def testEpsgCodes(self): ''' Test if the correct EPSG code of points within Switzerland are returned. ''' self.assertEqual(21780, GlacierReader.getEpsgCode(600000, 200000), "LV03") self.assertEqual(2056, GlacierReader.getEpsgCode(2600000, 1200000), "LV95") self.assertEqual(4326, GlacierReader.getEpsgCode(8.64870, 46.88999), "WGS-84") self.assertEqual(32632, GlacierReader.getEpsgCode(410968.286, 5163967.012), "UTM-32")
def testInvalidCoordinates(self): ''' Test if the correct error is raised in case of wrong coordinates. ''' # FIXME: Testing a raised exception could be done more nicely with AssertRaises. # Inverted coordinates LV03. try: GlacierReader.getEpsgCode(200000, 600000) except Exception as e: if type(e) is InvalidCoordinatesError: self.assertTrue(True, "Correct exception raised") else: self.assertTrue(False, "Wrong exception raised") # Inverted coordinates LV95. try: GlacierReader.getEpsgCode(1200000, 2600000) except Exception as e: if type(e) is InvalidCoordinatesError: self.assertTrue(True, "Correct exception raised") else: self.assertTrue(False, "Wrong exception raised") # Inverted coordinates WGS-84. try: GlacierReader.getEpsgCode(46.88999, 8.64870) except Exception as e: if type(e) is InvalidCoordinatesError: self.assertTrue(True, "Correct exception raised") else: self.assertTrue(False, "Wrong exception raised") # Inverted coordinates UTM-32. try: GlacierReader.getEpsgCode(5163967.012, 410968.286) except Exception as e: if type(e) is InvalidCoordinatesError: self.assertTrue(True, "Correct exception raised") else: self.assertTrue(False, "Wrong exception raised") # Nonsense. try: GlacierReader.getEpsgCode(42.2, 1973.7) except Exception as e: if type(e) is InvalidCoordinatesError: self.assertTrue(True, "Correct exception raised") else: self.assertTrue(False, "Wrong exception raised")