
          "linkfrom, linkto, linktype, weight, created_by, created_time)"\
          " values ('%s', '%s', '%s', %s, '%s', %s)" % (
                                   requested_by and sqlEscape(requested_by) or 'me', str(time.time()))
コード例 #29
ファイル: FactoIds.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
def link(linkfrom, linkto, linktype, weight, requested_by = None):
	unlink(linkfrom, linkto)
	import time
	sql = "insert into factoidlink("\
	      "linkfrom, linkto, linktype, weight, created_by, created_time)"\
	      " values ('%s', '%s', '%s', %s, '%s', %s)" % (
	                               requested_by and sqlEscape(requested_by) or 'me', str(time.time()))
コード例 #30
ファイル: bottime.py プロジェクト: oink/BadGirl
    def __init__(self):
        self.regex = "^uptime$"
        self.pid = os.getpid()

        database.doSQL("DELETE FROM data WHERE type = 'uptime' AND " + \
                   "created_by != '" + str(self.pid) + "'")
        if len(database.doSQL("SELECT * FROM data WHERE " + \
                      "type = 'uptime' AND " + \
                      "created_by ='" + str(self.pid) + "'")) == 0:
            database.doSQL("INSERT INTO data (data, type, created_by) "+\
                       "VALUES('" + str(int(time.time())) + "', "+\
                       "'uptime', '" + str(self.pid) + "')")
コード例 #31
ファイル: tell.py プロジェクト: oink/BadGirl
    def handler(self, **args):
        import database, priv

        from irclib import Event, nm_to_n
        # The target will always be a privmsg, and always to the person
        # we are telling it to.
        target = args["text"].split()[2]
        sender = nm_to_n(args["source"])

        # Check if this is faketell or not
        faketell = 0
        if args["text"].split()[1] == "faketell":
            if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "faketell_priv"):
                faketell = 1

        # Get the factoid
        factoid_key = " ".join(args["text"].split()[4:])

        # Check if it exists first
        count_query = "select count(factoid_key) from" \
         + " factoids where lower(factoid_key) = '" + factoid_key.lower() + "'"
        count = database.doSQL(count_query)[0][0]
        if count == 0:
            # Send the sender a message that it doesn't exist
            target = sender
            message = "Factoid '" + factoid_key + "' does not exist"
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

        # Grab it and parse it
        factoid_query = "select factoid_value from factoids where" \
         + " lower(factoid_key) = '" + factoid_key.lower() + "'"
        factoid = self.parse_sar(database.doSQL(factoid_query)[0][0])
        # Replace $who and $nick with the target
        factoid = factoid.replace("$who", target)
        factoid = factoid.replace("$nick", target)

        # If the factoid begins with <reply> then just tell it to them
        # otherwise, tell them what factoid and who sent it
        if faketell:
            if factoid.lower()[:7] == "<reply>":
                message = factoid[7:]
                message = factoid_key + " is " + factoid
            if factoid.lower()[:7] == "<reply>":
                factoid = factoid[7:]
                message = sender + " wanted you to know: " + factoid
                message = sender + " wanted you to know: " + factoid_key \
                 + " is " + factoid

        return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])
コード例 #32
ファイル: tell.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
	def handler(self, **args):
		import database, priv

