def run_draft(match_id, team_id): c = Cursor("emporium_draft") items = c.execute(ITEMS_FOR_DRAFT_QUERY, (match_id, team_id)).fetchall() for i, item in enumerate(items): if not i % 100: print " processing item #%s" % i draft_item(c, match_id, team_id, item)
def send_scheduled_mails(): """ Send scheduled mails """ with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare(""" SELECT * FROM scheduled_mails WHERE active is TRUE AND (schedule_day = (EXTRACT(DOW FROM NOW()) + 1) OR schedule_day = 0) """) cursor.exec_() now = QtCore.QDate.currentDate() while unit = cursor.value('schedule_unit') interval = cursor.value('schedule_interval') mail_data = {} # Exlude mail when it's too soon to send them if cursor.value('last_sent').isValid(): if unit not in UNIT_TO_FUNC: continue send_date = UNIT_TO_FUNC[unit](cursor.value('last_sent'), interval) if send_date > now: continue # Ok send mail recipients = api.mail.get_recipients( cursor.value('filter'), cursor.value('filter_value'), ) for recipient in recipients: if recipient['hidden']: continue subject = api.mail.format_message(cursor.value('subject'), recipient) message = api.mail.format_message(cursor.value('message'), recipient) api.mail.send_mail(recipient['mail'], subject, message, cursor.value('sender')) # Update database. with Cursor() as update_cursor: update_cursor.prepare(""" UPDATE scheduled_mails SET last_sent=DATE(NOW()) WHERE name=:name """) update_cursor.bindValue(":name", cursor.value('name')) update_cursor.exec_() if update_cursor.lastError().isValid(): print(update_cursor.lastError().text())
def get_possible_filter_values(col, filters): """ Get all the possible values for a filter given all other applied filters :param str col: db column name :param dict filters: A dict giving corresponding value to filters """ if not filters: sqlfilters = [] else: sqlfilters = [c + "=:" + c for c in filters if c != col] if col == 'product' and filters.get('category', '') != "Note": sqlfilters.append("category != 'Note'") with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare(""" SELECT DISTINCT {c} FROM transactions {w} {filters} ORDER BY {c} """.format(c=col, w="WHERE" * bool(sqlfilters), filters=' AND '.join(sqlfilters))) for key, value in filters.items(): cursor.bindValue(":{}".format(key), value) cursor.exec_() if col not in FILTER_FIELDS_CACHE: FILTER_FIELDS_CACHE[col] = cursor.indexOf(col) while yield cursor.value(FILTER_FIELDS_CACHE[col])
def remove_notes(note_names, category_name): """ Remove notes from a category :param list note_names: A list of nicknames of notes to remove from this category :param str category_name: The category name :return bool: True if the notes have been removed, False otherwise """ with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare(""" DELETE FROM note_categories_assoc WHERE note=(SELECT id FROM notes WHERE nickname=:note) AND category=(SELECT id FROM note_categories WHERE name=:category) """) cursor.bindValue(":note", note_names) cursor.bindValue(":category", [ category_name, ] * len(note_names)) ret = cursor.execBatch() if ret: for note in note_names: api.notes.rebuild_note_cache(note) api.redis.send_message("enibar-notes", note_names) return ret
def perform_query(self): args = request.args parameter = 'pm10' # parameter will be used as part of an fstring in the query, but don't worry # as we check it against a whitelist if 'parameter' in args: parameter = args['parameter'] if parameter not in MyWebService.allowed_parameters: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter passed") retVal = dict() with Cursor(Database()) as c: for row in c.execute( f"""select longitude, latitude, avg(value) as val, "average" as type, date from air_quality where date > strftime('%s', datetime('now') - 3*60*60) and parameter = '{parameter}' group by 1, 2 union select longitude, latitude, value as val, "last_data" as type, date from air_quality a1 where date=(select max(date) from air_quality a2 where a1.longitude=a2.longitude and a1.latitude=a2.latitude and a1.parameter = a2.parameter) and parameter = '{parameter}' order by date asc""" ): # date is necessary to be in the query because of the "order by" clause cur = MyWebService.GeoPoint(lng=row[0], lat=row[1]) if row[3] == 'average' or cur not in retVal: retVal[cur] = row[2] # return jsonify(list({'lng': k.lng, 'lat':, 'val': v} for k, v in retVal.items())) return jsonify(list({'lng': k.lng, 'lat':, 'val': MyWebService._get_val(v, parameter)} for k, v in retVal.items()))
