def metadata_from_file(file): """Read metadata of single .continuous file header/file stats. Checks if the file contains complete records based on the size of the file as header size + integer multiples of records. Args: file: Path to .continuous file Returns: Dictionary with n_blocks, block_size, n_samples, sampling_rate fields. """ header = read_header(file) fs = header['sampleRate'] n_record_bytes = int(os.path.getsize(file) - SIZE_HEADER) n_blocks = n_record_bytes / SIZE_RECORD if n_record_bytes % SIZE_RECORD != 0: raise ValueError('File {} contains incomplete records!'.format(file)) n_samples = n_record_bytes - n_blocks * (SIZE_RECORD - SIZE_DATA) logger.log(level=LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, msg='{}, Fs = {:.2f}Hz, {} blocks, {} samples, {}'.format( file, fs, n_blocks, n_samples, util.fmt_time(n_samples / fs))) return dict(n_blocks=int(n_blocks), block_size=NUM_SAMPLES, n_samples=int(n_samples), sampling_rate=fs)
def plot_noise(noise_arr, thresholds, tetrode=None): fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(18, 4), sharex=True) # fig = plt.figure() # ax = [] # ax[0] = plt.subplot2grid((8, 4), (0, 0)) # ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((8, 4), (0, 1), colspan=2) # ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((8, 4), (1, 0), colspan=2, rowspan=2) # ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((8, 4), (1, 2), rowspan=2) title = 'Noise estimation (1.0 second bins) ' + ('' if tetrode is None else f'tetrode {tetrode}') ax[0].set_title(title) t = np.linspace(0, len(noise_arr), len(noise_arr)) # limits = np.min(np.percentile(noise_arr, 0, axis=0)), np.max(np.percentile(noise_arr, 99.99, axis=0)) limits = (np.min(noise_arr, axis=(0, 1)), np.max(noise_arr, axis=(0, 1))) for n in range(4): ax[n].plot(t, noise_arr[:, n], color='C' + str(n), alpha=.6, linewidth=1) ax[n].set_ylabel('$\mu V$') ax[n].set_ylim(limits) ax[n].xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: fmt_time(x, millis=False))) # draw thresholds ax[n].axhline(thresholds[n], linestyle=':', color='gray') ax[-1].set_xlabel('$Time$') return fig
def on_mouse_double_click(self, event): x, y = event.pos x_r = x / self.size[0] # y_r = y / self.size[1] # TODO: use y-coordinate to guesstimate the channel id + amplitude at point t_r = x_r * self.n_cols - math.floor(x_r * self.n_cols) t_sample = (t_r * self.buffer_length + self.offset * 1024 ) # self.cfg['HEADER']['block_size'] t_sec = t_sample / self.fs'Sample {} @ {}, offset {}'.format( int(t_sample), util.fmt_time(t_sec), self.offset))
def continuous_to_dat(target_metadata, output_path, channel_group, file_mode='w', chunk_records=1000, duration=0, dead_channel_ids=None, zero_dead_channels=True): start_t = time.time() # Logging file_handler = logging.FileHandler(output_path + '.log') formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) logger.log(level=LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, msg='Target metadata: {}'.format( pformat(target_metadata, indent=2))) # NOTE: Channel numbers zero-based in configuration, but not in file name space. Grml. data_channel_ids = channel_group['channels'] ref_channel_ids = [rid for rid in channel_group['reference'] ] if "reference" in channel_group else [] dead_channel_ids = [did for did in dead_channel_ids] logger.debug("Zeroing dead channels: {}, dead (OE) channels: {}".format( zero_dead_channels, dead_channel_ids)) dead_channels_indices = [ data_channel_ids.index(dc) for dc in dead_channel_ids if dc in data_channel_ids ] try: logger.debug('Opening output file {} in filemode {}'.format( output_path, file_mode + 'b')) with ExitStack() as stack, open(output_path, file_mode + 'b') as out_fid_dat: data_duration = 0 # Loop over all sub-recordings for sub_id, subset in target_metadata['SUBSETS'].items(): logger.debug('Converting sub_id {}'.format(sub_id)) data_file_paths = [ subset['FILES'][cid]['FILEPATH'] for cid in data_channel_ids ] ref_file_paths = [ subset['FILES'][rid]['FILEPATH'] for rid in ref_channel_ids ] logger.log(level=LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, msg=data_file_paths) data_files = [ stack.enter_context(oe.ContinuousFile(f)) for f in data_file_paths ] ref_files = [ stack.enter_context(oe.ContinuousFile(f)) for f in ref_file_paths ] for oe_file in data_files: logger.log(level=LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, msg="Open data file: {}".format( op.basename(oe_file.path)) + LOG_STR_ITEM.format(header=oe_file.header)) for oe_file in ref_files: logger.log(level=LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, msg="Open reference file: {}".format( op.basename(oe_file.path)) + LOG_STR_ITEM.format(header=oe_file.header)) n_blocks = subset['JOINT_HEADERS']['n_blocks'] sampling_rate = subset['JOINT_HEADERS']['sampling_rate'] # buffer_size = subset['JOINT_HEADERS']['buffer_size'] block_size = subset['JOINT_HEADERS']['block_size'] # If duration limited, find max number of records that should be grabbed records_left = n_blocks if not duration \ else min(n_blocks, int(duration * sampling_rate // block_size)) if records_left < 1: epsilon = 1 / sampling_rate * block_size * 1000 logger.warning( "Remaining duration limit ({:.0f} ms) less than duration of single block ({:.0f} ms). " "Skipping target.".format(duration * 1000, epsilon)) return 0 # loop over all records, in chunk sizes bytes_written = 0 pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=records_left * 1024, unit_scale=True, unit='Samples') while records_left: count = min(records_left, chunk_records) pbar.update(count * 1024) logger.log(level=LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, msg=DEBUG_STR_CHUNK.format( count=count, left=records_left, num_records=n_blocks)) res = np.vstack([f.read_record(count) for f in data_files]) # reference channels if needed if len(ref_channel_ids): logger.debug( DEBUG_STR_REREF.format(channels=ref_channel_ids)) res -= np.vstack([ f.read_record(count) for f in ref_files ]).mean(axis=0, dtype=np.int16) # zero dead channels if needed if len(dead_channels_indices) and zero_dead_channels: zeros = np.zeros_like(res[0]) for dci in dead_channels_indices: logger.debug( DEBUG_STR_ZEROS.format( flag=zero_dead_channels, channel=data_channel_ids[dci])) res[dci] = zeros res.transpose().tofile(out_fid_dat) records_left -= count bytes_written += (count * 2048 * len(data_channel_ids)) pbar.close() data_duration += bytes_written / (2 * sampling_rate * len(data_channel_ids)) elapsed = time.time() - start_t speed = bytes_written / elapsed logger.debug( '{appended} {channels} channels into "{op:s}"'.format( appended=MODE_STR_PAST[file_mode], channels=len(data_channel_ids), op=os.path.abspath(output_path))) '{n_channels} channels, {rec} blocks ({dur:s}, {bw:.2f} MB) in {et:.2f} s ({ts:.2f} MB/s)' .format(n_channels=len(data_channel_ids), rec=n_blocks - records_left, dur=util.fmt_time(data_duration), bw=bytes_written / 1e6, et=elapsed, ts=speed / 1e6)) # returning duration of data written, epsilon=1 sample, allows external loop to make proper judgement if # going to next target makes sense via comparison. E.g. if time less than one sample short of # duration limit. logger.removeHandler(file_handler) file_handler.close() return data_duration except IOError as e: logger.exception('Operation failed: {error}'.format(error=e.strerror))
def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( 'Convert file formats/layouts. Default result is int16 .dat file.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="Verbose (debug) output") # Input/output parser.add_argument( 'target', nargs='*', default='.', help= """Path/list of paths to directories containing raw .continuous data OR path to .session definition file. Listing multiple files will result in data sets being concatenated in listed order.""") parser.add_argument( '-o', '--out_path', help='Output file path Defaults to current working directory') parser.add_argument('-P', '--out_prefix', help='Output file prefix. Default is name of target.') parser.add_argument('-T', '--template_fname', help='Output file template. Default: {}'.format( DEFAULT_SHORT_TEMPLATE)) parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', help='Output format. Default is: {}'.format( list(FORMATS.keys())[2]), choices=FORMATS.keys(), default=list(FORMATS.keys())[2]) parser.add_argument('--fname_channels', action='store_true', help='Include original channel numbers in file names.') # Channel arrangement channel_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() channel_group.add_argument('-c', "--channel-count", type=int, help='Number of consecutive channels.') channel_group.add_argument( '-C', "--channel-list", nargs='*', type=int, help='List of channels in order they are to be merged.') channel_group.add_argument('-l', '--layout', help="Path to klusta .probe file.") parser.add_argument('-g', '--channel-groups', type=int, nargs="+", help="limit to only a subset of the channel groups") parser.add_argument('-S', '--split-groups', action='store_true', help='Split channel groups into separate files.') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--dead-channels', nargs='*', type=int, help='List of dead channels. If flag set, these will be set to zero.') parser.add_argument('-z', '--zero-dead-channels', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '--dry-run', action='store_true', help='Do not write data files (but still create prb/prm') parser.add_argument('-p', "--params", help='Path to .params file.') parser.add_argument('-D', "--duration", type=int, help='Limit duration of recording (s)') parser.add_argument('--remove-trailing-zeros', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--out_fname_template', action='store_true', help='Template for file naming.') cli_args = parser.parse_args(args) logger.debug('Arguments: {}'.format(cli_args)) if cli_args.remove_trailing_zeros: raise NotImplementedError("Can't remove trailing zeros just yet.") targets = [op.abspath(op.expanduser(t)) for t in] formats = list(set([util.detect_format(target) for target in targets])) # Input file format logger.debug('Inputs found: {}'.format(formats)) format_input = formats[0] assert len(formats) == 1 logger.debug('Using module: {}'.format(format_input.