class Scan: def __init__(self): self.auditNumber = None self.auditName = None self.revisionNumber = None self.revisionName = None self.myIP = None = SelectAuditRev() self.ask = Ask() = ChangeFormat() self.cIP = CalcIP() = Check() = ChangeHostName() self.db = Database() self.dbs = ScanDB() self.ex = UtilityExport() = Message() self.nm = nmap.PortScanner() self.nt = NetworkUtility() self.save_path = 'modules/nmap-scan/model/exportedFiles' # where save .txt files self.scanOptions = {'discovery':0, 'operatingSystem':0, 'versionORscript':0, 'custom':0, 'portsState':0} # what the user want to scan. Values: -1 (not used) or 1 (used) # not allowed commands at CustomParameters option (black list). Those that modify input or output information self.scanCustomNotAllowedOptions = ['-iL', '-iR', '--exludefile', '-oN', '-oX', '-oS', '-oG', '-oA', '--append-output', '--resume', '--stylesheet', '--webxml', '--no_stylesheet', '--append-output'] def select_audit(self): self.auditNumber, self.auditName = self.select_revision() def select_revision(self): self.auditNumber, self.auditName, self.revisionNumber, self.revisionName =, self.auditName) def discovery(self): if self.__initScan() == 1: # ask for hosts ip to scan. Save hosts ip as nmap format (shortFormat) and as complete format (longFormat) hosts2scan_shortFormat, hosts2scan_longFormat = self.ask.askHostsIP(self.myIP) if hosts2scan_longFormat != -1: # scan self.__scanDiscovery(hosts2scan_shortFormat) # indicate option self.scanOptions['discovery']=1 self.__actualiceOptions() # show ip of hosts up self.__showHostsIPscannedUp() # actualice database self.__actualiceDB(hosts2scan_longFormat) # clear option self.scanOptions['discovery']=0 self.__actualiceOptions() def discoverOS(self): if self.__initScan() == 1: # ask for hosts ip to scan. Save hosts ip as nmap format (shortFormat) and as complete format (longFormat) [hosts2scan_shortFormat, hosts2scan_longFormat] = self.ask.ask4hosts2workOptions(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber, self.myIP) # save ip to scan if hosts2scan_shortFormat != -1 and hosts2scan_longFormat != -1: # scan self.__scanDiscoverOS(hosts2scan_shortFormat) # indicate option self.scanOptions['operatingSystem']=1 self.__actualiceOptions() # show ip of hosts scanned self.__showHostsIPscannedUp() # actualice database self.__actualiceDB(hosts2scan_longFormat) # clear option self.scanOptions['operatingSystem']=0 self.__actualiceOptions() def version(self): if self.__initScan() == 1: # ask for hosts ip to scan hosts2scan = self.ask.ask4hosts2workOptions(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber, self.myIP)[0] if hosts2scan != -1: # scan self.__scanVersion(hosts2scan) # indicate option self.scanOptions['versionORscript']=1 self.__actualiceOptions() # show ip of hosts up self.__showHostsIPscannedUp() # actualice database self.__actualiceDB() # clear option self.scanOptions['versionORscript']=0 self.__actualiceOptions() def script(self): if self.__initScan() == 1: # ask for hosts ip to scan hosts2scan = self.ask.ask4hosts2workOptions(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber, self.myIP)[0] if hosts2scan != -1: # scan self.__scanScript(hosts2scan) # indicate option self.scanOptions['versionORscript']=1 self.__actualiceOptions() # show ip of hosts up self.__showHostsIPscannedUp() # actualice database self.__actualiceDB() # clear option self.scanOptions['versionORscript']=0 self.__actualiceOptions() def CustomParameters(self): # introduce custom parameters if self.__initScan() == 1: # ask for hosts ip to scan. Save hosts ip as nmap format (shortFormat) and as complete format (longFormat) [hosts2scan_shortFormat, hosts2scan_longFormat] = self.ask.ask4hosts2workOptions(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber, self.myIP) if hosts2scan_shortFormat != -1 and hosts2scan_longFormat != -1: # ask for parameters of the scan parameters = self.ask.ask4parameters(self.scanCustomNotAllowedOptions) # scan self.__scanCustomParameters(hosts2scan_shortFormat, parameters) # indicate options self.scanOptions['custom']=1 # # if ports were indicated, then they are added at db as open or closed. If no ports were indicated, not retrieve scanned ports are down and the db has to be actualized if[0] == None: # no ports were indicated, scan retrieves open ports self.scanOptions['versionORscript'] = 1 # necessary to actualize db with no retrieve scanned ports self.