		from irclib import Event, nm_to_n
		# The target will always be a privmsg, and always to the person
		# we are telling it to.
		target = args["text"].split()[2]
		sender = nm_to_n(args["source"])
		# Check if this is faketell or not
		faketell = 0
		if args["text"].split()[1] == "faketell":
			if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "faketell_priv"):
				faketell = 1
		# Get the factoid
		factoid_key = " ".join(args["text"].split()[4:])
		# Check if it exists first
		count_query = "select count(factoid_key) from" \
			+ " factoids where lower(factoid_key) = '" + factoid_key.lower() + "'"
		count = database.doSQL(count_query)[0][0]
		if count == 0:
			# Send the sender a message that it doesn't exist
			target = sender
			message = "Factoid '" + factoid_key + "' does not exist"
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])
		# Grab it and parse it
		factoid_query = "select factoid_value from factoids where" \
			+ " lower(factoid_key) = '" + factoid_key.lower() + "'"
		factoid = self.parse_sar(database.doSQL(factoid_query)[0][0])
		# Replace $who and $nick with the target
		factoid = factoid.replace("$who", target)
		factoid = factoid.replace("$nick", target)
		# If the factoid begins with <reply> then just tell it to them
		# otherwise, tell them what factoid and who sent it
		if faketell:
			if factoid.lower()[:7] == "<reply>":
				message = factoid[7:]
				message = factoid_key + " is " + factoid
			if factoid.lower()[:7] == "<reply>":
				factoid = factoid[7:]
				message = sender + " wanted you to know: " + factoid
				message = sender + " wanted you to know: " + factoid_key \
					+ " is " + factoid
		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])
コード例 #33
ファイル: wordgame.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
	def get_score(self, who):
		""" retrieve a single nick,score pair from the database """
		import database
		results=database.doSQL("select counter from stats where nick = '" + who + "' and type = '" + WGTYPE + "'")
		if len(results) == 0:
			database.doSQL("insert into stats values( '" + who + "', '" + WGTYPE + "', 0)")
			score = 0
			score = int(results[0][0])
		return score
コード例 #34
ファイル: bottime.py プロジェクト: oink/BadGirl
    def handle_tz(self, input, request_nick):
        """change or reset the time zone setting

        .valid input list format
        [0]     [1]  [2]
        datestz nick +/-offset
        datestz +/-offset
        assert input[0] == "datestz"

        tz_offset = None
        tz_is_valid = False
        qnick = request_nick
        show_offset = False
        input_len = len(input)

        if input_len == 1:
            show_offset = True
        elif input_len == 2:
            tz_offset, tz_is_valid = self.tz_validate(input[1])
            if not tz_is_valid:
                qnick = input[1]
                if not qnick == "help":
                    show_offset = True
        elif input_len == 3:
            tz_offset, tz_is_valid = self.tz_validate(input[2])
            qnick = input[1]

        if not tz_is_valid:
            if not show_offset:
                return self.help_message_datestz
                return self.show_tz(qnick)
            tmp_data = database.doSQL("select nick, tz_offset from bottime "\
                                          "where nick = '%s'" % self.sqlEscape(qnick))

            if tmp_data:
                sql_string = "update bottime "\
                    "set tz_offset  = %s "\
                    "where nick = '%s'" % (tz_offset, self.sqlEscape(qnick))
                sql_string = "insert into bottime (nick, tz_offset) "\
                    "values ('%s', %s)" % (self.sqlEscape(qnick), tz_offset)


        return "datastz: done!"
コード例 #35
ファイル: wordgame.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
	def score(self, who, type, opt=0):
		""" modify score for a user """
		import database
		current = self.get_score(who)
		if type == 'WIN':
			current = current + (opt*10) + 15
		elif type == 'LOSE':
			current -= 15
		elif type == 'GUESS':
			current = (current - 5) + (opt*10)
		database.doSQL("update stats set counter = "+ str(current)+" where nick = '" + who + "' and type= '" + WGTYPE+"'")
コード例 #36
ファイル: wordgame.py プロジェクト: oink/BadGirl
    def get_score(self, who):
        """ retrieve a single nick,score pair from the database """

        import database

        results = database.doSQL("select counter from stats where nick = '" +
                                 who + "' and type = '" + WGTYPE + "'")
        if len(results) == 0:
            database.doSQL("insert into stats values( '" + who + "', '" +
                           WGTYPE + "', 0)")
            score = 0
            score = int(results[0][0])

        return score
コード例 #37
ファイル: factoids.py プロジェクト: plutoid/LazyCrane
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""searches factoid keys"""
		import database, string
		from irclib import Event

		# {{{ Strip bot name and "listkeys" from the text we get
		# }}}
		search_string = self.strip_words(args["text"], 2)
		type = args["text"].split()[1]
		# have type search the appropriate attribute in the database
		if type == "listkeys":
		elif type == "listvalues":
		elif type == "listauth":

