コード例 #1
def updateSummonerRanks(epochTime):
    # get all summoner who are
    # - over level 30
    # - were active within the last two weeks
    # - were not checked within the last 2 days
    query = "SELECT * FROM summoner WHERE summonerLevel = 30 and lastRankCheck = DATE(\"0000-00-00\")"
    result = db.selectFetchAll(query)

    query = "SELECT * FROM summoner WHERE revisionDate > {epochTimeLimit} and summonerLevel = 30 and lastRankCheck <= NOW() - INTERVAL 3 DAY".format(epochTimeLimit=epochTime-1209600)
    result = db.selectFetchAll(query)
コード例 #2
def updateSummoner(epochTime):
    # get all summoners which haven't been checked within
    # 5 + ((levels away from 30) * 5) days
    # if the summoner was inactive for some time
    # instead only check every 1/4th of the time he was inactive
    # (e.g inactive for 4 months = check after a month)
    query = "SELECT * FROM summoner WHERE revisionDate > ({epochTime} - (({epochTime} - revisionDate) / 4)) and lastSummonerCheck <= NOW() - INTERVAL 5 + (ABS(summonerLevel - 30)*5) DAY".format(epochTime=epochTime)
    result = db.selectFetchAll(query)

    summonerIds = []
    # for each summoner we have to check
    for row in result:
        # add summonerId to the array
        # so we can check as many Ids with as little calls as possible
        # (40 at a time)
        if len(summonerIds) >= 40:
            # get json object from the Riot API
            result = api.getSummonerByIDs(summonerIds, "euw")
            # if the return value is a dictionary
            # and not a 404 or some other error code
            if type(result) is dict:
                # update the summoner entries in the database
            summonerIds = []
    # check the remaining Ids after the loop
    if len(summonerIds) > 0:
        result = api.getSummonerByIDs(summonerIds, "euw")
        if type(result) is dict: