コード例 #1
def test_computed_col_def_updated():
    df = DataFrame()
    df.jets['ptgev'] = lambda j: j.pt / 1000
    d1 = df.jets.ptgev

    expr_1, context_1 = render(d1)

    assert isinstance(expr_1, ast.Call)
    assert isinstance(expr_1.func, ast_Callable)
    assert len(expr_1.args) == 1

    expr_2, _ = render_callable(expr_1.func, context_1,
                                expr_1.func.dataframe)  # type: ignore

    # Run the render again.
    df.jets['ptgev'] = lambda j: j.pt / 1001
    d1 = df.jets.ptgev

    expr_1, context_1 = render(d1)

    assert isinstance(expr_1, ast.Call)
    assert isinstance(expr_1.func, ast_Callable)
    assert len(expr_1.args) == 1

    expr_2, _ = render_callable(expr_1.func, context_1,
                                expr_1.func.dataframe)  # type: ignore
コード例 #2
def test_render_twice_with_filter():
    d = DataFrame()
    jets = d.jets[d.jets.pt > 10].pt

    expr1, ctx1 = render(jets)
    expr2, ctx2 = render(jets)

    assert ast.dump(expr1) == ast.dump(expr2)
コード例 #3
def test_computed_reference_updated():
    df = DataFrame()
    df.jets['ptgev'] = df.jets.pt / 1000
    d1 = df.jets.ptgev

    expr_1, context_1 = render(d1)

    df.jets['ptgev'] = df.jets.pt / 1001
    d1 = df.jets.ptgev

    expr_1, context_1 = render(d1)

    assert isinstance(expr_1, ast.BinOp)
    assert isinstance(expr_1.left, ast.Attribute)
    assert isinstance(expr_1.right, ast.Num)
コード例 #4
def test_filter_with_attribute():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d.jets[d.jets.pt > 30].pt
    expr, _ = render(d1)

    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Attribute)
    assert isinstance(expr.value, ast_Filter)
コード例 #5
def test_simple_slice():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d[0]
    expr, _ = render(d1)

    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Subscript)
    assert isinstance(expr.value, ast_DataFrame)
コード例 #6
def test_render_twice_for_same_results():

    df = DataFrame()
    eles = df.Electrons()
    mc_part = df.TruthParticles()
    mc_ele = mc_part[mc_part.pdgId == 11]
    good_mc_ele = mc_ele[mc_ele.ptgev > 20]

    ele_mcs = eles.map(lambda reco_e: good_mc_ele)

    expr1, context1 = render(ele_mcs)
    expr2, context2 = render(ele_mcs)

    assert ast.dump(expr1) == ast.dump(expr2)
    assert len(context1._resolved) == len(context2._resolved)
    assert len(context1._seen_datasources) == len(context2._seen_datasources)
コード例 #7
def test_second_dr_returns_filtered():
    df = DataFrame()

    def DeltaR(p1_eta: float) -> float:
        Calculate the DeltaR between two particles given their `eta` and `phi` locations.
        Implemented on the back end.
        assert False, 'This should never be called'

    mc_part = df.TruthParticles('TruthParticles')
    eles = df.Electrons('Electrons')

    def dr(e, mc):
        '''Make calculating DR easier as I have a hard-to-use DR calculation function on
        the back end'''
        return DeltaR(e.eta())

    def very_near2(mcs, e):
        'Return all particles in mcs that are DR less than 0.5'
        return mcs[lambda m: dr(e, m) < 0.1]

    eles['near_mcs'] = lambda reco_e: very_near2(mc_part, reco_e)

    eles['hasMC'] = lambda e: e.near_mcs.Count() > 0
    good_eles_with_mc = eles[eles.hasMC]
    good_eles_with_mc['mc'] = lambda e: e.near_mcs.First().ptgev

    d1 = good_eles_with_mc.mc

    expr_1, context_1 = render(d1)

    class render_in_depth(ast.NodeTransformer):
        def __init__(self, context):
            self._context = context

        def visit_Call(self, a: ast.Call):
            if not isinstance(a.func, ast_Callable):
                return self.generic_visit(a)

            assert len(a.args) == 1
            # arg = self.visit(a.args[0])

            expr, new_context = render_callable(
                     a.func), self._context, a.func.dataframe)  # type: ignore
            old_context = self._context
                self._context = new_context
                return self.visit(expr)
                self._context = old_context

    assert isinstance(expr_1, ast.Call)

