コード例 #1
def _gen_find_command(coll, spec, projection, skip, limit, batch_size,
                      options, read_concern=DEFAULT_READ_CONCERN,
    """Generate a find command document."""
    cmd = SON([('find', coll)])
    if '$query' in spec:
        cmd.update([(_MODIFIERS[key], val) if key in _MODIFIERS else (key, val)
                    for key, val in spec.items()])
        if '$explain' in cmd:
        if '$readPreference' in cmd:
        cmd['filter'] = spec

    if projection:
        cmd['projection'] = projection
    if skip:
        cmd['skip'] = skip
    if limit:
        cmd['limit'] = abs(limit)
        if limit < 0:
            cmd['singleBatch'] = True
    if batch_size:
        cmd['batchSize'] = batch_size
    if read_concern.level:
        cmd['readConcern'] = read_concern.document
    if collation:
        cmd['collation'] = collation

    if options:
        cmd.update([(opt, True)
                    for opt, val in _OPTIONS.items()
                    if options & val])
    return cmd
コード例 #2
    def _command(self,
        """Internal command helper."""
        if isinstance(command, string_type):
            command = SON([(command, value)])

        if sock_info.max_wire_version >= 5 and write_concern:
            command['writeConcern'] = write_concern.document


        return sock_info.command(
コード例 #3
ファイル: auth.py プロジェクト: zhangjm12/integrations-core
def _authenticate_scram_sha1(credentials, sock_info):
    """Authenticate using SCRAM-SHA-1."""
    username = credentials.username
    password = credentials.password
    source = credentials.source

    # Make local
    _hmac = hmac.HMAC
    _sha1 = sha1

    user = username.encode("utf-8").replace(b"=", b"=3D").replace(b",", b"=2C")
    nonce = standard_b64encode(
        (("%s" % (SystemRandom().random(), ))[2:]).encode("utf-8"))
    first_bare = b"n=" + user + b",r=" + nonce

    cmd = SON([('saslStart', 1), ('mechanism', 'SCRAM-SHA-1'),
               ('payload', Binary(b"n,," + first_bare)), ('autoAuthorize', 1)])
    res = sock_info.command(source, cmd)

    server_first = res['payload']
    parsed = _parse_scram_response(server_first)
    iterations = int(parsed[b'i'])
    salt = parsed[b's']
    rnonce = parsed[b'r']
    if not rnonce.startswith(nonce):
        raise OperationFailure("Server returned an invalid nonce.")

    without_proof = b"c=biws,r=" + rnonce
    salted_pass = _hi(
        _password_digest(username, password).encode("utf-8"),
        standard_b64decode(salt), iterations)
    client_key = _hmac(salted_pass, b"Client Key", _sha1).digest()
    stored_key = _sha1(client_key).digest()
    auth_msg = b",".join((first_bare, server_first, without_proof))
    client_sig = _hmac(stored_key, auth_msg, _sha1).digest()
    client_proof = b"p=" + standard_b64encode(_xor(client_key, client_sig))
    client_final = b",".join((without_proof, client_proof))

    server_key = _hmac(salted_pass, b"Server Key", _sha1).digest()
    server_sig = standard_b64encode(
        _hmac(server_key, auth_msg, _sha1).digest())

    cmd = SON([('saslContinue', 1), ('conversationId', res['conversationId']),
               ('payload', Binary(client_final))])
    res = sock_info.command(source, cmd)

    parsed = _parse_scram_response(res['payload'])
    if not compare_digest(parsed[b'v'], server_sig):
        raise OperationFailure("Server returned an invalid signature.")

    # Depending on how it's configured, Cyrus SASL (which the server uses)
    # requires a third empty challenge.
    if not res['done']:
        cmd = SON([('saslContinue', 1),
                   ('conversationId', res['conversationId']),
                   ('payload', Binary(b''))])
        res = sock_info.command(source, cmd)
        if not res['done']:
            raise OperationFailure('SASL conversation failed to complete.')
コード例 #4
 def transform_incoming(self, son, collection):
     """Move _id to the front if it's there.
     if not "_id" in son:
         return son
     transformed = SON({"_id": son["_id"]})
     return transformed
コード例 #5
def __last_error(namespace, args):
    """Data to send to do a lastError.
    cmd = SON([("getlasterror", 1)])
    splitns = namespace.split('.', 1)
    return query(0, splitns[0] + '.$cmd', 0, -1, cmd,
                 None, DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS)
コード例 #6
def _gen_explain_command(
        coll, spec, projection, skip, limit, batch_size,
        options, read_concern):
    """Generate an explain command document."""
    cmd = _gen_find_command(
        coll, spec, projection, skip, limit, batch_size, options)
    if read_concern.level:
        return SON([('explain', cmd), ('readConcern', read_concern.document)])
    return SON([('explain', cmd)])
コード例 #7
ファイル: dbref.py プロジェクト: zhangjm12/integrations-core
    def as_doc(self):
        """Get the SON document representation of this DBRef.