__name__)) # Output file format format_output = FORMATS[cli_args.format.lower()] logger.debug('Output module: {}'.format(format_output.__name__)) # Set up channel layout (channels, references, dead channels) from command line inputs or layout file # List of bad channels, will be added to channel group dict dead_channels = cli_args.dead_channels if cli_args.dead_channels is not None else [] # One of channel_count, channel_list, layout_file path from mutex parser group channel_group layout = None if cli_args.channel_count is not None: channel_groups = { 0: { 'channels': list(range(cli_args.channel_count)), 'dead_channels': dead_channels } } elif cli_args.channel_list is not None: channel_groups = { 0: { 'channels': cli_args.channel_list, 'dead_channels': dead_channels } } elif cli_args.layout is not None: layout = util.run_prb(op.abspath(op.expanduser(cli_args.layout))) logger.debug('Opened layout file {}'.format(layout)) if cli_args.split_groups: channel_groups = layout['channel_groups'] if 'dead_channels' in layout: if len(dead_channels) and (layout['dead_channels'] != dead_channels): raise ValueError( 'Conflicting bad channel lists: args: {}, layout: {}'. format(layout['dead_channels'], dead_channels)) dead_channels = layout['dead_channels'] if cli_args.channel_groups: channel_groups = { i: channel_groups[i] for i in cli_args.channel_groups if i in channel_groups } else: channels, dead_channels = util.flat_channel_list(layout) logger.warning( 'Not splitting groups! Creating new monotonically increasing channel map.' ) # make a new channel group by merging in the existing ones channel_groups = { 0: { 'channels': channels, 'dead_channels': dead_channels } } else: logger.debug( 'No channels given on CLI, will try to get channel number from target later.' ) channel_groups = None # Generate configuration from input files found by the format # This step already checks for the existence of the data files # and can fail prematurely if the wrong naming template is being used # This needs more work. logger.debug('Getting metadata for all targets') targets_metadata_list = [ format_input.metadata_from_target(t) for t in targets ] if channel_groups is None: target_channels = list( set([ch for t in targets_metadata_list for ch in t['CHANNELS']])) channel_groups = { 0: { 'channels': target_channels, 'dead_channels': dead_channels } } # Output file path if cli_args.out_path is None: out_path = os.getcwd() 'Using current working directory "{}" as output path.'.format( out_path)) else: out_path = op.abspath(op.expanduser(cli_args.out_path)) # Create the output path if necessary if len(out_path) and not op.exists(out_path): os.mkdir(out_path) logger.debug('Creating output path {}'.format(out_path)) out_fext = format_output.FMT_FEXT out_prefix = cli_args.out_prefix if cli_args.out_prefix is not None else op.basename([0]) logger.debug('Prefix: {}'.format(out_prefix)) default_template = DEFAULT_FULL_TEMPLATE if cli_args.fname_channels else DEFAULT_SHORT_TEMPLATE fname_template = default_template if cli_args.template_fname is None else cli_args.template_fname logger.debug('Filename template: {}'.format(fname_template)) # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MAIN LOOP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Iterates over all channel groups, calling continuous_to_dat for each to be bundled together # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ total_duration_written = 0 for cg_id, channel_group in channel_groups.items(): logger.debug('channel group: {}'.format(channel_group)) # TODO: Check file name length, shorten if > 256 characters # Possible parameters: outfile prefix [outfile], channel group id [cg_id] # channel ranges from consecutive channels, for output file naming crs = util.fmt_channel_ranges(channel_group['channels']) output_basename = fname_template.format(prefix=out_prefix, cg_id=cg_id, crs=crs) output_fname = ''.join([output_basename, out_fext]) output_file_path = op.join(out_path, output_fname) duration_written = 0 # First target, file mode is write, after that, append to output file for file_mode, target_metadata in enumerate(targets_metadata_list): duration = None if cli_args.duration is None else cli_args.duration - duration_written target_path = target_metadata['TARGET'] logger.debug( 'Starting conversion for target {}'.format(target_path)) if not cli_args.dry_run and WRITE_DATA: duration_written += continuous_to_dat( target_metadata=target_metadata, output_path=output_file_path, channel_group=channel_group, dead_channel_ids=dead_channels, zero_dead_channels=cli_args.zero_dead_channels, file_mode='a' if file_mode else 'w', duration=duration) total_duration_written += duration_written # create the per-group .prb files # FIXME: Dead channels are big mess with open(op.join(out_path, output_basename + '.prb'), 'w') as prb_out: if cli_args.split_groups or (layout is None): # One prb file per channel group ch_out = channel_group['channels'] cg_out = {0: {'channels': list(range(len(ch_out)))}} dead_channels = sorted( [ch_out.index(dc) for dc in dead_channels if dc in ch_out]) else: # Same channel groups, but with flat numbering cg_out, dead_channels = util.monotonic_prb(layout) prb_out.write('dead_channels = {}\n'.format( pprint.pformat(dead_channels))) prb_out.write('channel_groups = {}'.format(pprint.pformat(cg_out))) # FIXME: Generation of .prm # For now in separate script. Should take a .prm template that will be adjusted # # Template parameter file # prm_file_input = cli_args.params # with open(op.join(out_path, output_basename + '.prm'), 'w') as prm_out: # if prm_file_input: # f = open(prm_file_input, 'r') # prm_in = # f.close() # else: # prm_in = pkgr.resource_string('config', 'default.prm').decode() # prm_out.write(prm_in.format(experiment_name=output_basename, # probe_file=output_basename + '.prb', # raw_file=output_file_path, # n_channels=len(channel_group['channels']))) logger.debug('Done! Total data length written: {}'.format( util.fmt_time(total_duration_written)))
def __init__(self, target_path, n_cols=1, channels=None, start=0, dtype='int16', *args, **kwargs): app.Canvas.__init__(self, title=target_path, keys='interactive', size=(1900, 1000), position=(0, 0), app='pyqt5') self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Target configuration (format, sampling rate, sizes...) self.target_path = target_path self.logger.debug('Target path: {}'.format(target_path)) self.format = util.detect_format(self.target_path) self.logger.debug('Target module: {}'.format(self.format)) assert self.format is not None self.input_dtype = dtype self.metadata = self._get_target_config(*args, **kwargs) # TODO: Have .dat format join in on the new format fun... if 'HEADER' in self.metadata: self.logger.debug( 'Using legacy .dat file metadata dictionary layout') self.fs = self.metadata['HEADER']['sampling_rate'] self.input_dtype = self.metadata['DTYPE'] self.n_samples_total = int(self.metadata['HEADER']['n_samples']) self.n_channels = self.metadata['CHANNELS']['n_channels'] self.block_size = self.metadata['HEADER']['block_size'] elif 'SUBSETS' in self.metadata: # FIXME: Only traverses first subset. self.logger.debug('Using new style metadata dictionary layout') # get number of channels and sampling rate from first subset first_subset = next(iter(self.metadata['SUBSETS'].values())) self.fs = first_subset['JOINT_HEADERS']['sampling_rate'] self.n_samples_total = int( first_subset['JOINT_HEADERS']['n_samples']) self.n_channels = len(first_subset['FILES']) self.block_size = first_subset['JOINT_HEADERS']['block_size'] else: raise ValueError('Unknown metadata format from target.') self.logger.debug( 'From target: {:.2f} Hz, {} channels, {} samples, dtype={}'.format( self.fs, self.n_channels, self.n_samples_total, self.input_dtype)) self.channel_order = channels # if None: no particular order # 300-6000 Hz Highpass filter self.filter = util.butter_bandpass(300, 6000, self.fs) self.apply_filter = False self.duration_total = util.fmt_time(self.n_samples_total / self.fs) # Buffer to store all the pre-loaded signals self.buf = SharedBuffer.SharedBuffer() self.buffer_length = BUFFER_LENGTH self.buf.initialize(n_channels=self.n_channels, n_samples=self.buffer_length, np_dtype=BUFFER_DTYPE) # Streamer to keep buffer filled self.streamer = None self.stream_queue = Queue() self.start_streaming() # Setup up viewport and viewing state variables # running traces, looks cool, but useless for the most part self.running = False self.dirty = True self.offset = int(start * self.fs / 1024) self.drag_offset = 0 self.n_cols = int(n_cols) self.n_rows = int(math.ceil(self.n_channels / self.n_cols)) self.logger.debug('col/row: {}, buffer_length: {}'.format( (self.n_cols, self.n_rows), self.buffer_length)) # Most of the magic happens in the vertex shader, moving the samples into "position" using # an affine transform based on number of columns and rows for the plot, scaling, etc. self.program = gloo.Program(VERT_SHADER, FRAG_SHADER) self._feed_shaders() gloo.set_viewport(0, 0, *self.physical_size) self._timer = app.Timer('auto', connect=self.on_timer, start=True) gloo.set_state(clear_color='black', blend=True, blend_func=('src_alpha', 'one_minus_src_alpha'))