class DisplayEntropyInfo: def __init__(self, entropy): self.db_provider = DBContentsProvider() self.file_io_provider = ObjDataAndBinFile() self.entropy = entropy def run_gremlin_query(self, query): return self.db_provider.run_gremlin_query(query) def query_loc_callsite(self, callee_id): query = """ g.v(%s).statements.transform{[g.v(it.functionId).functionToFile.filepath, it.location]} """ % callee_id result = self.run_gremlin_query(query) loc = "%s: %s" % (result[0][0][0], result[0][1]) return loc def display_entropy(self): sorted_entropy = self.sort_entropy() print "\n# Total entropy | implict-check | explict check | callsite id | location\n" for en in sorted_entropy: print en def sort_entropy(self): sorted_entropy = [] for en in self.entropy: sum_entropy = sum(en[1]) sum_entropy += sum(en[2]) #sum_entropy = round(en[1][2] + en[2][2],2) sum_entropy = round(sum_entropy,2) loc = self.query_loc_callsite(en[0]) sorted_entropy.append([sum_entropy, en[1], en[2], en[0], loc]) sorted_entropy = sorted(sorted_entropy, key=lambda entropy: entropy[0], reverse=True) return sorted_entropy
class DisplayEntropyInfo: def __init__(self, entropy): self.db_provider = DBContentsProvider() self.file_io_provider = ObjDataAndBinFile() self.entropy = entropy def run_gremlin_query(self, query): return self.db_provider.run_gremlin_query(query) def query_loc_callsite(self, callee_id): query = """ g.v(%s).statements.transform{[g.v(it.functionId).functionToFile.filepath, it.location]} """ % callee_id result = self.run_gremlin_query(query) loc = "%s: %s" % (result[0][0][0], result[0][1]) return loc def display_entropy(self): entropys = self.sort_entropy() print "\n# Total entropy | implict-check | explict check | callsite id | location\n" filename = "Data/entropy_thesis.xls" wXLS = writeXLS() wXLS.write_excel(filename, entropys) for en in entropys: print en def sort_entropy(self): sorted_entropy = [] for en in self.entropy: sum_entropy = sum(en[1:]) sum_entropy = round(sum_entropy, 2) loc = self.query_loc_callsite(en[0]) tmp = [] tmp.append(sum_entropy) tmp.extend(en[1:]) tmp.append(loc) sorted_entropy.append(tmp) sorted_entropy = sorted(sorted_entropy, key=lambda entropy: entropy[0], reverse=True) return sorted_entropy
class MiningErrfuncShell: def __init__(self): self.db_provider = DBContentsProvider() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Find defect callees.') parser.add_argument('--function', '-func', help='the target argument-sensitive function name') parser.add_argument("-f", "--filepath", help=' file of check information saved') parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", required=False, type=int, default=0.5, help="the threshold of the entropy") self.args_ = parser.parse_args() def run_gremlin_query(self, query): return self.db_provider.run_gremlin_query(query) def query_allCallee_name(self): query = """ g.V.has('type','Callee').as('x').code.dedup().back('x').code.toList() """ result = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return result def run(self): #一些奇怪的,暂时无法消除bug(与joern实现有关)的函数,略过 func_unnormal = ['INCOHERENT'] allCallee_name = self.query_allCallee_name() display_data = [] num_func = len(allCallee_name) num_alalysed_func = 0 f_debug= open("Data/degbug.txt",'a' ) f_debug.write("\nBeginTime = %s num_func = %s\n"%(,num_func)) f_debug.close for function_name in allCallee_name: if function_name in func_unnormal: continue function_name_str = function_name.encode('gbk') # datapath = "Data/result_libtif407/"%function_name_str if os.path.exists(datapath): #filename = "Data/" feature_callees = ObjDataAndBinFile.binfile2objdata(datapath) else: extract_errfun_feature = ExtractErrFunFeatures(function_name_str) #patterns =, callee_ids) feature_callees = obj_MiningErrFunc = MiningErrFunc(feature_callees) #mining_result = [is_err, weight_call, ratio_ft_path,ratio_ft_stmt,ratio_ft_usedOneside] mining_result = tmp = [] tmp.append(function_name) tmp.extend(mining_result) display_data.append(tmp) num_alalysed_func = num_alalysed_func +1 f_debug= open("Data/degbug.txt",'a' ) f_debug.write(str(tmp[1]) + str(" ") + str(tmp[2]) + " " + str(tmp[0]) + " " + str(tmp[3])+ " " + str(tmp[4])+ " " + str(tmp[5])) f_debug.write("\n") f_debug.close() f_debug= open("Data/degbug.txt",'a' ) f_debug.write("EndTime = %s num_alalysed_func = %s\n"%(,num_alalysed_func)) f_debug.close() display_data = sorted(display_data, key=lambda l: (l[1],l[2]), reverse=True) # 保存数据 f= open("Data/10141859.txt",'w' ) #f= open("Data/"%int(time.time),'w' ) for data in display_data: f.write(str(data[0]) + str(" ") + str(data[1]) + " " + str(data[2]) + " " + str(data[3])+ " " + str(data[4]) + " " + str(data[5])) f.write("\n") f.close() ##debug:缺陷检测部分,检测前面num_detect个fun num_detect = 50 index = 0 for func_item in display_data: function_name_str = func_item[0].encode('gbk') extract_errfun_feature = ExtractErrFunFeatures(function_name_str) #patterns =, callee_ids) feature_callees = for ft_callee in feature_callees: ft_info = "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s"%(func_item[0],ft_callee[0],ft_callee[2][0],ft_callee[2][1], ft_callee[2][2],ft_callee[3][0], ft_callee[3][1],ft_callee[3][2]) f_dectect= open("Data/detect.txt",'a' ) f_dectect.write(ft_info) f_dectect.write("\n") index =index +1 if index > num_func: break ## return
class ExtractErrFunFeatures: def __init__(self, function_name): self.db_provider = DBContentsProvider() self.file_io_provider = ObjDataAndBinFile() self.function_name = function_name self.count_threads = 20 def set_implicit_check_pattern(self, arg_checked, arg_by): # CNT is constant, OutVar is variable from outside of caller if arg_by == "CNT": return "arg_%s DEFBY %s" % (arg_checked, arg_by) if arg_by == "OutVar": return "arg_%s DEFBY %s" % (arg_checked, arg_by) return "arg_%s DEFBY arg_%s" % (arg_checked, arg_by) ''' def set_explicit_check_pattern(self, arg_checked, checkinfo): flowlabel_code = checkinfo[0][0] operator_code = checkinfo[1] related_args = checkinfo[2] pattern_str = "%s %s arg_%s VS (" % (arg_checked, flowlabel_code, operator_code) for arg_index in related_args: pattern_str += " arg_%s " % arg_index pattern_str += ")" return ''' def set_explicit_check_pattern(self, arg_checked, checkinfo): # explicit_checkinfo_args[index_arg].append([norm_cmp_items, norm_cmp_op, norm_cmp_value]) norm_cmp_items = "f(" for i in range(0, len(checkinfo[0]) - 1): norm_cmp_items += "arg_%d, " % checkinfo[0][i] norm_cmp_items += "arg_%d)" % checkinfo[0][len(checkinfo[0]) - 1] norm_cmp_op = checkinfo[1] norm_cmp_value = "f(" for i in range(0, len(checkinfo[2]) - 1): norm_cmp_value += "%s, " % checkinfo[2][i] norm_cmp_value += "%s)" % checkinfo[2][len(checkinfo[2]) - 1] return "%s %s %s" % (norm_cmp_items, norm_cmp_op, norm_cmp_value) def