コード例 #1
    def fetch_from_dataset(self, batch_to_load):
        Return *batches* of 5D sequences/clips or 4D images.

        `batch_to_load` contains the indices of the first frame/image of
        each element of the batch.
        `load_sequence` should return a numpy array of 2 or more
        elements, the first of which 4-dimensional (frame, 0, 1, c)
        or (frame, c, 0, 1) containing the data and the second 3D or 4D
        containing the label.
        batch_ret = {}

        # Create batches
        for el in batch_to_load:

            if el is None:
                # The first element cannot be None, or we wouldn't have
                # this batch in the first place, so we can safely copy
                # the last element of the batch for each filename that
                # is None until we fill the batch.
                if self.fill_last_batch:
                    for k in batch_ret.iterkeys():

            # Load sequence, format is (s, 0, 1, c)
            ret = self.load_sequence(el)


            assert all(el in ret.keys()
                       for el in ('data', 'labels', 'filenames', 'subset')), (
                    'Keys: {}'.format(ret.keys()))
            assert all(isinstance(el, np.ndarray)
                       for el in (ret['data'], ret['labels']))
            raw_data = ret['data'].copy()
            seq_x, seq_y = ret['data'], ret['labels']

            # Per-image normalization
            if self.remove_per_img_mean:
                seq_x -= seq_x.mean(axis=tuple(range(seq_x.ndim - 1)),
            if self.divide_by_per_img_std:
                seq_x /= seq_x.std(axis=tuple(range(seq_x.ndim - 1)),
            # Dataset statistics normalization
            if self.remove_mean:
                seq_x -= getattr(self, 'mean', 0)
            if self.divide_by_std:
                seq_x /= getattr(self, 'std', 1)

            # Make sure data is in 4D
            if seq_x.ndim == 3:
                seq_x = seq_x[np.newaxis, ...]
                raw_data = raw_data[np.newaxis, ...]
            assert seq_x.ndim == 4
            # and labels in 3D
            if self.set_has_GT:
                if seq_y.ndim == 2:
                    seq_y = seq_y[np.newaxis, ...]
                assert seq_y.ndim == 3

            # Perform data augmentation, if needed
            seq_x, seq_y = random_transform(
                seq_x, seq_y,

            if self.set_has_GT and self._void_labels != [] or \
                max(self._cmap.keys()) > self.non_void_nclasses-1:
                # Map all void classes to non_void_nclasses and shift the other
                # values accordingly, so that the valid values are between 0
                # and non_void_nclasses-1 and the void_classes are all equal to
                # non_void_nclasses.
                void_l = self._void_labels
                mapping = self._mapping

                # Apply the mapping
                tmp_class = (-1 if not hasattr(self, 'GTclasses') else
                             max(self.GTclasses) + 1)
                seq_y[seq_y == self.non_void_nclasses] = tmp_class
                for i in sorted(mapping.keys()):
                    if i == self.non_void_nclasses:
                    seq_y[seq_y == i] = mapping[i]
                    seq_y[seq_y == tmp_class] = mapping[self.non_void_nclasses]
                except KeyError:
                    # none of the original classes was self.non_void_nclasses

            # Transform targets seq_y to one hot code if return_one_hot
            # is True
            if self.set_has_GT and self.return_one_hot:
                nc = (self.non_void_nclasses if self._void_labels == [] else
                      self.non_void_nclasses + 1)
                sh = seq_y.shape
                seq_y = seq_y.flatten()
                seq_y_hot = np.zeros((seq_y.shape[0], nc),
                seq_y = seq_y.astype('int32')
                seq_y_hot[range(seq_y.shape[0]), seq_y] = 1
                seq_y_hot = seq_y_hot.reshape(sh + (nc,))
                seq_y = seq_y_hot

            # Dimshuffle if return_01c is False
            if not self.return_01c:
                # s,0,1,c --> s,c,0,1
                seq_x = seq_x.transpose([0, 3, 1, 2])
                if self.set_has_GT and self.return_one_hot:
                    seq_y = seq_y.transpose([0, 3, 1, 2])
                    if 'regions' in ret.keys():
                        ret['regions'] = ret['regions'].transpose([0, 3, 1, 2])
                raw_data = raw_data.transpose([0, 3, 1, 2])
                if seq_x.shape[3] == 1:
                    seq_x = seq_x.squeeze(3)
                    seq_y = seq_y.squeeze(3) if self.return_one_hot else \
                    if 'regions' in ret.keys():
                        ret['regions'] = ret['regions'].squeeze(2) if self.return_one_hot else \
                    raw_data = raw_data.squeeze(3)
                if seq_x.shape[2] == 1:
                    seq_x = seq_x.squeeze(2)
                    seq_y = seq_y.squeeze(2) if self.return_one_hot else \
                    if 'regions' in ret.keys():
                        ret['regions'] = ret['regions'].squeeze(2) if self.return_one_hot else \
                    raw_data = raw_data.squeeze(2)