    rendered = render_in_depth(context_1).visit(expr_1)
    assert rendered is not None
コード例 #8
def test_collection_object_excl():
    df = DataFrame()
    mlo = multi_leaf_object_excl(df)
    df1 = mlo.x1

    expr, _ = render(df1)
    assert ast.dump(
        expr) == "Attribute(value=ast_DataFrame(), attr='x_new_1', ctx=Load())"
コード例 #9
def test_render_single_collection():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d.jets
    expr, _ = render(d1)
    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Attribute)
    assert expr.attr == 'jets'
    ast_df = expr.value  # type: ast.AST
    assert isinstance(ast_df, ast_DataFrame)
    assert ast_df.dataframe is d
コード例 #10
def test_render_callable_captured():
    d = DataFrame()
    jets = d.jets
    mcs = d.mcs
    near_a_jet = mcs[mcs.map(lambda mc: jets.pt.Count() == 2)]

    expr1, ctx = render(near_a_jet)
    assert expr1 is not None
    assert isinstance(expr1, ast_Filter)
コード例 #11
def test_collection_nested():
    df = DataFrame()
    mlo = multi_leaf_object(df)
    ml1 = leaf_object(mlo)
    df1 = ml1.x2

    expr, _ = render(df1)
    assert ast.dump(
        expr) == "Attribute(value=ast_DataFrame(), attr='x_new_1', ctx=Load())"
コード例 #12
def test_collection_subtract():
    df = DataFrame()
    mlo1 = multi_leaf_object(df.m1)
    mlo2 = multi_leaf_object(df.m2)
    df1 = mlo1 - mlo2

    expr, _ = render(df1)
    assert ast.dump(expr) == "BinOp(left=Attribute(value=ast_DataFrame(), attr='m1', " \
        "ctx=Load()), op=Sub(), right=Attribute(value=ast_DataFrame(), attr='m2', ctx=Load()))"
コード例 #13
def test_render_func_with_args():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d.count(10)
    expr, _ = render(d1)
    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Call)
    assert len(expr.args) == 1
    arg1 = expr.args[0]
    assert isinstance(arg1, ast.Num)
    assert arg1.n == 10
コード例 #14
def test_collection_object_other_excl():
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
        df = DataFrame()
        mlo = multi_leaf_object_excl(df)
        df1 = mlo.x12

        expr, _ = render(df1)

    assert 'No such attribute' in str(e.value)
コード例 #15
def test_render_func_with_df_arg():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d.count(d)
    expr, _ = render(d1)
    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Call)
    assert len(expr.args) == 1
    arg1 = expr.args[0]  # type: ast.AST
    assert isinstance(arg1, ast_DataFrame)
    assert arg1.dataframe is d
コード例 #16
def test_callable_reference():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d.jets.apply(lambda b: b)
    expr, _ = render(d1)

    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Call)
    assert len(expr.args) == 1
    arg1 = expr.args[0]  # type: ast.AST
    assert isinstance(arg1, ast_Callable)
コード例 #17
def test_multilevel_subexpr():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d.jets.pt[d.jets.pt > 30.0]
    expr, _ = render(d1)

    assert isinstance(expr, ast_Filter)
    assert isinstance(expr.filter, ast.Compare)
    ref_in_filter = expr.filter.left
    ref_in_root = expr.expr
    assert ref_in_filter is ref_in_root
コード例 #18
def test_render_base_call():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d.count()
    expr, _ = render(d1)
    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Call)
    assert len(expr.args) == 0
    e_func = expr.func
    assert isinstance(e_func, ast.Attribute)
    e_val = e_func.value  # type: ast.AST
    assert isinstance(e_val, ast_DataFrame)
    assert e_val.dataframe is d
コード例 #19
def test_simple_filter_lambda():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d[lambda j: j.x > 0]
    expr, _ = render(d1)
    assert isinstance(expr, ast_Filter)
    l_value = check_col_comp(expr.filter)
    assert l_value.dataframe is d

    assert isinstance(expr.expr, ast_DataFrame)
    assert expr.expr.dataframe is d
    assert expr.expr is l_value
コード例 #20
def test_callable_wrong_number_args():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d.apply(lambda b: b)
    expr, ctx = render(d1)

    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Call)
    arg1 = expr.args[0]  # type: ast.AST
    assert isinstance(arg1, ast_Callable)