        Generally not needed by application developers
        doc = SON([("$ref", self.collection), ("$id", self.id)])
        if self.database is not None:
            doc["$db"] = self.database
        return doc
コード例 #8
def _index_document(index_list):
    """Helper to generate an index specifying document.

    Takes a list of (key, direction) pairs.
    if isinstance(index_list, collections.Mapping):
        raise TypeError("passing a dict to sort/create_index/hint is not "
                        "allowed - use a list of tuples instead. did you "
                        "mean %r?" % list(iteritems(index_list)))
    elif not isinstance(index_list, (list, tuple)):
        raise TypeError("must use a list of (key, direction) pairs, "
                        "not: " + repr(index_list))
    if not len(index_list):
        raise ValueError("key_or_list must not be the empty list")

    index = SON()
    for (key, value) in index_list:
        if not isinstance(key, string_type):
            raise TypeError("first item in each key pair must be a string")
        if not isinstance(value, (string_type, int, collections.Mapping)):
            raise TypeError("second item in each key pair must be 1, -1, "
                            "'2d', 'geoHaystack', or another valid MongoDB "
                            "index specifier.")
        index[key] = value
    return index
コード例 #9
    def _list_collections(self, sock_info, slave_okay, criteria=None):
        """Internal listCollections helper."""
        criteria = criteria or {}
        cmd = SON([("listCollections", 1), ("cursor", {})])
        if criteria:
            cmd["filter"] = criteria

        if sock_info.max_wire_version > 2:
            coll = self["$cmd"]
            cursor = self._command(sock_info, cmd, slave_okay)["cursor"]
            return CommandCursor(coll, cursor, sock_info.address)
            coll = self["system.namespaces"]
            res = _first_batch(sock_info, coll.database.name,
                               coll.name, criteria, 0, slave_okay,
                               CodecOptions(), ReadPreference.PRIMARY, cmd,
            data = res["data"]
            cursor = {
                "id": res["cursor_id"],
                "firstBatch": data,
                "ns": coll.full_name,
            # Need to tell the cursor how many docs were in the first batch.
            return CommandCursor(coll, cursor, sock_info.address, len(data))
コード例 #10
 def transform_value(value):
     if isinstance(value, DBRef):
         return self.database.dereference(value)
     elif isinstance(value, list):
         return [transform_value(v) for v in value]
     elif isinstance(value, collections.MutableMapping):
         return transform_dict(SON(value))
     return value
コード例 #11
 def transform_value(value):
     if isinstance(value, collections.MutableMapping):
         if "_id" in value and "_ns" in value:
             return DBRef(value["_ns"], transform_value(value["_id"]))
             return transform_dict(SON(value))
     elif isinstance(value, list):
         return [transform_value(v) for v in value]
     return value
コード例 #12
 def add_delete(self, selector, limit, collation=None):
     """Create a delete document and add it to the list of ops.
     cmd = SON([('q', selector), ('limit', limit)])
     collation = validate_collation_or_none(collation)
     if collation is not None:
         self.uses_collation = True
         cmd['collation'] = collation
     self.ops.append((_DELETE, cmd))
コード例 #13
def _gen_get_more_command(cursor_id, coll, batch_size, max_await_time_ms):
    """Generate a getMore command document."""
    cmd = SON([('getMore', cursor_id),
               ('collection', coll)])
    if batch_size:
        cmd['batchSize'] = batch_size
    if max_await_time_ms is not None:
        cmd['maxTimeMS'] = max_await_time_ms
    return cmd
コード例 #14
    def transform_outgoing(self, son, collection):
        """Manipulate an outgoing SON object.

