def test_new_branch(): """ Test the creation of a new branch with messages. """ DB.init() assert DB.add_user("Ludwig") assert DB.add_user("Kevin") DB.init_chatt("Ludwig") Branch_id = DB.add_brach("Ludwig") assert Branch_id is not None assert DB.new_message("HEJ", "Ludwig", Branch_id, 0) assert DB.add_user_to_brach("Kevin", Branch_id) assert DB.new_message("Nej!", "Kevin", Branch_id, 1) assert DB.add_brach_summary(Branch_id, "Noob", "Kevin")
def test_new_chatt(): """ Test the creation of users and a shared chatsystem. """ DB.init() assert DB.add_user("Ludwig") assert not DB.add_user("Ludwig") assert DB.add_user("Kevin", 2) branch_id = DB.init_chatt("Ludwig") assert branch_id is not None assert DB.set_user_role("Ludwig", 1) assert DB.delete_user("Ludwig") assert DB.get_chatt("Ludwig") == [branch_id] assert not DB.get_chatt("Kevin")
def test_user(): """ Test the creation and deletion of users, as well as changing att getting their roles. """ DB.init() assert DB.add_user("Kevin") assert not DB.add_user("Kevin") assert DB.delete_user("Kevin") assert not DB.delete_user("Kevin") assert DB.add_user("Felicia", 2) assert DB.set_user_role("Felicia", 0) assert DB.get_user("Felicia") == ("Felicia", 0) assert not DB.set_user_role("Kevin", 7)
def test_messages(): """ Test adding diffrent types of messages Krav som testas: 6.2.1, 6.2.2 """ DB.init() assert DB.add_user("Ludwig") branch_id = DB.init_chatt("Ludwig") assert DB.new_message("HEJ", "Ludwig", branch_id, 0) assert DB.new_message("HEJ", "Kevin", branch_id, 1) assert not DB.new_message("HEJ", "Ludwig", branch_id + 1, 0) assert ["Ludwig", "HEJ", 0] in DB.get_messages(branch_id)
def test_brach_errors(): """ Test using whrong imputs for branches """ DB.init() assert DB.add_user("Ludwig") branch_id = DB.init_chatt("Ludwig") assert not DB.init_chatt("Ludwig") assert not DB.init_chatt("Kevin") assert not DB.add_brach_summary(branch_id+1, "text", "Ludwig") assert not DB.add_user_to_brach("Kevin", branch_id) assert not DB.add_brach("Kevin")
def signup(): '''The signup page for the application. Arguments: Nothing Returns: redirect(url_for("account_verification")): redirects user to the verification page on successful signup render_template("signup.html"): gets the signup.html file from the templates folder ''' global verification_username if request.method == "POST": username = request.form["username"] password = request.form["password"] confirm = request.form["confirm"] email = request.form["email"] error = False if username == '': flash("Please enter a username", "username_error") error = True elif len(username) < 4: #if length of username is less than 4 flash("Username must be at least 4 characters", "username_error") #Categorizes the messsage into a category called "username_error" error = True elif len(username) > 25: #if length of username is greater than 25 flash("Username must not exceed 25 characters", "username_error") error = True elif " " in username: #if the username contains any whitespaces flash("Username must not contain any spaces", "username_error") error = True elif db.check_username_already_used(username) == True: flash("Username is already being used", "username_error") error = True if password == '': flash("Please enter a password", "password_error") error = True elif len(password) < 8: flash("Password must be at least 8 characters long", "password_error") error = True elif not any(char.isupper() for char in password): #if the password contains no uppercase letters flash("Password must contain at least 1 uppercase letter", "password_error") error = True elif not any(char.islower() for char in password): #if the password contans no lowercase letters flash("Password must contain at least 1 lowercase letter", "password_error") error = True elif not any( char.isdigit() for char in password): #if the password contains no numbers flash("Password must contain at least 1 number", "password_error") error = True elif confirm != password: #if the password does not match the other password the user entered flash("Passwords do not match", "password_error") error = True if email == '': flash("Please enter an email address", "email_error") error = True elif db.check_email_already_used(email) == True: flash("Email is already registed to an account", "email_error") error = True if error == False: hashed_password = hashing.hash_password(username, password) db.add_user(username, hashed_password, email, 0) session["verificationusername"] = username return redirect(url_for("account_verification")) return render_template("signup.html")