run_gremlin_query(self, query): return self.db_provider.run_gremlin_query(query) def save_data_to_file(self, data, file_path): # filename = "Data/"%time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') # print "生成GetOutStatsData的原始数据文件:%s" % file_path self.file_io_provider.objdata2file(data, file_path) def query_loc_callsite(self, callee_id): query = """ g.v(%s).statements.transform{[g.v(it.functionId).functionToFile.filepath, it.location]} """ % callee_id result = self.run_gremlin_query(query) loc = "%s: %s" % (result[0][0][0], result[0][1]) return loc def query_callee_ids(self, function_name): query = """ g.V().has('type','Callee').has('code','%s').id.toList() """ % function_name callee_ids = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return callee_ids def query_callsite_id(self, callee_id): query = """ g.v(%s) """ % callee_id callsite_id = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return callsite_id[0] def query_backward_paths(self, callee_id): query = """ getBackwardPaths(%s) """ % callee_id all_paths = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return all_paths def query_farward_paths_from_condition(self, condition_id): query = """ getFarwardPaths_from_condition(%s) """ % condition_id all_paths = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return all_paths # def_chain = <--var_str-- def query_define_chains(self, path): def_chain = [] for node_id in path: query = """ g.v(%s).inE('REACHES').transform{[, it.var,]} """ % node_id def_chain_tmp = self.run_gremlin_query(query) # select the definition of the @path for chain in def_chain_tmp: if (chain[0][0] in path) and (chain[2][0] in path): # remove the define node which dst == src, it will make some process loop forever if chain[0][0] != chain[2][0]: def_chain.append([chain[0][0], chain[1], chain[2][0]]) # remove the invalid define chain from @def_chain invalid_chains = [] for i in range(0, len(def_chain)): for j in range(0, len(def_chain)): if i == j: continue # the nearest definition on the same node with the same variable is the valid one if def_chain[i][0] == def_chain[j][0] and def_chain[i][ 1] == def_chain[j][1]: if path.index(def_chain[i][2]) > path.index( def_chain[j][2]): invalid_chains.append(i) else: invalid_chains.append(j) invalid_chains = self.unique_list(invalid_chains) invalid_chains.sort(reverse=True) for i in invalid_chains: def_chain.remove(def_chain[i]) return def_chain def query_args(self, callee_id): query = """ getArgs(%s) """ % callee_id arg_ids = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return arg_ids def query_symbols_by_ids(self, ids): symbols_id = [] symbols_code = [] for arg in ids: query = """ _getSymbols(%s) """ % arg s_ids = self.run_gremlin_query(query) symbols_id.append(s_ids) s_codes = [] if s_ids: for vid in s_ids: s_codes.append(self.query_code_by_id(vid)) else: s_codes.append(u'') symbols_code.append(s_codes) return symbols_id, symbols_code def query_define_vars_dst_on_symbols(self, src_id, symbols, def_chain): define_vars = [] define_dst_node = [] callsite = src_id for s in symbols: var_symbol = self.query_code_by_id(s) head_node = self.search_dst_by_var_src(callsite, var_symbol, def_chain) if not head_node: continue define_vars.append(var_symbol) define_dst_node.append(head_node) src_nodes = [head_node] while src_nodes: src_new = [] for src in src_nodes: middle_define_vars, dst_nodes = self.search_vars_dsts_by_src( src, def_chain) if middle_define_vars: for dst in dst_nodes: if dst not in define_dst_node: src_new.extend(dst_nodes) define_vars.extend(middle_define_vars) define_dst_node.extend(dst_nodes) src_nodes = src_new #define_dst_node = self.unique_list(define_dst_node) #define_vars = self.unique_list(define_vars) return define_vars, define_dst_node def query_code_by_id(self, vid): query = """ _getCodeById(%s) """ % vid code = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return code # search dst node from def_chain by var and src node def search_dst_by_var_src(self, src, var, def_chain): for def_node in def_chain: if src == def_node[0] and var == def_node[1]: return def_node[2] return False def search_vars_dsts_by_src(self, src, def_chain): define_vars = [] dst_nodes = [] for def_node in def_chain: if def_node[0] == src: define_vars.append(def_node[1]) dst_nodes.append(def_node[2]) return define_vars, dst_nodes def query_flowlabel_between_nodes(self, out_v, in_v): query = """ _getFlowlabelOfCfgIds(%s, %s) """ % (out_v, in_v) flowlabel = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return flowlabel # parseControl return [flowlabel_code, ids_child[0], tpye_code, operator_code, children] # children = [id,type,code] def query_parsed_control(self, control_id, next_node): query = """ parseControl(%s,%s) """ % (control_id, next_node) control_info = self.run_gremlin_query(query) flowlabel_code = control_info[0] id_exp = control_info[1] type_exp = control_info[2] operator_expr = control_info[3] children_expr = control_info[4] return flowlabel_code, id_exp, type_exp, operator_expr, children_expr # the controls are condition statements control the callsite_id def query_controls(self, callsite_id): query = """4849840 getControlsFromCfgId(%s) """ % callsite_id controls = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return controls # get controls of the path def query_controls_path(self, controls, path): controls_path = [] for c in controls: if c in path: controls_path.append(c) return controls_path def query_control_symbols(self, control): query = """ _getSymbols(%s) """ % control control_symbols = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return control_symbols @staticmethod def unique_list(old_list): new_list = [] for i in old_list: if i not in new_list: new_list.append(i) return new_list @staticmethod def is_lists_cross(list1, list2): for l in list1: if l in list2: return True return False @staticmethod def get_index_same_items_of_list1(list1, list2): indexList = [] for i in range(0, len(list1)): if list1[i] in list2: indexList.append(i) return indexList @staticmethod def list1_VSset_list2(list1, list2): if (not list1) or (not list2): return "xx" if set(list1) > set(list2): return '>' if set(list1) == set(list2): return '=' if set(list1) < set(list2): return '<' else: return 'x' def query_check_patterns_path(self, callee_id, callsite_id, path, controls_path): arg_ids = self.query_args(callee_id) symbols_id_of_args, symbols_code_of_args = self.query_symbols_by_ids( arg_ids) def_chain_path = self.query_define_chains(path) define_vars_of_args = [] define_dst_of_args = [] for symbols_arg in symbols_id_of_args: defvars_of_arg, define_dst_of_arg = \ self.query_define_vars_dst_on_symbols(callsite_id, symbols_arg, def_chain_path) define_vars_of_args.append(defvars_of_arg) define_dst_of_args.append(define_dst_of_arg) arg_num = len(arg_ids) # I. 