          - `son`: the SON object being retrieved from the database
          - `collection`: the collection this object was stored in
        if self.will_copy():
            return SON(son)
        return son
コード例 #15
ファイル: auth.py プロジェクト: zhangjm12/integrations-core
def _authenticate_plain(credentials, sock_info):
    """Authenticate using SASL PLAIN (RFC 4616)
    source = credentials.source
    username = credentials.username
    password = credentials.password
    payload = ('\x00%s\x00%s' % (username, password)).encode('utf-8')
    cmd = SON([('saslStart', 1), ('mechanism', 'PLAIN'),
               ('payload', Binary(payload)), ('autoAuthorize', 1)])
    sock_info.command(source, cmd)
コード例 #16
    def transform_incoming(self, son, collection):
        """Manipulate an incoming SON object.

          - `son`: the SON object to be inserted into the database
          - `collection`: the collection the object is being inserted into
        if self.will_copy():
            return SON(son)
        return son
コード例 #17
ファイル: auth.py プロジェクト: zhangjm12/integrations-core
def _authenticate_x509(credentials, sock_info):
    """Authenticate using MONGODB-X509.
    query = SON([('authenticate', 1), ('mechanism', 'MONGODB-X509')])
    if credentials.username is not None:
        query['user'] = credentials.username
    elif sock_info.max_wire_version < 5:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            "A username is required for MONGODB-X509 authentication "
            "when connected to MongoDB versions older than 3.4.")
    sock_info.command('$external', query)
コード例 #18
 def add_replace(self, selector, replacement, upsert=False, collation=None):
     """Create a replace document and add it to the list of ops.
     cmd = SON([('q', selector), ('u', replacement), ('multi', False),
                ('upsert', upsert)])
     collation = validate_collation_or_none(collation)
     if collation is not None:
         self.uses_collation = True
         cmd['collation'] = collation
     self.ops.append((_UPDATE, cmd))
コード例 #19
ファイル: auth.py プロジェクト: zhangjm12/integrations-core
def _authenticate_cram_md5(credentials, sock_info):
    """Authenticate using CRAM-MD5 (RFC 2195)
    source = credentials.source
    username = credentials.username
    password = credentials.password
    # The password used as the mac key is the
    # same as what we use for MONGODB-CR
    passwd = _password_digest(username, password)
    cmd = SON([('saslStart', 1), ('mechanism', 'CRAM-MD5'),
               ('payload', Binary(b'')), ('autoAuthorize', 1)])
    response = sock_info.command(source, cmd)
    # MD5 as implicit default digest for digestmod is deprecated
    # in python 3.4
    mac = hmac.HMAC(key=passwd.encode('utf-8'), digestmod=md5)
    challenge = username.encode('utf-8') + b' ' + b(mac.hexdigest())
    cmd = SON([('saslContinue', 1),
               ('conversationId', response['conversationId']),
               ('payload', Binary(challenge))])
    sock_info.command(source, cmd)
コード例 #20
ファイル: cursor.py プロジェクト: zhangjm12/integrations-core
    def __query_spec(self):
        """Get the spec to use for a query.
        operators = self.__modifiers.copy()
        if self.__ordering:
            operators["$orderby"] = self.__ordering
        if self.__explain:
            operators["$explain"] = True
        if self.__hint:
            operators["$hint"] = self.__hint
        if self.__comment:
            operators["$comment"] = self.__comment
        if self.__max_scan:
            operators["$maxScan"] = self.__max_scan
        if self.__max_time_ms is not None:
            operators["$maxTimeMS"] = self.__max_time_ms
        if self.__max:
            operators["$max"] = self.__max
        if self.__min:
            operators["$min"] = self.__min
        if self.__return_key:
            operators["$returnKey"] = self.__return_key
        if self.__show_record_id:
            # This is upgraded to showRecordId for MongoDB 3.2+ "find" command.
            operators["$showDiskLoc"] = self.__show_record_id
        if self.__snapshot:
            operators["$snapshot"] = self.__snapshot

        if operators:
            # Make a shallow copy so we can cleanly rewind or clone.
            spec = self.__spec.copy()

