コード例 #1
ファイル: listenerCog.py プロジェクト: Fido2603/WatchDog
    async def on_message(self, message):
        # return if author is a bot (we're also a bot)
        if message.author.bot:

        # check if it's a DM
        if isinstance(message.channel, discord.DMChannel):
            await logger.log(
                "New message in the DM's! UserID: " + str(message.author.id) +
                " - Content: " + str(message.content), self.bot, "DEBUG")

            if message.content.startswith(os.getenv('prefix')):

            user = message.author
            if database.isAppealing(user.id):
                logger.logDebug("User is appealing")
                isNew = False
                if database.hasNoAppealReason(user.id):
                    logger.logDebug("A new appeal")
                    isNew = True
                database.addBanAppealReason(user.id, message.content)

                appealschannel = self.bot.get_channel(
                ban = database.getBan(user.id)
                if ban is None:
                    await logger.log("Ban is none!", self.bot, "WARN")

                # Update the embed
                appeal = database.getAppeal(user.id)
                reason = str(appeal.Reason)
                moderator = None
                if ban.Moderator is not None:
                    moderator = self.bot.get_user(int(ban.Moderator))

                embed = createEmbed("Pending", discord.Color.blurple(), reason,
                                    user, appeal, ban, moderator)

                if isNew:
                    appealMessage = await appealschannel.send(embed=embed)
                    database.addAppealMessage(user.id, appealMessage.id)
                    appealMessage = await appealschannel.fetch_message(
                    await appealMessage.edit(embed=embed)
                await appealMessage.add_reaction("✅")
                await appealMessage.add_reaction("❎")

                # Let the user know that we've updated their appeal
                    await message.channel.send(
                        "Thanks for your interest in appealing your WatchDog Ban!\n\nYour "
                        "appeal reason has been updated, and our moderators will look into it! "
                        "If you wish to update your appeal reason, then just write a new "
                        "appeal reason in this DM!")
                except Exception as e:
                    # if we can't send the DM, the user probably has DM's off, at which point we would uhhh, yeah.
                    # back to this later
                    await logger.log(
                        "Couldn't send DM to banned user. User ID: " +
                        str(user.id) + " - Error: " + str(e), self.bot, "INFO")
                logger.logDebug("User is not appealing")
コード例 #2
ファイル: info.py プロジェクト: HeroGamers/WatchDog
    async def _userinfo(self, ctx, arg1):
        """Gets info about a user."""
            user = await ctx.bot.fetch_user(arg1)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.logDebug("User not found! - %s" % e)
                user = await ctx.bot.fetch_user(ctx.message.mentions[0].id)
            except Exception as e:
                logger.logDebug("User not found! - %s" % e)
                    user = await ctx.bot.fetch_user(ctx.message.mentions[0].id)
                except Exception as e:
                    logger.logDebug("User not found! - %s" % e)
                        user = discord.utils.get(ctx.message.guild.members, name=arg1)
                    except Exception as e:
                        logger.logDebug("User not found! - %s" % e)
                        await ctx.send("User not found!")
        if user is None:
            await ctx.send("User not found!")
            embed = discord.Embed(title="User Information", color=discord.Color.green(),
                                  description="DiscordTag: %s#%s" % (user.name, user.discriminator))
            embed.add_field(name="ID:", value="%s" % user.id, inline=True)
            embed.add_field(name="Created at:",
                            value="%s" % discord.utils.snowflake_time(user.id).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            isUserBanned = isBanned(user.id)
            embed.add_field(name="Banned:", value="Yes" if isUserBanned else "No", inline=True)
            embed.add_field(name="In guild with bot:", value="Pending...", inline=True)
            if isUserBanned & isModerator(ctx.author.id):
                banreason = getBan(user.id).Reason
                if banreason is None:
                    banreason = "None"
                embed.add_field(name="Ban reason:", value=banreason, inline=True)
            embed.set_footer(text="Userinfo requested by %s" % ctx.author.name, icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)
            embed_message = await ctx.send(embed=embed)