隐式约束 query_implicit_check_patterns_path implicit_check_patterns = [[] for i in range(arg_num)] for i in range(0, arg_num): # 1. 判断该参数是否为常量 # 1.1 没有用到符号 if not symbols_id_of_args[i]: implicit_check_patterns[i].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(i, "CNT")) continue # Because Joern can not identify the Global variable/const, # the arg may have symbol but its define_vars_of_args is NULL. # Because the global variable is not recommend, used rarely, # so we set its check pattern as defined by const "CNT" # const: type 'PrimaryExpression' # 1.2 有符号没却没有用于定义的变量 and 符号代码全为大写字符,则判断为全局变量,Joern不精准的原因 if symbols_id_of_args[i] and (not define_vars_of_args[i]): flag_notupper = False for symbol in symbols_code_of_args[i]: if not symbol.isupper(): flag_notupper = True break if not flag_notupper: implicit_check_patterns[i].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(i, "CNT")) continue # If the right values of all the define nodes of the define chains' tails (define_dst_of_args[i]) are constants, # the arg is defined by constant # 1.3. 所有的定义语句都是常量赋值,那么最终的实参也是常量 flag_value = True if define_dst_of_args[i]: for nodeid in define_dst_of_args[i]: nodecode = self.run_gremlin_query("g.v(%s).code" % nodeid) value = nodecode.split("=", 1) if len(value) != 2: flag_value = False break rightvalue = value[1] # 此处有错误,如果是字符串常量呢? if rightvalue.isdigit() != True: flag_value = False break if flag_value: implicit_check_patterns[i].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(i, "CNT")) continue for j in range(i + 1, arg_num): # 2. 判断与其它参数的关系 # 2.1. symbols属于包含关系 if self.list1_VSset_list2(symbols_id_of_args[i], symbols_id_of_args[j]) == '>': implicit_check_patterns[i].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(i, j)) continue #if self.is_lists_cross(symbols_id_of_args[i], symbols_id_of_args[j]): # implicit_check_patterns[i].append(self.set_implicit_check_pattern(i, j)) if self.list1_VSset_list2(symbols_id_of_args[i], symbols_id_of_args[j]) == '<': implicit_check_patterns[j].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(j, i)) continue if self.list1_VSset_list2(symbols_id_of_args[i], symbols_id_of_args[j]) == '=': implicit_check_patterns[i].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(i, j)) implicit_check_patterns[j].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(j, i)) continue # 2.2. var包含关系 if self.list1_VSset_list2(define_vars_of_args[i], symbols_code_of_args[j]) == '>': implicit_check_patterns[i].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(i, j)) continue if self.list1_VSset_list2(define_vars_of_args[j], symbols_code_of_args[i]) == '>': implicit_check_patterns[i].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(j, i)) continue tmp_defvar_i = define_vars_of_args[i][ 1:len(define_vars_of_args[i])] tmp_defvar_j = define_vars_of_args[j][ 1:len(define_vars_of_args[j])] if tmp_defvar_j: if self.list1_VSset_list2(define_vars_of_args[i], tmp_defvar_j) == '>': implicit_check_patterns[i].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(i, j)) continue if tmp_defvar_i: if self.list1_VSset_list2(define_vars_of_args[j], tmp_defvar_i) == '>': implicit_check_patterns[i].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(j, i)) continue if tmp_defvar_i and tmp_defvar_j: if self.list1_VSset_list2(tmp_defvar_j, tmp_defvar_i) == '=': implicit_check_patterns[i].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(i, j)) implicit_check_patterns[i].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(j, i)) continue # 2.3. 混合定义的情况 if self.is_lists_cross(define_vars_of_args[i], define_vars_of_args[j]): implicit_check_patterns[i].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(i, j)) implicit_check_patterns[i].append( self.set_implicit_check_pattern(j, i)) # implicit_check_patterns[j].append(self.set_implicit_check_pattern(j, i)) continue # 3. 其它归为未知变量:后续过程间分析时需要区分是否依赖于调用者的入参 # the default define patten is defined by "OutVar" # implicit_check_patterns[i].append(self.set_implicit_check_pattern(i, "OutVar")) # II. 显式约束 query_explicit_check_patterns_path: # If there is a define node on one symbol of the @arg, whose location is between the control node @control # and the callsite, then the @control is not take an explicit check on the @arg. # Else if the defvar(@control) ^ defvar(@arg) != [], then @control is take an explicit check on the @arg. explicit_check_patterns = [[] for i in range(arg_num)] explicit_checkinfo_args = [[] for i in range(arg_num)] checked_arg_control = [] symbols_id_of_controls, symbols_code_of_controls = self.query_symbols_by_ids( controls_path) ''' define_vars_of_controls = [] define_dst_of_controls = [] for symbols_control in symbols_id_of_controls: defvars_of_control, define_dst_of_control = \ self.query_define_vars_dst_on_symbols(callsite_id, symbols_control, def_chain_path) define_vars_of_controls.append(defvars_of_control) define_dst_of_controls.append(define_dst_of_control) ''' # 1. 筛选有效的条件检查,并与对应的参数关联 for index_arg in range(0, arg_num): for index_control in range(0, len(controls_path)): checked_var_of_args = self.get_index_same_items_of_list1( define_vars_of_args[index_arg], symbols_code_of_controls[index_control]) location_control = path.index(controls_path[index_control]) if checked_var_of_args: flag_valid_control = True for index_checked_var_of_args in checked_var_of_args: location_checked_dst_node = path.index( define_dst_of_args[index_arg] [index_checked_var_of_args]) # if one control check on var, but the var was defined again after the control, # then the control is not consided as a valid check on var if location_control > location_checked_dst_node: flag_valid_control = False break if flag_valid_control: # log the relation between arg and valid controls checked_arg_control.append([index_arg, index_control]) # 2.解析有效的条件检查;收集条件检查的 逻辑运算符号,结果满足条件(True,False),相关参数 # collect check info from @checked_arg_control into each arg for c_arg_control in checked_arg_control: index_arg = c_arg_control[0] index_control = c_arg_control[1] args_by_control = [] for tmp_arg_control in checked_arg_control: if tmp_arg_control[1] == index_control: if tmp_arg_control[0] != index_arg: args_by_control.append(tmp_arg_control[0]) args_by_control = self.unique_list(args_by_control) args_by_control.sort() # [flowlabel_code, ids_child[0], tpye_code, operator_code, children] # children = [id,type,code] index_next_node = path.index(controls_path[index_control]) - 1 flowlabel_code, id_exp, type_exp, operator_expr, children_expr = \ self.query_parsed_control(controls_path[index_control], path[index_next_node]) norm_cmp_items = [] norm_cmp_op = "" norm_cmp_value = [] if type_exp == "Identifier": if flowlabel_code == "True": norm_cmp_value.append("notNULL") norm_cmp_op = "==" else: norm_cmp_value.append("NULL") norm_cmp_op = "==" norm_cmp_items = [index_arg] explicit_checkinfo_args[index_arg].append( [norm_cmp_items, norm_cmp_op, norm_cmp_value]) continue # op = ! elif type_exp == "UnaryOp": if flowlabel_code == "True": norm_cmp_value.append("NULL") else: norm_cmp_value.append("notNULL") norm_cmp_op = "==" norm_cmp_items = [index_arg] explicit_checkinfo_args[index_arg].append( [norm_cmp_items, norm_cmp_op, norm_cmp_value]) continue elif type_exp == "EqualityExpression": if flowlabel_code == "True": norm_cmp_op = operator_expr else: if operator_expr == "==": norm_cmp_op = "!