__actualiceOptions() # show ip of hosts up self.__showHostsIPscannedUp() # actualice database. In CustomParameters all the information is saved self.__actualiceDB(hosts2scan_longFormat) # clear option self.scanOptions['custom']=0 self.scanOptions['versionORscript'] = 0 self.__actualiceOptions() def puertos(self): # introduce hosts ip and ports to scan and check if ports are open or closed, not more information is saved if self.__initScan() == 1: # ask for hosts ip to scan hosts2scan_shortFormat = self.ask.ask4hosts2workOptions(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber, self.myIP)[0] if hosts2scan_shortFormat != -1: # ask ports to scan ports2scan_shortFormat = self.ask.ask4ports2search()[0] if ports2scan_shortFormat != None: # scan self.__scanPorts(hosts2scan_shortFormat, ports2scan_shortFormat) # indicate options self.scanOptions['portsState']=1 self.__actualiceOptions() # actualice database self.__actualiceDB() # clear options self.scanOptions['portsState']=0 self.__actualiceOptions() def portsFile(self): # create a .txt file, one per port indicated, with hosts IP up with those ports open # check if a revision and audit were selected self.__check_audit_rev(1) if self.auditNumber!= None and self.revisionNumber != None: revision_with_values = self.db.check_tableHostsValues4ThisRevision(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber) if revision_with_values != -1: # ask ports to export ports2File = self.ask.ask4ports2search()[1] # list of int numbers as strings, with all ports if ports2File != None: for port in ports2File: self.__createFile4port(port) else: print color('rojo', 'No hosts discovered for this revision') def allInfoHost(self): # create a .txt file or print at console the information associated to a host # this option must have into account myIP because DB can have other IP with equal value # check if a revision and audit were selected self.__check_audit_rev(1) if self.auditNumber != None and self.revisionNumber != None: revision_with_values = self.db.check_tableHostsValues4ThisRevision(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber) if revision_with_values != -1: # ask how to get the information modeHostInformation = self.ask.askOptionAllInfoHost() # int if modeHostInformation != 0: hostsIP_longFormat = self.ask.ask4hosts2workOptions(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber, None)[1] if hostsIP_longFormat != -1: for hostIP in hostsIP_longFormat: self.__createFile4host(hostIP, modeHostInformation) else: print color('rojo', 'No hosts discovered for this revision') def changeHostName(self): # give an indicative name for each host self.__check_audit_rev(1) if self.auditNumber != None and self.revisionNumber != None: revision_with_values = self.db.check_tableHostsValues4ThisRevision(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber) if revision_with_values != -1:, self.revisionNumber) else: print color('rojo', 'No hosts discovered for this revision') def calcIPbase(self): self.cIP.askAndCalculate() def __initScan(self): # get my hosts IP self.myIP = self.nt.getMyIP() # check if you have network connection networkConnection = self.nt.checkNetworkConnection(self.myIP) if networkConnection == 1: # check if a revision and audit were selected self.__check_audit_rev() return 1 else: return -1 def __actualiceOptions(self): # know type of scan. Save actualized value for take it into account self.scanOptions4Hosts = [self.scanOptions['discovery'], self.scanOptions['operatingSystem'], self.scanOptions['custom']] # options for studying ports self.scanOptions4Ports = [self.scanOptions['versionORscript'], self.scanOptions['portsState'], self.scanOptions['custom']] # options for studying ports # as we see, with custom option all the information is saved def __check_audit_rev(self, noNew=None): # noNew: if no new audit or revision can be created beacuse the selected option only works with information at DB, no creating new # check if a revision and audit were selected and their names saved at