def showCarLocations(self): with DatabaseUtils() as db: self.carLocations = db.getCarLocations() url = "|color:blue|" for car in self.carLocations: url = url + car[1] + "|" url = url + "&key=KEY" print("\nCar Locations: " + url) img = requests.get(url).content currDate = str( try: filename = "maps/" + currDate + ".png" with open(filename, 'wb') as handler: handler.write(img) except: filename = "MasterPi/maps/" + currDate + ".png" with open(filename, 'wb') as handler: handler.write(img) print("\nNew Map Picture Added to MasterPi/maps directory") self.printMenu()
def start(self): """ initialises database if not already created. runs ui for user """ with DatabaseUtils() as db: db.createDatabase() #initialise database print("\nWelcome") running = True self.printMenu() while running: try: #get user input choice = int(input("> ")) except ValueError: print("Please enter number within menu options") else: if choice > 3 or choice <= 0: print("Please enter number within menu options") else: if choice == 1: self.register() elif choice == 2: self.login() elif choice == 3: running = False print("\nThank you")
def login(self): """ prompts user for their username and password checks off credentials with database. If correct, enters master menu. """ currentUser = input("Enter Username: "******"CUSTOMER": userMenu = mastermenu.CustomerMenu() elif user[2] == "ADMIN" or user[2] == "MANAGER" or user[ 2] == "ENGINEER": userMenu = mastermenu.AdminMenu() userMenu.start(currentUser) found = True if not found: print("Incorrect username or password") print("\nReturning to login..\n") self.printMenu()
def cancelBooking(self): """ allows user to cancel booking given their booken id when prompted """ eventID = input("Enter Booking ID. : ") try: #delete booking given ID from both calendar and DB CalendarUtils().deleteEvent(eventID) with DatabaseUtils() as db: db.deleteBooking(eventID) except: print("\nError: Booking Doesnt Exist") self.printMenu()
def reportFault(self): """ report fault with given rego. optionally sends fault to engineer via pushbullet """ print("Report Fault:") with DatabaseUtils() as db: rego = input("Enter rego of faulty vehicle: ") cars = db.searchCars("Rego", rego) if cars: fault = input("Please provide description of fault for %s: " % rego) if db.reportFault(rego, fault): locations = db.getCarLocations() for location in locations: if location[0] == rego: fault = fault + "\nVehicle located at {}".format( location[1]) print( "Fault reported on and location recorded for %s, assign engineer? y/n" % rego) while True: send = input("> ") if send == "y": pushbullet = PushbulletAccess( ) #send via pushbullet to account if pushbullet.send_notification(rego, fault): print("Notification sent") break else: print( "Fault reported\nhowever error in notifying engineer." ) break elif send == "n": print("Fault reported. No notifcation sent.") break else: print("please enter y/n") else: print("Error in reporting fault.") else: print("No such rego exists") self.printMenu()
def bookingHistory(self, user): """ prints booking history for given user in format: Booking id Rego StartDate EndDate """ print("Booking History for " + user + ": ") #connect to database and get booking history for user with DatabaseUtils() as db: self.bookings = db.getBookingHistory(user) data = ["Booking ID", "Rego", "Start Date", "Finish Date"] row_format = "{:<17}" * (len(data)) print(row_format.format(*data)) for bookings in self.bookings: print( row_format.format(str(bookings[0]), bookings[1], str(bookings[2]), str(bookings[3]))) self.printMenu()
def start(self, user): """ alternate start menu for admin account """ #cleans terminal for new menu print(chr(27) + "[2J") running = True print("\nWelcome " + user + "\n") self.printMenu() self.user = user #start menu display and assure database is up to date with DatabaseUtils() as db: = db.getAllCars() self.userList = db.getUsers() if not db.populateDatabase() = db.getAllCars() while (running): try: choice = int(input("> ")) except ValueError: print("Please enter number within menu options") else: if choice > 7 or choice <= 0: print("Please enter number within menu options") else: #get user input if choice == 1: self.rentalHistory() elif choice == 2: elif choice == 3: self.updateCar() elif choice == 4: self.updateUsers() elif choice == 5: self.reportFault() elif choice == 6: self.showCarLocations() elif choice == 7: running = False print("Thank you")