		# {{{ matchcount simply gets the number of matches for the SQL query that counts
		# factoids that are "like" the one given to us, and keys gets the actual list
		# (which is in the form of a list of one-element tuples) }}}
		matchcount=database.doSQL("select count("+ type + ") from factoids where " + type + " like '%" + search_string + "%'")[0][0]
		if database.type == "mysql":
			matchcount=database.doSQL("select count("+ type + ") from factoids where " + type + " like '%" + search_string + "%'")[0][0]
			keys=database.doSQL("select factoid_key from factoids where "+ type + " like \"%" + search_string + "%\" order by rand() LIMIT 15")
		elif database.type == "pgsql":
			matchcount=database.doSQL("select count("+ type + ") from factoids where lower(" + type + ") = '" + search_string.lower() + "'")[0][0]
			keys=database.doSQL("select factoid_key from factoids where lower("+ type + ") = '" + search_string.lower() + "' LIMIT 15")
		# {{{ Printing out SQL query to show what is being looked up
		# }}}
		#print "select "+ type + " from factoids where "+ type + " like \"%" + search_string + "%\""

		# {{{ Add a nifty little preface to the list showing what was searched and how many match and
		# (if applicable, how many we are showing) }}}
		text = "Factoid search of '" + search_string + "' by "+ type + " (" + str(matchcount) + " matching"
		# {{{ If we match more than fifteen, they only see fifteen (LIMIT 15, above), so
		# we'll tell them there are more there, but they only see fifteen }}}
		if matchcount > 15:
			text += "; 15 shown"
		text +="): "
		# {{{ Append on each of the fifteen terms and a separator
		# }}}
		index = 0
		while index < len(keys):
			text += keys[index][0] + " ;; "
			index += 1
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)
		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ text ])
コード例 #38
ファイル: priv.py プロジェクト: plutoid/LazyCrane
def checkPriv(hostmask, privilege):
	"""checks if the user identified by hostmask has privilege privilege
	returns 0 if the nick/hostmask doesn't have that privilege
	returns 1 if they do"""
	import database
	value=database.doSQL("select count(hostmask) from grants where '" + hostmask + "' LIKE hostmask and (priv_type = '" + privilege + "'  or priv_type = 'all_priv')")
	return value[0][0]
コード例 #39
ファイル: dict.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
def lookup(dk):
	import database
	rs = database.doSQL("SELECT d_value FROM dict WHERE d_key='%s'" % sqlEscape(dk))
		return rs[0][0] or False
		return False
コード例 #40
    def getUserAbilities(self, nick, channel):
        import database
        return database.doSQL("SELECT ab.name,score \
				FROM userability ua \
				LEFT JOIN ability ab ON ab.abilityid=ua.abilityid \
				WHERE nick='%s' AND channel='%s' \
				ORDER BY score DESC" % (self.sqlEscape(nick), self.sqlEscape(channel)))
コード例 #41
	def getUrl(self, url, hash):
		sql = "SELECT urlid,title FROM url WHERE url='%s' AND hash='%s'" % (self.sqlEscape(url), self.sqlEscape(hash))
		ret = database.doSQL(sql)
		if ret and ret[0]:
			return ret[0]
			return (None, None)
コード例 #42
ファイル: quotegrab.py プロジェクト: plutoid/LazyCrane
	def handler(self, **args):
		import database, priv, string
		from irclib import nm_to_n, Event
		user = args["text"].split()[2] # get name
		if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "quote_priv") == 0: #check if requester is allowed to do this
			return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [ "That requires quote_priv" ])
		results = database.doSQL("select message, time from seen where nick = '%s'" % (user))
		# check if they have a "seen" entry, act accordingly
		if len(results) > 0:
			quote, time = results[0]
			return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [ "No quote available for %s" % (user) ])
		#update their webstats entry with the new info
		database.doSQL("update webstats set quote = '%s', quote_time = %s where nick = '%s' and channel = '%s'" % (string.replace(string.replace(quote, "\\", "\\\\"), "'", "\\'"), str(time), user, args["channel"]))
		return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [ "Grabbing quote for %s" % (user) ])
コード例 #43
ファイル: RssQuery.py プロジェクト: oink/BadGirl
 def getNames():
     import database
     rsses = database.doSQL("SELECT r_name FROM rss ORDER BY r_name")
     names = []
     for rss in rsses:
     return names
コード例 #44
ファイル: priv.py プロジェクト: oink/BadGirl
def getPriv(hostmask, privilege):
    global privCache