self.auditName and self.revisionName if noNew == None: if self.auditNumber == None or self.auditName == None: self.select_audit() if self.revisionNumber == None or self.revisionName == None: self.select_revision() else: if self.auditNumber == None or self.auditName == None: auditsDBallInfo = self.db.retrieve_auditsAllInfo() if == 1: self.auditNumber, self.auditName = else:'audits') if self.auditNumber != None and (self.revisionNumber == None or self.revisionName == None): revisions4AuditDBAllInfo = self.db.retrieve_revisonAllInfoByAuditID(self.auditNumber) if != 1: self.revisionNumber, self.revisionName = else:'revisions for this audit') # add last revison's hosts if this is the first discovery for actual revision def __addDBlastRevisionHosts(self): revision_with_values = self.db.check_tableHostsValues4ThisRevision(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber) if revision_with_values == -1: self.db.add_old_hosts (self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber) # scan for Discovery option def __scanDiscovery(self, hosts2scan): # example in nmap: nmap -n -sP --exclude print 'Discovery scan started' self.nm.scan(hosts=hosts2scan, arguments='-n -sP --exclude '+str(self.myIP)) # scan for Operating System def __scanDiscoverOS(self, hosts2scan): print 'Discover operating system started' self.nm.scan(hosts=hosts2scan, arguments='-O --exclude '+str(self.myIP)) # scan for Version option def __scanVersion(self, hosts2scan): # example in nmap: nmap -sV --exclude print 'Version ports scan started' self.nm.scan(hosts=hosts2scan, arguments='-sV --exclude '+str(self.myIP)) # scan for Script option def __scanScript(self, hosts2scan): print 'Script ports scan started' self.nm.scan(hosts=hosts2scan, arguments='-sV -sC --exclude '+str(self.myIP)) # scan for CustomParameters option def __scanCustomParameters(self, hosts2scan, parameters): # parameters: string # ports2scan: string print 'Custom scan started' self.nm.scan(hosts=hosts2scan, arguments = parameters + ' --exclude '+str(self.myIP)) # scan for Ports option def __scanPorts(self, hosts2scan, ports2scan): # hosts2scan: string # ports2scan: string # example in nmap: nmap -p 20,80 print 'Ports scan started' self.nm.scan(hosts=hosts2scan, arguments="-p "+ports2scan) def __actualiceDB(self, hosts2scan_longFormat=None): # example hosts2scan_longFormat=('', '', '') print 'Saving information in database' macs_up = [] # using later to know which hosts mac put down # check what scan type was maded hostsWereScanned = portsWereScanned = # add last revison hosts (once per revision) self.__addDBlastRevisionHosts() # indicate how info will will be showed if portsWereScanned == 1: print 'Hosts IP: [open ports]' for hostIP in self.nm.all_hosts(): # get host info hostMac, hostOS, hostPortsScanned_longFormat, hostName = self.__getHostScannedInformation(hostIP) # necessary retrieve scanned ports if they were not indicated # save scanned mac macs_up = self.__addScannedMac(hostsWereScanned, hostIP, macs_up, hostMac) # add host to hosts table (new hosts can be discovered) self.__addDBupHost(hostIP, hostMac, hostOS, hostName) # if the host is at the db, it is added again to know the last time it was scanned # work with ports self.__actualiceDBportsOfAhost(portsWereScanned, hostMac, hostIP, hostPortsScanned_longFormat) # add 'down' hosts at host table self.__actualiceDBdownHosts(hostsWereScanned, macs_up, hosts2scan_longFormat) # indicate no ports were scanned when scanning ports if portsWereScanned ==1 and self.nm.all_hosts() == []: # if all ports are closed then nm.all_hosts()=[] (empty) print 'No ports' def __addScannedMac(self, hostsWereScanned, hostIP, macs_up, mac): if mac == None: print str(hostIP) + ": no mac info" else: if hostsWereScanned == 1: macs_up.append(mac) return macs_up def __actualiceDBdownHosts(self, hostsWereScanned, macs_up, hosts2scan_longFormat): # add 'down' hosts at host table if hostsWereScanned==1: # not add 'down' hosts at hosts table when ports are studied because not scanned ports (-> not host showed as up) does not mean the host is down self.