def employerEditLogo(): if escape(session['type']) == 'employer': if request.method == 'GET': cid = adb.get_cid(escape(session['uname'])) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], "logo{}.jpg".format(cid))): return render_template('employereditlogo.html', imgpath=app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] + "logo{}.jpg".format(cid), cid=cid) else: return render_template('employeraddlogo.html', cid=cid) if request.method == 'POST': #use the logged in uname(email) and position name #to create position in db module cid = adb.get_cid(escape(session['uname'])) imgfile = request.files['img_file'] if imgfile and allowed_image(imgfile.filename): fname = "logo{}.{}".format(cid, 'jpg')['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], fname)) flash("Successfully added your logo!") return redirect('/Employer/Home') else: flash("Could not add image file") return redirect('/Employer/Home') return 'employer'
def employerChangeDescription(iid): if escape(session['type']) == 'employer': cid = adb.get_cid(escape(session['uname'])) if adb.check_ci_ids(cid, iid): if request.method == 'GET': if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], "desc{}.txt".format(iid))): txtfile = open(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], "desc{}.txt".format(iid))) return render_template('employereditdescription.html', else: return render_template('employeradddescription.html') if request.method == 'POST': #use the logged in uname(email) and position name #to create position in db module txtfile = request.files['txt_file'] if txtfile and allowed_text(txtfile.filename): fname = "desc{}.{}".format(iid, 'txt')['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], fname)) flash("Successfully added your description!") return redirect('/Employer/ViewInternships') else: flash("Could not add your description.") return redirect('/Employer/ViewInternships') return redirect('/Employer')
def employerDeleteInt(iid): if escape(session['type']) == 'employer': cid = adb.get_cid(escape(session['uname'])) if adb.check_ci_ids(cid, iid) and adb.int_isactive(iid): adb.int_makeinactive(iid) flash("Deleted your internship.") return redirect('/Employer/ViewInternships') return redirect('/Employer')
def employerViewSpecificInt(iid): if escape(session['type']) == 'employer': cid = adb.get_cid(escape(session['uname'])) if adb.check_ci_ids(cid, iid): studs = students_applied(iid) sname, iname = adb.get_name(iid=iid) return render_template('employerviewinternshipsiid.html', students=studs, iid=iid, posname=iname) return redirect('/Employer')
def employerViewInt(): if escape(session['type']) == 'employer': sid = request.args.get('sid') iid = request.args.get('iid') cid = adb.get_cid(escape(session['uname'])) if sid and iid: if adb.check_ci_ids(cid, iid): adb.student_seen(sid, iid) flash('Student has been removed.') return redirect('/Employer/ViewInternships/{}'.format(iid)) internlist = [] for r in adb.view_cjoini_t(): if r[2] == cid and r[8]: internlist.append(r) return render_template('employerviewinternships.html', internlist=internlist) return 'employer'
def employerRegister(): try: #if already logged in as employer go straight to home if escape(session['type']) == 'employer': return redirect('/Employer/Home') except: pass error = None if request.method == 'POST': #returns 0 if successful, 1 if username already taken #2 if passwords dont match up, 3 if email already taken/invalid flag = reg_employer(request.form['username'], request.form['password'], request.form['cpassword'], request.form['email']) if not flag: #log in not implemented session['uname'] = request.form['email'] session['type'] = "employer" imgfile = request.files['img_file'] if imgfile and allowed_image(imgfile.filename): cid = adb.get_cid(escape(session['uname'])) fname = "logo{}.{}".format(cid, 'jpg')['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], fname)) flash("Successfully added your logo!") else: flash("Could not add logo") return log_employer_in('email') elif flag == 1: error = 'Invalid username/password' elif flag == 2: error = 'Invalid e-mail' elif flag == 3: error = 'Company or E-mail already in use!' return render_template('employerregister.html', error=error)