def trdlist_format(self, strat=None, startlinenum=0, date=None, tablename=None, outdir=None): """ 生成标准交易单 ['code','name','num','multi','prc','val','tscost','inout'] ,此处tscost为金额 """ if date is None: date = if not tablename: tablename = self.get_trdname(inputdate=date) if not strat: stratfilter = '' else: stratfilter = ''.join([' AND strat =\'', strat, '\'']) with da.DatabaseAssistant(dbdir=self._trd_dbdir) as trddb: conn = trddb.connection exeline = ''.join([ 'SELECT code,name,num,multi,prc,val,tscost,inout FROM ', tablename, ' WHERE row_id >', str(startlinenum), stratfilter ]) trades = pd.read_sql(exeline, conn) if not trades.empty: trades['code'] = trades['code'].map(RawHoldingStocks.addfix) trades['tscost'] = -np.abs(trades['val'] * trades['tscost']) if outdir: trades.to_csv(outdir, header=True, index=False) else: return trades
def list_pofval_gen(self,date = None,prctype = 'settle'): """ 从标准数据库中读取持仓信息并写入文件 """ assert prctype in ('close','settle') assetfut = '999997' if prctype=='settle' else '999998' if date is None: date = with da.DatabaseAssistant(dbdir=self._posi_db) as posidb: conn = posidb.connection stktb = '_'.join([self._pofname,'positions_stocks',date.strftime('%Y%m%d')]) exeline = ''.join(['SELECT code,num,multi,',prctype,' AS prc FROM ',stktb]) holdings = pd.read_sql(con=conn,sql=exeline) pofval = holdings.loc[holdings['code']=='999999','num'].values[0] if self._blog: # 有期货持仓 futtb = '_'.join([self._pofname,'positions_futures',date.strftime('%Y%m%d')]) exeline = ''.join(['SELECT code,num,multi,',prctype,' AS prc FROM ',futtb]) posifut = pd.read_sql(con=conn,sql=exeline) holdings = holdings.append(posifut,ignore_index=True) pofval += holdings.loc[holdings['code']==assetfut,'num'].values[0] holdings = holdings[~holdings['code'].isin(gv.HOLD_FILTER)] holdings = holdings[holdings['num']!=0] holdings['code'] = holdings['code'].map(Products.addfix) #### 写入文件 ####### holdings.to_csv(self._holdlst_dir,header=True,index=False) with open(self._pofval_dir,'w') as pof: pof.write(str(pofval)) print('[+]{0} : formatted holding list produced'.format(self._pofname))
def holdlist_format(self, titles, date=None, tablename=None, outdir=None): """ 从数据库提取画图所需格式的持仓信息,tablename 未提取的表格的名称 存储为 DataFrame, 输出到 csv titles 应为包含 证券代码 证券名称 证券数量 最新价格 的列表 需要返回字段 : code, name, num, multi, prc """ if date is None: date = if not tablename: tablename = self.get_holdname(inputdate=date) with da.DatabaseAssistant(self._hold_dbdir) as holddb: conn = holddb.connection exeline = ''.join( ['SELECT ', ','.join(titles), ' FROM ', tablename]) holdings = pd.read_sql(exeline, conn) holdings.columns = ['code', 'name', 'num', 'prc'] # 因此给的title只能有4个 # 剔除非股票持仓和零持仓代码 逆回购 理财产品等 holdings['code'] = holdings['code'].map(RawHoldingStocks.addfix) holdings = holdings[~holdings['code'].isin(gv.HOLD_FILTER)] holdings = holdings[holdings['num'] > 0] if holdings.empty: holdings = pd.DataFrame() else: holdings['multi'] = np.ones([len(holdings), 1]) #holdings['val'] = holdings['num']*holdings['prc'] holdings = holdings.sort_values(by=['code'], ascending=[1]) holdings = holdings.loc[:, [ 'code', 'name', 'num', 'multi', 'prc' ]] if outdir: holdings.to_csv(outdir, header=True, index=False) else: return holdings