__addDBDownHosts(macs_up, hosts2scan_longFormat) def __actualiceDBportsOfAhost(self, portsWereScanned, mac, hostIP, hostPortsScanned_longFormat): # get id of the host with we are working now hostID = self.db.retrieve_hostID_withIP(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber, mac, hostIP) # add last ID host ports. One time for each host ID, neccesary to not forget ports scanned in the past for a host self.__addDBLastIDhostPorts(hostIP, hostID, mac) if portsWereScanned == 1: # get ports open hostPortsOpen = self.__getScannedPortsByState(hostIP, hostPortsScanned_longFormat)[0] # show scanned information self.__showPortsScanned(hostIP, hostPortsOpen) # actualice db for ports self.__actualiceDBtablePuertos(hostID, hostIP, hostPortsScanned_longFormat, hostPortsOpen) # add new row with host up at hosts table def __addDBupHost(self, ip, mac, os=None, name=None): hostActualID = self.db.add_host('up', self.revisionNumber, ip, mac, os, name) # add host and get associated ID # if host had a name, no modify it hostPreviousID = self.db.retrieve_hostPreviousID(self.auditNumber, mac, hostActualID) # get previous host ID at db if hostPreviousID != -1: # host at db with a previous ID hostLastName = self.db.retrieve_hostName_byHostID(hostPreviousID) # get last host name at database if hostLastName != -1: # host had a name self.db.update_hostName_byID(hostActualID, hostLastName) # host had a name at database, don't change this field in order to not modify user's values # add 'down' hosts def __addDBDownHosts(self, macs_up, hosts_scanned): # macs_up: list of strings # hosts_scanned: tuple of strings id_hosts2putDown = self.db.retrieve_id_hosts2putDown(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber, macs_up, self.nm.all_hosts(), hosts_scanned) if id_hosts2putDown != -1: for id_host in id_hosts2putDown: self.__addDBDownHost(id_host) # add new row with hosts down at hosts table def __addDBDownHost(self, id_host): down_hostInfo = self.db.retrieve_hostAllInfo_byID(id_host) os, status, id, rev, ip, date, mac, name = down_hostInfo self.db.add_host('down', self.revisionNumber, ip, mac, os, name) def __actualiceDBtablePuertos(self, hostIDwithPorts, hostIPwithPorts, portsScanned, portsOpen): # add new information to puertos table (all ports' states are allowed) self.__addDBscannedPorts(hostIDwithPorts, hostIPwithPorts, portsScanned) # add 'closed' ports. Ports that were open but now they are closed (for options where if ports are not retrieved as scanned ports it means these ports are closed) self.__addDBactualicePorts2closed(hostIDwithPorts, portsOpen) def __addDBLastIDhostPorts(self, hostWithPorts, actualHostID, mac): # add ports associated to this host (mac) but at the db are associated to an old id_host # it is done only one time per id_host (at the first time working with the id_host) # check if the actual id host has port information at the DB. In order to add old ports only one time per host ID check_idHost_with_DBportsValues = self.db.check_tablePuertosValues4ThisHostID(actualHostID) if check_idHost_with_DBportsValues != 1: # search the last ports information associated to this host (mac) at the table, search the maximum previous id of this host(mac) with port values previousHostID = self.db.retrieve_hostPreviousID(self.auditNumber, mac, actualHostID) # ckeck if last id has values at table puertos check_idPreviousHost_with_portsValues = self.db.check_tablePuertosValues4ThisHostID(previousHostID) # search last id for this host (mac) with ports values (it is not necessarily the las ID because for the last ID maybe no ports were scanned) while check_idPreviousHost_with_portsValues == -1 and previousHostID > 0: previousHostID = self.db.retrieve_hostPreviousID(self.auditNumber, mac, previousHostID) check_idPreviousHost_with_portsValues = self.db.check_tablePuertosValues4ThisHostID(previousHostID) # add previous id_host ports to the actual id_host if check_idPreviousHost_with_portsValues == 1: self.db.add_old_ports4host(previousHostID, actualHostID) def __addDBscannedPorts(self, id_hostWithPorts, ip_hostWithPorts, portsScanned): # ports can be scanned as closed in options where ports' number were specified # work with each port of the host if portsScanned != None: for portScanned in portsScanned: # get port values [version, scripts, state] = self.