    if not privCache:
        privCache = {}
        import database, re
        privs = database.doSQL(
            "SELECT priv_type,hostmask FROM grants ORDER BY priv_type")
        for priv in privs:
            ptype, pmask = priv
            regex = re.compile(re.escape(pmask).replace("\\%", ".*"), re.I)
            if not privCache.has_key(ptype):
                privCache[ptype] = []

    if privCache.has_key(privilege):
        for regex in privCache[privilege]:
            if regex.match(hostmask):
                return hostmask

    if privilege != 'all_priv' and privCache.has_key('all_priv'):
        for regex in privCache['all_priv']:
            if regex.match(hostmask):
                return hostmask
    return False
コード例 #45
ファイル: factoids.py プロジェクト: plutoid/LazyCrane
	def handler(self, **args):
		""" gets a random factoid from the database"""
		from irclib import nm_to_n, Event
		import database, string, random

		target = self.return_to_sender(args)
		if database.type == "mysql":
			factoid = database.doSQL("select factoid_key, factoid_value from factoids order by rand() limit 1")[0]
		elif database.type == "pgsql":
			offset = random.randint(0, database.doSQL("select count(factoid_key) from factoids")[0][0]-1)
			factoid = database.doSQL("select factoid_key, factoid_value from factoids order by factoid_key limit 1 offset " + str(offset) )[0]
		factoid_key = factoid[0]
		factoid_value = self.parse_sar(string.lstrip(factoid[1]))
		factoid_value = string.replace(factoid_value, "$who", nm_to_n(args["source"]))
		return Event("privmsg" , "", target, [ "Random factoid:  " +factoid_key + " is " + string.strip(factoid_value) ])
コード例 #46
    def handler(self, **args):
        import database, priv
        from irclib import Event, nm_to_n
        # if we don't have a nick supplied, get the second most recent form the DB
        # (the most recent would be the person saying "~qg"
            user = args["text"].split()[2]  # get name
        except IndexError:
            temp = database.doSQL(
                "select nick from seen order by time desc limit 2")
            if len(temp) == 2:
                user = temp[1][0]
                user = temp[0][0]

        if nm_to_n(args["source"]).lower() == user.lower():
            return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args),
                         ["Can't quotegrab yourself!"])

        if priv.checkPriv(
                "quote_priv") == 0:  #check if requester is allowed to do this
            return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args),
                         ["That requires quote_priv"])

        results = database.doSQL(
            "select message, time, type from seen where nick = '%s'" % (user))
        # check if they have a "seen" entry, act accordingly
        if len(results) > 0:
            quote, time, type = results[0]
            return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args),
                         ["No quote available for %s" % (user)])
        # If it's not a privmsg, spit it back
        if type not in ["privmsg", "action"]:
            return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [
                "Last event seen was not a message or action, not grabbing quote for %s"
                % user
        #update their webstats entry with the new info
            "update webstats set quote = '%s', quote_time = %s, type= '%s' where nick = '%s' and channel = '%s'"
            % (quote.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace(
                "'", "\\'"), str(time), type, user, args["channel"]))

        return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args),
                     ["Grabbing quote for %s" % (user)])
コード例 #47
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""deletes a specific stat for a given user"""
		import database
		import priv
		from irclib import Event
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)
		type = args["text"].split()[1]
		type = type[:len(type)-5]
		who = args["text"].split()[2]
		if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "reset_stats_priv") == 0:
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ "You aren't allowed to do that" ])
		self.debug(type, who)
		database.doSQL("delete from stats where type = '" + type  + "' and nick = '" + who + "'")
		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ "Reset " + who + "'s " + type + " stats." ])
コード例 #48
ファイル: dict.py プロジェクト: oink/BadGirl
def lookup(dk):
    import database
    rs = database.doSQL("SELECT d_value FROM dict WHERE d_key='%s'" %
        return rs[0][0] or False
        return False
コード例 #49
def getLinkCreatedBy(linkfrom, linkto):
    sql = "select created_by from factoidlink"\
          " where linkfrom = '%s' and linkto = '%s'" % (sqlEscape(linkfrom), sqlEscape(linkto))
    linkinfo = database.doSQL(sql)
    if not linkinfo:
        return None