            # White-listed commands must be wrapped in $query.
            if "$query" not in spec:
                # $query has to come first
                spec = SON([("$query", spec)])

            if not isinstance(spec, SON):
                # Ensure the spec is SON. As order is important this will
                # ensure its set before merging in any extra operators.
                spec = SON(spec)

            return spec
        # Have to wrap with $query if "query" is the first key.
        # We can't just use $query anytime "query" is a key as
        # that breaks commands like count and find_and_modify.
        # Checking spec.keys()[0] covers the case that the spec
        # was passed as an instance of SON or OrderedDict.
        elif ("query" in self.__spec and
              (len(self.__spec) == 1 or
               next(iter(self.__spec)) == "query")):
            return SON({"$query": self.__spec})

        return self.__spec
コード例 #21
ファイル: cursor.py プロジェクト: zhangjm12/integrations-core
    def min(self, spec):
        """Adds `min` operator that specifies lower bound for specific index.

          - `spec`: a list of field, limit pairs specifying the inclusive
            lower bound for all keys of a specific index in order.

        .. versionadded:: 2.7
        if not isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError("spec must be an instance of list or tuple")

        self.__min = SON(spec)
        return self
コード例 #22
ファイル: auth.py プロジェクト: zhangjm12/integrations-core
def _authenticate_mongo_cr(credentials, sock_info):
    """Authenticate using MONGODB-CR.
    source = credentials.source
    username = credentials.username
    password = credentials.password
    # Get a nonce
    response = sock_info.command(source, {'getnonce': 1})
    nonce = response['nonce']
    key = _auth_key(nonce, username, password)

    # Actually authenticate
    query = SON([('authenticate', 1), ('user', username), ('nonce', nonce),
                 ('key', key)])
    sock_info.command(source, query)
コード例 #23
ファイル: cursor.py プロジェクト: zhangjm12/integrations-core
    def count(self, with_limit_and_skip=False):
        """Get the size of the results set for this query.

        Returns the number of documents in the results set for this query. Does
        not take :meth:`limit` and :meth:`skip` into account by default - set
        `with_limit_and_skip` to ``True`` if that is the desired behavior.
        Raises :class:`~pymongo.errors.OperationFailure` on a database error.

        When used with MongoDB >= 2.6, :meth:`~count` uses any :meth:`~hint`
        applied to the query. In the following example the hint is passed to
        the count command:

          collection.find({'field': 'value'}).hint('field_1').count()

        The :meth:`count` method obeys the
        :attr:`~pymongo.collection.Collection.read_preference` of the
        :class:`~pymongo.collection.Collection` instance on which
        :meth:`~pymongo.collection.Collection.find` was called.

          - `with_limit_and_skip` (optional): take any :meth:`limit` or
            :meth:`skip` that has been applied to this cursor into account when
            getting the count

        .. note:: The `with_limit_and_skip` parameter requires server
           version **>= 1.1.4-**

        .. versionchanged:: 2.8
           The :meth:`~count` method now supports :meth:`~hint`.
        validate_boolean("with_limit_and_skip", with_limit_and_skip)
        cmd = SON([("count", self.__collection.name),
                   ("query", self.__spec)])
        if self.__max_time_ms is not None:
            cmd["maxTimeMS"] = self.__max_time_ms
        if self.__comment:
            cmd["$comment"] = self.__comment

        if self.__hint is not None:
            cmd["hint"] = self.__hint

        if with_limit_and_skip:
            if self.__limit:
                cmd["limit"] = self.__limit
            if self.__skip:
                cmd["skip"] = self.__skip

        return self.__collection._count(cmd, self.__collation)
コード例 #24
    def current_op(self, include_all=False):
        """Get information on operations currently running.

          - `include_all` (optional): if ``True`` also list currently
            idle operations in the result
        cmd = SON([("currentOp", 1), ("$all", include_all)])
        with self.__client._socket_for_writes() as sock_info:
            if sock_info.max_wire_version >= 4:
                return sock_info.command("admin", cmd)
                spec = {"$all": True} if include_all else {}
                x = helpers._first_batch(sock_info, "admin", "$cmd.sys.inprog",
                                         spec, -1, True, self.codec_options,
                                         ReadPreference.PRIMARY, cmd,
                return x.get('data', [None])[0]
コード例 #25
    def _check_with_socket(self, sock_info, metadata=None):
        """Return (IsMaster, round_trip_time).