def main(): if not path.exists('passwords.db'): create_database() while True: option = main_menu() if option not in ['l', 's', 'd', 'e']: print('Invalid option\n') elif option == 'e': exit() elif option == 's': # Create new user print('''I will need some informations. DO NOT FORGET OR YOU WILL LOSE ACCESS TO ALL YOUR PASSWORDS\n''') # Check if username is valid users_list = get_usernames_list() valid = False while not valid: username = input('\nWhat is your username? ') for name in users_list: if username == name[0]: print('\nUsername alredy taken') break else: valid = True master_password = input('\nWhat is your master password? ') master_hashed = get_hash(master_password) key = generate_key() try: add_user(username, master_hashed, key) print('\nUser added successully!') except sqlite3.Error: print('\nAn error ocurred, try again later') elif option == 'l': username = input('\nWhat is your username? ') provided_password = input('\nWhat is your master password? ') provided_hashed = str(get_hash(provided_password)) accessed = check_user(username, provided_hashed) if accessed: print(f'\nWellcome {username}\n') user_id = get_user_id(username) user_key = get_key(user_id) while True: operation = user_menu() if operation not in ['l', 'a', 'g', 'u', 'd', 'e']: print('\nInvalid option!') elif operation == 'e': print(f'\nGoodbye {username}!\n') break elif operation == 'l': services_list = list_saved_services(user_id) if len(services_list) == 0: print("\nThere are no services yet\n") else: print('\nOkay, listing services...\n') for i in range(len(services_list)): print( f'Service {i + 1}: {services_list[i][0]}\n' ) elif operation == 'a': # Check if service isn't alredy saved services_list = list_saved_services(user_id) valid = False while not valid: service_name = input( '\nWhat is the name of the service? ') for service in services_list: if service_name == service[0]: print("\nService alredy registered") break else: valid = True username = input( f"\nWhat is your username in {service_name}? ") password = input( f'\nWhat is your password in {service_name}? ') encrypted_password = encrypt_password( user_key, password) add_service(service_name, username, encrypted_password, user_id) print('\nService added successfully!') elif operation == 'g': service = input( '\nWhat service do you want to check? ') service_list = list_saved_services(user_id) for existing_service in service_list: if service == existing_service[0]: exists = True break else: exists = False if not exists: print('\nThis is not a registered service') else: username, hashed_password = check_data_from_service( user_id, service) password = decrypt_password( user_key, hashed_password) print( f'\nService: {service}\nUsername: {username}\nPassword: {password}' ) elif operation == 'u': service = input( '\nWhat is the service you want to update? ') service_list = list_saved_services(user_id) for name in service_list: if name[0] == service: exists = True break else: exists = False if exists: username = input( '\nWhat will be your new username? (press enter for no changing) ' ) password = input( '\nWhat will be your new password? (press enter for no changing) ' ) if username == '' and password == '': print('\nYou must change at least one!') continue elif username == '': encrypted_password = encrypt_password( user_key, password) update_service_password( user_id, service, encrypted_password) elif password == '': update_service_username( user_id, service, username) elif username != '' and password != '': encrypted_password = encrypt_password( user_key, password) update_service_password( user_id, service, encrypted_password) update_service_username( user_id, service, username) print('\nService updated successfully!') else: print("\nThis service isn't registred") elif operation == 'd': service = input( '\nWhat is the service you want to delete? ') service_list = list_saved_services(user_id) for name in service_list: if name[0] == service: exists = True break else: exists = False if exists: delete_service(user_id, service) print('\nService deleted successfully!') else: print("\nThis service isn't registred") elif accessed is False: print('\nAccess denied!') elif accessed is None: print('\nUser not found') elif option == 'd': username = input('\nWhat is your username? ') provided_password = input('\nWhat is your master password? ') provided_hashed = str(get_hash(provided_password)) accessed = check_user(username, provided_hashed) if accessed: user_id = get_user_id(username) delete_user(user_id) print(f'\nThe user {username} was deleted successfully') elif accessed is False: print('\nAccess denied!') elif accessed is None: print("\nThis user doesn't exists")
