コード例 #1
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: natsukium/datapane
 def nest_endpoint(self, endpoint: str) -> t.ContextManager["Resource"]:
     """Returns a context manager allowing recursive nesting in endpoints"""
     a = copy(self)
     a.url = up.urljoin(a.url, endpoint)
     log.debug(f"Nesting endpoint {endpoint}")
     yield a
     log.debug(f"Unnesting endpoint {endpoint}")
コード例 #2
ファイル: builder.py プロジェクト: datapane/datapane
def build_bundle(dp_config: DatapaneCfg,
                 use_git: bool = False) -> t.ContextManager[Path]:
    Build a local sdist-bundle on the client for uploading
    currently requires version and docstring
        import flit_core  # noqa
    except ImportError:
        raise MissingCloudPackagesError()

    proj_dir = dp_config.proj_dir
    # TODO - add git support
    incs = _check_glob_patterns(dp_config.include, "include")
    excs = _check_glob_patterns(dp_config.exclude, "exclude")

    with temp_fname(suffix=".tar.gz",
                    prefix="datapane-temp-bundle-") as sdist_file:
        sdist_file_p = Path(sdist_file)
        temp_mod = preprocess_src_dir(dp_config)
            sb = Bundler(proj_dir, Module(dp_config.script), incs, excs)
            if temp_mod:
        log.debug(f"Generated sdist {sdist_file_p}")
        yield sdist_file_p
コード例 #3
def cleanup_tmp():
    """Ensure we cleanup the tmp_dir on Python VM exit"""
    log.debug(f"Removing current session DP tmp work dir {tmp_dir}")
    shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
    # try remove cache_dir if empty
    with suppress(OSError):
        log.debug("Removed empty dp-cache dir")
コード例 #4
    def post_files(self, files: FileList, **data: JSON) -> JSON:
        # upload files using custom json-data protocol
        # build the fields
        file_header = {"Content-Encoding": "gzip"}

        def mk_file_fields(field_name: str, f: Path):
            # compress the file, in-place
            # TODO - disable compression where unneeded, e.g. .gz, .zip, .png, etc
            with compress_file(f) as f_gz:
                return (
                    (f.name, open(f_gz, "rb"), guess_type(f), file_header),

        fields = [mk_file_fields(k, x) for (k, v) in files.items() for x in v]
        fields.append(("json_data", json.dumps(data)))

        e = MultipartEncoder(fields=fields)
        extra_headers = {"Content-Type": f"{e.content_type}; dp-files=True"}

        max_size = 25 if c.config.is_public else 100
        if e.len > max_size * SIZE_1_MB:
            raise ReportTooLargeError(
                f"Report and attachments over f{max_size} MB after compression (~{e.len/SIZE_1_MB:.1f} MB) - please reduce the size of your charts/plots"
        elif e.len > SIZE_1_MB:
            log.debug("Using upload monitor")
            fill_char = click.style("=", fg="yellow")
            with click.progressbar(
                    label="Uploading files",
            ) as bar:

                def f(m: MultipartEncoderMonitor):
                    # update every 100KB
                    m.buf_bytes_read += m.bytes_read - m.prev_bytes_read
                    m.prev_bytes_read = m.bytes_read
                    if m.buf_bytes_read >= 1e5:
                        # print(f"{m.buf_bytes_read=}, {m.prev_bytes_read=}")
                        m.buf_bytes_read = 0

                m = MultipartEncoderMonitor(e, callback=f)
                m.buf_bytes_read = 0
                m.prev_bytes_read = 0
                r = self.session.post(self.url,
            r = self.session.post(self.url,
        return _process_res(r)
コード例 #5
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: natsukium/datapane
def check_pip_version() -> None:
    cli_version = Version(__version__)
    url = "https://pypi.org/pypi/datapane/json"
    r = requests.get(url=url)
    pip_version = Version(r.json()["info"]["version"])
    log.debug(f"CLI version {cli_version}, latest pip version {pip_version}")

    if pip_version > cli_version:
        error_msg = (
            f"Your client is out-of-date (version {cli_version}) and may be causing errors, "
            + f"please upgrade to version {pip_version}")
    else:  # no newer pip - perhaps local dev?
        error_msg = f"Your client is out-of-date (version {cli_version}) with the server and may be causing errors"
    raise IncompatibleVersionException(error_msg)
コード例 #6
def preprocess_src_dir(dp_config: DatapaneCfg) -> Path:
    """Preprocess source-dir as needed"""
    old_mod = dp_config.proj_dir / dp_config.script

