class DatabaseAPI_test: ''' Test class for The functions _make_connection() and _close_connection() are implicitly tested when the other functions are tested. ''' def set_up(self): self.index = DatabaseAPI(config.db_host, config.db_port, config.db_name, config.db_user, config.db_pass) self.passed_tests = 0 self.failed_tests = 0 # Making a table, inserting a few items, querying the database for said item. # Explicitly tests make_table(), upsert() and query() togheter, in # Implicitly tests _make_connection() and _close_connection() in def test_routine1(self): print("Test 1: ", end='') self.index.make_tables('wordfreq', { "articleid": "VARCHAR", "word": "VARCHAR", "frequency": "INTEGER" }, "(articleid, word)") self.index.upsert(table_name='wordfreq', article_id='test1', values=[('test_word1', 1), ('test_word2', 2)]) query_data = self.index.query( "SELECT articleid, word, frequency FROM wordfreq WHERE word = 'test_word2';" ) if query_data[0][0] == 'test1' and query_data[0][ 1] == 'test_word2' and query_data[0][2] == 2: self.passed_tests += 1 print('pass') else: self.failed_tests += 1 print('failed') # More or less the same as test_routine1(), but now also tests remove(). # Explicitly tests make_table(), upsert(), query() and remove() in # Implicitly tests _make_connection() and _close_connection() in def test_routine2(self): print("Test 2: ", end='') self.index.make_tables('wordfreq', { "articleid": "VARCHAR", "word": "VARCHAR", "frequency": "INTEGER" }, "(articleid, word)") self.index.upsert(table_name='wordfreq', article_id='test2', values=[('test_word', 1)]) self.index.remove('wordfreq', 'articleid', 'test2') query_data = self.index.query( "SELECT articleid, word, frequency FROM wordfreq WHERE articleid = 'test2';" ) if query_data == []: self.passed_tests += 1 print('pass') else: self.failed_tests += 1 print('failed') # Tests if upsert() updates values correctly. def test_routine3(self): print("Test 3: ", end='') self.index.make_tables('wordfreq', { "articleid": "VARCHAR", "word": "VARCHAR", "frequency": "INTEGER" }, "(articleid, word)") self.index.upsert(table_name='wordfreq', article_id='test3', values=[('test_word', 1)]) self.index.upsert(table_name='wordfreq', article_id='test3', values=[('test_word', 5)]) query_data = self.index.query( "SELECT articleid, word, frequency FROM wordfreq WHERE articleid = 'test3';" ) if query_data[0][2] == 5: self.passed_tests += 1 print('pass') else: self.failed_tests += 1 print('failed') def run_tests(self): print('Testing DatabaseAPI:') self.set_up() self.test_routine1() self.test_routine2() self.test_routine3() def print_results(self): print("DatabaseAPI test results:") print("Passed", self.passed_tests, "out of", self.passed_tests + self.failed_tests, "tests.")
class IndexService(Resource): """ Index microservice class. """ isLeaf = True def __init__(self): Resource.__init__(self) self.is_daemon = config.run_as_daemon self.index_database = DatabaseAPI(config.db_host, config.db_port, config.db_name, config.db_user, config.db_pass) self.indexer = Indexer(config.stopword_file_path, config.tags_to_ignore) if self.is_daemon: self.run_as_daemon(config.server_port) def run_as_daemon(self, port, unit_test=False): self.index_database.make_tables("wordfreq", {"articleid" : "VARCHAR", "word" : "VARCHAR", "frequency" : "INTEGER"}, "(articleid, word)") if not unit_test: host = self.get_service_ip(config.content_module_name) self.index_all_articles(host) print("\nStarting the indexer as a daemon listening to port %d..." % port) reactor.listenTCP(port, server.Site(self)) # Asks the user for some questions at startup. def startup_routine(self): indexContent = False yes = set(['', 'Y', 'y', 'Yes', 'yes', 'YES']) no = set(['N', 'n', 'No', 'no', 'NO']) index_on_startup = False print("Type 'help' for help.") while True: print(">> ", end="") user_input = str(raw_input()) if user_input == 'help': # Print available commands to user. print() print(" <command> - <description>") print(" help - Help.") print(" reset - Reset index database.") print(" init - Index all articles from content service on startup.") print(" start - Start service.") print(" exit - Quit.") print() elif user_input == 'reset': # Clearing tables in the index database. print("This will delete any existing data and reset the database.") print("Are you sure you want to continue? [Y/n] ", end="") while True: user_input = str(raw_input()) if user_input in yes: self.index_database.make_tables("wordfreq", {"articleid" : "VARCHAR", "word" : "VARCHAR", "frequency" : "INTEGER"}, "(articleid, word)") print("Reset.") break else: print("Abort.") break elif user_input == 'init': # Toggle on/off indexing on startup. while True: print("Do you want to index all the articles on startup? [Y/n] ", end="") user_input = str(raw_input()) if user_input in yes: index_on_startup = True print("Indexing will begin on start.") break elif user_input in no: print("Indexing will not begin on start.") index_on_startup = False break else: print("Abort.") break elif user_input == 'start': # Start indexing service. print("Starting index service. Use Ctrl + c to quit.") if index_on_startup: host = self.get_service_ip(config.content_module_name) self.index_all_articles(host) reactor.listenTCP(config.server_port, server.Site(self)) break elif user_input == 'exit': # End program. break elif user_input == '': # Yes is default on return. continue else: print(user_input + ": command not found") continue def