            # Return 4D images
            if not self.return_sequence:
                seq_x = seq_x[0, ...]
                if self.set_has_GT:
                    seq_y = seq_y[0, ...]
                    if 'regions' in ret.keys():
                        ret['regions'] = ret['regions'][0, ...]
                raw_data = raw_data[0, ...]

            if self.return_0_255:
                seq_x = (seq_x * 255).astype('uint8')

            ret['data'], ret['labels'] = seq_x, seq_y
            ret['raw_data'] = raw_data

            # Append the data of this batch to the minibatch array
            for k, v in ret.iteritems():
                batch_ret.setdefault(k, []).append(v)

        for k, v in batch_ret.iteritems():
                batch_ret[k] = np.array(v)
            except ValueError:
                # Variable shape: cannot wrap with a numpy array
        if self.seq_length > 0 and self.return_middle_frame_only:
            batch_ret['labels'] = batch_ret['labels'][:, self.seq_length//2]
        if self.return_list:
            return [batch_ret['data'], batch_ret['labels']]
            return batch_ret
コード例 #2
    def fetch_from_dataset(self, batch_to_load):
        Return *batches* of 1D data.
        `batch_to_load` contains the indices of the lines to load in the batch.
        `load_sequence` should return a numpy array of 2 or more
        elements, the first of which 4-dimensional (frame, 0, 1, c)
        or (frame, c, 0, 1) containing the data and the second 3D or 4D
        containing the label.
        batch_ret = {}
        batch_to_load = [el for el in batch_to_load if el is not None]
        batch_to_load = [
            element[1] for tupl in batch_to_load for element in tupl
        # Create batches
        ret = {}
        # Load data
        ret['data'] = []

        ret['indices'] = []  #np.sort(batch_to_load)

        if self.smooth_raw_both == 'raw' or self.smooth_raw_both == 'both':
            raw = []
            with open(self.image_path_raw) as fp:
                for i, line in enumerate(fp):
                    if i in batch_to_load:
                        line = re.split(' ', line)
                        line = np.array([float(el) for el in line])
                        line = line.astype(floatX)
                    if len(raw) == len(batch_to_load):
            raw = np.vstack(raw)
            # b,0 to b,0,c
            raw = np.expand_dims(raw, axis=2)

        if self.smooth_raw_both == 'smooth' or self.smooth_raw_both == 'both':
            smooth = []
            with open(self.image_path_smooth) as fp:
                for i, line in enumerate(fp):
                    if i in batch_to_load:
                        line = re.split(' ', line)
                        line = np.array([float(el) for el in line])
                        line = line.astype(floatX)
                    if len(smooth) == len(batch_to_load):

            smooth = np.vstack(smooth)
            # b,0 to b,0,c
            smooth = np.expand_dims(smooth, axis=2)

        if self.smooth_raw_both == 'raw':
            ret['data'] = raw
        elif self.smooth_raw_both == 'smooth':
            ret['data'] = smooth
        elif self.smooth_raw_both == 'both':
            ret['data'] = np.concatenate([smooth, raw], axis=2)

        # Load mask
        ret['labels'] = []
        if self.task == 'segmentation':
            with open(self.mask_path) as fp:
                for i, line in enumerate(fp):
                    if i in batch_to_load:
                        line = re.split(' ', line)
                        line = np.array([int(el) for el in line])
                        line = line.astype('int32')
                    if len(ret['labels']) == len(batch_to_load):
            ret['labels'] = np.vstack(ret['labels'])

        elif self.task == 'classification':
            with open(self.mask_path) as fp:
                for i, line in enumerate(fp):
                    if i in batch_to_load:
                        line = re.split(' ', line)
                        line = np.array([int(el) for el in line])
                        line = line.astype('int32')
                    if len(ret['labels']) == len(batch_to_load):
            ret['labels'] = np.vstack(ret['labels'])

        ret['filenames'] = batch_to_load

        ret['subset'] = 'default'

        assert all(el in ret.keys()
                   for el in ('data', 'labels', 'filenames',
                              'subset')), ('Keys: {}'.format(ret.keys()))
        assert all(
            isinstance(el, np.ndarray) for el in (ret['data'], ret['labels']))
        raw_data = ret['data'].copy()
        seq_x, seq_y = ret['data'], ret['labels']