def bookCar(self): """ allows logged in user to book car given rego number, prompts for dates and creates calendar event """ rego = input("Enter Rego: ") regex = re.compile( "([12]\d{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]))$") validDate = False while validDate == False: startDate = input("Input Booking Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD): ") endDate = input("Input Booking End Date (YYYY-MM-DD): ") if (regex.match(startDate) and regex.match(endDate)): #check input is in date format startYear, startMonth, startDay = startDate.split('-') startDate =, int(startMonth), int(startDay)) #get user date data to create booking endYear, endMonth, endDay = endDate.split('-') endDate =, int(endMonth), int(endDay)) if (endDate < startDate): print("\nError: End Booking Date is Before Start Start\n") else: validDate = True else: #date validation check print("\nInvalid Dates, Please Try Again\n") with DatabaseUtils() as db: self.userEmail = db.getUserEmail(self.user) eventID = rego #confirmed booking can be created and calendar event is also created eventID = CalendarUtils().createEvent(self.user, self.userEmail, rego, startDate, endDate) if (db.bookCar(self.user, rego.upper(), startDate, endDate, eventID)): print("Your Booking ID is: " + eventID) else: print("Sorry, Booking already exists for booking date") self.printMenu()
def rentalHistory(self): """ view rental history of a vehicle """ print("Rental History:") rego = input("Enter Rego: ") with DatabaseUtils() as db: self.bookings = db.admin_getBookingHistory(rego) if self.bookings: data = [ "Rego", "Booking ID", "UserID", "Start Date", "Finish Date" ] row_format = "{:<17}" * (len(data)) print(row_format.format(*data)) for bookings in self.bookings: print( row_format.format(str(bookings[0]), bookings[1], str(bookings[2]), str(bookings[3]), str(bookings[4]))) else: print("No bookings found \n") self.printMenu()
def showCars(self): """ shows all available cars given todays date isnt booked for that car in format: Rego Model Body Seats Colour Price Per Day Location Returned (y/n) """ print("Cars Currently Available: \n") #connect to database and get all available cars given date with DatabaseUtils() as db: today = availableCars = db.getAvailableCars(today.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")) data = [ "Rego", "Model", "Body", "Seats", "Colour", "Price Per Day($)", "Location" ] row_format = "{:<17}" * (len(data)) print(row_format.format(*data)) for car in availableCars: print( row_format.format(car[0], car[1], str(car[2]), str(car[3]), str(car[4]), str(car[5]), str(car[6]))) self.printMenu()
def start(self, user): #cleans terminal for new menu print(chr(27) + "[2J") running = True print("\nWelcome " + user + "\n") self.printMenu() self.user = user #start menu display and assure database is up to date with DatabaseUtils() as db: = db.getAllCars() if not db.populateDatabase() = db.getAllCars() while (running): try: choice = int(input("> ")) except ValueError: print("Please enter number within menu options") else: if choice > 6 or choice <= 0: print("Please enter number within menu options") else: #get user input if choice == 1: self.bookingHistory(user) elif choice == 2: self.showCars() elif choice == 3: self.searchCars() elif choice == 4: self.bookCar() elif choice == 5: self.cancelBooking() elif choice == 6: running = False print("Thank you")
def start(self): #initalise socket master = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_address = ('localhost', 10000) print('starting up on {} port {}'.format(*server_address)) master.bind(server_address) while True: #listen for incoming data from agent pi's master.listen(1) data = None while True: connection, client_address = master.accept() try: while True: data = connection.recv(100) if data: string = data.decode('utf-8') if string[ 0: 6] == 'RETURN': #first return type: returning car rego = string[ 7:13] #update db that car is unavailable print( '(Car returned: {}) Returning to UI..\n> '. format(rego), end="") connection.sendall('T'.encode('utf-8')) with DatabaseUtils() as db: db.returnCar(str(rego)) elif string[0:4] == 'REGO': rego = string[5:11] with DatabaseUtils() as db: cars = db.searchCars("rego", rego) if cars: connection.sendall('T'.encode('utf-8')) else: connection.sendall('F'.encode('utf-8')) elif string[0:8] == 'LOCATION': splitString = string.split("_") carRego = splitString[1] latitude = splitString[2] longitude = splitString[3] #Create string with both long and lat for db location = latitude + "," + longitude with DatabaseUtils() as db: if ( db.addCarLocation( carRego, location) ): #Return a 'T' if the db is updated succesfully print( "\n(car {} location has been updated) Returning to UI.. \n> " .format(carRego), end="") connection.sendall('T'.encode('utf-8')) found = True else: #If it cannot update the db successfully connection.sendall('F'.encode('utf-8')) print( '\n(car {} has had attempted to update location) Returning to UI..\n> ' .format(carRego), end="") else: rego = string[ 0:6] #second return type, taking car username = string[string.find('_user:'******'_pass:'******'_pass:'******'_date:') - 1] date = string[string.find('_date:') + 6:len(string)] found = False #check database that user login details are correct with DatabaseUtils() as db: if (db.checkoutBooking( username, password, rego, date)): print( '\n(car {} has been unlocked) Returning to UI..\n> ' .format(rego), end="") connection.sendall('T'.encode('utf-8')) found = True else: #in event details are incorrect, update admin that car has had attempted access connection.sendall('F'.encode('utf-8')) print( '\n(car {} has had attempted access) Returning to UI..\n> ' .format(rego), end="") else: break finally: connection.close()
