コード例 #1
def stations_import():
    Imports the traffic site and updates the site table
    def load_data_local():
        ok = True
        st.info('transferring data from staging to fact')
        cmd = qry['station_staging_fact']
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
        if ok:
            st.info('data transferred')
                'An error occurred transferring the data from staging to fact')
        return ok

    # Main
    ok = True
    if ok:
        cmd = all_qry.qry['truncate_table'].format('station_source')
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
    if ok:
        df, ok = read_source_file(cn.SOURCE_STATION_FILE_NAME)
    if ok:
        fields = [
            'ZST_NR', 'ZST_NAME', 'Geo Point', 'BREITENGR', 'LAENGENGR',
        ok = save_df2table('station_source', df, fields)
    ok = False
    if ok:
        cmd = all_qry.qry['truncate_table'].format('station_staging')
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
    if ok:
        ok = transfer_source2staging('station_source_staging')
    if ok:
        pass  # not yet required: ok = update_columns()
    if ok:
        ok = load_data_local()

    ok = True
    tools.log('miv_update start')
コード例 #2
 def load_data_local():
     ok = True
     st.info('transferring data from staging to fact')
     cmd = qry['station_staging_fact']
     ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
     if ok:
         st.info('data transferred')
             'An error occurred transferring the data from staging to fact')
     return ok
コード例 #3
def compact_db():
    st.info('Resetting tables...')
    cmd = all_qry.qry['truncate_table'].format('slow_traffic_source')
    ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
    if ok:
        cmd = all_qry.qry['truncate_table'].format('miv_traffic_source')
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
    if ok:
        cmd = all_qry.qry['truncate_table'].format('traffic_missing')
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
    st.info('Compacting database...')
    size_start = os.path.getsize(cn.DATABASE_FILE)
    if ok:
        cmd = "VACUUM"
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
    if ok:
        size_end = os.path.getsize(cn.DATABASE_FILE)
            f'database has been compacted from {size_start} to {size_end} bytes. ({(size_start-size_end) / size_start * 100} %'
        st.error('I tried but it did not work')
コード例 #4
def transfer_source2staging(key: str):
    Copies data from the source to the staging table and updates some fields, returns status
    ok = True
    st.info('transferring data from source to staging')
    cmd = qry[key]
    ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
    if ok:
        st.info('data transferred')
            'An error occurred transferring the data from source to staging')
    return ok
コード例 #5
    def transfer_staging2fact():
        ok = True
        tools.log('Copy miv traffic records from staging to miv_traffic table')
        cmd = qry['traffic_staging_fact']

        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
        if ok:
            cmd = qry[update_info_query[traffic_type]]
            ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
        if ok:
            cmd = qry['reset_station_flags']
            ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
        if ok:
            cmd = qry['update_station_flags'].format('miv_flag', 1)
            ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
            cmd = qry['update_station_flags'].format('velo_data_flag', 2)
            ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
            cmd = qry['update_station_flags'].format('fuss_data_flag', 3)
            ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
        if ok:
            st.info('Statement executed.')
            st.error('Statement failed.')
        return ok
コード例 #6
def insert_missing_rows(year: int) -> bool:
    Inserts an empty value row for all missing intervals. This allows to show missing values as gaps in 
    time series if plotted.

    cmd = all_qry.qry['delete_rows_where'].format('traffic_fact',
    ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
    if ok:
        cmd = all_qry.qry['truncate_table'].format('traffic_missing')
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)

    fields = [
    cmd = qry['station_list_year'].format(year)
    directions = db.execute_query(cmd, db.conn)
    for row in directions.itertuples():
        tools.log(f'{row.direction_id}, {row.lane}')
        # make sure that empty rows are only inserted with the min/max values of existing data.
        cmd = qry['min_max_dates'].format(year, row.station_id)
        df = db.execute_query(cmd, db.conn)
        start_date = df['min'][0]
        end_date = df['max'][0]
        idx_intervals = pd.date_range(start=f'{start_date}',
        df = pd.DataFrame(data=idx_intervals, columns=['date_time'])

        df['year'] = year
        df['station_id'] = row.station_id
        df['direction_id'] = row.direction_id
        df['lane'] = row.lane
        df['traffic_type'] = row.traffic_type
        df['date'] = df['date_time'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        df['month'] = np.int64(df['date_time'].dt.strftime('%m'))
        df['week'] = np.int64(df['date_time'].dt.strftime('%W'))
        df['weekday'] = np.int64(df['date_time'].dt.strftime('%u'))
        df.loc[df['weekday'] < 6, 'weekday_type'] = 1
        df.loc[df['weekday'] > 5, 'weekday_type'] = 2
        df['hour_from'] = np.int64(df['date_time'].dt.strftime('%H'))
        df['values_edited'] = -99
        df['date_time'] = df['date_time'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:30')
        if not ok:
            ok = save_df2table('traffic_missing', df, fields)

    if ok:
        cmd = qry['insert_missing_records']
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
        if ok:
            st.write('Added records intervals with no measured values')

    return ok
コード例 #7
def import_traffic(year: int, traffic_type: int):
    Replaces the table traffic_source with new data. Truncates first all data, then loads the all data from
    data.bs.ch in a dataframe and filters for rows with year > currentyear -2. this is to reduce the amount of data
    replaced in the target table miv.
    def transfer_staging2fact():
        ok = True
        tools.log('Copy miv traffic records from staging to miv_traffic table')
        cmd = qry['traffic_staging_fact']