__getScannedPortInformation(ip_hostWithPorts, portScanned) # state: open or closed # add port, always add in order to know last scan time self.db.add_port(state, id_hostWithPorts, portScanned, version, scripts) def __getHostScannedInformation(self, hostIP): mac = self.__getScannedMac(hostIP) os = self.__getScannedOperatingSystem(hostIP, mac) portsScanned = self.__getScannedPorts(hostIP) # list of integers hostName = self.__getScannedHostName(hostIP) return mac, os, portsScanned, hostName def __getScannedMac (self, ip): # if not port information is scanned, self.nm[hostWithPorts]['addresses']['mac'] generate an exception try: return self.nm[ip]['addresses']['mac'] # addresses: addresses of the discovered host except: return None def __getScannedOperatingSystem(self, ip, mac): # example, for a mobile phone this information will be saved: 'osclass': {'vendor': 'Apple', 'osfamily': 'iOS', 'type': 'phone', 'osgen': '6.X', 'accuracy': '100'} # example2, for a pc not retrieves osclass, only vendor: {'status': {'state': 'up', 'reason': 'arp-response'}, 'hostnames': [], 'vendor': {'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx': 'Microsoft'}, 'addresses': {'mac': '20:62:74:DE:4D:88', 'ipv4': ''}} # example3, other forms depending of the nmap version # checked with in Ubuntu with Nmap version 7.01 and in OS X with Nmap version 6.49BETA5 if self.scanOptions['discovery'] == 1: return None else: try: return[ip]['osclass']) except: # if not information are retrieved in 'osclass' maybe are at other form like at example2 return self.__getScannedOperatingSystemInfoIndividually(ip, mac) def __getScannedOperatingSystemInfoIndividually(self, ip, mac): # retrieve information search directly for 'vendor', 'osfamily' etc OS = self.__getScannedOperatingSystemInfoIndividuallyOption1(ip,mac) if 'None' in OS: OS2 = self.__getScannedOperatingSystemInfoIndividuallyOption2(ip) if OS2 != -1: OS = OS2 return OS def __getScannedOperatingSystemInfoIndividuallyOption1(self,ip,mac): vendor = self.__getScannedOSvendor(ip, mac) osfamily = self.__getScannedOSfamily(ip, mac) ostype = self.__getScannedOStype(ip, mac) osgen = self.__getScannedOSgen(ip, mac) accuracy = self.__getScannedOSaccuracy(ip, mac) OS = 'vendor: %s \nosfamily: %s \ntype: %s \nosgen: %s \naccuracy: %s' % (vendor, osfamily, ostype, osgen, accuracy) return OS def __getScannedOperatingSystemInfoIndividuallyOption2(self,ip): # check in Ubuntu with Nmap version 7.01 vendor, osfamily, ostype, osgen, accuracy = self.__getScannedOSinfoOption2(ip) if vendor != None and osfamily != None and ostype != None and osgen != None and accuracy != None: OS = "vendor: %s \nosfamily: %s \ntype: %s \nosgen: %s \naccuracy: %s" % (vendor, osfamily, ostype, osgen, accuracy) return save '' at database crashes the program else: return -1 def __getScannedOSvendor(self,ip,mac): return self.__getScannedOS(ip,mac,'vendor') def __getScannedOSfamily(self,ip,mac): return self.__getScannedOS(ip,mac,'osfamily') def __getScannedOStype(self,ip,mac): return self.__getScannedOS(ip,mac,'type') def __getScannedOSgen(self, ip,mac): return self.__getScannedOS(ip,mac,'osgen') def __getScannedOSaccuracy(self, ip,mac): return self.__getScannedOS(ip,mac,'accuracy') def __getScannedOS(self,ip,mac,info): try: return self.nm[ip][info][mac] except: return None def __getScannedOSinfoOption2(self, ip): osInfo = self.__getScannedOS2(ip) # type list if osInfo != None: vendor = "" osfamily = "" ostype = "" osgen = "" accuracy = "" noneCount = 0 for i in range(len(osInfo)): infoI = self.__getScannedOS2part(osInfo,i) if infoI != None: vendor = vendor + str(infoI['vendor']) + ', ' osfamily = osfamily + str(infoI['osfamily']) + ', ' ostype = ostype + str(infoI['type']) + ', ' osgen = osgen + str(infoI['osgen']) + ', ' accuracy = accuracy + str(infoI['accuracy']) + ', ' if vendor != "": # no information was saved # elminate last ', ' vendor =,2) osfamily =, 2) ostype =, 2) osgen =, 2) accuracy =, 2) else: osInfo = None if osInfo == None: vendor = None osfamily = None ostype = None osgen = None accuracy = None return vendor, osfamily, ostype, osgen, accuracy def __getScannedOS2(self,ip): try: return self.nm[ip]['osmatch'] # type list except: return None def __getScannedOS2part(self,osInfo, i): try: return osInfo[i]['osclass'][0] #type(os[i]['osclass']) = list except: return None def __getScannedHostName(self,ip): try: hostname = self.nm[ip]['hostnames'][0]['name'] # example. 