def test_iterator_with_schema(self, csv_tmpfile): csv_contents = ( 'superhero,awesomeness\n' 'Captain America,8\n' 'Iron Man,10\n' 'Ant Man,5\n' 'SuperMan,7\n' ).encode('utf-8') csv_tmpfile.write(csv_contents) csv_tmpfile.flush() resource = TabularResource( {'path':, 'schema': { 'fields':[ { 'name': 'superhero', 'type': 'string' }, { 'name': 'awesomeness', 'type': 'integer' } ] } }) data = [row for row in resource.iter()] assert data == [ {'superhero': 'Captain America', 'awesomeness': 8}, {'superhero': 'Iron Man', 'awesomeness': 10}, {'superhero': 'Ant Man', 'awesomeness': 5}, {'superhero': 'SuperMan', 'awesomeness': 7}, ]
def test_iterator_with_local_non_tabular_data(self): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.txt') as tmpfile: tmpfile.write('foo'.encode('utf-8')) tmpfile.flush() resource = TabularResource({'path':}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): [row for row in resource.iter()]
def test_iterator_with_inline_data(self): data = [ {'country': 'China', 'value': '中国'}, {'country': 'Brazil', 'value': 'Brasil'}, ] resource = TabularResource({'data': data}) assert [row for row in resource.iter()] == data
def test_iterator_with_inline_data(self): contents = ( 'first line\n' 'second line\n' ) resource = datapackage.Resource.load({'data': contents}) data = [row for row in resource.iter()] assert data == [b'first line\n', b'second line\n']
def test_iterator_with_local_data(self, txt_tmpfile): contents = ('first line\n' 'second line\n') txt_tmpfile.write(contents.encode('utf-8')) txt_tmpfile.flush() resource = datapackage.Resource.load({'path':}) data = [row for row in resource.iter()] assert data == [b'first line\n', b'second line\n']
def test_iterator_with_remote_non_tabular_data(self): httpretty.HTTPretty.allow_net_connect = False resource_dict = { 'url': '', } httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, resource_dict['url'], body='foo') resource = TabularResource(resource_dict) with pytest.raises(ValueError): [row for row in resource.iter()]
def test_iterator_with_local_data(self, txt_tmpfile): contents = ( 'first line\n' 'second line\n' ) txt_tmpfile.write(contents.encode('utf-8')) txt_tmpfile.flush() resource = datapackage.Resource.load({'path':}) data = [row for row in resource.iter()] assert data == [b'first line\n', b'second line\n']
def test_raises_with_wrong_encoding(self, csv_tmpfile): csv_contents = ( 'country,value\n' 'China,中国\n' 'Brazil,Brasil\n' ).encode('utf-8') csv_tmpfile.write(csv_contents) csv_tmpfile.flush() resource = TabularResource({'path':, 'encoding': 'utf-16'}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): data = [row for row in resource.iter()]
def test_iterator_with_local_data(self): contents = ( 'first line\n' 'second line\n' ) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.txt') as tmpfile: tmpfile.write(contents.encode('utf-8')) tmpfile.flush() resource = datapackage.Resource.load({'path':}) data = [row for row in resource.iter()] assert data == [b'first line\n', b'second line\n']
def test_iterator_with_inline_data(self): data = ( '[' '{"country": "China", "value": "中国"},' '{"country": "Brazil", "value": "Brasil"}' ']' ) resource = TabularResource({'data': data}) assert [row for row in resource.iter()] == [ {'country': 'China', 'value': '中国'}, {'country': 'Brazil', 'value': 'Brasil'}, ]
def test_iterator_with_remote_data(self): httpretty.HTTPretty.allow_net_connect = False contents = ('first line\n' 'second line\n') resource_dict = { 'url': '', } httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, resource_dict['url'], body=contents) resource = datapackage.Resource.load(resource_dict) data = [row for row in resource.iter()] assert data == [b'first line\n', b'second line\n']
def test_iterator_with_local_data(self, csv_tmpfile): csv_contents = ( 'country,value\n' 'China,中国\n' 'Brazil,Brasil\n' ).encode('utf-8') csv_tmpfile.write(csv_contents) csv_tmpfile.flush() resource = TabularResource({'path':}) data = [row for row in resource.iter()] assert data == [ {'country': 'China', 'value': '中国'}, {'country': 'Brazil', 'value': 'Brasil'}, ]