        # Per-data normalization
        if self.remove_per_img_mean:
            seq_x -= seq_x.mean(axis=1, keepdims=True)
        if self.divide_by_per_img_std:
            seq_x /= seq_x.std(axis=1, keepdims=True)

        # Dataset statistics normalization
        if self.remove_mean:
            seq_x -= getattr(self, 'mean', 0)
        if self.divide_by_std:
            seq_x /= getattr(self, 'std', 1)

        assert seq_x.ndim == 3
        assert seq_y.ndim == 2

        # from b,0(,c) to b,0,1(,c)
        seq_x = np.expand_dims(seq_x, axis=2)
        seq_y = np.expand_dims(seq_y, axis=2)

        # Perform data augmentation, if needed
        seq_x, seq_y = random_transform(seq_x,

        # from b,0,1(,c) to b,0(,c)
        sh = seq_x.shape
        seq_x = seq_x.reshape((sh[0], sh[1], sh[3]))

        if self.task == 'segmentation':
            seq_y = seq_y.reshape((sh[0], sh[1]))
        elif self.task == 'classification':
            #print seq_y.shape
            seq_y = seq_y.reshape((sh[0]))
            #print seq_y.shape

        if self.set_has_GT and self._void_labels != []:
            # Map all void classes to non_void_nclasses and shift the other
            # values accordingly, so that the valid values are between 0
            # and non_void_nclasses-1 and the void_classes are all equal to
            # non_void_nclasses.
            void_l = self._void_labels
            mapping = self._mapping

            # Apply the mapping
            tmp_class = (-1 if not hasattr(self, 'GTclasses') else
                         max(self.GTclasses) + 1)
            seq_y[seq_y == self.non_void_nclasses] = tmp_class
            for i in sorted(mapping.keys()):
                if i == self.non_void_nclasses:
                seq_y[seq_y == i] = mapping[i]
                seq_y[seq_y == tmp_class] = mapping[self.non_void_nclasses]
            except KeyError:
                # none of the original classes was self.non_void_nclasses
        elif max(self._cmap.keys()) > self.non_void_nclasses - 1:
            # Shift values of labels, so that the valid values are between 0
            # and non_void_nclasses-1.
            mapping = self._mapping

            # Apply the mapping
            tmp_class = (-1 if not hasattr(self, 'GTclasses') else
                         max(self.GTclasses) + 1)
            seq_y[seq_y == self.non_void_nclasses] = tmp_class
            for i in sorted(mapping.keys()):
                if i == self.non_void_nclasses:
                seq_y[seq_y == i] = mapping[i]
                seq_y[seq_y == tmp_class] = mapping[self.non_void_nclasses]
            except KeyError:
                # none of the original classes was self.non_void_nclasses

        # Transform targets seq_y to one hot code if return_one_hot
        # is True
        if self.set_has_GT and self.return_one_hot:
            nc = (self.non_void_nclasses
                  if self._void_labels == [] else self.non_void_nclasses + 1)
            sh = seq_y.shape
            seq_y = seq_y.flatten()
            seq_y_hot = np.zeros((seq_y.shape[0], nc), dtype='int32')
            seq_y = seq_y.astype('int32')
            seq_y_hot[range(seq_y.shape[0]), seq_y] = 1
            seq_y_hot = seq_y_hot.reshape(sh + (nc, ))
            seq_y = seq_y_hot
            # Dimshuffle if return_01c is False
        if not self.return_01c:
            # b,0,c --> b,c,0
            seq_x = seq_x.transpose([0, 2, 1])
            if self.set_has_GT and self.return_one_hot:
                seq_y = seq_y.transpose([0, 2, 1])
            raw_data = raw_data.transpose([0, 2, 1])

        if self.return_0_255:
            seq_x = (seq_x * 255).astype('uint8')
        ret['data'], ret['labels'] = seq_x, seq_y
        ret['raw_data'] = raw_data
        # Append the data of this batch to the minibatch array
        for k, v in ret.iteritems():
            batch_ret.setdefault(k, []).append(v)

        for k, v in batch_ret.iteritems():
                batch_ret[k] = np.array(v)
            except ValueError:
                # Variable shape: cannot wrap with a numpy array

        batch_ret['data'] = batch_ret['data'].squeeze(0)
        batch_ret['labels'] = batch_ret['labels'].squeeze(0)

        if self.seq_length > 0 and self.return_middle_frame_only:
            batch_ret['labels'] = batch_ret['labels'][:, self.seq_length // 2]
        if self.return_list:
            return [batch_ret['data'], batch_ret['labels']]
            return batch_ret
コード例 #3
    def fetch_from_dataset(self, batch_to_load):
        Return *batches* of 5D sequences/clips or 4D images.