'hostnames': [{'type': 'PTR', 'name': ''}] if hostname == []: return None else: return hostname except: return None def __getScannedPorts(self, ip): # retrieve ports numbers, example: [22, 8080] # if not port information is scanned, ports = self.nm[hostWithPorts]['tcp'].keys() generates an exception try: return self.nm[ip]['tcp'].keys() # list of integers except: return None def __getScannedPortInformation(self, hostWithPorts, port): # sometimes the results have not all those values # version scan information product = self.__getScannedPortProduct(hostWithPorts,port) version = self.__getScannedPortVersion(hostWithPorts,port) name = self.__getScannedPortName(hostWithPorts,port) extrainfo = self.__getScannedPortExtrainfo(hostWithPorts,port) portVersionInformation = 'product: %s \nversion: %s \nname: %s \nextrainfo: %s' %(product, version, name, extrainfo) # script scan information portScriptInformation = self.__getScannedPortScript(hostWithPorts,port) # port scan information (state) # only at this option we check if state is open or closed when put the port open or closed at the table because the other scan options only retrieve open ports portPortInformation = self.__getScannedPortState(hostWithPorts, port) return [portVersionInformation, portScriptInformation, portPortInformation] def __getScannedPortProduct(self, hostWithPorts, port): return self.__getScannedPortInfo(hostWithPorts,port,'product') def __getScannedPortVersion(self, hostWithPorts, port): return self.__getScannedPortInfo(hostWithPorts,port,'version') def __getScannedPortName(self, hostWithPorts, port): return self.__getScannedPortInfo(hostWithPorts,port,'name') def __getScannedPortExtrainfo(self, hostWithPorts, port): return self.__getScannedPortInfo(hostWithPorts,port,'extrainfo') def __getScannedPortScript(self, hostWithPorts, port): script = self.__getScannedPortInfo(hostWithPorts,port,'script') # dictionary if script != None: script = return script def __getScannedPortState(self, hostWithPorts, port): return self.__getScannedPortInfo(hostWithPorts, port, 'state') def __getScannedPortInfo(self, ip, port, info): # get the information indiciated of the port of a host try: info = self.nm[ip]['tcp'][port][info] # name, state, etc: string. script: dictionary if info == '': info = None return info except: return None def __getScannedPortsByState(self, hostIP, hostPortsScanned): portsOpen = [] portsClosed = [] if hostPortsScanned != None: hostPortsScanned = sorted(set(hostPortsScanned), key=int) # order in ascendent mode for port in hostPortsScanned: portState = self.__getScannedPortInformation(hostIP, port)[2] if portState == 'open': # portInformation = [portVersionInformation, portScriptInformation, portPortInformation] portsOpen.append(port) elif portState == 'closed': portsClosed.append(port) return [portsOpen, portsClosed] def __addDBactualicePorts2closed(self, id_hostWithPorts, portsOpen): # add 'closed' ports, ports that were open but now they are closed # for options where if ports are not retrieved as scanned ports it means these ports are closed, example Version or Scripts options or in Custom parameters when ports are scanned but no ports number were indicated # Check if at db last ports state is open in order to change to closed # for Port State option and optiones where ports number were indicated, closed ports are already added to database. if self.scanOptions['versionORscript'] == 1: # ports at the db for a id_host that where 'open' portsNumber = self.db.retrieve_ports(id_hostWithPorts) if portsNumber != -1: # host has ports in database portsNumber =, 1) lastPortsID = self.dbs.getPortsLastID(id_hostWithPorts, portsNumber) id_ports2putClosed = self.db.retrieve_id_ports2putClosed(lastPortsID, portsOpen) if id_ports2putClosed != -1: # at the db are ports associated to a host # work with each port for id_port in id_ports2putClosed: closedPortInfo = self.db.retrieve_portAllInfo_byPortID(id_port) if closedPortInfo != -1: id_port, id_hosts_port, puerto_port, estado_port, version_port, fecha_port, scripts_port = closedPortInfo self.db.add_port('closed', id_hostWithPorts, puerto_port, version_port, scripts_port) #self.db.update_port_estadoANDfecha('closed', id_hostWithPorts, old_port[0]) def __showHostsIPscannedUp(self, showAllInfo=0): print 'Hosts scanned up (' + str(len(self.nm.all_hosts())) + '): ' + str( print 'My IP: ' + str(self.myIP) if self.scanOptions['discovery'] != 1 and showAllInfo != 0: print 'Hosts scanned up: ' for host in self.nm.all_hosts(): print '\n' + host try: for key, value in self.nm[host]['osclass'].iteritems(): print '- %s: %s' %(key, value) except: print '- No info scanned' def __showPortsScanned(self, hostWithPorts, hostPorts2show, showAllInfo=0): if hostPorts2show == []: print str(hostWithPorts) + ": no ports info" else: if self.scanOptions['portsState'] == 0: # show scanned ports if showAllInfo == 0: print str(hostWithPorts) + ': ' + str(hostPorts2show) else: print '\n' + str(hostWithPorts) + ': ' + str(hostPorts2show) for port in hostPorts2show: portVersionInformation = self.__getScannedPortInformation(hostWithPorts, port)[0] # portInformation = [portVersionInformation, portScriptInformation, portPortInformation] print '- ' + str(port) print portVersionInformation # try: # for key, value in self.nm[host]['osclass'].iteritems(): # print '- %s: %s' %(key, value) # except: # print '- No info scanned' else: # scanned if ports are open or closed # Port scan only show open ports print str(hostWithPorts) + ' ' + str(hostPorts2show) def __createFile4port(self, port): hostsIPwithAport = self.__checkDBandGetHostsIPwithAport(port) if hostsIPwithAport != -1: # port at database information2save = self.__getPortInfo2save(hostsIPwithAport, port) self.ex.createFile(self.auditName, self.revisionName, self.save_path, port, information2save) else: print "Warning. Port %s not at database. No file has been created for this port." % port def __getPortInfo2save(self, hostsIPwithAport, port): if == 1: information2save = '' print 'Warning. Port %s at database but port is closed or hosts are down \nFile will be created empty' % port else: information2save = self.__createPortInfo2save(hostsIPwithAport) return information2save def __createPortInfo2save(self, hostsIPwithAport): # input list of strings # output 'string' info2save = '' for ip in hostsIPwithAport: info2save = info2save + ip + '\n' return info2save def __checkDBandGetHostsIPwithAport(self, port): # port: string # return a list of strings # check if db has ports for this revision and return those hosts IP if self.db.check_portAtDB(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber, port) != -1: hostsIP = [] # get hosts IP that are up with this port open hostsIPwithAport = self.__getDBhostsIPwithAport(port) # list of strings, example: [u'', u''] if hostsIPwithAport != -1: for hostIP in hostsIPwithAport: if,0) == -1: # ip is formed by four numbers sepprated with dots, is not an int number # convert to list of strings hostsIP.append(hostIP) return hostsIP else: return -1 else:'Port',port) return -1 def __getDBhostsIPwithAport(self, port): hostsIP = [] idOfHostsUpWithPort = self.db.retrieve_idOfHostsUpWithAPort(port) # list of int numbers or only an int number if,0) == 1: listAuxiliar = [] listAuxiliar.append(idOfHostsUpWithPort) idOfHostsUpWithPort = listAuxiliar for idHost in idOfHostsUpWithPort: lastIDport = self.db.retrieve_portLastID_byHostIDandPort(idHost, port) hostIP = self.db.retrieve_hostIP_byPortID(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber, lastIDport) hostsIP.append(hostIP) # list hostsIP = list(set(hostsIP)) # remove hosts IP repeated return hostsIP # example: [u'', u''] def __createFile4host(self, hostIP, modeHostInformation): hostsMac4IP = self.db.retrieve_hostsMac_byIP(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber, hostIP) # list of strings with hosts mac that have same IP. If only one mac it is a list of one string if hostsMac4IP != -1: ipWithSeveralMacs = self.__checkIPwithSeveralMacs(hostIP, hostsMac4IP) for hostMac in hostsMac4IP: hostAllInformation = self.dbs.getHostAllInformationDB(self.auditNumber, self.revisionNumber, hostMac, hostIP) # get only info of the mac with the indicated IP if modeHostInformation == 1: # export .txt file fileName = self.