=" else: norm_cmp_op = "==" norm_cmp_items, norm_cmp_value = self.analysis_EqualityExpression( args_by_control, define_vars_of_args, index_arg, children_expr) explicit_checkinfo_args[index_arg].append( [norm_cmp_items, norm_cmp_op, norm_cmp_value]) elif type_exp == "RelationalExpression": norm_cmp_items, norm_cmp_value, flag_left_value = self.analysis_RelationalExpression( args_by_control, define_vars_of_args, index_arg, children_expr) if flag_left_value: if flowlabel_code == "True": norm_cmp_op = operator_expr else: if operator_expr == ">": norm_cmp_op = "<" elif operator_expr == ">=": norm_cmp_op = "<=" elif operator_expr == "<": norm_cmp_op = ">" elif operator_expr == "<=": norm_cmp_op = ">=" else: norm_cmp_op = "unknow %s" % operator_expr if not flag_left_value: if flowlabel_code == "False": norm_cmp_op = operator_expr else: if operator_expr == ">": norm_cmp_op = "<" elif operator_expr == ">=": norm_cmp_op = "<=" elif operator_expr == "<": norm_cmp_op = ">" elif operator_expr == "<=": norm_cmp_op = ">=" else: norm_cmp_op = "unknow %s" % operator_expr explicit_checkinfo_args[index_arg].append( [norm_cmp_items, norm_cmp_op, norm_cmp_value]) continue else: print "error:unknown type of expression: %s" % type_exp for index_arg in range(0, arg_num): for checkinfo in explicit_checkinfo_args[index_arg]: if not checkinfo[2]: print "error:explicit_checkinfo_args" explicit_check_patterns[index_arg].append( self.set_explicit_check_pattern(arg_checked=index_arg, checkinfo=checkinfo)) # 去重 for i in range(0, len(implicit_check_patterns)): implicit_check_patterns[i] = self.unique_list( implicit_check_patterns[i]) for i in range(0, len(explicit_check_patterns)): explicit_check_patterns[i] = self.unique_list( explicit_check_patterns[i]) return implicit_check_patterns, explicit_check_patterns def analysis_EqualityExpression(self, args_by_control, define_vars_of_args, index_arg, children_expr): norm_cmp_items = [] norm_cmp_value = [] # child = [id, type, code] flag_xchild_find = False xchild_id = -1 for i in range(0, len(children_expr)): child = children_expr[i] # find which child contains the vars of the checked arg if not flag_xchild_find: for symbol in define_vars_of_args[index_arg]: if symbol in child[2]: flag_xchild_find = True xchild_id = child[0] norm_cmp_items.append(index_arg) break # 判断该index_arg相关的child是否包括那些参数的符号变量,放入norm_cmp_items if child[0] == xchild_id: for relate_arg in args_by_control: for symbol_rarg in define_vars_of_args[relate_arg]: if symbol_rarg in child[2]: norm_cmp_items.append(relate_arg) break # 判断该非index_arg相关的child是否包括那些参数的符号变量,放入norm_cmp_value if child[0] != xchild_id: r_args = [] for symbol in define_vars_of_args[index_arg]: if symbol in child[2]: r_args.append(index_arg) #norm_cmp_value.append("arg_%d" % index_arg) break for relate_arg in args_by_control: for symbol_rarg in define_vars_of_args[relate_arg]: if symbol_rarg in child[2]: r_args.append(relate_arg) #norm_cmp_value.append("arg_%d" % relate_arg) break tmp_r_args = self.unique_list(r_args) tmp_r_args.sort() for tmp_arg in tmp_r_args: norm_cmp_value.append("arg_%d" % tmp_arg) if len(r_args) == 0: # Because the Joern consides "NULL" as a Identifier, so it requires special handling. if child[2] == "NULL": norm_cmp_value.append("NULL") elif child[1] == "PrimaryExpression": norm_cmp_value.append(child[2]) else: norm_cmp_value.append("Var") continue return self.unique_list(norm_cmp_items), norm_cmp_value def analysis_RelationalExpression(self, args_by_control, define_vars_of_args, index_arg, children_expr): norm_cmp_items = [] norm_cmp_value = [] # child = [id, type, code] flag_xchild_find = False xchild_id = -1 for i in range(0, len(children_expr)): child = children_expr[i] # find which child contains the vars of the checked arg if not flag_xchild_find: for symbol in define_vars_of_args[index_arg]: if symbol in child[2]: flag_xchild_find = True xchild_id = child[0] norm_cmp_items.append(index_arg) break # 判断该index_arg相关的child是否包括那些参数的符号变量,放入norm_cmp_items if child[0] == xchild_id: for relate_arg in args_by_control: for symbol_rarg in define_vars_of_args[relate_arg]: if symbol_rarg in child[2]: norm_cmp_items.append(relate_arg) break # 判断该非index_arg相关的child是否包括那些参数的符号变量,放入norm_cmp_value if child[0] != xchild_id: r_args = [] for symbol in define_vars_of_args[index_arg]: if symbol in child[2]: r_args.append(index_arg) # norm_cmp_value.append("arg_%d" % index_arg) break for relate_arg in args_by_control: for symbol_rarg in define_vars_of_args[relate_arg]: if symbol_rarg in child[2]: r_args.append(relate_arg) # norm_cmp_value.append("arg_%d" % relate_arg) break tmp_r_args = self.unique_list(r_args) tmp_r_args.sort() for tmp_arg in tmp_r_args: norm_cmp_value.append("arg_%d" % tmp_arg) if len(r_args) == 0: # Because the Joern consides "NULL" as a Identifier, so it requires special handling. if child[2] == "NULL": norm_cmp_value.append("NULL") elif child[1] == "PrimaryExpression": norm_cmp_value.append(child[2]) else: norm_cmp_value.append("Var") continue if xchild_id == 0: flag_left_value = True else: flag_left_value = False return self.unique_list( norm_cmp_items), norm_cmp_value, flag_left_value def query_check_patterns_path_thread(self, callee_id, callsite_id, path, controls_path, result, index): implicit_check_patterns, explicit_check_patterns = \ self.query_check_patterns_path(callee_id, callsite_id, path, controls_path) result[index] = [implicit_check_patterns, explicit_check_patterns] return result # 返回returnVar_code 或者 false def query_returnVar_of_callsite(self, callee_id): query = """ _getReturnVarOfCalleeId(%s) """ % (callee_id) returnVar = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return returnVar # 先判断当前位置是否为条件检查,是则返回当前节点,否则继续沿着CFG图继续搜索,返回checkpoint_id_of_var或者false def query_checkpoint_of_returnVar(self, callee_id, var): query = """ _query_checkpoint_of_returnVar(%s,'%s') """ % (callee_id, var) #query = """ #_getCheckPointOfCalleeId(%s,"%s") #""" % (callee_id, var) checkpoint = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return checkpoint def is_a_isparent_b(self, nodeid, var): query = """ is_a_isparent_b(%s,'%s') """ % (nodeid, var) result = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return result # feature_callee = [ callee_id, 未使用前检查(0,1), # [正确路径的路径数量,正确路径的语句数量,错误路径中使用返回值变量(1,0)], # [错误路径的路径数量,正确路径的语句数量,错误路径中使用了返回值变量(1,0)] # ] def run_no_thread(self, callee_ids): feature_func = [] feature_callee = [] i = 0 # -test print "len(callee_ids) = %d " % (len(callee_ids)) # -test for callee_id in callee_ids: feature_callee = [callee_id, 0, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] #implicit_check_patterns = [[] for i in range(arg_num)] #explicit_check_patterns = [[] for i in range(arg_num)] #check_patterns_callee = [implicit_check_patterns, explicit_check_patterns] i = i + 1 # get callsite_id = cfgnodid of callee_id callsite_id = self.query_callsite_id(callee_id) # -test print "%3d.