            inguildwithbot = "No"
            member = None
            for guild in self.bot.guilds:
                if inguildwithbot == "Yes":
                member = guild.get_member(user.id)
                if member:
                    inguildwithbot = "Yes"

            if inguildwithbot == "Yes":
                if str(member.status) == "dnd":
                    status = "Do Not Disturb"
                elif str(member.status) == "do_not_disturb":
                    status = "Do Not Disturb"
                elif str(member.status) == "offline":
                    status = "Offline"
                elif str(member.status) == "online":
                    status = "Online"
                elif str(member.status) == "idle":
                    status = "Idle"
                elif str(member.status) == "invisible":
                    status = "Offline"
                    status = "Unknown"
                embed.add_field(name="Status:", value="%s" % status, inline=True)

            embed.set_field_at(index=3, name="In guild with bot:", value="%s" % inguildwithbot, inline=True)
            await embed_message.edit(embed=embed)
コード例 #3
ファイル: listenerCog.py プロジェクト: Fido2603/WatchDog
    async def on_raw_reaction_add(self, payload):
        # logger.logDebug("New reaction! Payload emoji name: " + payload.emoji.name)
        userid = payload.user_id
        channel = self.bot.get_channel(payload.channel_id)
        user = channel.guild.get_member(userid)

        # we check whether the reaction added is from the appeal channel
        appealguild = self.bot.get_guild(int(os.getenv('appealguild')))
        appealchannel = None
        for appealguildchannel in appealguild.channels:
            if appealguildchannel.name == "appeal-here":
                appealchannel = appealguildchannel
        if appealchannel is None:
            await logger.log("No appealchannel found! Returning!", self.bot,

        # If the channel is the appeal channel
        if payload.channel_id == appealchannel.id:
            await logger.log(
                "A reaction has been added in the appeal channel! User ID: " +
                str(user.id), self.bot, "DEBUG")
            if user.bot:

            # Checking whether the user is banned
            if not database.isBanned(userid):
                await logger.log(
                    "An user who is not banned tried adding the ban appeal reaction! User ID: "
                    + str(user.id), self.bot, "DEBUG")

            # Checking whether the user already is verified
            if database.isAppealing(userid):
                await logger.log("Already appealing! User ID: " + str(user.id),
                                 self.bot, "DEBUG")

            # Add the user to the db

            dm_channel = user.dm_channel
            if dm_channel is None:
                await user.create_dm()
                dm_channel = user.dm_channel

            # Send message
                await dm_channel.send(
                    "Thanks for your interest in appealing your WatchDog Ban!\n\nTo complete your ban "
                    "appeal, please write us a good reasoning on why YOU should get unbanned, "
                    "and why WE were wrong in banning you!")
            except Exception as e:
                # if we can't send the DM, the user probably has DM's off, at which point we would uhhh, yeah. back
                # to this later
                await logger.log(
                    "Couldn't send DM to user that reacted. User ID: " +
                    str(user.id) + " - Error: " + str(e), self.bot, "INFO")
                # send a headsup in the verification channel
                channel = self.bot.get_channel(
                await channel.send(
                    content=user.mention +
                    " Sorry! It seems like your DM didn't go through, try to enable your DM's for this server!",

        # If the channel is the banappeal channel
        if payload.channel_id == int(os.getenv('banappealschannel')):
            await logger.log(
                "A reaction has been added in the moderator appeal channel! User ID: "
                + str(user.id), self.bot, "DEBUG")
            if user.bot:

            # Variables used
            guild = self.bot.get_guild(payload.guild_id)
            reactMember = guild.get_member(payload.user_id)
            message = await channel.fetch_message(payload.message_id)

            if payload.emoji.name == "✅" or payload.emoji.name == "❎":
                # Remove the reactions
                await message.remove_reaction(payload.emoji.name, reactMember)
                botMember = guild.get_member(self.bot.user.id)
                await message.remove_reaction("❎", botMember)
                await message.remove_reaction("✅", botMember)

            appeal = database.getAppealFromMessage(message.id)
            if appeal is None:
            appealUser = self.bot.get_user(int(appeal.UserID))
            ban = database.getBan(appealUser.id)
            if ban is None:
                await logger.log("Ban is none!", self.bot, "WARN")
            reason = str(appeal.Reason)
            moderator = None
            if ban.Moderator is not None:
                moderator = self.bot.get_user(int(ban.Moderator))
            color = discord.Color.blurple()

            status = "None"