def get_newtables(self): """ 提取已存储至数据库但还未处理 的 估值表的名称(数据库标准名称格式:产品代码_产品名称_日期) """ with da.DatabaseAssistant(dbdir=self._dbdir) as db: temp = db.get_db_tablenames() temp.remove('SAVED_TABLES') savedtbs = set(temp) with da.DatabaseAssistant(dbdir=self._netdbdir) as netdb: cursor = netdb.connection.cursor() netdb.create_db_table(tablename='PROCESSED_TABLES', titles=['TableNames TEXT'], replace=False) temp = cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM PROCESSED_TABLES') processedtbs = set([tb[0] for tb in temp]) newtables = sorted(list(savedtbs.difference(processedtbs))) return newtables
def get_newtables(self): """ 提取已下载但还未存入数据库 的 估值表的名称,为估值表原始名称 包含文件后缀 """ currntbs = set(os.listdir(self._filedir)) # 文件夹中当前存储的估值表 with da.DatabaseAssistant(dbdir=self._dbdir) as db: cursor = db.connection.cursor() db.create_db_table(tablename='SAVED_TABLES', titles=['TableNames TEXT'], replace=False) temp = cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM SAVED_TABLES').fetchall() savedtbs = set([tb[0] for tb in temp]) newtables = sorted(list(currntbs.difference(savedtbs))) return newtables
def get_totvalue(self, titles, date=None, tablename=None, othersource=None): """ 提取 客户端软件 对应的总资产 """ if date is None: date = if not tablename: tablename = self.get_holdname(inputdate=date) if not titles[0]: # 客户端持仓表格没有资产信息,需要从其他源(手填)提取 with open(othersource, 'r') as pof: totval = float(pof.readlines()[0].strip()) else: with da.DatabaseAssistant(dbdir=self._hold_dbdir) as holddb: conn = holddb.connection exeline = ''.join([ 'SELECT ', ','.join(titles), ' FROM ', tablename + '_summary' ]) values = conn.execute(exeline).fetchall() totval = np.sum(values[0]) return totval
def table_to_db(self, tbname_dict, tabledir, varstypes, datemark='日期', titlemark='科目代码', omitchars='-%', defaluttype='REAL', replace=True): """ 将估值表excel表格写入至数据库 tbname_dict 为估值表将在数据库中存储的名称,需在该方法外确认其是否已经更新过, 目前为包含rawname 和 tablename 的dict vartypes 应给为可能包含的数据类型的字典 titlemark 需要能用做识别出标题行,同时识别出表格正文 replace 为 True 避免在同一张表格中多次写入 """ hasdb = os.path.exists(self._dbdir) # 写入前数据库必须存在,数据库的建立在方法外实现 if not hasdb: print('[-]Database does NOT exist, no update!') return self.table_info_check(tabledir=tabledir, datemark='日期') # 写入前需先检查估值表内容 rawtitles = self.get_table_titles(tabledir=tabledir, titlemark=titlemark, omitchars=omitchars) # 从估值表中提取初始标题 markpos = rawtitles.index(titlemark) # titlemark 所在的标题行的位置 titles = da.DatabaseAssistant.gen_table_titles( titles=rawtitles, varstypes=varstypes, defaluttype=defaluttype)['typed_titles'] # 标注了字段类型的标题 tablename = tbname_dict['tablename'] with da.DatabaseAssistant(dbdir=self._dbdir) as db: db.create_db_table(tablename=tablename, titles=titles, replace=replace) # 创建表格 data = xlrd.open_workbook(tabledir) table = data.sheets()[0] # 寻找正表起始行 startline = -1 for dumi in range(table.nrows): try: # 检查首个元素类型,如果能转换为数值则为应该记录的行的起始行 int(table.row_values(dumi)[markpos]) except ValueError: continue else: startline = dumi break if startline == -1: # 读完整个文件都没找到起始行则程序报错 raise Exception('[-]Can not find startline for table : %s' % tablename) # 已经找到正文起始行,开始写入数据库 cursor = db.connection.cursor() try: print('[*]Writing main body of the