%10d%10d " % (i, callee_id, callsite_id) # -test # get controls control the callsite_id #all_controls = self.query_controls(callsite_id) #两种检查方式:1是检查返回值变量,2是函数在检查语句的表达式中直接检查 # 1. 提取返回值变量 returnVar = self.query_returnVar_of_callsite(callee_id) #print "%s : \t %s" %(self.query_loc_callsite(callee_id),returnVar) # 2. 提取未使用前参加的第一个条件检查语句id if not returnVar: var_code = "Err" else: # 遇到b->buf类似的例子时候,会返回多个变量。此仅仅考虑了第一个symbol # b->buf,会分为b,bug两个变量,需后续改进 if isinstance(returnVar, list): var_code = returnVar[0] else: var_code = returnVar checkpoint_id = 0 checkpoint_id = self.query_checkpoint_of_returnVar( callee_id, var_code) print "%s : \t %s %s" % (self.query_loc_callsite(callee_id), checkpoint_id, returnVar) if not checkpoint_id: feature_callee = [callee_id, 0, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] feature_func.append(feature_callee) continue # #if(returnVar == False) and (checkpoint_id == False)): # 3. 存在未使用检查,继续分析路径信息 feature_callee = [callee_id, 1] all_paths = self.query_farward_paths_from_condition(checkpoint_id) #todo: switch未处理,导致all_paths = false if not all_paths: feature_callee = [callee_id, 1, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] feature_func.append(feature_callee) continue print all_paths for path in all_paths: feature_right_path = [0, 0, 0] if path: num_lpaths = len(path) num_lstatements = sum(len(lpath) for lpath in path) for childpath in path: flag_returnVar_used = self.is_var_usedin_path( childpath, var_code) if flag_returnVar_used: break feature_right_path = [ num_lpaths, num_lstatements, flag_returnVar_used ] feature_callee.append(feature_right_path) feature_func.append(feature_callee) return feature_func def is_var_usedin_path(self, lpath, returnVar): flag_returnVar_used = 0 if (returnVar == "Err"): return 0 for smt_id in lpath: if self.is_a_isparent_b(smt_id, returnVar): flag_returnVar_used = 1 break else: flag_returnVar_used = 0 return flag_returnVar_used def run(self, flag_thread=True, *callee_from): if len(callee_from): if isinstance(callee_from[0], list): callee_ids = callee_from[0] filepath = "Data/" % callee_ids[0] else: callee_ids = self.query_callee_ids(self.function_name) filepath = "Data/" % self.function_name if flag_thread: feature_func = self.run_thread(callee_ids) else: feature_func = self.run_no_thread(callee_ids) print "feature_func =: " #print check_patterns # display chek_patterns for pattern in feature_func: loc = self.query_loc_callsite(pattern[0]) print "%s:" % (loc) print pattern ObjDataAndBinFile.objdata2file(feature_func, filepath) return feature_func
class MiningErrFunc: def __init__(self, calee_featureList): self.db_provider = DBContentsProvider() self.calee_featureList = calee_featureList #关于路径数量,语句数量“明显差异”的阈值,比例 > thld_path_ratio self.thld_path_ratio = G_thld_path_ratio self.thld_stmt_ratio = G_thld_stmt_ratio #关于特征是否满足的阈值 self.thld_is_check = G_thld_is_check self.thld_is_path = G_thld_is_path self.thld_is_stmt = G_thld_is_stmt self.thld_is_notuseTwosides = G_thld_is_notuseTwosides #关于个性特征的权重值 #self.weight_path = G_weight_path #self.weight_stmt = G_weight_stmt #self.weight_useOneSide = G_weight_useOneSide def run_gremlin_query(self, query): return self.db_provider.run_gremlin_query(query) def query_loc_callsite(self, callee_id): query = """ g.v(%s).statements.transform{[g.v(it.functionId).functionToFile.filepath, it.location]} """ % callee_id result = self.run_gremlin_query(query) loc = "%s: %s" % (result[0][0][0], result[0][1]) return loc # feature_callee = [ callee_id, 未使用前检查(0,1), # [正确路径的路径数量,正确路径的语句数量,错误路径中使用返回值变量(1,0)], # [错误路径的路径数量,正确路径的语句数量,错误路径中使用了返回值变量(1,0)] # ] # 正确路径:true边的路径;错误路径:false边的路径 def get_featrue(self, featureList): ft_call = [] for feature in featureList: callee_id = feature[0] var_ischecked = feature[1] tpath_paths_count = feature[2][0] fpath_paths_count = feature[3][0] tpath_stmts_count = feature[2][1] fpath_stmts_count = feature[3][1] tpath_rvar_isused = feature[2][2] fpath_rvar_isused = feature[3][2] if (tpath_stmts_count > fpath_stmts_count): if (tpath_paths_count != 0 and fpath_paths_count == 0): path_ratio = 999 if (tpath_paths_count == 0 and fpath_paths_count == 0): path_ratio = 0 if (tpath_stmts_count != 0 and fpath_stmts_count == 0): stmt_ratio = 999 if (tpath_stmts_count == 0 and fpath_stmts_count == 0): stmt_ratio = 0 if (fpath_paths_count != 0): path_ratio = round( float(tpath_paths_count) / fpath_paths_count, 2) if (fpath_stmts_count != 0): stmt_ratio = round( float(tpath_stmts_count) / fpath_stmts_count, 2) else: if (fpath_paths_count != 0 and tpath_paths_count == 0): path_ratio = 999 if (fpath_paths_count == 0 and tpath_paths_count == 0): path_ratio = 0 if (fpath_stmts_count != 0 and tpath_stmts_count == 0): stmt_ratio = 999 if (fpath_stmts_count == 0 and tpath_stmts_count == 0): stmt_ratio = 0 if (tpath_paths_count != 0): path_ratio = round( float(fpath_paths_count) / tpath_paths_count, 2) if (tpath_stmts_count != 0): stmt_ratio = round( float(fpath_stmts_count) / tpath_stmts_count, 2) if path_ratio >= self.thld_path_ratio: ft_path = 1 else: ft_path = 0 if stmt_ratio >= self.thld_stmt_ratio: ft_stmt = 1 else: ft_stmt = 0 if tpath_rvar_isused == 1 and fpath_rvar_isused == 1: ft_used_oneside = 0 else: ft_used_oneside = 1 ft_call.append( [callee_id, var_ischecked, ft_path, ft_stmt, ft_used_oneside]) return ft_call def mining_err(self, ft_call): callee_counts = len(ft_call) count_ft_check = 0 count_ft_path = 0 count_ft_stmt = 0 count_ft_notusedTwoside = 0 for ft in ft_call: count_ft_check = count_ft_check + ft[1] count_ft_path = count_ft_path + ft[2] count_ft_stmt = count_ft_stmt + ft[3] count_ft_notusedTwoside = count_ft_notusedTwoside + ft[4] ratio_ft_check = round(float(count_ft_check) / callee_counts, 2) ratio_ft_path = round(float(count_ft_path) / callee_counts, 2) ratio_ft_stmt = round(float(count_ft_stmt) / callee_counts, 2) ratio_ft_notusedTwoside = round( float(count_ft_notusedTwoside) / callee_counts, 2) #挖掘策略 weight_call = 0 if ((ratio_ft_check > self.thld_is_check) and (ratio_ft_path > self.thld_is_path) and (ratio_ft_stmt > self.thld_is_stmt) and (ratio_ft_notusedTwoside > self.thld_is_notuseTwosides)): is_err = 1 else: is_err = 0 # 此处不再优先级评估 """ if(ratio_ft_path >= self.thld_is_path): weight_call = weight_call + self.weight_path if(ratio_ft_stmt >= self.thld_is_stmt): weight_call = weight_call + self.weight_stmt if(ratio_ft_notusedTwoside >= self.thld_is_notuseTwosides): weight_call = weight_call + self.weight_useOneSide """ mining_result = [ callee_counts, is_err, ratio_ft_check, ratio_ft_path, ratio_ft_stmt, ratio_ft_notusedTwoside ] return mining_result #display def run(self): ft_call = self.get_featrue(self.calee_featureList) mining_result = self.mining_err(ft_call) # 打印挖掘结果 """ f = open("Data/result.txt","w") print >> f, "ft_call = " print >> f,mining_result for i in range(0,len(ft_call)): loc = self.query_loc_callsite(self.calee_featureList[i][0]) print >> f, "%s:"%(loc) print loc print >> f,self.calee_featureList[i] print self.calee_featureList[i] print >> f,ft_call[i] """ return mining_result """
class ExtractErrFunFeatures: def __init__(self, function_name): self.db_provider = DBContentsProvider() self.file_io_provider = ObjDataAndBinFile() self.function_name = function_name self.count_threads = 20 def run_gremlin_query(self, query): return self.db_provider.run_gremlin_query(query) def save_data_to_file(self, data, file_path): # filename = "Data/"%time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') # print "生成GetOutStatsData的原始数据文件:%s" % file_path self.file_io_provider.objdata2file(data, file_path) def query_loc_callsite(self, callee_id): query = """ g.v(%s).statements.transform{[g.v(it.functionId).functionToFile.filepath, it.location]} """ % callee_id result = self.run_gremlin_query(query) loc = "%s: %s" % (result[0][0][0], result[0][1]) return loc def query_callee_ids(self, function_name): query = """ g.V().has('type','Callee').has('code','%s').id.toList() """ % function_name callee_ids = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return callee_ids def query_callsite_id(self, callee_id): query = """ g.v(%s) """ % callee_id callsite_id = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return callsite_id[0] def query_backward_paths(self, callee_id): query = """ getBackwardPaths(%s) """ % callee_id all_paths = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return all_paths #返回两条路径,前者为条件为true的分支,后者为false的分支 def query_farward_paths_from_condition(self, condition_id): query = """ getFarwardPaths_from_condition(%s) """ % condition_id all_paths = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return all_paths # def_chain = <--var_str-- def query_define_chains(self, path): def_chain = [] for node_id in path: query = """ g.v(%s).inE('REACHES').transform{[, it.var,]} """ % node_id def_chain_tmp = self.run_gremlin_query(query) # select the definition of the @path for chain in def_chain_tmp: if (chain[0][0] in path) and (chain[2][0] in path): # remove the define node which dst == src, it will make some process loop forever if chain[0][0] != chain[2][0]: def_chain.append([chain[0][0], chain[1], chain[2][0]]) # remove the invalid define chain from @def_chain invalid_chains = [] for i in range(0, len(def_chain)): for j in range(0, len(def_chain)): if i == j: continue # the nearest definition on the same node with the same variable is the valid one if def_chain[i][0] == def_chain[j][0] and def_chain[i][ 1] == def_chain[j][1]: if path.index(def_chain[i][2]) > path.index( def_chain[j][2]): invalid_chains.append(i) else: invalid_chains.append(j) invalid_chains = self.unique_list(invalid_chains) invalid_chains.sort(reverse=True) for i in invalid_chains: def_chain.remove(def_chain[i]) return def_chain def query_symbols_by_ids(self, ids): symbols_id = [] symbols_code = [] for arg in ids: query = """ _getSymbols(%s) """ % arg s_ids = self.run_gremlin_query(query) symbols_id.append(s_ids) s_codes = [] if s_ids: for vid in s_ids: s_codes.append(self.query_code_by_id(vid)) else: s_codes.append(u'') symbols_code.append(s_codes) return symbols_id, symbols_code def query_define_vars_dst_on_symbols(self, src_id, symbols, def_chain): define_vars = [] define_dst_node = [] callsite = src_id for s in symbols: var_symbol = self.query_code_by_id(s) head_node = self.search_dst_by_var_src(callsite, var_symbol, def_chain) if not head_node: continue define_vars.append(var_symbol) define_dst_node.append(head_node) src_nodes = [head_node] while src_nodes: src_new = [] for src in src_nodes: middle_define_vars, dst_nodes = self.search_vars_dsts_by_src( src, def_chain) if middle_define_vars: for dst in dst_nodes: if dst not in define_dst_node: src_new.extend(dst_nodes) define_vars.extend(middle_define_vars) define_dst_node.extend(dst_nodes) src_nodes = src_new #define_dst_node = self.unique_list(define_dst_node) #define_vars = self.unique_list(define_vars) return define_vars, define_dst_node def query_code_by_id(self, vid): query = """ _getCodeById(%s) """ % vid code = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return code # search dst node from def_chain by var and src node def search_dst_by_var_src(self, src, var, def_chain): for def_node in def_chain: if src == def_node[0] and var == def_node[1]: return def_node[2] return False def search_vars_dsts_by_src(self, src, def_chain): define_vars = [] dst_nodes = [] for def_node in def_chain: if def_node[0] == src: define_vars.append(def_node[1]) dst_nodes.append(def_node[2]) return define_vars, dst_nodes def query_flowlabel_between_nodes(self, out_v, in_v): query = """ _getFlowlabelOfCfgIds(%s, %s) """ % (out_v, in_v) flowlabel = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return flowlabel # parseControl return [flowlabel_code, ids_child[0], tpye_code, operator_code, children] # children = [id,type,code] def query_parsed_control(self, control_id, next_node): query = """ parseControl(%s,%s) """ % (control_id, next_node) control_info = self.run_gremlin_query(query) flowlabel_code = control_info[0] id_exp = control_info[1] type_exp = control_info[2] operator_expr = control_info[3] children_expr = control_info[4] return flowlabel_code, id_exp, type_exp, operator_expr, children_expr # the controls are condition statements control the callsite_id def query_controls(self, callsite_id): query = """4849840 getControlsFromCfgId(%s) """ % callsite_id controls = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return controls # get controls of the path def query_controls_path(self, controls, path): controls_path = [] for c in controls: if c in path: controls_path.append(c) return controls_path def query_control_symbols(self, control): query = """ _getSymbols(%s) """ % control control_symbols = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return