        `batch_to_load` contains the indices of the first frame/image of
        each element of the batch.
        `load_sequence` should return a numpy array of 2 or more
        elements, the first of which 4-dimensional (frame, 0, 1, c)
        or (frame, c, 0, 1) containing the data and the second 3D or 4D
        containing the label.
        batch_ret = {}

        # Create batches
        for el in batch_to_load:

            if el is None:
                # The first element cannot be None, or we wouldn't have
                # this batch in the first place, so we can safely copy
                # the last element of the batch for each filename that
                # is None until we fill the batch.
                if self.fill_last_batch:
                    for k in batch_ret.iterkeys():

            # Load sequence, format is (s, 0, 1, c)
            ret = self.load_sequence(el)
            assert all(el in ret.keys()
                       for el in ('data', 'labels', 'filenames', 'subset')), (
                    'Keys: {}'.format(ret.keys()))
            assert all(isinstance(el, np.ndarray)
                       for el in (ret['data'], ret['labels']))
            raw_data = ret['data'].copy()
            seq_x, seq_y = ret['data'], ret['labels']

            # Per-image normalization
            if self.remove_per_img_mean:
                seq_x -= seq_x.mean(axis=tuple(range(seq_x.ndim - 1)),
            if self.divide_by_per_img_std:
                seq_x /= seq_x.std(axis=tuple(range(seq_x.ndim - 1)),
            # Dataset statistics normalization
            if self.remove_mean:
                seq_x -= getattr(self, 'mean', 0)
            if self.divide_by_std:
                seq_x /= getattr(self, 'std', 1)

            # Make sure data is in 4D
            if seq_x.ndim == 3:
                seq_x = seq_x[np.newaxis, ...]
                raw_data = raw_data[np.newaxis, ...]
            assert seq_x.ndim == 4
            # and labels in 3D
            if self.set_has_GT:
                if seq_y.ndim == 2:
                    seq_y = seq_y[np.newaxis, ...]
                assert seq_y.ndim == 3

            # Perform data augmentation, if needed
            seq_x, seq_y = random_transform(
                seq_x, seq_y,

            if self.set_has_GT and self._void_labels != []:
                # Map all void classes to non_void_nclasses and shift the other
                # values accordingly, so that the valid values are between 0
                # and non_void_nclasses-1 and the void_classes are all equal to
                # non_void_nclasses.
                void_l = self._void_labels
                mapping = self._mapping

                # Apply the mapping
                tmp_class = (-1 if not hasattr(self, 'GTclasses') else
                             max(self.GTclasses) + 1)
                seq_y[seq_y == self.non_void_nclasses] = tmp_class
                for i in sorted(mapping.keys()):
                    if i == self.non_void_nclasses:
                    seq_y[seq_y == i] = mapping[i]
                    seq_y[seq_y == tmp_class] = mapping[self.non_void_nclasses]
                except KeyError:
                    # none of the original classes was self.non_void_nclasses

            # Transform targets seq_y to one hot code if return_one_hot
            # is True
            if self.set_has_GT and self.return_one_hot:
                nc = (self.non_void_nclasses if self._void_labels == [] else
                      self.non_void_nclasses + 1)
                sh = seq_y.shape
                seq_y = seq_y.flatten()
                seq_y_hot = np.zeros((seq_y.shape[0], nc),
                seq_y = seq_y.astype('int32')
                seq_y_hot[range(seq_y.shape[0]), seq_y] = 1
                seq_y_hot = seq_y_hot.reshape(sh + (nc,))
                seq_y = seq_y_hot

            # Dimshuffle if return_01c is False
            if not self.return_01c:
                # s,0,1,c --> s,c,0,1
                seq_x = seq_x.transpose([0, 3, 1, 2])
                if self.set_has_GT and self.return_one_hot:
                    seq_y = seq_y.transpose([0, 3, 1, 2])
                raw_data = raw_data.transpose([0, 3, 1, 2])