    return linkinfo[0] or ""
コード例 #50
ファイル: eightball.py プロジェクト: oink/BadGirl
def makeline(type):
    """eightball.  usage:  Moobot:  eightball <question>?"""
    import database

    if database.type == "mysql":
        line = database.doSQL("select data from data where type='" + \
            type + "' order by rand() limit 1")[0][0]
    elif database.type == "pgsql":
        line = database.doSQL("select data from data where type='" + \
            type + "' order by random() limit 1")[0][0]
    elif database.type == "sqlite3":
        line = database.doSQL("select data from data "\
                 "where type = '%s' "\
                 "order by random(*)"\
                 "limit 1" % type)[0][0]

    return line
コード例 #51
ファイル: wordgame.py プロジェクト: oink/BadGirl
    def score(self, who, type, opt=0):
        """ modify score for a user """

        import database

        current = self.get_score(who)

        if type == 'WIN':
            current = current + (opt * 10) + 15
        elif type == 'LOSE':
            current -= 15
        elif type == 'GUESS':
            current = (current - 5) + (opt * 10)

        database.doSQL("update stats set counter = " + str(current) +
                       " where nick = '" + who + "' and type= '" + WGTYPE +
コード例 #52
ファイル: FactoIds.py プロジェクト: yuxans/badgirl
def getLinkCreatedBy(linkfrom, linkto):
	sql = "select created_by from factoidlink"\
	      " where linkfrom = '%s' and linkto = '%s'" % (sqlEscape(linkfrom), sqlEscape(linkto))
	linkinfo = database.doSQL(sql)
	if not linkinfo:
		return None

	return linkinfo[0] or ""
コード例 #53
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""Set someone's stats to a specific number"""
		import priv, database
		from irclib import Event
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)

		# Remove bot name
		text = args["text"].split()[1:]
		type = text[0][:-3]	# First element is the stat type
		names = text[1:-1]	# All but the first and last elements are names
		count = text[-1]	# Last one is the number to set it to

		# Check privs
		if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "reset_stats_priv") == 0:
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ "You aren't allowed to do that" ])

		# Since some of these may already be set, but some may not, we can't
		# simply use "update".  The easiest way to do it is to delete all of
		# them and re-insert them.
		# Delete first
		query = "delete from stats where type='" + \
			type + "' and "
		for name in names:
			query += "nick='" + name + "' or "
		# Remove the last " or "
		query = query[:-4]
		# Do it to it
		# Now re-insert one by one
		# FIXME: is there a way to do this all in one - like build a huge
		# query and then just make one call?
		for name in names:
			query = "insert into stats(counter, nick, type) values(" \
				+ count + ", '" + name + "', '" + type + "')"
		msg = "Set " + type + " to " + str(count) + " for: "
		for name in names:
			msg += name + ", "
		# Remove the last ", "
		msg = msg[:-2]
		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ msg ])
コード例 #54
	def get(self):
		"""return timestamp"""
		import database
		b = database.doSQL("SELECT birthday FROM birthday WHERE nick='%s'" % (self.sqlEscape(self.nick)))
		if not b or not b[0]: return False
		b = b[0][0]
			return ND((b.year, b.month, b.day))
			return False
コード例 #55
    def setUserAbilityScore(self, nick, channel, abilityid, score, bynick):
        import database
        rs = database.doSQL("REPLACE INTO userability \
				SET nick='%s', channel='%s', abilityid=%d, score=%d, bynick='%s'" %
                            (self.sqlEscape(nick), self.sqlEscape(channel),
                             abilityid, score, self.sqlEscape(bynick)))
            return rs[0][0] or 0
            return None
コード例 #56
ファイル: bottime.py プロジェクト: oink/BadGirl
    def handler(self, **args):
        from irclib import Event
        from seen import time2str
        start_time = database.doSQL("SELECT data FROM data WHERE " + \
                        "type = 'uptime' and " + \
                        "created_by ='" + str(self.pid) + \
        result = "I've been awake for " + time2str(int(start_time))

        return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [result])