        Can raise ConnectionFailure or OperationFailure.
        cmd = SON([('ismaster', 1)])
        if metadata is not None:
            cmd['client'] = metadata
        start = _time()
        request_id, msg, max_doc_size = message.query(
            0, 'admin.$cmd', 0, -1, cmd,
            None, DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS)

        # TODO: use sock_info.command()
        sock_info.send_message(msg, max_doc_size)
        raw_response = sock_info.receive_message(1, request_id)
        result = helpers._unpack_response(raw_response)
        return IsMaster(result['data'][0]), _time() - start
コード例 #26
    def transform_outgoing(self, son, collection):
        """Replace DBRefs with embedded documents.
        def transform_value(value):
            if isinstance(value, DBRef):
                return self.database.dereference(value)
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                return [transform_value(v) for v in value]
            elif isinstance(value, collections.MutableMapping):
                return transform_dict(SON(value))
            return value

        def transform_dict(object):
            for (key, value) in object.items():
                object[key] = transform_value(value)
            return object

        return transform_dict(SON(son))
コード例 #27
    def execute_command(self, sock_info, generator, write_concern):
        """Execute using write commands.
        # nModified is only reported for write commands, not legacy ops.
        full_result = {
            "writeErrors": [],
            "writeConcernErrors": [],
            "nInserted": 0,
            "nUpserted": 0,
            "nMatched": 0,
            "nModified": 0,
            "nRemoved": 0,
            "upserted": [],
        op_id = _randint()
        db_name = self.collection.database.name
        listeners = self.collection.database.client._event_listeners

        for run in generator:
            cmd = SON([(_COMMANDS[run.op_type], self.collection.name),
                       ('ordered', self.ordered)])
            if write_concern.document:
                cmd['writeConcern'] = write_concern.document
            if self.bypass_doc_val and sock_info.max_wire_version >= 4:
                cmd['bypassDocumentValidation'] = True

            bwc = _BulkWriteContext(db_name, cmd, sock_info, op_id, listeners)
            results = _do_batched_write_command(self.namespace, run.op_type,
                                                cmd, run.ops, True,

            _merge_command(run, full_result, results)
            # We're supposed to continue if errors are
            # at the write concern level (e.g. wtimeout)
            if self.ordered and full_result['writeErrors']:

        if full_result["writeErrors"] or full_result["writeConcernErrors"]:
            if full_result['writeErrors']:
                    key=lambda error: error['index'])
            raise BulkWriteError(full_result)
        return full_result
コード例 #28
    def transform_incoming(self, son, collection):
        """Replace embedded documents with DBRefs.
        def transform_value(value):
            if isinstance(value, collections.MutableMapping):
                if "_id" in value and "_ns" in value:
                    return DBRef(value["_ns"], transform_value(value["_id"]))
                    return transform_dict(SON(value))
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                return [transform_value(v) for v in value]
            return value

        def transform_dict(object):
            for (key, value) in object.items():
                object[key] = transform_value(value)
            return object

        return transform_dict(SON(son))
コード例 #29
def _maybe_add_read_preference(spec, read_preference):
    """Add $readPreference to spec when appropriate."""
    mode = read_preference.mode
    tag_sets = read_preference.tag_sets
    max_staleness = read_preference.max_staleness
    # Only add $readPreference if it's something other than primary to avoid
    # problems with mongos versions that don't support read preferences. Also,
    # for maximum backwards compatibility, don't add $readPreference for
    # secondaryPreferred unless tags or maxStalenessSeconds are in use (setting
    # the slaveOkay bit has the same effect).
    if mode and (
        mode != ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED.mode
        or tag_sets != [{}]
        or max_staleness != -1):

        if "$query" not in spec:
            spec = SON([("$query", spec)])
        spec["$readPreference"] = read_preference.document
    return spec
コード例 #30
    def remove_user(self, name):
        """Remove user `name` from this :class:`Database`.

        User `name` will no longer have permissions to access this

          - `name`: the name of the user to remove
            cmd = SON([("dropUser", name)])
            # Don't send {} as writeConcern.
            if self.write_concern.acknowledged and self.write_concern.document:
                cmd["writeConcern"] = self.write_concern.document
        except OperationFailure as exc:
            # See comment in add_user try / except above.
            if exc.code in common.COMMAND_NOT_FOUND_CODES:
                coll = self._collection_default_options('system.users')
                coll.delete_one({"user": name})