def test_cached_url(cache_dir): # patch DATALAD_TESTS_CACHE to not use the actual cache with # the test testing that very cache. cache_dir = Path(cache_dir) ds_url = "" name_in_cache = url2filename(ds_url) annexed_file = Path("inannex") / "animated.gif" annexed_file_key = "MD5E-s144625--4c458c62b7ac8ec8e19c8ff14b2e34ad.gif" with patch(CACHE_PATCH_STR, new=cache_dir): @cached_url(url=ds_url) def decorated_test1(url): # we expect a file-scheme url to a cached version of `ds_url` expect_origin_path = cache_dir / name_in_cache assert_equal(expect_origin_path.as_uri(), url) origin = Dataset(expect_origin_path) assert_true(origin.is_installed()) assert_false(origin.repo.file_has_content(str(annexed_file))) decorated_test1() @cached_url(url=ds_url, keys=annexed_file_key) def decorated_test2(url): # we expect a file-scheme url to a "different" cached version of # `ds_url` expect_origin_path = cache_dir / name_in_cache assert_equal(expect_origin_path.as_uri(), url) origin = Dataset(expect_origin_path) assert_true(origin.is_installed()) assert_true(origin.repo.file_has_content(str(annexed_file))) decorated_test2() # disable caching. Note, that in reality DATALAD_TESTS_CACHE is determined # on import time of datalad.tests.fixtures based on the config # "datalad.tests.cache". We patch the result here, not the config itself. with patch(CACHE_PATCH_STR, new=None): @cached_url(url=ds_url) def decorated_test3(url): # we expect the original url, since caching is disabled assert_equal(url, ds_url) decorated_test3()
def test_get_cached_dataset(cache_dir): # patch DATALAD_TESTS_CACHE to not use the actual cache with # the test testing that very cache. cache_dir = Path(cache_dir) # store file-based values for testrepo-minimalds for readability: annexed_file = opj('inannex', 'animated.gif') annexed_file_key = "MD5E-s144625--4c458c62b7ac8ec8e19c8ff14b2e34ad.gif" with patch(CACHE_PATCH_STR, new=cache_dir): # tuples to test (url, version, keys, class): test_cases = [ # a simple testrepo ("", "541cf855d13c2a338ff2803d4488daf0035e568f", None, AnnexRepo), # Same repo, but request paths to be present. This should work # with a subsequent call, although the first one did not already # request any: ("", "9dd8b56cc706ab56185f2ceb75fbe9de9b606724", annexed_file_key, AnnexRepo), # Same repo again, but invalid version ( "", "nonexistent", "irrelevantkey", # invalid version; don't even try to get the key AnnexRepo), # same thing with different name should be treated as a new thing: ("", "git-annex", None, AnnexRepo), # try a plain git repo to make sure we can deal with that: # Note, that we first need a test case w/o a `key` parameter to not # blow up the test when Clone is patched, resulting in a MagicMock # instead of a Dataset instance within get_cached_dataset. In the # second case it's already cached then, so the patched Clone is # never executed. ("", None, None, GitRepo), ( "", "gh-pages", "ignored-key", # it's a git repo; don't even try to get a key GitRepo), ] for url, version, keys, cls in test_cases: target = cache_dir / url2filename(url) # assuming it doesn't exist yet - patched cache dir! in_cache_before = target.exists() with patch(CLONE_PATCH_STR) as exec_clone: try: ds = get_cached_dataset(url, version, keys) invalid_version = False except AssertionError: # should happen only if `version` wasn't found. Implies # that the dataset exists in cache (although not returned # due to exception) assert_true(version) assert_false(Dataset(target).repo.commit_exists(version)) # mark for later assertions (most of them should still hold # true) invalid_version = True assert_equal(exec_clone.call_count, 0 if in_cache_before else 1) # Patch prevents actual execution. Now do it for real. Note, that # this might be necessary for content retrieval even if dataset was # in cache before. try: ds = get_cached_dataset(url, version, keys) except AssertionError: # see previous call assert_true(invalid_version) assert_is_instance(ds, Dataset) assert_true(ds.is_installed()) assert_equal(target, ds.pathobj) assert_is_instance(ds.repo, cls) if