    # TODO - pass mod_code via classvar in dp_config
    if old_mod.suffix == ".ipynb":
        log.debug(f"Converting notebook {dp_config.script}")
        mod_code = extract_py_notebook(old_mod)

        # write the code to the new python module, avoiding basic name-clash
        new_mod = old_mod.with_suffix(".py")
        if new_mod.exists():
            new_mod = old_mod.with_name(f"_{old_mod.stem}.py")
        new_mod.write_text(mod_code, encoding="utf-8")

        dp_config.script = Path(new_mod.name)
        return new_mod
コード例 #7
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: keshabb/datapane
    def post_files(self, files: FileList, **data: JSON) -> JSON:
        # upload files using custom json-data protocol
        # build the fields
        file_header = {"Content-Encoding": "gzip"}

        def mk_file_fields(field_name: str, f: Path):
            # compress the file, in-place
            # TODO - disable compression where unneeded, e.g. .gz, .zip, .png, etc
            with compress_file(f) as f_gz:
                return (field_name, (f.name, open(f_gz, "rb"), guess_type(f), file_header))

        fields = [mk_file_fields(k, x) for (k, v) in files.items() for x in v]
        fields.append(("json_data", json.dumps(data)))

        e = MultipartEncoder(fields=fields)
        extra_headers = {"Content-Type": f"{e.content_type}; dp-files=True"}
        if e.len > 1e6:  # 1 MB
            log.debug("Using upload monitor")
            fill_char = click.style("=", fg="yellow")
            with click.progressbar(
                length=e.len, width=0, show_eta=True, label="Uploading files", fill_char=fill_char
            ) as bar:

                def f(m: MultipartEncoderMonitor):
                    # update every 100KB
                    m.buf_bytes_read += m.bytes_read - m.prev_bytes_read
                    m.prev_bytes_read = m.bytes_read
                    if m.buf_bytes_read >= 1e5:
                        # print(f"{m.buf_bytes_read=}, {m.prev_bytes_read=}")
                        m.buf_bytes_read = 0

                m = MultipartEncoderMonitor(e, callback=f)
                m.buf_bytes_read = 0
                m.prev_bytes_read = 0
                r = self.session.post(self.url, data=m, headers=extra_headers, timeout=self.timeout)
            r = self.session.post(self.url, data=e, headers=extra_headers, timeout=self.timeout)
        return self._process_res(r)
コード例 #8
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: natsukium/datapane
 def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
     log.debug(f"Removing {self.name}")
     if self.file.exists():
         self.file.unlink()  # (missing_ok=True)
コード例 #9
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: natsukium/datapane
# Tmpfile handling
# We create a tmp-dir per Python execution that stores all working files,
# we attempt to delete where possible, but where not, we allow the atexit handler
# to cleanup for us on shutdown
# This tmp-dir needs to be in the cwd rather than /tmp so can be previewed in Jupyter
# To avoid cluttering up the user's cwd, we nest these inside a `dp-cache` intermediate dir
cache_dir = Path("dp-cache").absolute()
cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# Remove any old ./dp-tmp-* dirs over 24hrs old which might not have been cleaned up due to unexpected exit
one_day_ago = time.time() - timedelta(days=1).total_seconds()
prev_tmp_dirs = (p for p in cache_dir.glob("dp-tmp-*")
                 if p.is_dir() and p.stat().st_mtime < one_day_ago)
for p in prev_tmp_dirs:
    log.debug(f"Removing stale temp dir {p}")
    shutil.rmtree(p, ignore_errors=True)

# create new dp-tmp for this session, nested inside `dp-cache`
tmp_dir = Path(mkdtemp(prefix="dp-tmp-", dir=cache_dir)).absolute()

class DPTmpFile:
    Generate a tempfile in dp temp dir
    when used as a contextmanager, deleted on removing scope
    otherwise, removed by atexit hook
    def __init__(self, ext: str):
        fd, name = mkstemp(suffix=ext, prefix="dp-tmp-", dir=tmp_dir)
コード例 #10
def check_login(config=None, cli_login: bool = False) -> SDict:
    r = Resource(endpoint="/settings/details/",
    log.debug(f"Connected successfully to DP Server as {r.username}")
    return t.cast(SDict, r)