table...') demonstrator = proshow.progress_demonstrator(table.nrows - startline) for dumi in range(startline, table.nrows): # 开始从正文行写入 exeline = ''.join([ 'INSERT INTO ', tablename, ' VALUES (', ','.join(['?'] * len(titles)), ')' ]) cursor.execute(exeline, tuple(table.row_values(dumi))) #db.connection.commit() demonstrator.progress_show(currentnum=dumi - startline + 1, title=tablename) except: # 无论任何原因导致写入table失败,则都要删除未写完的table print('[-]Writing table %s failed !' % tablename) db.connection.execute(' '.join(['DROP TABLE', tablename])) print('[+]Failed table %s dropped !' % tablename) raise else: # 如果表格正常完成更新,则需将其原始名称写入 SAVED_TABLES 数据表用作记录 cursor.execute('INSERT INTO SAVED_TABLES VALUES (?)', (tbname_dict['rawname'], )) # 需要一个 tuple 作为输入 db.connection.commit() # 完成后再统一commit print('[+]Writing table %s succed !' % tablename)
def trdlist_to_db(self, textvars, tabledir, date=None, tablename=None, codemark='证券代码', replace=False): """ 将一张软件端导出的 交易/委托表格 更新至数据库 textvars 存储数据库格式为TEXT的字段 codemark 用于标识正表表头 tablename 表格存储在数据库中的名称 已经写入数据库的行将不再写入,需要确定数据表格按交易时间排序 """ if date is None: date = if not tablename: tablename = self.get_trdname(inputdate=date) with da.DatabaseAssistant(dbdir=self._trd_dbdir) as trddb: conn = trddb.connection c = conn.cursor() with open(tabledir, 'r') as fl: rawline = fl.readline() foundtitle = False linecount = 0 processed_lines = 0 while rawline: line = rawline.strip().split(',') if not foundtitle: # 寻找到正文开始标题后才开始写入 if codemark in line: #寻找正表标题 titles = line codepos = titles.index(codemark) + 1 titlecheck = da.DatabaseAssistant.gen_table_titles( titles=titles, varstypes={'TEXT': textvars}) titletrans = ['row_id INTEGER' ] + titlecheck['typed_titles'] titlelen = len(titletrans) # title_empty = titlecheck['empty_pos'] # 此处尤其暗藏风险,假设正表数据没有空列 newcreated = trddb.create_db_table( tablename=tablename, titles=titletrans, replace=replace) if not newcreated: # 读取已经存储过的行数 processed_lines = c.execute(''.join([ 'SELECT COUNT(', codemark, ') FROM ', tablename ])).fetchall()[0][0] rawline = fl.readline() foundtitle = True continue else: # 已经找到了标题 linecount += 1 if linecount > processed_lines: # 只在有比数据库已存储的数据行更多的行提供时才继续写入 line = [linecount] + line exeline = ''.join([ 'INSERT INTO ', tablename, ' VALUES (', ','.join(['?'] * titlelen), ')' ]) c.execute(exeline, line) conn.commit() rawline = fl.readline() print('%d lines updated to trddb with table %s \n' % (linecount - processed_lines, tablename))
def trdlog_to_db(self, tscost, date=None, tablename=None): """ 从交易记录读取信息并写入数据库,同时生成标准格式也写入数据库(注:此处tscost为比率) 写入数据库,因为数据比较少(100档才100行),因为每次都全部写入 需要考虑包含灵活换月的情况 """ if date is None: date = if tablename is None: tablename = self.get_trdname(date) trdlogname = '_'.join([tablename, 'trdlog']) fulllog = pd.DataFrame() stdtable = [] for strat in self._logdir: stratinfo = strat.split('_') cttype = stratinfo[1].upper() montype = stratinfo[0] contracts = RawHoldingFutures.get_contracts_ours(date=date, cttype=cttype) nvolumn = int( open(os.path.join(self._cwdir[strat], 'nVolume.txt')).readline()[0].strip()) multi = self.multi_dict[cttype] logdir = os.path.join( self._logdir[strat], 'tradelog', ''.join(['tradelog_', date.strftime('%Y%m%d'), '.txt'])) if not os.path.exists(logdir): continue with open(logdir) as fl: line = fl.readline() trdlogs = [] namefull = False names = ['date', 'time', 'trade_action'] while line: ############# 生成可存入数据库格式 ############# vars = line.strip().split() monthchg = len(vars) == 16 if monthchg: # 灵活换月 startnum = 5 else: startnum = 3 trdlog = vars[:3] trdlog += [v.split('=')[1] for v in vars[startnum:]] if not namefull: names += [v.split('=')[0] for v in vars[startnum:]] namefull = True if not monthchg: # 考虑到有肯能在灵活换月当天还会有交易,需要确保每行等长(灵活换月还包含nextqhprice) trdlog.insert(5, 'NaN') if len(names) < 14: names.insert(5, 'nextqhprice') trdlogs.append(trdlog) ############# 生成标准格式 ############# sn = int(trdlog[3]) prc = float(trdlog[6]) if '开仓' in trdlog[2]: code = contracts[montype] num = -nvolumn val = prc * num * multi inout = 'in' stdtable.append([ strat, code, code, num, multi, prc, val, tscost, inout, sn ]) elif '平仓' in trdlog[2]: code = contracts[montype] num = nvolumn val = prc * num * multi inout = 'out' stdtable.append([ strat, code, code, num, multi, prc, val, tscost, inout, sn ]) elif '换仓' in trdlog[2]: real_contracts = RawHoldingFutures.get_contracts_real( date=date, cttype=cttype) code = real_contracts[montype] num = nvolumn val = prc * num * multi inout = 'out' stdtable.append([ strat, code, code, num, multi, prc, val, tscost, inout, sn ]) if montype == 'near1': #远月换月还未定 code2 = real_contracts['near2'] prc2 = float(trdlog[5]) val2 = -num * prc2 * multi stdtable.append([ strat, code2, code2, -num, multi, prc2, val2, tscost, 'in', sn ]) else: raise Exception('Unrecognized trade_action!') line = fl.readline() fulllog = fulllog.append(pd.DataFrame(trdlogs, columns=names), ignore_index=True) ############ 写入 数据库 ################ with da.DatabaseAssistant(dbdir=self._trd_dbdir) as trddb: conn = trddb.connection fulllog.to_sql(name=trdlogname, con=conn, if_exists='replace') stdtable = pd.DataFrame(stdtable, columns=[ 'strat', 'code', 'name', 'num', 'multi', 'prc', 'val', 'tscost', 'inout', 'sn' ]) stdtable['row_id'] = stdtable.index + 1 stdtable.to_sql(name=tablename, con=conn, if_exists='replace')
def trdlist_format(self, titles, tscostrate, startlinenum=0, date=None, tablename=None, outdir=None): """ 从数据库提取画图所需格式的 交易 信息,tablename 未提取的表格的名称 存储为 DataFrame, 输出到 csv titles 应为包含 的列表 需要返回字段 : code, name, num, prc,val,tscost,inout 做多 数量为正、金额为正, 做空为负、金额为负, 价格恒正, 交易成本恒为负 """ tofilter = ['131810', '204001'] if date is None: date = if not tablename: tablename = self.get_trdname(inputdate=date) def marktrans(x): if '买' in x: return 'in' elif '卖' in x: return 'out' else: raise Exception('Error in trdlist_format') def reverseval(x): if x == 'out': return -1 elif x == 'in': return 1 else: raise Exception('Error in trdlist_format') def tsratecalc(x): if x == 'out': return tscostrate + 1 / 1000 # 卖出会有印花税 else: return -tscostrate with da.DatabaseAssistant(dbdir=self._trd_dbdir) as trddb: conn = trddb.connection exeline = ''.join([ 'SELECT ', ','.join(titles), ' FROM ', tablename, ' WHERE row_id >', str(startlinenum) ]) trades = pd.read_sql(exeline, conn) trades.columns = ['code', 'name', 'num', 'prc', 'inout'] # 剔除非股票持仓和零持仓代码 trades = trades[~trades['code'].isin(tofilter)] trades['code'] = trades['code'].map(RawHoldingStocks.addfix) trades = trades[trades['num'] > 0] trades['inout'] = trades['inout'].map(marktrans) trades['num'] = trades['num'] * trades['inout'].map(reverseval) trades['val'] = trades['num'] * trades['prc'] trades['tscost'] = trades['val'] * trades['inout'].map(tsratecalc) trades['multi'] = 1 trades = trades.sort_values(by=['code'], ascending=[1]) trades = trades.ix[:, [ 'code', 'name', 'num', 'multi', 'prc', 'val', 'tscost', 'inout' ]] if outdir: trades.to_csv(outdir, header=True, index=False) else: return trades
def table_to_netdb(self, tablename, codedict, indexmark='科目代码', defaultvalcols=('市值', '市值本币')): """ 从已经存储到数据库中的估值表中提取计算净值所需的基础元素,更新至netdb中 更新前需检查 PROCESSED_TABLES 中是否已经拥有了该表格,已经存在的话就不能写入,报错 tablename 为需要更新的表格名称 在估值表数据库中的名称 标准名称 codedict 为存储必须提取的行的字典,如果估值表中没有该行的话则其值应该为零 indexmark 为行标记,标记存储codedict需要提取的字段的列 valcols 可能作为存储数值的列的名称通常为 [市值 、市值本币] """ # 从数据库中的估值表中提取需要的字段的值,并赋予标准化名称 if not codedict: print('[-]Codedict is empty can not update table : %s' % tablename) output_dict = {} # 存储提取出的数值的字典 rev_codedict = {} # 以行名(indexmark列对应的值)为KEY valcols = [indexmark] for cd in codedict: # 初始化输出字典 output_dict[cd] = 0 cditem = codedict[cd] if len(cditem) > 1: valcols.append(cditem[1]) # 把非默认的列提取出来 rev_codedict[cditem[0]] = (cd, cditem[1]) else: rev_codedict[cditem[0]] = (cd, ) #rev_codedict = {v[0]:k for k,v in codedict.items()} # 以行名为KEY,对应要素表列名为值的字典 # 提取数据 with da.DatabaseAssistant(self._dbdir) as db: cols = db.get_table_cols(tablename) # 匹配用作存储的值,同一只产品有些会是市值 、有些市值本币 所以需要逐一匹配 valmark = None for col in defaultvalcols: if col in cols: valmark = col break if not valmark: raise Exception('[-]在表格 %s 中没有匹配到存储数值的列' % tablename) else: valcols.insert(1, valmark) cursor = db.connection.cursor() exeline = ''.join( ['SELECT ', ','.join(valcols), ' FROM ', tablename]) rowvals = cursor.execute(exeline).fetchall() # 提取 indexmark 列对应的值 for row in rowvals: rowname = row[0].strip() if rowname in rev_codedict: item = rev_codedict[rowname] itemcol = item[1] if len(item) > 1 else valmark output_dict[item[0]] = row[valcols.index(itemcol)] # 写入 netdb 元素表 filedate = tablename[-8:] with da.DatabaseAssistant(self._netdbdir) as netdb: base_titles = ['date TEXT'] base_values = [filedate] for cd in sorted(output_dict): base_titles.append(' '.join([cd, 'REAL'])) base_values.append(output_dict[cd]) netdb.create_db_table(tablename='Net_Values_Base', titles=base_titles, replace=False) try: # 开始写入净值基础数据 cursor = netdb.connection.cursor() exeline = ''.join([ 'INSERT INTO Net_Values_Base VALUES (', ','.join(['?'] * len(base_titles)), ')' ]) cursor.execute(exeline, tuple(base_values)) netdb.connection.commit() except: print('[-]Update Net_Values_Base with table %s failed !' % tablename) raise else: cursor.execute('INSERT INTO PROCESSED_TABLES VALUES (?)', (tablename, )) # 需要一个 tuple 作为输入 netdb.connection.commit() print('[+]Update Net_Values_Base with table %s succed !' % tablename)
def generate_netvalues(self,earnvars = ('earn')): """ 从头计算净值表,包括全部日期(包含非交易日) 暂时未考虑融券情况 """ digits = self.precision confirmdays = self.confirmdays w.start() with da.DatabaseAssistant(self.netdbdir) as netdb: conn_net = netdb.connection basedata = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM Net_Values_Base',conn_net) #提取基础数据 sorteddata = basedata.sort_values(['date'],ascending=[1]) # 将数据根据日期排序,防止有些估值表发送较晚,更新靠后的情况 # 检查缺失交易日期,如果有缺失则只生成至缺失交易日前一(交易)日; 有交易日就应该有估值表,反之不然 alldates = sorteddata['date'] firstdate = alldates.values[0] # 基础数据起始日 须确保基础数据中没有重复项 lastdate = alldates.values[-1] # 基础数据结束日 tdays = w.tdays(firstdate,lastdate).Times # 期间交易日 trddays = pd.DataFrame([dt.datetime.strftime(t,'%Y%m%d') for t in tdays]) misstrd = ~trddays.isin(alldates.values) trdmiss = trddays[misstrd.values] # 期间缺失的交易日 if not trdmiss.empty: # 截止到第一个缺失交易日前的一个交易日 #cutdate=dt.datetime.strftime(w.tdaysoffset(-1,trdmiss.values[0][0]).Times[0],'%Y%m%d') cutdate = dt.datetime.strftime(w.tdaysoffset(-1,trdmiss.values[0][0]).Times[0],'%Y%m%d') cutpos = alldates<=cutdate # 需要提取的日期的位置 sorteddata = sorteddata[cutpos] dates = sorteddata['date'] datenum = dates.__len__() # 处理 融券的字段 if 'secloan' not in sorteddata.columns: sorteddata['secloan'] = 0 if 'fee_secloan' not in sorteddata.columns: sorteddata['fee_secloan'] = 0 # 计算实际付费 出入金 -- 费用为每日计提,累计显示,因而是逐渐增加的,如果一次减小说明当日支付上一付费季度的费用 fees = -(sorteddata.loc[:,['fee_service','fee_keep','fee_management','fee_secloan']+earnvars].diff()) #正常日计提 作差为正数,实际支付 作差为负数,取反则可以找到实际支付 fees[fees<0] = 0 # 将正常每日费用计提设为0 fees.iloc[0,:] = 0 # diff 导致第一行为NaN 需要填补为0 paid=fees.sum(axis=1) # 将每日各项费用加总,计算每日(账面)支付金额 ################### 开始计算净值 ####################### netreal=sorteddata['assetnet']/sorteddata['sharenum'] # 计算真实(单位)净值 # 计算将业绩提成补回后的(累计)净值收益率 bookearns = sorteddata.loc[:,earnvars].diff() # 账面业绩提成,不是实际支付的 与fees['earn'] 是不一样的!!! bookearns.iloc[0,:] = 0 bookearns[bookearns<0] = 0 bookearn = bookearns.sum(axis=1) net_addearn = (sorteddata['assetnet']+bookearn)/sorteddata['sharenum'] cumret = net_addearn.values[1:]/netreal.values[:-1]-1 cumret = np.row_stack([np.zeros([1,1]),np.reshape(cumret,[datenum-1,1])]) netcum = np.cumprod(1+cumret)*netreal[0] # 计算补回业绩提成后的(累计)单位净值,并确保初始值与单位净值初始值对齐 # 在有申购赎回的时候需要采取平滑处理 sharechg = sorteddata['sharenum'].diff() # 计算份额变动差异 >0 为由申购, <0 为有赎回,有可能申赎数量相同,但不影响金额 sharechg[0] = 0 # 和前一个数值相比, 确定 confirm date 交易确认日 (T+C) 的位置 idxchg_TC = sharechg!=0 # type: pd.DataFrame chgpos_TC = idxchg_TC[idxchg_TC].index # 变动位置的序号 chgdate = dates[chgpos_TC].values # 变动位置的对应的日期 opendate = [w.tdaysoffset(-confirmdays,c).Times[0].strftime('%Y%m%d') for c in chgdate] openidx = dates.isin(opendate) # 开放日位置 inout = np.zeros_like(netreal) inout[chgpos_TC] = np.round(netreal[openidx].values,digits)*sharechg[chgpos_TC].values # 将单位净值round到指定位置,乘以分额变动计算出在开放日申购赎回的金额 # 提取 开放日 到 确认日 期间的日期(TCm1)对应的位置,并在相应位置对应上申购赎回的金额 inout2 = np.zeros_like(netreal) idxchg_TCm1 = np.zeros_like(netreal) opennum = 0 opentot = opendate.