コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(SliceView, self).__init__(parent)
        self.parent = parent
        self.pixmap = None
        self.roxtimer = None
        self.dataService = NumpyDataService()
        # test file is a 5 by 10424000 matrix of values between 0 and 1
        # Its a picture of a pair of Chestnuts. each entry is (x,y,r,g,b)
        # right now its just serving as a dead simple "high dimensional" dataset

        # here is the mapping to the higer dimensional data
        self.sourceDimensionality = self.dataService.getDimensionality()
        # the list of dimensions in the HD space that each of the following
        # variables (x,y,r,g,b) is mapped to
        self.dim = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        # the slope of the view in each of the possible source dimensions (NYI)
        self.slope = [1.0] * self.sourceDimensionality
コード例 #2
class SliceView(QtGui.QWidget):
    """  This is the custom widget that does the slice drawing
	The method of drawing will be a steady approximation
	where the slice is resolved at a finer and finer resolution
	(in paralell if possible) until the there is a seperate
	data value for each pixel (depends on the size of the widget)

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(SliceView, self).__init__(parent)
        self.parent = parent
        self.pixmap = None
        self.roxtimer = None
        self.dataService = NumpyDataService()
        # test file is a 5 by 10424000 matrix of values between 0 and 1
        # Its a picture of a pair of Chestnuts. each entry is (x,y,r,g,b)
        # right now its just serving as a dead simple "high dimensional" dataset

        # here is the mapping to the higer dimensional data
        self.sourceDimensionality = self.dataService.getDimensionality()
        # the list of dimensions in the HD space that each of the following
        # variables (x,y,r,g,b) is mapped to
        self.dim = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        # the slope of the view in each of the possible source dimensions (NYI)
        self.slope = [1.0] * self.sourceDimensionality

    def paintEvent(self, event):
        """ This should return immediately duh
			Draw the pixmap the worker threads have been working on.
        qp = QtGui.QPainter()
        if self.pixmap != None:
            qp.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.pixmap)

    def restartRox(self):
        """ This method restarts the iterative refinement of the slice image
		It should be called whenever the slice-defining parameters change,
		and whenever the size of the slice view widget changes.
		should return immediately.
        self.roxtimer = QtCore.QTimer(self)
        self.connect(self.roxtimer, Qt.SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.addDetail)

        # init some variables needed by the iterative refinement
        self.timetopaint = time()
        self.numdp = 0

        # start the code!

    def addDetail(self):
        """ This method does all the work
		It takes the dimensional mapping and the slope, and requests data from the data service that
		indicate what color to draw tiny rectangles on self.pixmap
		Right now it just does 20 new data points eah time it's called, but a better strategy would
		be to start with at least one and just work until 10ms has passed.
        w = self.size().width()
        h = self.size().height()

        qp = QtGui.QPainter()
        qp.setRenderHint(qp.Antialiasing, True)

        # investigate new data points
        stopworking = time() + 0.01
        while time() < stopworking:

            locX = random()
            locY = random()

            # set up the hypothetical data point, and fill in the values we know
            # (the two that are mapping to the x and y coordinates of this view
            dat = [None] * self.sourceDimensionality
            dat[self.dim[0]] = locX * self.slope[self.dim[0]]
            dat[self.dim[1]] = locY * self.slope[self.dim[1]]
            # ask the data service to fill in values for the three dimensions
            # that correspond to red green an blue
            dat = self.dataService.resolve(dat, self.dim[-3:])
            # now use the retreived information to decide on the color
            rgb = [dat[self.dim[k]] / self.slope[self.dim[k]] * 255 for k in [2, 3, 4]]
            color = QtGui.QColor(*rgb)
            # increment number of data points for following calculation
            self.numdp += 1
            # size of the box we will draw around this data point is equal to the area of the
            # widget divided by the number of total data points already drawn including this one.
            sqside = (float(w * h) / self.numdp) ** 0.5

            # termination condition, once the size of the squares drawn is 0.25px, stop
            if sqside < 0.25:

                # draw
            qp.drawRect(QtCore.QRectF(locX * w - sqside * 0.5, locY * h - sqside * 0.5, sqside, sqside))


        if self.timetopaint <= time():
            self.timetopaint = time() + 0.03

    def resizeEvent(self, event):
        self.pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(event.size().width(), event.size().height())