            # Return 4D images
            if not self.return_sequence:
                seq_x = seq_x[0, ...]
                if self.set_has_GT:
                    seq_y = seq_y[0, ...]
                raw_data = raw_data[0, ...]

            if self.return_0_255:
                seq_x = (seq_x * 255).astype('uint8')
            ret['data'], ret['labels'] = seq_x, seq_y
            ret['raw_data'] = raw_data
            # Append the data of this batch to the minibatch array
            for k, v in ret.iteritems():
                batch_ret.setdefault(k, []).append(v)

        for k, v in batch_ret.iteritems():
                batch_ret[k] = np.array(v)
            except ValueError:
                # Variable shape: cannot wrap with a numpy array
        if self.seq_length > 0 and self.return_middle_frame_only:
            batch_ret['labels'] = batch_ret['labels'][:, self.seq_length//2]
        if self.return_list:
            return [batch_ret['data'], batch_ret['labels']]
            return batch_ret
コード例 #4
    def fetch_from_dataset(self, batch_to_load):
        Return *batches* of 1D data.
        `batch_to_load` contains the indices of the lines to load in the batch.
        `load_sequence` should return a numpy array of 2 or more
        elements, the first of which 4-dimensional (frame, 0, 1, c)
        or (frame, c, 0, 1) containing the data and the second 3D or 4D
        containing the label.
        batch_ret = {}
        batch_to_load = [el for el in batch_to_load if el is not None]
        batch_to_load = [element[1] for tupl in batch_to_load for element in tupl]
        # Create batches
        ret = {}
        # Load data
        ret['data'] = []

        ret['indices'] = []#np.sort(batch_to_load)

        if self.smooth_raw_both=='raw' or self.smooth_raw_both=='both':
            if self.preload:
                raw = self.image_raw[batch_to_load]
                with open(self.image_path_raw) as fp:
                    for i, line in enumerate(fp):
                        if i in batch_to_load:
                            line = re.split(' ', line)
                            line = np.array([float(el) for el in line])
                            line = line.astype(floatX)
                        if len(raw) == len(batch_to_load):
                raw = np.vstack(raw)
                # b,0 to b,0,c
                raw = np.expand_dims(raw, axis=2)

        if self.smooth_raw_both=='smooth' or self.smooth_raw_both=='both':
            if self.preload:
                smooth = self.image_smooth[batch_to_load]
                with open(self.image_path_smooth) as fp:
                    for i, line in enumerate(fp):
                        if i in batch_to_load:
                            line = re.split(' ', line)
                            line = np.array([float(el) for el in line])
                            line = line.astype(floatX)
                        if len(smooth) == len(batch_to_load):

                smooth = np.vstack(smooth)
                # b,0 to b,0,c
                smooth = np.expand_dims(smooth, axis=2)

        if self.smooth_raw_both=='raw':
            ret['data'] = raw
        elif self.smooth_raw_both == 'smooth':
            ret['data'] = smooth
        elif self.smooth_raw_both == 'both':

        # Load mask
        ret['labels'] = []
        if self.task=='segmentation':
            if self.preload:
                ret['labels'] = self.mask[batch_to_load]
                with open(self.mask_path) as fp:
                    for i, line in enumerate(fp):
                        if i in batch_to_load:
                            line = re.split(' ', line)
                            line = np.array([int(el) for el in line])
                            line = line.astype('int32')
                        if len(ret['labels']) == len(batch_to_load):
                ret['labels'] = np.vstack(ret['labels'])

        elif self.task =='classification':
            if self.preload:
                ret['labels'] = self.mask[batch_to_load]
                with open(self.mask_path) as fp:
                    for i, line in enumerate(fp):
                        if i in batch_to_load:
                            line = re.split(' ', line)
                            line = np.array([int(el) for el in line])
                            line = line.astype('int32')
                        if len(ret['labels']) == len(batch_to_load):
                ret['labels'] = np.vstack(ret['labels'])

        ret['filenames'] = batch_to_load

        ret['subset'] = 'default'

        assert all(el in ret.keys()
                   for el in ('data', 'labels', 'filenames', 'subset')), (
                'Keys: {}'.format(ret.keys()))
        assert all(isinstance(el, np.ndarray)
                       for el in (ret['data'], ret['labels']))
        raw_data = ret['data'].copy()
        seq_x, seq_y = ret['data'], ret['labels']

        # Per-data normalization
        if self.remove_per_img_mean:
            seq_x -= seq_x.mean(axis=1, keepdims=True)
        if self.divide_by_per_img_std:
            seq_x /= seq_x.std(axis=1, keepdims=True)