def send(self): """ Send data from QLineEdit """ if self.state == ApplicationStates.SIGN_UP: self.provided_username = self.username.text() self.provided_password = self.password.text() if self.provided_username == '' or self.provided_password == '': self.warning.setText( 'You must type in a username and a password!') return users_list = get_usernames_list() for name in users_list: if self.provided_username == name[0]: self.warning.setText('Username alredy taken') return else: key = generate_key() master_hashed = get_hash(self.provided_password) try: add_user(self.provided_username, master_hashed, key)'User registered successully') self.main_menu() except sqlite3.Error: self.warning.setText('A problem occurred, try again later') elif self.state == ApplicationStates.LOGIN: self.provided_username = self.username.text() self.provided_password = self.password.text() if self.provided_username == '' or self.provided_password == '': self.warning.setText( 'You must type in a username and a password!') return provided_hash = str(get_hash(self.provided_password)) # Checking if user exists users_list = get_usernames_list() for user in users_list: if self.provided_username == user[0]: if provided_hash == get_master_hashed(self.provided_username): accessed = True break else: accessed = False break else: accessed = None if accessed: self.reset_widgets() self.user_id = get_user_id(self.provided_username) self.user_key = get_key(self.user_id) self.header.setText(f'Welcome {self.provided_username}') elif accessed is False: self.warning.setText('Access denied!') elif accessed is None: self.warning.setText('User not found') elif self.state == ApplicationStates.ADD_SERVICE: service_name = self.service_name.text() service_username = self.username.text() service_password = self.password.text() if service_name == '' or service_username == '' or service_password == '': self.warning.setText('All fields are required') return else: services_list = list_saved_services(self.user_id) for service in services_list: if service_name == service[0]: self.warning.setText('Service alredy registered') return else: encrypted_password = encrypt_password( self.user_key, service_password) add_service(service_name, service_username, encrypted_password, self.user_id)'Service added successfully') self.cancel() elif self.state == ApplicationStates.CHECK_SERVICE: service_name = self.service_name.text() if service_name == '': self.warning.setText('You must type in the service name!') return services_list = list_saved_services(self.user_id) for service in services_list: if service_name == service[0]: service_exists = True break else: service_exists = False if not service_exists: self.warning.setText('This is not a registered service') else: username, password = check_data_from_service( self.user_id, service_name) password = decrypt_password(self.user_key, password) f'Service: {service[0]}\nUsername: {username}\nPassword: {password}') self.cancel() elif self.state == ApplicationStates.UPDATE_SERVICE: service_name = self.service_name.text() username = self.username.text() password = self.password.text() if service_name == '' or (username == '' and password == ''): self.warning.setText( 'You must choose the service name and at least one of the others!') return services_list = list_saved_services(self.user_id) for name in services_list: if name[0] == service_name: service_exists = True break else: service_exists = False if not service_exists: self.warning.setText('This is not a registered service') else: if username == '': encrypted_password = encrypt_password( self.user_key, password) update_service_password( self.user_id, service_name, encrypted_password) elif password == '': update_service_username(self.user_id, service_name, username) elif username != '' and password != '': encrypted_password = encrypt_password( self.user_key, password) update_service_password( self.user_id, service_name, encrypted_password) update_service_username( self.user_id, service_name, username)'Service updated successfully!') self.cancel() elif self.state == ApplicationStates.DELETE_SERVICE: service_name = self.service_name.text() if service_name == '': self.warning.setText('You must type in the service name!') return services_list = list_saved_services(self.user_id) for service in services_list: if service_name == service[0]: service_exists = True break else: service_exists = False if not service_exists: self.warning.setText('This is not a registered service') else: delete_service(self.user_id, service_name) f'Service {service_name} was deleted successfully!') self.cancel()