index_all_articles(self, host, unit_test=False): publish_article_list = host + "/list" r = requests.get(publish_article_list) article_id_list = r.json()['list'] total = len(article_id_list) for i in range(total): sys.stdout.write('\r') sys.stdout.write("Indexing article {i} of {total}.".format(i=i+1, total=total)) sys.stdout.flush() article_id = article_id_list[i]['id'] if unit_test: self.index_article(article_id_list[i]['title'], article_id) else: self.index_article(article_id) print("\nIndexing completed.") # Fetches the publish host address from the communication backend. def get_service_ip(self, service_name): try: r = requests.get(config.comm_host+service_name) url = r.json() if url: url = "http://" + url except: print('\nUsing hardcoded value for publish host ip.') url = '' # Hardcoded url for testing purposes. return url # Indexes page. def index_article(self, article_id, url=None): if url: values = self.indexer.make_index(url) self.index_database.upsert('wordfreq', article_id, values) else: host = self.get_service_ip(config.content_module_name) url = host + "/article/" + article_id # Articles should be found at: http://<publish_service_host>/article/<article_id> values = self.indexer.make_index(url) self.index_database.upsert('wordfreq', article_id, values) # Handles POST requests from the other microservices. def render_POST(self, request): d = json.load(request.content) # Returns a list of suggestions of words with given word root: if d['task'] == 'getSuggestions': # JSON format: {'task' : 'getSuggestions', 'word' : str} word_root = d['word'] data = self.index_database.query("SELECT DISTINCT word FROM wordfreq WHERE word LIKE %s", (word_root+'%',)) response = {"suggestions" : [t[0] for t in data]} return json.dumps(response) # Returns all articles where given word occurs: elif d['task'] == 'getArticles': # JSON format: {'task' : 'getArticles', 'word' : str} word = d['word'] data = self.index_database.query("SELECT articleid FROM wordfreq WHERE word = %s", (word,)) response = {"articleID" : [t[0] for t in data]} return json.dumps(response) # Returns a list of all words and the total number of occurences of the words: elif d['task'] == 'getFrequencyList': # JSON format: {'task' : 'getFrequencyList'} data = self.index_database.query("SELECT word, sum(frequency) FROM wordfreq GROUP BY word") response = {} for value in data: response[value[0]] = value[1] return json.dumps(response) # Indexes published article with given id: elif d['task'] == 'publishedArticle': article_id = d['articleID'] self.index_article(article_id) return '200 - thanks!' # Removes index of article with given id: elif d['task'] == 'removedArticle': article_id = d['articleID'] self.index_database.remove(article_id) return('200 - ok!') else: return('404')
class DatabaseAPI_test: ''' Test class for The functions _make_connection() and _close_connection() are implicitly tested when the other functions are tested. ''' def set_up(self): self.index = DatabaseAPI(config.db_host, config.db_port, config.db_name, config.db_user, config.db_pass) self.passed_tests = 0 self.failed_tests = 0 # Making a table, inserting a few items, querying the database for said item. # Explicitly tests make_table(), upsert() and query() togheter, in # Implicitly tests _make_connection() and _close_connection() in def test_routine1(self): print("Test 1: ",end='') self.index.make_tables('wordfreq', {"articleid" : "VARCHAR", "word" : "VARCHAR", "frequency" : "INTEGER"}, "(articleid, word)") self.index.upsert(table_name='wordfreq', article_id='test1', values=[('test_word1', 1), ('test_word2', 2)]) query_data = self.index.query("SELECT articleid, word, frequency FROM wordfreq WHERE word = 'test_word2';") if query_data[0][0] == 'test1' and query_data[0][1] == 'test_word2' and query_data[0][2] == 2: self.passed_tests += 1 print('pass') else: self.failed_tests += 1 print('failed') # More or less the same as test_routine1(), but now also tests remove(). # Explicitly tests make_table(), upsert(), query() and remove() in # Implicitly tests _make_connection() and _close_connection() in def test_routine2(self): print("Test 2: ", end='') self.index.make_tables('wordfreq', {"articleid" : "VARCHAR", "word" : "VARCHAR", "frequency" : "INTEGER"}, "(articleid, word)") self.index.upsert(table_name='wordfreq', article_id='test2', values=[('test_word', 1)]) self.index.remove('wordfreq', 'articleid', 'test2') query_data = self.index.query("SELECT articleid, word, frequency FROM wordfreq WHERE articleid = 'test2';") if query_data == []: self.passed_tests += 1 print('pass') else: self.failed_tests += 1 print('failed') # Tests if upsert() updates values correctly. def test_routine3(self): print("Test 3: ", end='') self.index.make_tables('wordfreq', {"articleid" : "VARCHAR", "word" : "VARCHAR", "frequency" : "INTEGER"}, "(articleid, word)") self.index.upsert(table_name='wordfreq', article_id='test3', values=[('test_word', 1)]) self.index.upsert(table_name='wordfreq', article_id='test3', values=[('test_word', 5)]) query_data = self.index.query("SELECT articleid, word, frequency FROM wordfreq WHERE articleid = 'test3';") if query_data[0][2] == 5: self.passed_tests += 1 print('pass') else: self.failed_tests += 1 print('failed') def run_tests(self): print('Testing DatabaseAPI:') self.set_up() self.test_routine1() self.test_routine2() self.test_routine3() def print_results(self): print("DatabaseAPI test results:") print("Passed", self.passed_tests, "out of", self.passed_tests + self.failed_tests, "tests.")