def test_get(self): """ Testing get price function """ self.assertEqual(list(api.prices.get()), []) price_desc_id = api.prices.add_descriptor("Unité", self.cat_drink, 100) pid = api.products.add("Lapin", category_id=self.cat_drink) price_id = None with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare("SELECT id FROM prices WHERE product=?") cursor.addBindValue(pid) self.assertTrue(cursor.exec_()) if price_id = cursor.record().value('id') self.assertIsNotNone(price_id) self.assertEqual(list(api.prices.get()), [{ 'alcoholic': False, 'id': price_id, 'label': "Unité", 'value': 0, 'product': pid, 'category': self.cat_drink, }]) api.prices.add(None, price_desc_id, 0) self.assertTrue(self.count_prices(), 2) self.assertEqual(list(api.prices.get(id=price_id)), [{ 'alcoholic': False, 'id': price_id, 'label': "Unité", 'value': 0, 'product': pid, 'category': self.cat_drink, }])
def get_notes_stats(): """ Yield dicts representing stats. {'nickname', 'product', 'price_name', 'price', 'category', 'quantity'} """ global STATS_FIELDS_CACHE with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare("SELECT notes.nickname AS nickname,\ transactions.product AS product,\ transactions.price_name AS price_name,\ transactions.price/transactions.quantity AS price,\ transactions.category AS category,\ SUM(transactions.quantity) AS quantity \ FROM transactions JOIN notes ON \ ((notes.lastname = transactions.lastname AND \ notes.firstname = transactions.firstname) OR \ notes.nickname = transactions.note) AND \ notes.stats_inscription = TRUE \ GROUP BY notes.nickname, transactions.product,\ transactions.price_name, transactions.price, \ transactions.quantity, transactions.category") cursor.exec_() while if not STATS_FIELDS_CACHE: STATS_FIELDS_CACHE = {field: cursor.indexOf(field) for field in STATS_FIELDS} yield {field: cursor.value(STATS_FIELDS_CACHE[field]) for field in STATS_FIELDS}
def delete_user(user_id): try: with Cursor() as cur: cur.execute('DELETE FROM users WHERE id = %s', (user_id, )) return server.ok(message='successfully deleted user') except: return server.error('unable to delete user')
def filtered_getter(table, filter_, reverse=False, max_=None, order_by="id"): """ This creates a request in the table table with the filter filter_ and returns the cursor of this request for future use. """ with Cursor() as cursor: filters = [] for key in copy.copy(filter_): if key.endswith('__gt'): filter_[key[:-4]] = filter_[key] del filter_[key] filters.append("{key}>:{key}".format(key=key[:-4])) else: filters.append("{key}=:{key}".format(key=key)) cursor.prepare("SELECT * FROM {} {} {} {} {} {}".format( table, "WHERE" * bool(len(filters)), " AND ".join(filters), "ORDER BY {} DESC".format(order_by) * reverse, "ORDER BY {} ASC".format(order_by) * (not reverse), "LIMIT {}".format(max_) * bool(max_), )) for key, arg in filter_.items(): cursor.bindValue(":{}".format(key), arg) if cursor.exec_(): return cursor
def save_model(name, subject, message, filter_, filter_value): """ Save mail model :param str name: Model name :param str subject: Model subject :param str message: Model message :param int filter_: Filter used to match notes when sending :param str filter_value: Filter additioal value :return bool: Operation succes or not """ try: subject.format(**COMPLETION_FIELD) message.format(**COMPLETION_FIELD) except KeyError: return False with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare(""" INSERT INTO mail_models(name, subject, message, filter, filter_value) VALUES (:name, :subject, :message, :filter, :filter_value) ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET subject=:subject, message=:message, filter=:filter, filter_value=:filter_value """) cursor.bindValue(':name', name) cursor.bindValue(':subject', subject) cursor.bindValue(':message', message) cursor.bindValue(':filter', filter_) cursor.bindValue(':filter_value', filter_value) cursor.exec_() return not cursor.lastError().isValid()
def add_notes(note_names, category_name): """ Add notes to the note category :param list note_names: A list of nicknames of notes to add to this category :param str category_name: The category name :return bool: True if the notes have been added, False otherwise """ with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare(""" INSERT INTO note_categories_assoc (note, category) VALUES((SELECT id FROM notes WHERE nickname=:note), (SELECT id FROM note_categories WHERE name=:category)) """) cursor.bindValue(':note', note_names) cursor.bindValue(':category', [ category_name, ] * len(note_names)) ret = cursor.execBatch() if ret: for note in note_names: api.notes.rebuild_note_cache(note) api.redis.send_message("enibar-notes", note_names) return ret
def get_descriptor(**kwargs): """ Get price descriptor :param \*\*kwargs: filters to apply """ global PRICE_DESCRIPTOR_FIELDS_CACHE with Cursor() as cursor: request_filters = [] for key in kwargs: request_filters.append("{key}=:{key}".format(key=key)) request = "SELECT * FROM price_description WHERE {}".format( " AND ".join(request_filters)) cursor.prepare(request) for key, arg in kwargs.items(): cursor.bindValue(":{}".format(key), arg) cursor.exec_() while if PRICE_DESCRIPTOR_FIELDS_CACHE == {}: PRICE_DESCRIPTOR_FIELDS_CACHE = { f: cursor.indexOf(f) for f in PRICE_DESCRIPTOR_FIELDS } yield { field: cursor.value(PRICE_DESCRIPTOR_FIELDS_CACHE[field]) for field in PRICE_DESCRIPTOR_FIELDS }
def add_hidden_notes_category(self, name): category = api.note_categories.add(name) with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare( "UPDATE note_categories SET hidden=TRUE WHERE name=:name") cursor.bindValue(':name', name) cursor.exec_() return category
def remove(price_id): """ Remove price :param int price_id: Price id """ with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare("DELETE FROM prices WHERE id=:id") cursor.bindValue(':id', price_id) return cursor.exec_()
def create_user(steamid, group=UserGroup.NORMAL): """ Attempts to create a user based on their steamid, and optionally a group. This expectes to fail if the steamid already exists, and will raise `psycopg2.IntegrityError` when it does. """ with Cursor() as c: now = datetime.utcnow() return c.execute(CREATE_USER_QUERY, (steamid, True, now, now, group, Cursor.json(DEFAULT_SETTINGS))).fetchone().id
def remove_descriptor(descriptor_id): """ Remove price from category :param int descriptor_id: Price descriptor id :return bool: True if operation succeed """ with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare("DELETE FROM price_description WHERE id=:id") cursor.bindValue(":id", descriptor_id) return cursor.exec_()
def delete_model(name): """ Delete model with given name :param str name: Model name """ with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare("DELETE FROM mail_models WHERE name=:name") cursor.bindValue(':name', name) cursor.exec_() return not cursor.lastError().isValid()
def delete_scheduled_mail(name): """ Delete scheduled mail :param str name: Name of the mail you want to delete :return bool: Operation success """ with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare("DELETE FROM scheduled_mails WHERE name=:name") cursor.bindValue(':name', name) cursor.exec_() return not cursor.lastError().isValid()
def save_scheduled_mails(name, active, sched_int, sched_unit, sched_day, filter_, filter_val, subject, sender, message, last_sent): """ Save scheduled mail :param str name: Scheduled mail name :param bool active: Enable mail sending if True :param int sched_int: Schedule interval :param str sched_unit: One of the following: day, week, month :param int sched_day: Day the mail should be sent on :param int filter_: Filter used to match notes to send to ;parma str filter_val: Filter value :param str subject: Mail subject :param str sender: Mail sender :param str message: Mail content :param QDateTime last_sent: Last date message was sent :return bool: Operation success """ try: subject.format(**COMPLETION_FIELD) message.format(**COMPLETION_FIELD) except KeyError: return False with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare(""" INSERT INTO scheduled_mails(name, active, schedule_interval, schedule_day, filter, filter_value, subject, sender, message, schedule_unit, last_sent) VALUES(:name, :active, :sched_interval, :sched_day, :filter, :filter_val, :subject, :sender, :message, :schedule_unit, :last_sent) ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET name=:name, active=:active, schedule_interval=:sched_interval, schedule_day=:sched_day, filter=:filter, filter_value=:filter_val, subject=:subject, message=:message, sender=:sender, schedule_unit=:schedule_unit, last_sent=:last_sent """) cursor.bindValue(':name', name) cursor.bindValue(':active', bool(active)) cursor.bindValue(':sched_interval', sched_int) cursor.bindValue(':sched_day', sched_day) cursor.bindValue(':filter', filter_) cursor.bindValue(':filter_val', filter_val) cursor.bindValue(':subject', subject) cursor.bindValue(':sender', sender) cursor.bindValue(':message', message) cursor.bindValue(':schedule_unit', sched_unit) cursor.bindValue(':last_sent', last_sent) cursor.exec_() return not cursor.lastError().isValid()