def test_iterator_with_local_data(self, csv_tmpfile): csv_contents = ( 'country,value\n' 'China,中国\n' 'Brazil,Brasil\n' ).encode('utf-8') csv_tmpfile.write(csv_contents) csv_tmpfile.flush() resource = TabularResource({'path':, 'encoding': 'utf-8'}) data = [row for row in resource.iter()] assert data == [ {'country': 'China', 'value': '中国'}, {'country': 'Brazil', 'value': 'Brasil'}, ]
def test_iterator_with_remote_data(self): httpretty.HTTPretty.allow_net_connect = False contents = ( 'first line\n' 'second line\n' ) resource_dict = { 'url': '', } httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, resource_dict['url'], body=contents) resource = datapackage.Resource.load(resource_dict) data = [row for row in resource.iter()] assert data == [b'first line\n', b'second line\n']
def test_iterator_with_local_data(self): csv_contents = ( 'country,value\n' 'China,中国\n' 'Brazil,Brasil\n' ).encode('utf-8') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.csv') as tmpfile: tmpfile.write(csv_contents) tmpfile.flush() resource = TabularResource({'path':}) data = [row for row in resource.iter()] assert data == [ {'country': 'China', 'value': '中国'}, {'country': 'Brazil', 'value': 'Brasil'}, ]
def test_iterator_with_remote_data(self): httpretty.HTTPretty.allow_net_connect = False csv_contents = ( 'country,value\n' 'China,中国\n' 'Brazil,Brasil\n' ).encode('utf-8') resource_dict = { 'url': '', } httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, resource_dict['url'], body=csv_contents) resource = TabularResource(resource_dict) assert [row for row in resource.iter()] == [ {'country': 'China', 'value': '中国'}, {'country': 'Brazil', 'value': 'Brasil'}, ]
def test_iterator_with_inline_numerical_data(self): contents = 51 resource = datapackage.Resource.load({'data': contents}) assert [row for row in resource.iter()] == [51]
def test_iterator_raises_resourceerror_if_file_doesnt_exist(self): resource = TabularResource({'path': 'inexistent-file.csv'}) with pytest.raises(datapackage.exceptions.ResourceError): [row for row in resource.iter()]
def test_iterator_raises_if_file_doesnt_exist(self): resource = datapackage.Resource.load({'path': 'inexistent-file.txt'}) with pytest.raises(IOError): [row for row in resource.iter()]
def test_iterator_raises_valueerror_if_theres_no_data(self): resource = datapackage.Resource.load({}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): [row for row in resource.iter()]
def test_iterator_raises_resourceerror_if_url_doesnt_exist(self): url = '' httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, url, status=404) resource = datapackage.Resource.load({'url': url}) with pytest.raises(IOError): [row for row in resource.iter()]
def test_iterator_with_inline_non_tabular_data(self): resource = TabularResource({'data': 'foo'}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): [row for row in resource.iter()]
def test_iterator_raises_if_file_doesnt_exist(self): resource = TabularResource({'path': 'inexistent-file.csv'}) with pytest.raises(IOError): [row for row in resource.iter()]
def test_iterator_raises_if_url_doesnt_exist(self): url = '' httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, url, status=404) resource = TabularResource({'url': url}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): [row for row in resource.iter()]
def test_iterator_with_local_non_tabular_data(self, txt_tmpfile): txt_tmpfile.write('foo'.encode('utf-8')) txt_tmpfile.flush() resource = TabularResource({'path':}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): [row for row in resource.iter()]
def test_iterator_raises_valueerror_if_theres_no_data(self): resource = TabularResource({}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): [row for row in resource.iter()]
def test_iterator_raises_if_url_doesnt_exist(self): url = '' httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, url, status=404) resource = TabularResource({'url': url}) with pytest.raises(IOError): [row for row in resource.iter()]