__fileNameAllInfoHost(hostIP, hostMac, ipWithSeveralMacs) self.ex.createFile(self.auditName, self.revisionName, self.save_path, fileName, hostAllInformation) elif modeHostInformation == 2: # print info print '\n' + hostAllInformation else:'Host IP', hostIP) def __checkIPwithSeveralMacs(self, hostIP, hostsMac4IP): if len(hostsMac4IP) > 1: self.__showHostsMac4IP(hostIP, hostsMac4IP) return 1 else: return -1 def __fileNameAllInfoHost(self, hostIP, hostMac, ipWithSeveralMacs): if ipWithSeveralMacs == 1: fileName = hostIP + '_' + hostMac else: fileName = hostIP return fileName def __showHostsMac4IP(self, hostIP, hostsMac4IP): print 'Warning. More than one host with same IP' print '%s:' %hostIP for hostMac in hostsMac4IP: print '- %s' %hostMac print "Working with each host's mac"
class ScanDB: def __init__(self): = ChangeFormat() = Check() self.db = Database() = Message() def getHostAllInformationDB(self, auditNumber, revisionNumber, hostMac, hostIP): # retrieve info form db table hosts hostLastID = self.db.retrieve_hostID_withIP(auditNumber, revisionNumber, hostMac, hostIP) # work with last information hostIDallInfo = self.db.retrieve_hostAllInfo_byID(hostLastID) infoTableHosts = self.formInfoTableHosts(hostIDallInfo) # retrieve info form db table puertos portsNumber4hostID = self.getPortsNumber(hostLastID) # list of one or more integers. Example [80, 21, 22, 23] portsOpenID = self.getPortsOpenID(hostLastID, portsNumber4hostID) infoTablePorts = self.getPortsInfo(portsOpenID) # all information for the host hostsInfo = infoTableHosts + '\n' + infoTablePorts return hostsInfo def getPortsInfo(self, portsID): if portsID == -1: portsInfo = '\nAll ports are closed\n' else: portsInfo = '' for portID in portsID: portInfo = self.db.retrieve_portAllInfo_byPortID(portID) portInfo = self.formPortInfoTablePuertos(portInfo) portsInfo = portsInfo + portInfo + '\n' return portsInfo def formPortInfoTablePuertos(self, portInfo): id, id_host, portNumber, state, version, date_time, scripts = portInfo # diferenciate information version =,' -') # each line stars with - scripts =,' -') # each line stars with - # form information tableInfo = '\n' tableInfo = tableInfo + 'Port number: ' + str(portNumber) + '\n' tableInfo = tableInfo + ' - Version: ' + str(version) + '\n' tableInfo = tableInfo + ' - Scripts: ' + str(scripts) return tableInfo def showPortInfo(self, portID): portInfo = self.db.retrieve_portAllInfo_byPortID(portID) print self.formPortInfoTablePuertos(portInfo) print '' def getPortVersionAsDictionary(self, portID): portInfo = self.db.retrieve_portAllInfo_byPortID(portID) portVersionDictionary =[4]) return portVersionDictionary def getPortsOpenID(self, hostLastID, portsNumber4hostID): if portsNumber4hostID == -1: portsID = -1 else: portsID = self.getPortsLastID(hostLastID, portsNumber4hostID) # tuple of integers. Example (10, 11, 12 ,13) portsID = self.db.retrieve_portsOpenID_byPortID(portsID) # list of tuples. Example [(1,), (2,), (3,), (4,)] return portsID # list of tuples. Example [(1,), (2,), (3,), (4,)] def getPortsLastID(self, hostID, ports4hostID): portsLastID=[] for port in ports4hostID: portLastID = self.db.retrieve_portLastID_byHostIDandPort(hostID, port) # type int portsLastID.append(portLastID) # list of integers portsLastID = tuple(portsLastID) if len(portsLastID) == 1: portsLastID = portsLastID + portsLastID # avoid tuple to ends with coma return tuple(portsLastID) # tuple of integers def getPortsNumber(self, hostID): # return list on one or more integers ports = self.db.retrieve_ports(hostID) # list of tuples with an integer. Example [(80,), (21,), (22,), (23,)] ports =,1) # list of integers. Example [80, 21, 22, 23] or [80] return ports def formInfoTableHosts(self, hostIDallInfo): os, status, id, id_rev, ip, date_time, mac, name = hostIDallInfo os =, ' -') tableInfo = '########################\n' tableInfo = tableInfo + 'Host IP: ' + str(ip) + '\n' tableInfo = tableInfo + '########################\n' tableInfo = tableInfo + '\nHost MAC: ' + str(mac) + '\n' tableInfo = tableInfo + '\nOperating system: ' + str(os) + '\n' tableInfo = tableInfo + '\nStatus: ' + str(status) tableInfo = tableInfo + '\nName: ' + str(name) return tableInfo