def set_value(id_, value): """ Set price value If you have to change value of multiple prices use set_multiple_values instead. :param int id_: price id :param float value: new price value """ with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare("UPDATE prices SET value=:value WHERE id=:id") cursor.bindValue(":id", id_) cursor.bindValue(":value", value) return cursor.exec_()
def rollback_transaction(id_, full=False): """ Rollback transaction And refill note with money :param int id_: Transaction id: :param bool full: Rollback the full transaction ? """ trans = get_unique(id=id_) if not trans: return False try: def filter_(x): return x['firstname'] == trans['firstname'] and \ x['lastname'] == trans['lastname'] note = api.notes.get(filter_)[0] except IndexError: return False quantity = int(trans['quantity']) with Cursor() as cursor: if quantity > 1 and not full: cursor.prepare("UPDATE transactions SET quantity=quantity - 1,\ price=:price WHERE id=:id AND deletable=TRUE") price = trans['price'] / quantity cursor.bindValue(':price', trans['price'] - price) cursor.bindValue(':id', trans['id']) task = api.sde.send_history_lines([{ "id": trans["id"], "price": trans["price"] - price, "quantity": quantity - 1 }]) else: task = api.sde.send_history_deletion([trans['id']]) cursor.prepare("DELETE FROM transactions WHERE id=:id " "AND deletable=TRUE") cursor.bindValue(':id', trans['id']) price = trans['price'] cursor.exec_() if not cursor.lastError().isValid() and cursor.numRowsAffected() > 0: asyncio.ensure_future(task) api.redis.send_message("enibar-notes", [note['nickname']]) return True task.close() return False
def test_protected_categories(self): note_categories.add("test") with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare( "UPDATE note_categories SET protected=TRUE WHERE name='test'") cursor.exec_() note_categories.delete(["test"]) note_categories.set_hidden(["test"], True) note_categories.rename("test", "test2") self.assertEqual(list(note_categories.get()), [{ 'name': 'test', 'hidden': False, 'id': 1, 'protected': 1 }])
def change_descriptor(id_, name, quantity): """ Change price descriptor name and quantity :param int id_: Price descriptor id :param int quantity: The quantity (in mL) of the product :return bool: True if operation succeed """ with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare( "UPDATE price_description SET label=:label, quantity=:quantity WHERE id=:id" ) cursor.bindValue(":id", id_) cursor.bindValue(":label", name) cursor.bindValue(":quantity", quantity) return cursor.exec_()
def rename(old_name, new_name): """ Rename a note category :param str old_name: Old category name :param str new_name: New category name """ with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare( "UPDATE note_categories SET name=:new_name WHERE name=:old_name AND protected=FALSE" ) cursor.bindValue(":new_name", new_name) cursor.bindValue(":old_name", old_name) cursor.exec_()
def rename_scheduled_mail(name, newname): """ Rename scheduled mail :param str name: Mail name :param str newname: New mail name :return bool: Operation success """ with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare(""" UPDATE scheduled_mails SET name=:newname WHERE name=:name """) cursor.bindValue(':name', name) cursor.bindValue(':newname', newname) cursor.exec_() return not cursor.lastError().isValid()
def admin_edit_game(): game = request.values.get("game") g.cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM games WHERE id=%s", (game, )) if not g.cursor.fetchone(): raise APIError("Invalid Game") query = {k: v for (k, v) in request.values.iteritems() if k in GAME_EDITABLE_FIELDS} if not len(query): raise APIError("Nothing to change!") sql = "UPDATE games SET {} WHERE id=%(id)s".format(Cursor.map_values(query)) query['id'] = game g.cursor.execute(sql, query) return APIResponse()