control_symbols @staticmethod def unique_list(old_list): new_list = [] for i in old_list: if i not in new_list: new_list.append(i) return new_list @staticmethod def is_lists_cross(list1, list2): for l in list1: if l in list2: return True return False @staticmethod def get_index_same_items_of_list1(list1, list2): indexList = [] for i in range(0, len(list1)): if list1[i] in list2: indexList.append(i) return indexList @staticmethod def list1_VSset_list2(list1, list2): if (not list1) or (not list2): return "xx" if set(list1) > set(list2): return '>' if set(list1) == set(list2): return '=' if set(list1) < set(list2): return '<' else: return 'x' # 返回returnVar_code 或者 false def query_returnVar_of_callsite(self, callee_id): query = """ _getReturnVarOfCalleeId(%s) """ % (callee_id) returnVar = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return returnVar # 先判断当前位置是否为条件检查,是则返回当前节点,否则继续沿着CFG图继续搜索,返回checkpoint_id_of_var或者false def query_checkpoint_of_returnVar(self, callee_id, var): query = """ _query_checkpoint_of_returnVar(%s,'%s') """ % (callee_id, var) #query = """ #_getCheckPointOfCalleeId(%s,"%s") #""" % (callee_id, var) checkpoint = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return checkpoint def is_a_isparent_b(self, nodeid, var): query = """ is_a_isparent_b(%s,'%s') """ % (nodeid, var) result = self.run_gremlin_query(query) return result def run_thread(self, callee_ids): print "错误:本程序的多线程版本尚未实现" return False # feature_callee = [ callee_id, 未使用前检查(0,1), # [正确路径的路径数量,正确路径的语句数量,正确路径中使用返回值变量(1,0)], # [错误路径的路径数量,正确路径的语句数量,错误路径中使用了返回值变量(1,0)] # ] def run_no_thread(self, callee_ids): feature_func = [] feature_callee = [] # 临时增加,只为统计实例是否有返回值,从而确定该函数是否为返回值函数 rVar_func = [] falg_rvar_func = 0 i = 0 # -test savedinfo = "len(callee_ids) = %d " % (len(callee_ids)) write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, savedinfo) # -test for callee_id in callee_ids: feature_callee = [callee_id, 0, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] #implicit_check_patterns = [[] for i in range(arg_num)] #explicit_check_patterns = [[] for i in range(arg_num)] #check_patterns_callee = [implicit_check_patterns, explicit_check_patterns] i = i + 1 # get callsite_id = cfgnodid of callee_id callsite_id = self.query_callsite_id(callee_id) # -test savedinfo = "%3d.%10d%10d " % (i, callee_id, callsite_id) write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, savedinfo) # -testExtractErrFunFeatures # get controls control the callsite_id #all_controls = self.query_controls(callsite_id) #两种检查方式:1是检查返回值变量,2是函数在检查语句的表达式中直接检查 # 1. 提取返回值变量 returnVar = self.query_returnVar_of_callsite(callee_id) #print "%s : \t %s" %(self.query_loc_callsite(callee_id),returnVar) # 2. 提取未使用前参加的第一个条件检查语句id if not returnVar: var_code = "Err" else: # 遇到b->buf类似的例子时候,会返回多个变量。此仅仅考虑了第一个symbol # b->buf,会分为b,buf两个变量,需后续改进 falg_rvar_func = 1 if isinstance(returnVar, list): var_code = returnVar[0] else: var_code = returnVar checkpoint_id = 0 checkpoint_id = self.query_checkpoint_of_returnVar( callee_id, var_code) savedinfo = "%s : \t %s %s" % (self.query_loc_callsite(callee_id), checkpoint_id, returnVar) write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, savedinfo) if not checkpoint_id: feature_callee = [callee_id, 0, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] feature_func.append(feature_callee) continue # #if(returnVar == False) and (checkpoint_id == False)): # 3. 存在未使用检查,继续分析路径信息 feature_callee = [callee_id, 1] #all_paths为2个分量的list,1为ture分支,2为false分支 all_paths = self.query_farward_paths_from_condition(checkpoint_id) write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, all_paths) #todo: switch未处理,导致all_paths = false if not all_paths: feature_callee = [callee_id, 1, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] feature_func.append(feature_callee) continue for path in all_paths: feature_right_path = [0, 0, 0] if path: num_lpaths = len(path) num_lstatements = sum(len(lpath) for lpath in path) for childpath in path: flag_returnVar_used = self.is_var_usedin_path( childpath, var_code) if flag_returnVar_used: break feature_right_path = [ num_lpaths, num_lstatements, flag_returnVar_used ] feature_callee.append(feature_right_path) feature_func.append(feature_callee) return feature_func, falg_rvar_func def is_var_usedin_path(self, lpath, returnVar): flag_returnVar_used = 0 if (returnVar == "Err"): return 0 for smt_id in lpath: if self.is_a_isparent_b(smt_id, returnVar): flag_returnVar_used = 1 break else: flag_returnVar_used = 0 return flag_returnVar_used def run(self, flag_thread=False, *callee_from): if len(callee_from): if isinstance(callee_from[0], list): callee_ids = callee_from[0] filepath = "%s/" % (gl.G_prjdata_dir, callee_ids[0]) else: callee_ids = self.query_callee_ids(self.function_name) filepath = "%s/" % (gl.G_prjdata_dir, self.function_name) savedinfo = "extract_errFunc_feature:启动\n" write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, savedinfo) if flag_thread: feature_func = self.run_thread(callee_ids) else: feature_func, flag_rvar_func = self.run_no_thread(callee_ids) savedinfo = "extract_errFunc_feature:保存数据到%s\n" % filepath write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, savedinfo) datatmp = [feature_func, flag_rvar_func] ObjDataAndBinFile.objdata2file(datatmp, filepath) # feature_callee = [ callee_id, 未使用前检查(0,1), # [正确路径的路径数量,正确路径的语句数量,正确路径中使用返回值变量(1,0)], # [错误路径的路径数量,正确路径的语句数量,错误路径中使用了返回值变量(1,0)] # ] write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, "extract_errFunc_feature:各实例的特征提取结果如下") savedinfo = "feature_callee = [\n" \ "\tcallee_id, \n" \ "\t未使用前检查(0,1),\n" \ "\t[正确路径的路径数量,正确路径的语句数量,正确路径中使用返回值变量(1,0)],\n" \ "\t[错误路径的路径数量,正确路径的语句数量,错误路径中使用了返回值变量(1,0)],\n" \ "]\n" write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, savedinfo) #print check_patterns # display chek_patterns write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, "feature_callees = \n") for pattern in feature_func: loc = self.query_loc_callsite(pattern[0]) savedinfo = "%s:" % (loc) write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, savedinfo) write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, pattern) return feature_func, flag_rvar_func
