コード例 #1
ファイル: fuse_.py プロジェクト: datalad/datalad-fuse
 def _get_url(self, path):
     annex_repo, annex_key = _get_annex_repo_key(path)
     if annex_key:
         # so we do not have it yet!
         repo = AnnexRepo(annex_repo)
         whereis = repo.whereis(annex_key, output='full', key=True) # , batch=True)
         # TODO: support also regular http remotes etc
         urls = list(chain(*(x.get('urls', []) for x in whereis.values())))
         # TODO: some kind of analysis/fallback and not just taking the first one
         # TODO: Opened connections already might even have already some "equivalent" URL
         if urls:
             return urls[0]
コード例 #2
def get_remote_urls(rec, remote):
    for k, v in rec.items():
        if v.get('description', '') in [remote, '[%s]' % remote]:
            return v.get('urls', [])
    return []

if __name__ == '__main__':
    annex = AnnexRepo('.', create=False, init=False)
    # enable datalad special remote
    urls_to_register = defaultdict(list)  # key: urls
        annex.call_annex(["enableremote", "datalad"])
        # go through each and see where urls aren't yet under web
        # seems might have also --in=datalad to restrict
        w = annex.whereis([], options=['--all'], output='full')
        lgr.info("Got %d entries", len(w))
        for k, rec in tqdm(w.items()):
            datalad_urls = get_remote_urls(rec, 'datalad')
            web_urls = set(get_remote_urls(rec, 'web'))
            for url in datalad_urls:
                if url not in web_urls:
                    if 'openneuro.s3' in url or 'openfmri.s3' in url:
                        lgr.warning("Found unexpected url %s" % url)

        # disable datalad special remote
        annex.remove_remote("datalad")  # need to disable it first
    lgr.info("Got %d entries which could get new urls", len(urls_to_register))
コード例 #3
def test_add_archive_content(path_orig, url, repo_path):
    with chpwd(repo_path):
        # TODO we need to be able to pass path into add_archive_content
        # We could mock but I mean for the API
        assert_raises(RuntimeError, add_archive_content,
                      "nonexisting.tar.gz")  # no repo yet

        repo = AnnexRepo(repo_path, create=True)
        assert_raises(ValueError, add_archive_content, "nonexisting.tar.gz")
        # we can't add a file from outside the repo ATM
        assert_raises(FileNotInRepositoryError, add_archive_content,
                      opj(path_orig, '1.tar.gz'))

        # Let's add first archive to the repo so we could test
        with swallow_outputs():
            repo.add_urls([opj(url, '1.tar.gz')],
                          options=["--pathdepth", "-1"])
            for s in range(1, 5):
                repo.add_urls([opj(url, '%du/1.tar.gz' % s)],
                              options=["--pathdepth", "-2"])
        repo.commit("added 1.tar.gz")

        key_1tar = repo.get_file_key(
            '1.tar.gz')  # will be used in the test later

        def d1_basic_checks():
            ok_file_under_git('1', '1 f.txt', annexed=True)
            ok_file_under_git(opj('1', 'd', '1d'), annexed=True)
            ok_archives_caches(repo_path, 0)

        # and by default it just does it, everything goes to annex
        repo_ = add_archive_content('1.tar.gz')
        eq_(repo.path, repo_.path)

        # If ran again, should proceed just fine since the content is the same so no changes would be made really

        # But that other one carries updated file, so should fail due to overwrite
        with assert_raises(RuntimeError) as cme:
            add_archive_content(opj('1u', '1.tar.gz'), use_current_dir=True)

        # TODO: somewhat not precise since we have two possible "already exists"
        # -- in caching and overwrite check
        assert_in("already exists", str(cme.exception))
        # but should do fine if overrides are allowed
        add_archive_content(opj('1u', '1.tar.gz'),
        add_archive_content(opj('2u', '1.tar.gz'),
        add_archive_content(opj('3u', '1.tar.gz'),
        add_archive_content(opj('4u', '1.tar.gz'),

        # rudimentary test
        assert_equal(sorted(map(basename, glob(opj(repo_path, '1', '1*')))),
                     ['1 f-1.1.txt', '1 f-1.2.txt', '1 f-1.txt', '1 f.txt'])
        whereis = repo.whereis(glob(opj(repo_path, '1', '1*')))
        # they all must be the same
        assert (all([x == whereis[0] for x in whereis[1:]]))