def admin_user_edit(): user = request.values.get("user") print user g.cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM users WHERE id=%s", (user, )) if not g.cursor.fetchone(): raise APIError("Invalid User") query = {k: v for (k, v) in request.values.iteritems() if k in USER_EDITABLE_FIELDS} if not len(query): raise APIError("Nothing to change!") sql = "UPDATE users SET {} WHERE id=%(id)s".format(Cursor.map_values(query)) query['id'] = user g.cursor.execute(sql, query) return APIResponse()
def change_ecocups(nick, diff, do_not=False): """ Change the number of ecocups taken on a note. :param str nick: The nickname og the note :param int diff: The number of ecocups to add. """ with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare("UPDATE notes SET ecocups=ecocups+:diff WHERE\ nickname=:nick") cursor.bindValue(":diff", diff) cursor.bindValue(":nick", nick) value = cursor.exec_() note = NOTES_CACHE[nick] note['ecocups'] = note['ecocups'] + diff api.redis.send_message("enibar-notes", [ nick, ]) return value
def create_match(user, game, teams, meta, lock_date, match_date, public_date, view_perm=UserGroup.NORMAL): validate_match_team_data(teams) with Cursor() as c: c.execute(CREATE_MATCH_SQL, { "game": game, "teams": teams, "meta": meta, "results": Cursor.json({}), "lock_date": lock_date, "match_date": match_date, "public_date": public_date, "view_perm": view_perm, "active": False, "created_at": datetime.utcnow(), "created_by": user }) return c.fetchone().id
def process_item(name, image, data): with Cursor() as c: pdata = c.execute("SELECT id, price FROM items WHERE name=%s", (name, )).fetchone() if pdata: return (, float(pdata.price)) try: i_vol, i_low, i_med = except SteamAPIError: log.exception("Failed to get price for item '%s'" % name) new = c.execute("INSERT INTO items (name, price, meta) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) RETURNING id", ( name, i_low, Cursor.json({ "image": image, "descriptions": data }) )).fetchone() return (, i_low)
def create_user(first_name, last_name, email, password, created_by): password_hash = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf8'), bcrypt.gensalt()).decode('utf8') try: with Cursor() as cur: cur.execute( 'INSERT INTO users ' '(first_name, last_name, email, password, created_by) ' 'VALUES ' '(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ' 'RETURNING *', (first_name, last_name, email, password_hash, created_by)) emails.new_user(email, password) return server.ok(data=cur.fetchone()) except: return server.error('unable to create user')
def get_users(page_size, page_index, name): query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE type = 'regular' " if name: query += "AND levenshtein(first_name, '{0}') <= 2 or levenshtein(last_name, '{0}') <= 2 " \ .format(name) query += "ORDER BY created_on DESC LIMIT {} OFFSET {}".format( page_size, page_size * page_index) try: with Cursor() as cur: cur.execute(query) if cur.rowcount: return server.ok(data=cur.fetchall()) else: return server.not_found('no users found') except: return server.error('unable to get users')
def get_notes(category_name): """ Yields the nicknames of all the notes in the category :param str category_name: The category name """ with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare(""" SELECT filtered_notes.nickname as nick FROM (SELECT id, nickname FROM notes WHERE IN (SELECT note FROM note_categories_assoc WHERE category= (SELECT id FROM note_categories WHERE name=:name) ) ) filtered_notes """) cursor.bindValue(':name', category_name) if cursor.exec_(): while yield cursor.value("nick")
def set_hidden(category_names, hidden): """ Change the hidden value of one or more categories :param str category_name: The name of the category :param bool hidden: The new state. """ with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.prepare( "UPDATE note_categories SET hidden=:hidden WHERE name=:name AND protected=FALSE" ) cursor.bindValue(":name", category_names) cursor.bindValue(":hidden", [ hidden, ] * len(category_names)) cursor.execBatch() notes = api.notes.get(lambda x: any(category_name in x["categories"] for category_name in category_names)) api.redis.send_message("enibar-notes", [note['nickname'] for note in notes])
def generateReport(): """ Generates a report of answers to the questions in the questionsAndQueriesList """ for listItem in questionsAndQueriesList: with Cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(listItem['query'].replace('\n', ' ')) results = cursor.fetchall() field_names = [ str(i[0]).replace('_', ' ').upper() for i in cursor.description ] print('### ' + listItem['question'], end='\n\n') print('| ' + ' | '.join(field_names) + ' |') print('| ' + ('--- | ' * len(field_names))) for result in results: print('| ' + ' | '.join(str(x) for x in result) + ' |') print('\r\n', end='')
def get(**kwargs): """ Get prices filtered by given values :param \*\*kwargs: filters to apply """ global PRICE_FIELDS_CACHE with Cursor() as cursor: filters = [] for key in kwargs: filters.append("prices.{key}=:{key}".format(key=key)) cursor.prepare("SELECT as id,\ prices.product as product,\ prices.value as value,\ price_description.label as label,\ price_description.category as category, \ categories.alcoholic AS alcoholic \ FROM prices JOIN price_description \ ON \ JOIN categories \ ON \ {} {}".format("WHERE" * bool(filters), " AND ".join(filters))) for key, arg in kwargs.items(): cursor.bindValue(":{}".format(key), arg) if cursor.exec_(): while if PRICE_FIELDS_CACHE == {}: PRICE_FIELDS_CACHE = { f: cursor.indexOf(f) for f in PRICE_FIELDS } line = { field: cursor.value(PRICE_FIELDS_CACHE[field]) for field in PRICE_FIELDS } line[ 'value'] += settings.ALCOHOL_MAJORATION * line['alcoholic'] yield line
def match_to_json(m, user=None): """ Right now this function is a performance clusterfuck. Almost all of the data in here can be gathered with a single query and windowed multi-join, but lets wait until shit breaks, eh? """ c = Cursor() if not isinstance(m, tuple): c.execute(MATCH_SELECT_SQL, (m, )) m = c.fetchone() if not m: raise InvalidRequestError("Failed to match_to_json with arg %s" % m) match = {} match['id'] = match['game'] = match['when'] = int(m.match_date.strftime("%s")) match['teams'] = [] match['extra'] = {} match['stats'] = {} # This will most definitily require some f*****g caching at some point bet_stats = c.execute("""SELECT sum(array_length(items, 1)) as skins_count, count(*) as count, sum(value) as value, team FROM bets WHERE match=%s AND state >= 'confirmed' GROUP BY team""", (, )).fetchall(as_list=True) match['stats']['players'] = sum(map(lambda i: i.count, bet_stats)) match['stats']['skins'] = sum(map(lambda i: i.skins_count, bet_stats)) match['stats']['value'] = sum(map(lambda i: i.value, bet_stats)) bet_stats = { i for i in bet_stats} # Grab team information, including bets (this should be a join) c.execute("SELECT * FROM teams WHERE id IN %s", (tuple(m.teams), )) teams = c.fetchall() total_bets = sum(map(lambda i: i.count, bet_stats.values())) * 1.0 total_value = sum(map(lambda i: i.value, bet_stats.values())) for index, team in enumerate(teams): team_data = { "id":, "name":, "tag": team.tag, "logo": team.logo, "stats": { "players": 0, "skins": 0, "value": 0, }, "odds": 0 } if index in bet_stats: team_data['stats']['players'] = bet_stats[index].count team_data['stats']['skins'] = bet_stats[index].skins_count team_data['stats']['value'] = bet_stats[index].value team_data['odds'] = float("{0:.2f}".format(bet_stats[index].count / total_bets)) match['teams'].append(team_data) if user: match['me'] = {} mybet = c.execute(""" SELECT id, team, items::steam_item[], state, value FROM bets WHERE match=%s AND better=%s """, (, user)).fetchone() if mybet: match['me']['id'] = match['me']['team'] = match['me']['state'] = mybet.state match['me']['value'] = mybet.value match['me']['state'] = mybet.state if total_value > mybet.value: my_return = ((total_value * 1.0) / match['teams'][]['stats']['value']) * mybet.value else: my_return = mybet.value match['me']['return'] = float("{0:.2f}".format(my_return)) # Load items in sub query :( match['me']['items'] = [] items = c.execute("SELECT id, name, price, meta FROM items WHERE id IN %s", (tuple( map(lambda i: i.item_id, mybet.items)), )) for item in items.fetchall(): match['me']['items'].append({ "id":, "name":, "price": float(item.price), "image": item.meta['image'] }) for key in ['league', 'type', 'event', 'streams', 'maps', 'note']: if key in m.meta: match['extra'][key] = m.meta[key] match['results'] = m.results return match