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        render_callable(arg1, ctx, d, d)
コード例 #21
def test_render_func_with_dfattr_arg():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d.jets.count(d.jets)
    expr, _ = render(d1)
    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Call)
    assert len(expr.args) == 1
    arg1 = expr.args[0]  # type: ast.AST
    assert isinstance(arg1, ast.Attribute)
    assert isinstance(expr.func, ast.Attribute)
    root_of_call = expr.func.value
    assert isinstance(root_of_call, ast.Attribute)
    assert arg1 is root_of_call
コード例 #22
    async def process(self, df: DataFrame) -> Union[DataFrame, Column, result]:
        'Process as much of the tree as we can process'

        # Render it into an ast that we can now process!
        r, context = render(df)

        calc = inline_executor(context).visit(r)

        if isinstance(calc, ast_awkward):
            return result(calc.awkward)

        return df
コード例 #23
def test_xy():
    df = DataFrame()
    v = vec(df)
    df1 = v.xy

    expr, _ = render(df1)
    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Call)
    assert isinstance(expr.func, ast.Name)
    assert expr.func.id == 'sqrt'
    assert len(expr.args) == 1
    assert isinstance(expr.args[0], ast.BinOp)
    assert isinstance(cast(ast.BinOp, expr.args[0]).op, ast.Add)
コード例 #24
def test_callable_returns_const():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d.apply(lambda b: 20)
    expr, ctx = render(d1)

    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Call)
    arg1 = expr.args[0]  # type: ast.AST
    assert isinstance(arg1, ast_Callable)

    expr1, new_ctx = render_callable(arg1, ctx, d)
    assert isinstance(expr1, ast.Num)
    assert expr1.n == 20
コード例 #25
def test_callable_simple_call():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d.apply(lambda b: b)
    expr, ctx = render(d1)

    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Call)
    arg1 = expr.args[0]  # type: ast.AST
    assert isinstance(arg1, ast_Callable)

    expr1, new_ctx = render_callable(arg1, ctx, d)
    assert isinstance(expr1, ast_DataFrame)
    assert expr1.dataframe is d
コード例 #26
def test_simple_filter():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d[d.x > 0]
    expr, _ = render(d1)

    assert isinstance(expr, ast_Filter)
    l_value = check_col_comp(expr.filter)
    assert l_value.dataframe is d

    assert isinstance(expr.expr, ast_DataFrame)
    assert expr.expr.dataframe is d
    # This line assures that the sub-expressions are the same, allowing
    # render code to take advantage of this.str()
    assert expr.expr is l_value
コード例 #27
def test_df_user_render_args():
    def func1(x: float) -> float:
        assert False

    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = func1(d.jets)
    chain, _ = render(d1)
    assert chain is not None
    assert isinstance(chain, ast.Call)
    call = chain  # type: ast.Call
    assert len(call.args) == 1
    a1 = call.args[0]  # type: ast.AST
    assert isinstance(a1, ast.Attribute)
コード例 #28
def test_simple_filter_func():
    def test(j):
        return j.x > 0

    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d[test]
    expr, _ = render(d1)
    assert isinstance(expr, ast_Filter)
    l_value = check_col_comp(expr.filter)
    assert l_value.dataframe is d

    assert isinstance(expr.expr, ast_DataFrame)
    assert expr.expr.dataframe is d
    assert expr.expr is l_value
コード例 #29
def test_callable_captures_column():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d.jets.apply(lambda b: d.met > 20.0)
    expr, ctx = render(d1)

    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Call)
    assert isinstance(expr.func, ast.Attribute)
    root_of_call = expr.func.value
    assert isinstance(root_of_call, ast.Attribute)

    arg1 = expr.args[0]  # type: ast.AST
    assert isinstance(arg1, ast_Callable)
    expr1, _ = render_callable(arg1, ctx, d.jets)

    assert isinstance(expr1, ast.Compare)
コード例 #30
def test_callable_returns_matched_ast():
    d = DataFrame()
    d1 = d.jets.apply(lambda b: b)
    expr, ctx = render(d1)

    assert isinstance(expr, ast.Call)
    assert isinstance(expr.func, ast.Attribute)
    root_of_call = expr.func.value
    assert isinstance(root_of_call, ast.Attribute)

    arg1 = expr.args[0]  # type: ast.AST
    assert isinstance(arg1, ast_Callable)
    expr1, new_ctx = render_callable(arg1, ctx, d.jets)

    assert root_of_call is expr1