    # and we should be able to reference it while under subdirectory
    subdir = opj(repo_path, 'subdir')
    with chpwd(subdir, mkdir=True):
        add_archive_content(opj(pardir, '1.tar.gz'), use_current_dir=True)
        # or we could keep relative path and also demand to keep the archive prefix
        # while extracting under original (annex root) dir
        add_archive_content(opj(pardir, '1.tar.gz'),

    with chpwd(opj(repo_path, '1')):

    with chpwd(repo_path):
        # test with excludes and renames and annex options
                            rename=['/ /_', '/^1/2'],
                            annex_options="-c annex.largefiles=exclude=*.txt",
        # no conflicts since new name
        ok_file_under_git('2', '1_f.txt', annexed=False)
        assert_false(exists(opj('2', 'd')))
        assert_false(exists('1.tar.gz'))  # delete was in effect

    # now test ability to extract within subdir
    with chpwd(opj(repo_path, 'd1'), mkdir=True):
        # Let's add first archive to the repo so we could test
        # named the same way but different content
        with swallow_outputs():
            repo.add_urls([opj(url, 'd1', '1.tar.gz')],
                          options=["--pathdepth", "-1"],
                          cwd=getpwd())  # invoke under current subdir
        repo.commit("added 1.tar.gz in d1")

        def d2_basic_checks():
            ok_file_under_git('1', '2 f.txt', annexed=True)
            ok_file_under_git(opj('1', 'd2', '2d'), annexed=True)
            ok_archives_caches(repo.path, 0)


    # in manual tests ran into the situation of inability to obtain on a single run
    # a file from an archive which was coming from a dropped key.  I thought it was
    # tested in custom remote tests, but I guess not sufficiently well enough
    repo.drop(opj('1', '1 f.txt'))  # should be all kosher
    repo.get(opj('1', '1 f.txt'))
    ok_archives_caches(repo.path, 1, persistent=True)
    ok_archives_caches(repo.path, 0, persistent=False)

    repo.drop(opj('1', '1 f.txt'))  # should be all kosher
              key=True)  # is available from the URL -- should be kosher
    repo.get(opj('1', '1 f.txt'))  # that what managed to not work

    # TODO: check if persistent archive is there for the 1.tar.gz

    # We should be able to drop everything since available online
    with swallow_outputs():
              key=True)  # is available from the URL -- should be kosher

    repo.drop(opj('1', '1 f.txt'))  # should be all kosher
    repo.get(opj('1', '1 f.txt'))  # and should be able to get it again

    # bug was that dropping didn't work since archive was dropped first
    repo.call_annex(["drop", "--all"])

    # verify that we can't drop a file if archive key was dropped and online archive was removed or changed size! ;)
    repo.get(key_1tar, key=True)
    unlink(opj(path_orig, '1.tar.gz'))
    with assert_raises(CommandError) as e:
        repo.drop(key_1tar, key=True)
        assert_equal(e.kwargs['stdout_json'][0]['success'], False)
            e.kwargs['stdout_json'], 'note', lambda x:
            '(Use --force to override this check, or adjust numcopies.)' in x)
    assert exists(opj(repo.path, repo.get_contentlocation(key_1tar)))
コード例 #4
def get_remote_urls(rec, remote):
    for k, v in rec.items():
        if v.get('description', '') in [remote, '[%s]' % remote]:
            return v.get('urls', [])
    return []

if __name__ == '__main__':
    annex = AnnexRepo('.', create=False, init=False)
    # enable datalad special remote
    urls_to_register = defaultdict(list)  # key: urls
        annex._annex_custom_command([], ["git", "annex", "enableremote", "datalad"])
        # go through each and see where urls aren't yet under web
        # seems might have also --in=datalad to restrict
        w = annex.whereis([], options=['--all'], output='full')
        lgr.info("Got %d entries", len(w))
        for k, rec in tqdm(w.items()):
            datalad_urls = get_remote_urls(rec, 'datalad')
            web_urls = set(get_remote_urls(rec, 'web'))
            for url in datalad_urls:
                if url not in web_urls:
                    if 'openneuro.s3' in url or 'openfmri.s3' in url:
                        lgr.warning("Found unexpected url %s" % url)

        # disable datalad special remote
        annex.remove_remote("datalad") # need to disable it first