def updateCar(self): """ update or delete any part of the car database """ rego = input("Enter rego: ") with DatabaseUtils() as db: car = db.searchCars("rego", rego) if car: print("1. Edit %s?" % rego) print("2. Delete %s?" % rego) choosing = True while (choosing): try: choice = int(input("> ")) except ValueError: print("incorrect value") else: if choice == 1: print( "Edit: \n1. Make\n2. Body\n3. Seats\n4. Colour\n5. Cost per day" ) running = True while (running): try: choice = int(input("> ")) except ValueError: print( "Please enter number within menu options" ) else: if choice > 5 or choice <= 0: print( "Please enter number within menu options" ) else: if choice == 1: attribute = "Make" running = False elif choice == 2: attribute = "Body" running = False elif choice == 3: attribute = "Seats" running = False elif choice == 4: attribute = "Colour" running = False elif choice == 5: attribute = "CostPerDay" running = False #get car attribute if attribute is not None: print("Enter new %s data: " % attribute) editing = True valid = False while (editing): newData = input() if (attribute == "Seats"): try: newData = int(newData) except ValueError: print("incorrect value type") else: valid = True break if (attribute == "CostPerDay"): try: newData = newData except ValueError: print("incorrect value type") else: valid = True break else: valid = True break if valid: with DatabaseUtils() as db: if db.updateCar( rego, attribute, newData): print("%s updated.\n" % rego) else: print( "Error with update data, please try again." ) choosing = False break elif choice == 2: print("Are you sure you wish to delete car %s?" % rego) print("enter y/n") while True: choice = input("> ") if choice == "y": with DatabaseUtils() as db: db.deleteCar(rego) print("%s deleted\n" % rego) choosing = False break elif choice == "n": choosing = False break else: print("incorrect value") else: print("car does not exist, create new? y/n") while True: choice = input("> ") if (choice == 'y'): print("create car for rego %s:" % rego) manufacturer = input("Manufacturer: ") body = input("body: ") seats = int(input("seats: ")) colour = input("colour: ") cost = input("cost per day ($): ") with DatabaseUtils() as db: if db.addCar(rego, manufacturer, body, seats, colour, cost): print("Car added") else: print("error with car data") break elif (choice == 'n'): break self.printMenu()
def searchUser(self): """ admin ability to search user """ print("Search by: ") print("1. User ID") print("2. Email Address") print("3. Name") print("4. User type") attribute = None running = True while (running): try: choice = int(input("> ")) except ValueError: print("Please enter number within menu options") else: if choice > 4 or choice <= 0: print("Please enter number within menu options") else: if choice == 1: attribute = "UserID" running = False elif choice == 2: attribute = "Email" running = False elif choice == 3: attribute = "Name" running = False elif choice == 4: attribute = "UserType" running = False if attribute is not None: if attribute == "UserType": print("1. customer\n2. admin\n3. manager\n4. engineer\n") choosing = True while (choosing): try: choice = int(input("> ")) except ValueError: print("Please enter number within user options") else: if choice > 3 or choice <= 0: print("Please enter number within user options") else: if choice == 1: term = "CUSTOMER" break elif choice == 2: term = "ADMIN" break elif choice == 3: term = "MANAGER" break elif choice == 4: term = "ENGINEER" break else: term = input("\nEnter " + attribute + ": ") with DatabaseUtils() as db: self.searchUsers = db.searchUsers(attribute, term) data = ["UserID", "Name", "Email", "User Type"] row_format = "{:<17}" * (len(data)) print(row_format.format(*data)) for user in self.searchUsers: print( row_format.format(str(user[0]), str(user[1]), str(user[2]), str(user[4]))) else: print("No record of user") self.printMenu()
def updateUsers(self): """ update or delete part of the user accounts """ print("Users:") username = input("Enter username: "******"Name", username) if user: print("1. Edit %s?" % username) print("2. Delete %s?" % username) choosing = True while (choosing): try: choice = int(input("> ")) except ValueError: print("incorrect value") else: if choice == 1: print( "Edit: \n1. Name\n2. Email\n3. Password\n4. User Type\n" ) running = True while (running): try: choice = int(input("> ")) if choice > 4 or choice <= 0: print( "Please enter number within menu options" ) else: if choice == 1: attribute = "Name" running = False elif choice == 2: attribute = "Email" running = False elif choice == 3: attribute = "Password" running = False elif choice == 4: attribute = "UserType" running = False except ValueError: print( "Please enter number within menu options" ) #get car attribute if attribute is not None: print("Enter new %s data: " % attribute) editing = True valid = False while (editing): if (attribute == "UserType"): print( "Change to:\n1. Engineer\n2. Admin\n3. Manager\n4. Customer" ) userType = int(input("> ")) if (userType == 1): newData = "ENGINEER" valid = True break elif (userType == 2): newData = "ADMIN" valid = True break elif (userType == 3): newData = "MANAGER" valid = True break elif (userType == 4): newData = "CUSTOMER" valid = True break elif (attribute == "Password"): newData = input("New Password: "******"> ") valid = True break if valid: with DatabaseUtils() as db: if db.updateUser( username, attribute, newData): print("%s updated.\n" % username) else: print( "Error with update data, please try again." ) choosing = False break elif choice == 2: print("Are you sure you wish to delete User %s?" % username) print("enter y/n") while True: choice = input("> ") if choice == "y": with DatabaseUtils() as db: db.deleteUser(username) print("%s deleted\n" % username) choosing = False break elif choice == "n": choosing = False break else: print("incorrect value") else: print("User does not exist, create new? y/n") while True: choice = input("> ") if (choice == 'y'): print("create user with name %s:" % username) email = input("email: ") password = input("password: "******"Create as:\n1. Engineer\n2. Admin\n3. Manager\n4. Customer" ) userType = int(input("> ")) if (userType == 1): userType = "ENGINEER" valid = True break elif (userType == 2): userType = "ADMIN" valid = True break elif (userType == 3): userType = "MANAGER" valid = True break elif (userType == 4): userType = "CUSTOMER" valid = True break with DatabaseUtils() as db: if db.insertUser(username, email, password, userType): print("User added") else: print("error with user data") break elif (choice == 'n'): break self.printMenu()
def register(self): """ allows user to create a new account given username, email and password. Inserts data into database after validation """ print( "(below choice only for testing. removed once admin accounts are accessible)" ) print("1. Customer") print("2. Admin") print("3. Manager") print("4. Engineer\n") userType = "" while True: try: #get user input choice = int(input("> ")) except ValueError: print("Please enter number within user options") else: if choice > 4 or choice <= 0: print("Please enter number within user options") else: if choice == 1: userType = "CUSTOMER" break elif choice == 2: userType = "ADMIN" break elif choice == 3: userType = "MANAGER" break elif choice == 4: userType = "ENGINEER" break newUser = input("Enter new username: "******"Enter your email address: ") regex = '^[a-z0-9]+[\._]?[a-z0-9]+[@]\w+[.]\w{2,3}$' if, email): break else: print("Invalid email. Retry:") #Asks user to confirm the password entry to validate input valid = False while (valid == False): newPassword = getpass(prompt='Enter a password: '******'Confirm Password: ') #verify new password is correct if (newPassword == confirmPassword and len(newPassword) > 0): valid = True else: print("Invalid password, please try again") with DatabaseUtils() as db: userList = db.getUsers() for user in userList: if user[0] == newUser: valid = False print("Sorry, username already exists") #check user doesnt already exist then insert if not if valid: db.insertUser(newUser, email, sha256_crypt.hash(newPassword), userType) print("\nuser created\n") print("\nReturning to login..\n") self.printMenu()
def searchCars(self): """ prompts user to search for specific car given attribute type: Rego,Make,BodyType,Seats, Colour,Cost returns with format: Rego Model Body Seats Colour Price Per Day Location Returned (y/n) """ print("Search By: ") print("1. Rego") print("2. Make") print("3. Body type") print("4. Seats") print("5. Colour") print("6. Cost Per Day") print("7. Back") #various search types from atrributes attribute = None running = True while (running): try: choice = int(input("> ")) except ValueError: print("Please enter number within menu options") else: if choice > 6 or choice <= 0: print("Please enter number within menu options") else: if choice == 1: attribute = "Rego" running = False elif choice == 2: attribute = "Make" running = False elif choice == 3: attribute = "Body" running = False elif choice == 4: attribute = "Seats" running = False elif choice == 5: attribute = "Colour" running = False elif choice == 6: attribute = "CostPerDay" running = False elif choice == 7: running = False #get car attribute if attribute is not None: term = input("\nEnter " + attribute + ": ") with DatabaseUtils() as db: self.searchCars = db.searchCars(attribute, term) data = [ "Rego", "Make", "Body", "Seats", "Colour", "Cost Per Day($)", "Location", "Returned" ] row_format = "{:<17}" * (len(data)) print(row_format.format(*data)) for car in self.searchCars: #return formatted string as car table print( row_format.format(car[0], car[1], car[2], str(car[3]), car[4], str(car[5]), str(car[6]), str(car[7]))) else: print("No record of car") self.printMenu()