class MiningErrFunc: def __init__(self, calee_featureList): self.db_provider = DBContentsProvider() self.calee_featureList = calee_featureList #关于路径数量,语句数量“明显差异”的阈值,比例 > thld_path_ratio tmp_test = 2 self.thld_path_ratio = tmp_test self.thld_stmt_ratio = tmp_test #关于特征是否满足的阈值 self.thld_is_check = 0.8 self.thld_is_path = 0.8 self.thld_is_stmt = 0.8 self.thld_is_useOneside = 0.8 #关于个性特征的权重值 self.weight_path = 0.5 self.weight_stmt = 0.5 self.weight_useOneSide = 1 def run_gremlin_query(self, query): return self.db_provider.run_gremlin_query(query) def query_loc_callsite(self, callee_id): query = """ g.v(%s).statements.transform{[g.v(it.functionId).functionToFile.filepath, it.location]} """ % callee_id result = self.run_gremlin_query(query) loc = "%s: %s" % (result[0][0][0], result[0][1]) return loc # feature_callee = [ callee_id, 未使用前检查(0,1), # [正确路径的路径数量,正确路径的语句数量,错误路径中使用返回值变量(1,0)], # [错误路径的路径数量,正确路径的语句数量,错误路径中使用了返回值变量(1,0)] # ] def get_featrue(self, featureList): ft_call = [] for feature in featureList: if (feature[2][1] > feature[3][1]): if (feature[2][0] != 0 and feature[3][0] == 0): path_ratio = 999 if (feature[2][0] == 0 and feature[3][0] == 0): path_ratio = 0 if (feature[2][1] != 0 and feature[3][1] == 0): stmt_ratio = 999 if (feature[2][1] == 0 and feature[3][1] == 0): stmt_ratio = 0 if (feature[3][0] != 0): path_ratio = round(float(feature[2][0]) / feature[3][0], 2) if (feature[3][1] != 0): stmt_ratio = round(float(feature[2][1]) / feature[3][1], 2) else: if (feature[3][0] != 0 and feature[2][0] == 0): path_ratio = 999 if (feature[3][0] == 0 and feature[2][0] == 0): path_ratio = 0 if (feature[3][1] != 0 and feature[2][1] == 0): stmt_ratio = 999 if (feature[3][1] == 0 and feature[2][1] == 0): stmt_ratio = 0 if (feature[2][0] != 0): path_ratio = round(float(feature[3][0]) / feature[2][0], 2) if (feature[2][1] != 0): stmt_ratio = round(float(feature[3][1]) / feature[2][1], 2) if path_ratio >= self.thld_path_ratio: ft_path = 1 else: ft_path = 0 if stmt_ratio >= self.thld_stmt_ratio: ft_stmt = 1 else: ft_stmt = 0 if ((feature[2][2] == 1 and feature[3][2] == 0) or (feature[2][2] == 0 and feature[3][2] == 1)): ft_used_oneside = 1 else: ft_used_oneside = 0 ft_call.append( [feature[0], feature[1], ft_path, ft_stmt, ft_used_oneside]) return ft_call def mining_err(self, ft_call): num = len(ft_call) count_ft_check = 0 count_ft_path = 0 count_ft_stmt = 0 count_ft_usedOneside = 0 for ft in ft_call: count_ft_check = count_ft_check + ft[1] count_ft_path = count_ft_path + ft[2] count_ft_stmt = count_ft_stmt + ft[3] count_ft_usedOneside = count_ft_usedOneside + ft[4] ratio_ft_check = round(float(count_ft_check) / num, 2) ratio_ft_path = round(float(count_ft_path) / num, 2) ratio_ft_stmt = round(float(count_ft_stmt) / num, 2) ratio_ft_usedOneside = round(float(count_ft_usedOneside) / num, 2) #挖掘策略 weight_call = 0 if (ratio_ft_check > self.thld_is_check): is_err = 1 else: is_err = 0 if (ratio_ft_path >= self.thld_is_path): weight_call = weight_call + self.weight_path if (ratio_ft_stmt >= self.thld_is_stmt): weight_call = weight_call + self.weight_stmt if (ratio_ft_usedOneside >= self.thld_is_useOneside): weight_call = weight_call + self.weight_useOneSide mining_result = [ is_err, weight_call, ratio_ft_path, ratio_ft_stmt, ratio_ft_usedOneside ] return mining_result #display def run(self): ft_call = self.get_featrue(self.calee_featureList) mining_result = self.mining_err(ft_call) # 打印挖掘结果 f = open("Data/result.txt", "w") print >> f, "ft_call = " print >> f, mining_result for i in range(0, len(ft_call)): loc = self.query_loc_callsite(self.calee_featureList[i][0]) print >> f, "%s:" % (loc) print loc print >> f, self.calee_featureList[i] print self.calee_featureList[i] print >> f, ft_call[i] return mining_result """
class MiningErrfuncShell: def __init__(self): self.db_provider = DBContentsProvider() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='识别源代码项目中的返回值敏感型函数') parser.add_argument( '-t', "--type", required=True, type=str, choices=["select", "all"], help='select:只对config.py中设置的函数进行识别\n all:对源代码项目中所有的函数进行识别') parser.add_argument("-prj", "--projectname", required=True, type=str, help="待识别函数所在的源代码项目,将以此建立同名数据文件夹") self.args = parser.parse_args() gl.G_prjdata_dir = "%s/%s" % (gl.G_alldata_dir, self.args.projectname) gl.G_result_path = "%s/%s" % (gl.G_prjdata_dir, "xp_err.txt") gl.G_debuginfo_path = "%s/%s" % (gl.G_prjdata_dir, "degbug.txt") gl.G_xcallee_txt = "%s/%s" % (gl.G_prjdata_dir, "xcallee.txt") def run_gremlin_query(self, query): return self.db_provider.run_gremlin_query(query) def query_loc_callsite(self, callee_id): query = """ g.v(%s).statements.transform{[g.v(it.functionId).functionToFile.filepath, it.location]} """ % callee_id result = self.run_gremlin_query(query) loc = "%s: %s" % (result[0][0][0], result[0][1]) return loc def set_fuctions_bechecked(self): func_list = [] if self.args.type == "all": func_list = self.db_provider.query_allCallee_name() elif self.args.type == "select": func_list = gl.G_func_list # 删除列表中出现在gl.G_func_unnormal中的异常函数,即Joern无法处理的函数 for item in gl.G_func_unnormal: if item in func_list: func_list.remove(item) return func_list def query_loc_callsite(self, callee_id): query = """ g.v(%s).statements.transform{[g.v(it.functionId).functionToFile.filepath, it.location]} """ % callee_id result = self.run_gremlin_query(query) loc = "%s: %s" % (result[0][0][0], result[0][1]) return loc #result = [isVar funcname callee_counts,is_err, # ratio_ft_check, ratio_ft_path,ratio_ft_stmt,ratio_ft_notusedTwoside] def is_xCallee(self, function_name): #function_name_str = function_name.encode('gbk') #获取特征数据 savedinfo = "获取%s的特征数据\n" % function_name write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, savedinfo) datapath = gl.G_prjdata_dir + "/" % function_name if os.path.exists(datapath): #filename = "Data/" datatmp = ObjDataAndBinFile.binfile2objdata(datapath) feature_callees = datatmp[0] flag_rvar_func = datatmp[1] else: extract_errfun_feature = ExtractErrFunFeatures(function_name) #patterns =, callee_ids) feature_callees, flag_rvar_func = flag_thread=False) # 挖掘返回值敏感型函数 write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, "获取%s的识别结果\n" % function_name) obj_MiningErrFunc = MiningxCalleeErr(feature_callees) #mining_result = [callee_counts,is_err, # ratio_ft_check, ratio_ft_path,ratio_ft_stmt,ratio_ft_notusedTwoside] mining_result = # 修正返回值函数判断,若存在检查比例,显然具有返回值。其余保持原结果 write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, mining_result) return mining_result def run(self): # 根据用户输入的项目名称,创建保存程序输出的文件夹 result = make_dir(gl.G_prjdata_dir) write_info(gl.G_debuginfo_path, result) allCallee_name = self.set_fuctions_bechecked() xpoint_reasult = [] num_func = len(allCallee_name) num_alalysed_func = 0 infoSaved = "\n# *%s* 中返回值敏感型函数识别:\n起始时间 = %s 待识别函数数量 = %s"\ %(self.args.projectname,,num_func) write_info(gl.G_result_path, infoSaved) tmp_index = 0 for function_name in allCallee_name: print "%d 识别%s\n" % (tmp_index, function_name) tmp_index = tmp_index + 1 xp_tmp = [] # 识别function_name #is_erFunc = [isVar funcname callee_counts,is_err, # ratio_ft_check, ratio_ft_path,ratio_ft_stmt,ratio_ft_notusedTwoside] xp_tmp = self.is_xCallee(function_name) xpoint_reasult.append(xp_tmp) num_alalysed_func = num_alalysed_func + 1 for item in xp_tmp: loc = self.query_loc_callsite(item[0]) print item, loc return