コード例 #1
ファイル: frontend.py プロジェクト: fasthall/kmeans-service
def download_labels():
    Generate CSV file for label assignment

    job_id: str
    task_id: str
        converted to int in this function

    text/csv file

    job_id = request.args.get('job_id')
    if job_id is None:
        return None
    task_id = int(request.args.get('task_id'))
    if task_id is None:
        return None
    task = mongo_get_task(job_id, task_id)
    if task is None:
        return None

    covar_type = task['covar_type']
    covar_tied = task['covar_tied']
    k = task['k']
    export_filename = '{}_{}_{}_{}.csv'.format(job_id, covar_type, covar_tied, k)

    job = mongo_get_job(job_id)
    s3_file_key = job['s3_file_key']
    data = s3_to_df(s3_file_key)

    data = data.assign(Label=task['labels'])
    response = make_response(data.to_csv(index=False))
    response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename={}".format(export_filename)
    response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/csv"
    return response
コード例 #2
ファイル: frontend.py プロジェクト: fasthall/kmeans-service
def plot_cluster():
    Generate the Cluster plot as a PNG

    job_id: str
    x_axis: str
        Name of column from user dataset to be used for the x axis of the plot
    y_axis: str
        Name of column from user dataset to be used for the y axis of the plot

    job_id = request.args.get('job_id')
    x_axis = request.args.get('x_axis')
    y_axis = request.args.get('y_axis')
    show_ticks = request.args.get('show_ticks', 'True') == 'True'
    min_members = int(request.args.get('min_members', None))
    if job_id is None or x_axis is None or y_axis is None:
        return None

    job = mongo_get_job(job_id)
    tasks = mongo_get_tasks(job_id)

    if min_members is not None:
        tasks = filter_by_min_members(tasks, min_members)
    covar_types, covar_tieds, ks, labels, bics, task_ids = tasks_to_best_results(tasks)
    s3_file_key = job['s3_file_key']
    viz_columns = [x_axis, y_axis]
    data = s3_to_df(s3_file_key)
    fig = plot_cluster_fig(data, viz_columns, zip(covar_types, covar_tieds, labels, ks, bics), show_ticks)
    cluster_plot = fig_to_png(fig)
    response = make_response(cluster_plot.getvalue())
    response.mimetype = 'image/png'
    return response
コード例 #3
ファイル: frontend.py プロジェクト: fasthall/kmeans-service
def status(job_id=None):
    Pull information on all tasks for a job from MongoDB and render as a table

    job_id: str

    if request.method == 'POST':
        job_id = request.form['job_id']
        if job_id:
            return redirect(url_for('status', job_id=job_id))
            flash("Invalid job ID!", 'danger')
            return render_template('index.html')
    if job_id is None:
        job_id = request.args.get('job_id', None)
    if job_id is None:
        flash('Job ID invalid!'.format(job_id), category='danger')
        return render_template('index.html')
        if not mongo_job_id_exists(job_id):
            flash('Job ID {} not found!'.format(job_id), category='danger')
            return render_template('index.html')

        # job_id is valid
        job = mongo_get_job(job_id)
        tasks = mongo_get_tasks(job_id)
        stats = task_stats(job['n_tasks'], tasks)
        start_time_date, start_time_clock = format_date_time(job['start_time'])
        return render_template('status.html', job_id=job_id, stats=stats, tasks=tasks, job=job,
                               start_time_date=start_time_date, start_time_clock=start_time_clock)
コード例 #4
ファイル: frontend.py プロジェクト: fasthall/kmeans-service
def plot_correlation():
    Generate the Correlation heat map as a PNG

    job_id: str


    job_id = request.args.get('job_id')
    if job_id is None:
        return None
    job = mongo_get_job(job_id)
    s3_file_key = job['s3_file_key']
    data = s3_to_df(s3_file_key)
    fig = plot_correlation_fig(data)
    correlation_plot = fig_to_png(fig)
    response = make_response(correlation_plot.getvalue())
    response.mimetype = 'image/png'
    return response
コード例 #5
ファイル: frontend.py プロジェクト: fasthall/kmeans-service
def report(job_id=None):
    Generate report for a job

    job_id: str
    x_axis: str
        Name of column from user dataset to be used for the x axis of the plot
    y_axis: str
        Name of column from user dataset to be used for the y axis of the plot
    min_members: int, optional
        Minimum number of members required in all clusters in an experiment to consider the experiment for the report.

    if request.method == 'POST':
        job_id = request.form.get('job_id')
        x_axis = request.form.get('x_axis', None)
        y_axis = request.form.get('y_axis', None)
        min_members = request.form.get('min_members', None)
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        if job_id is None:
            job_id = request.args.get('job_id')
        x_axis = request.args.get('x_axis', None)
        y_axis = request.args.get('y_axis', None)
        min_members = request.args.get('min_members', None)
    if job_id is None:
        flash('Job ID invalid!'.format(job_id), category='danger')
        return render_template('index.html')
    if not mongo_job_id_exists(job_id):
        flash('Job ID {} not found!'.format(job_id), category='danger')
        return render_template('index.html')

    # job_id is valid
    job = mongo_get_job(job_id)
    n_tasks = job['n_tasks']
    tasks = mongo_get_tasks(job_id)
    n_tasks_done = len([x for x in tasks if x['task_status'] == 'done'])
    if n_tasks != n_tasks_done:
        flash('All tasks not completed yet for job ID: {}'.format(job_id), category='danger')
        return redirect(url_for('status', job_id=job_id))

    # all tasks are done
    if min_members is None:
        min_members = 10
        min_members = int(min_members)
    tasks = filter_by_min_members(tasks, min_members=min_members)
    start_time_date, start_time_clock = format_date_time(job['start_time'])

    covar_types, covar_tieds, ks, labels, bics, task_ids = tasks_to_best_results(tasks)

    if x_axis is None or y_axis is None:
        # Visualize the first two columns that are not on the exclude list
        viz_columns = [c for c in job['columns'] if c.lower().strip() not in EXCLUDE_COLUMNS][:2]
        viz_columns = [x_axis, y_axis]

    data = s3_to_df(job['s3_file_key'])
    columns = list(data.columns)
    spatial_columns = [c for c in columns if c.lower() in SPATIAL_COLUMNS][:2]

    # recommendations for all covariance types
    covar_type_tied_k = {}
    for covar_type in covar_types:
        covar_type_tied_k[covar_type.capitalize()] = {}

    for covar_type, covar_tied, k in zip(covar_types, covar_tieds, ks):
        covar_type_tied_k[covar_type.capitalize()][['Untied', 'Tied'][covar_tied]] = k

    # task_id for all recommended assignments
    covar_type_tied_task_id = {}
    for covar_type in covar_types:
        covar_type_tied_task_id[covar_type.capitalize()] = {}

    for covar_type, covar_tied, task_id in zip(covar_types, covar_tieds, task_ids):
        covar_type_tied_task_id[covar_type.capitalize()][['Untied', 'Tied'][covar_tied]] = task_id

    return render_template('report.html', job_id=job_id, job=job, min_members=min_members,
                           covar_type_tied_k=covar_type_tied_k, covar_type_tied_task_id=covar_type_tied_task_id,
                           columns=columns, viz_columns=viz_columns, spatial_columns=spatial_columns,
                           start_time_date=start_time_date, start_time_clock=start_time_clock)