__len__() for dumi in range(datenum): # 将日期一个个与开放日比对 if opennum>=opentot: # 已经找到的开放日数量超过了所有 开放日数量,说明已经完成,可以退出了 break mydt = dates.values[dumi] if mydt>opendate[opennum] and mydt<chgdate[opennum]: inout2[dumi] = inout[chgpos_TC[opennum]] idxchg_TCm1[dumi] = 1 elif mydt>=chgdate[opennum]: opennum += 1 amtchg = np.zeros_like(netreal) comptot = sorteddata['assettot']-sorteddata['shares_sell']-sorteddata['secloan'] # 资产总额扣除应付赎回款\融券金额,总资产不包含已经支付的费用,需要加回 amtchg[1:] = comptot.values[1:]-comptot.values[:-1]+paid.values[1:]-inout[1:] # 每日资金变动金额,补回费用,剔除申购赎回 # 计算平滑后的 补回全部费用的 收益率 rets = np.zeros_like(netreal) numerator = (comptot.values + paid.values + inout2)[1:] # 分子与确认日对齐 denominator = comptot.values[:-1]+(inout2+inout)[1:] rets[1:] = numerator/denominator-1 level = 0.1 # 异常收益情况检查 assert all(rets<level) and all(rets>-level) ,'abnormal return value, check data !' netvals = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack([dates.values,netreal,netcum,np.cumprod(1+rets)*netreal[0],rets,amtchg,np.cumsum(amtchg)]), columns=['Date','NetSingle','NetCumulated','NetCompensated','CompReturns','AmtChg','AmtCumChg']) sql.to_sql(netvals,name='Net_Values',con=conn_net,if_exists='replace',index=False) print(' '.join(['%s : Netvalues updated from' %self.pname,firstdate,'to',dates.values[-1]])) w.close()
def holdlist_to_db(self, textvars, tabledir, date=None, tablename=None, codemark='证券代码', replace=True, currencymark='币种'): """ 将一张软件端导出的 持仓表格 更新至数据库 textvars 存储数据库格式为TEXT的字段 currencymark 用于识别汇总情况表头 目前只有通达信终端才有 若找不到就不建立表格 codemark 用于标识正表表头 tablename 表格存储在数据库中的名称 """ if date is None: date = if not tablename: tablename = self.get_holdname(inputdate=date) with da.DatabaseAssistant(dbdir=self._hold_dbdir) as holddb: conn = holddb.connection c = conn.cursor() with open(tabledir, 'r') as fl: rawline = fl.readline() startwrite = False summary = False newtb = False while rawline: line = rawline.strip().split(',') if not startwrite: if currencymark: # 在找到详细数据之前会先查找汇总,如果不需要汇总则直接寻找标题 if not summary: # 检查持仓汇总部分 if currencymark in line: #寻找汇总标题 stitles = line currpos = stitles.index(currencymark) stitlecheck = da.DatabaseAssistant.gen_table_titles( titles=stitles, varstypes={'TEXT': (currencymark, )}) stitletrans = stitlecheck['typed_titles'] stitle_empty = stitlecheck['empty_pos'] stitlelen = len(stitletrans) holddb.create_db_table( tablename=tablename + '_summary', titles=stitletrans, replace=True) rawline = fl.readline() summary = True continue else: if line[currpos] == '人民币': # 读取人民币对应的一行 exeline = ''.join([ 'INSERT INTO ', tablename + '_summary', ' VALUES (', ','.join(['?'] * stitlelen), ')' ]) newline = [] for dumi in range(len(line)): if not stitle_empty[dumi]: newline.append(line[dumi]) c.execute(exeline, newline) conn.commit() #寻找正表标题 if codemark in line: titles = line titlecheck = da.DatabaseAssistant.gen_table_titles( titles=titles, varstypes={'TEXT': textvars}) titletrans = titlecheck['typed_titles'] # title_empty = titlecheck['empty_pos'] # 此处尤其暗藏风险,假设正表数据没有空列 newtb = holddb.create_db_table(tablename=tablename, titles=titletrans, replace=replace) rawline = fl.readline() startwrite = True if not newtb: # 表格已经存在就不必再写入 break continue elif startwrite and newtb: # 在已找到正文并且表格是新建的情况下才开始写 exeline = ''.join([ 'INSERT INTO ', tablename, ' VALUES (', ','.join(['?'] * len(line)), ')' ]) c.execute(exeline, line) conn.commit() rawline = fl.readline() if startwrite and newtb: #实现写入并退出循环 print('Table ' + tablename + ' updated to database !') elif startwrite and not newtb: print('Table ' + tablename + ' already in the database !') else: # 未能实现写入 print('Table ' + tablename + ' cannot read the main body, nothing writen !')