keys and not invalid_version and \ AnnexRepo.is_valid_repo(ds.path): # Note: it's not supposed to get that content if passed # `version` wasn't available. get_cached_dataset would then # raise before and not download anything only to raise # afterwards. here = ds.config.get("annex.uuid") where = ds.repo.whereis(ensure_list(keys), key=True) assert_true(all(here in remotes for remotes in where)) # version check. Note, that all `get_cached_dataset` is supposed to # do, is verifying, that specified version exists - NOT check it # out" if version and not invalid_version: assert_true(ds.repo.commit_exists(version)) # re-execution with patch(CLONE_PATCH_STR) as exec_clone: try: ds2 = get_cached_dataset(url, version, keys) except AssertionError: assert_true(invalid_version) exec_clone.assert_not_called() # returns the same Dataset as before: assert_is(ds, ds2)
def test_cached_dataset(cache_dir): # patch DATALAD_TESTS_CACHE to not use the actual cache with # the test testing that very cache. cache_dir = Path(cache_dir) ds_url = "" name_in_cache = url2filename(ds_url) annexed_file = Path("inannex") / "animated.gif" with patch(CACHE_PATCH_STR, new=cache_dir): @cached_dataset(url=ds_url) def decorated_test1(ds): # we get a Dataset instance assert_is_instance(ds, Dataset) # it's a clone in a temp. location, not within the cache assert_not_in(cache_dir, ds.pathobj.parents) assert_result_count(ds.siblings(), 1, type="sibling", name="origin", url=str(cache_dir / name_in_cache)) here = ds.config.get("annex.uuid") origin = ds.config.get("remote.origin.annex-uuid") where = ds.repo.whereis(str(annexed_file)) assert_not_in(here, where) assert_not_in(origin, where) return ds.pathobj, ds.repo.pathobj @cached_dataset(url=ds_url, paths=str(annexed_file)) def decorated_test2(ds): # we get a Dataset instance assert_is_instance(ds, Dataset) # it's a clone in a temp. location, not within the cache assert_not_in(cache_dir, ds.pathobj.parents) assert_result_count(ds.siblings(), 1, type="sibling", name="origin", url=str(cache_dir / name_in_cache)) here = ds.config.get("annex.uuid") origin = ds.config.get("remote.origin.annex-uuid") where = ds.repo.whereis(str(annexed_file)) assert_in(here, where) assert_in(origin, where) return ds.pathobj, ds.repo.pathobj @cached_dataset(url=ds_url) def decorated_test3(ds): # we get a Dataset instance assert_is_instance(ds, Dataset) # it's a clone in a temp. location, not within the cache assert_not_in(cache_dir, ds.pathobj.parents) assert_result_count(ds.siblings(), 1, type="sibling", name="origin", url=str(cache_dir / name_in_cache)) # origin is the same cached dataset, that got this content in # decorated_test2 before. Should still be there. But "here" we # didn't request it here = ds.config.get("annex.uuid") origin = ds.config.get("remote.origin.annex-uuid") where = ds.repo.whereis(str(annexed_file)) assert_not_in(here, where) assert_in(origin, where) return ds.pathobj, ds.repo.pathobj @cached_dataset(url=ds_url, version="541cf855d13c2a338ff2803d4488daf0035e568f") def decorated_test4(ds): # we get a Dataset instance assert_is_instance(ds, Dataset) # it's a clone in a temp. location, not within the cache assert_not_in(cache_dir, ds.pathobj.parents) assert_result_count(ds.siblings(), 1, type="sibling", name="origin", url=str(cache_dir / name_in_cache)) # origin is the same cached dataset, that got this content in # decorated_test2 before. Should still be there. But "here" we # didn't request it here = ds.config.get("annex.uuid") origin = ds.config.get("remote.origin.annex-uuid") where = ds.repo.whereis(str(annexed_file)) assert_not_in(here, where) assert_in(origin, where) assert_equal(ds.repo.get_hexsha(), "541cf855d13c2a338ff2803d4488daf0035e568f") return ds.pathobj, ds.repo.pathobj first_dspath, first_repopath = decorated_test1() second_dspath, second_repopath = decorated_test2() decorated_test3() decorated_test4() # first and second are not the same, only their origin is: assert_not_equal(first_dspath, second_dspath) assert_not_equal(first_repopath, second_repopath)