            # Approve
            if payload.emoji.name == "✅":
                # Basic approval stuff
                status = "Accepted"
                await self.unban(appealUser)
                database.updateBanAppealStatus(appealUser.id, True, user.id)
                color = discord.Color.green()

                # Send appeal accepted message
                await message.channel.send(
                    "Appeal accepted! " + appealUser.name + "#" +
                    appealUser.discriminator + " has been unbanned!",

                # Send unban notif in banlist
                if reactMember is not None:
                    await logger.logEmbed(
                        color, "Moderator `%s` unbanned `%s` - (%s)" %
                        (reactMember.name, appealUser.name, appealUser.id),

                # Send private ban notif in private moderator ban list
                banlistchannel = self.bot.get_channel(
                banlistembed = discord.Embed(
                    title="Account unbanned",
                    description="`%s` has been globally unbanned" %
                if reactMember is not None:
                        value="%s (`%s`)" %
                        (reactMember.name + "#" + reactMember.discriminator,
                banlistembed.add_field(name="Name when unbanned",
                                       value="%s" % appealUser,
                banlistembed.add_field(name="In server",
                                       value="%s (`%s`)" %
                                       (guild.name, guild.id),
                banlistembed.add_field(name="In channel",
                                       value="%s (`%s`)" %
                                       (channel.name, channel.id),
                    text="%s has been globally unbanned" % appealUser,
                await banlistchannel.send(embed=banlistembed)

                # Notify the user
                dm_channel = appealUser.dm_channel
                if dm_channel is None:
                    await appealUser.create_dm()
                    dm_channel = appealUser.dm_channel

                # Send message in DM's
                    await dm_channel.send(
                        "Thanks for your interest in appealing your WatchDog Ban!\n\nYour Ban Appeal has been accepted "
                        "by our Global Moderators, in other words, you are now unbanned! Don't go and get yourself "
                        "banned again!")
                except Exception as e:
                    # if we can't send the DM, the user probably has DM's off, at which point we would uhhh,
                    # yeah. back to this later
                    await logger.log(
                        "Couldn't send DM to banned user. User ID: " +
                        str(appealUser.id) + " - Error: " + str(e), self.bot,

                # Kick the user from the appealguild
                    await appealguild.kick(appealUser)
                except Exception as e:
                    await logger.log(
                        "Could not kick user from the appeal guild after being accepted! - "
                        + str(e), self.bot, "ERROR")
            # Deny
            elif payload.emoji.name == "❎":
                status = "Denied"
                database.updateBanAppealStatus(appealUser.id, False, user.id)
                color = discord.Color.red()

                await message.channel.send(
                    "Appeal denied! " + appealUser.name + "#" +
                    appealUser.discriminator + " has NOT been unbanned!",

                # Notify the user
                dm_channel = appealUser.dm_channel
                if dm_channel is None:
                    await appealUser.create_dm()
                    dm_channel = appealUser.dm_channel

                # Send message
                    await dm_channel.send(
                        "Thanks for your interest in appealing your WatchDog Ban!\n\nWe are sorry to inform you that "
                        "your Ban Appeal has been denied by our Global Moderators... If you believe that this is "
                        "unjustified, you can always try appealing again, by writing a new reason, "
                        "or you can try contacting the bot owner, HeroGamers#0001, directly!"
                except Exception as e:
                    # if we can't send the DM, the user probably has DM's off, at which point we would uhhh, yeah.
                    # back to this later
                    await logger.log(
                        "Couldn't send DM to banned user. User ID: " +
                        str(appealUser.id) + " - Error: " + str(e), self.bot,

            # Update the embed
            embed = createEmbed(
                status + " by " + user.name + "#" + user.discriminator, color,
                reason, appealUser, appeal, ban, moderator)
            await message.edit(embed=embed)