        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
        if ok:
            cmd = qry[update_info_query[traffic_type]]
            ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
        if ok:
            cmd = qry['reset_station_flags']
            ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
        if ok:
            cmd = qry['update_station_flags'].format('miv_flag', 1)
            ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
            cmd = qry['update_station_flags'].format('velo_data_flag', 2)
            ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
            cmd = qry['update_station_flags'].format('fuss_data_flag', 3)
            ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
        if ok:
            st.info('Statement executed.')
            st.error('Statement failed.')
        return ok

        # cmd =  qry['last_miv_observation']
        # result = get_single_value(cmd, conn, 'max_dat')
        # st.info('Most recent observation in miv_traffic: '  + result)

    ### Main
    ok = True
    update_info_query = {1: 'update_miv_info', 2: 'update_slow_info'}
    source_table = {1: 'miv_traffic_source', 2: 'slow_traffic_source'}
    source_file = {
        1: cn.source_miv_file_name.format(year),
        2: cn.source_slow_file_name.format(year)
    source_fields = {
        1: [
            'SiteCode', 'SiteName', 'DirectionName', 'LaneCode', 'LaneName',
            'Date', 'TimeFrom', 'TimeTo', 'ValuesApproved', 'ValuesEdited',
            'TrafficType', 'Total', 'MR', 'PW', 'PW+', 'Lief', 'Lief+',
            'Lief+Aufl.', 'LW', 'LW+', 'Sattelzug', 'Bus', 'andere', 'Year',
            'Month', 'Weekday', 'HourFrom'
        2: [
            'SiteCode', 'SiteName', 'DirectionName', 'LaneCode', 'LaneName',
            'Date', 'TimeFrom', 'TimeTo', 'ValuesApproved', 'ValuesEdited',
            'TrafficType', 'Total', 'Year', 'Month', 'Weekday', 'HourFrom'
    source_staging_transfer_query = {
        1: 'miv_traffic_source_staging',
        2: 'slow_traffic_source_staging'
    traffic_type_criteria = {1: 'traffic_type = 1', 2: traffic_type > 1}
    row_count_start = db.count_rows("select * from traffic_fact", db.conn)

    # delete all records from the miv_traffic_source table
    if ok:
        cmd = all_qry.qry['truncate_table'].format(source_table[traffic_type])
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
        if ok:
            st.info(f'Table {source_table[traffic_type]} was initialized.')
                f'Table {source_table[traffic_type]} could not be deleted.')
    if ok:
        df, ok = read_source_file(source_file[traffic_type])
    if ok:
        ok = save_db_table(source_table[traffic_type], df,
    # delete all rows from the staging table
    if ok:
        cmd = all_qry.qry['truncate_table'].format('traffic_staging')
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
        if ok:
            st.info(f'Table {"traffic_staging"} was initialized.')
            st.error(f'Table {"traffic_staging"} could not be deleted.')
    # copy the source data to the staging table, some fields are removed and counts are simplified, e.g. pw and pw with anhänger are summed
    # there is a new count for pw and lieferwagen and for lastwagen, lastwagen with anhänger and sattelschlepper so light and heavy traffic can be easily
    # distinguished.
    if ok:
        ok = transfer_source2staging(
    # get the station_id from the station table
    if ok:
        cmd = qry['traffic_update_station_id']
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
    # append new direction names to the lookup table
    if ok:
        cmd = qry['traffic_update_direction_codes']
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
    # update direction id field in traffic_staging table
    if ok:
        cmd = qry['traffic_update_direction_id']
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
    # update time fields
    if ok:
        cmd = qry['update_traffic_time_columns']
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
    ok = True
    if ok:
        cmd = all_qry.qry['delete_rows_where'].format(
            f'{traffic_type_criteria[traffic_type]} and year = {year}')
        ok = db.execute_non_query(cmd, db.conn)
        if ok:
                f'Table {"traffic_fact"} was initialized for year and traffic type.'
                f'Table {"traffic_staging"} could not be initialized for year and traffic type.'
    if ok:
        ok = transfer_staging2fact()
    if ok:
        row_count_end = db.count_rows("select * from traffic_fact", db.conn)
            f'{row_count_end -  row_count_start} rows where successfully imported'
        df = db.execute_query(qry['import_result_summary'], db.conn)
            "The import could not be completed, check log above for error messages"