        # Dataset statistics normalization
        if self.remove_mean:
            seq_x -= getattr(self, 'mean', 0)
        if self.divide_by_std:
            seq_x /= getattr(self, 'std', 1)

        assert seq_x.ndim == 3
        assert seq_y.ndim == 2

        # from b,0(,c) to b,0,1(,c)
        seq_x = np.expand_dims(seq_x, axis=2)
        seq_y = np.expand_dims(seq_y, axis=2)

        # Perform data augmentation, if needed
        seq_x, seq_y = random_transform(
            seq_x, seq_y,

        # from b,0,1(,c) to b,0(,c)
        sh = seq_x.shape
        seq_x = seq_x.reshape((sh[0], sh[1], sh[3]))

        if self.task == 'segmentation':
            seq_y = seq_y.reshape((sh[0], sh[1]))
        elif self.task=='classification':
            #print seq_y.shape
            seq_y = seq_y.reshape((sh[0]))
            #print seq_y.shape

        if self.set_has_GT and self._void_labels != []:
            # Map all void classes to non_void_nclasses and shift the other
            # values accordingly, so that the valid values are between 0
            # and non_void_nclasses-1 and the void_classes are all equal to
            # non_void_nclasses.
            void_l = self._void_labels
            mapping = self._mapping

            # Apply the mapping
            tmp_class = (-1 if not hasattr(self, 'GTclasses') else
                         max(self.GTclasses) + 1)
            seq_y[seq_y == self.non_void_nclasses] = tmp_class
            for i in sorted(mapping.keys()):
                if i == self.non_void_nclasses:
                seq_y[seq_y == i] = mapping[i]
                seq_y[seq_y == tmp_class] = mapping[self.non_void_nclasses]
            except KeyError:
                # none of the original classes was self.non_void_nclasses
        elif max(self._cmap.keys()) > self.non_void_nclasses-1:
            # Shift values of labels, so that the valid values are between 0
            # and non_void_nclasses-1.
            mapping = self._mapping

            # Apply the mapping
            tmp_class = (-1 if not hasattr(self, 'GTclasses') else
                         max(self.GTclasses) + 1)
            seq_y[seq_y == self.non_void_nclasses] = tmp_class
            for i in sorted(mapping.keys()):
                if i == self.non_void_nclasses:
                seq_y[seq_y == i] = mapping[i]
                seq_y[seq_y == tmp_class] = mapping[self.non_void_nclasses]
            except KeyError:
                # none of the original classes was self.non_void_nclasses

        # Transform targets seq_y to one hot code if return_one_hot
        # is True
        if self.set_has_GT and self.return_one_hot:
            nc = (self.non_void_nclasses if self._void_labels == [] else
                  self.non_void_nclasses + 1)
            sh = seq_y.shape
            seq_y = seq_y.flatten()
            seq_y_hot = np.zeros((seq_y.shape[0], nc),
            seq_y = seq_y.astype('int32')
            seq_y_hot[range(seq_y.shape[0]), seq_y] = 1
            seq_y_hot = seq_y_hot.reshape(sh + (nc,))
            seq_y = seq_y_hot
            # Dimshuffle if return_01c is False
        if not self.return_01c:
            # b,0,c --> b,c,0
            seq_x = seq_x.transpose([0, 2, 1])
            if self.set_has_GT and self.return_one_hot:
                seq_y = seq_y.transpose([0, 2, 1])
            raw_data = raw_data.transpose([0, 2, 1])

        if self.return_0_255:
            seq_x = (seq_x * 255).astype('uint8')
        ret['data'], ret['labels'] = seq_x, seq_y
        ret['raw_data'] = raw_data
        # Append the data of this batch to the minibatch array
        for k, v in ret.iteritems():
            batch_ret.setdefault(k, []).append(v)

        for k, v in batch_ret.iteritems():
                batch_ret[k] = np.array(v)
            except ValueError:
                # Variable shape: cannot wrap with a numpy array

        batch_ret['data'] = batch_ret['data'].squeeze(0)
        batch_ret['labels'] = batch_ret['labels'].squeeze(0)

        if self.seq_length > 0 and self.return_middle_frame_only:
            batch_ret['labels'] = batch_ret['labels'][:, self.seq_length//2]
        if self.return_list:
            return [batch_ret['data'], batch_ret['labels']]
            return batch_ret
コード例 #5
    face = face[None, ...]  # b01c
    face = face / 255.

    # Show
    def show(img, title=''):

    if False:
        show(face, 'face')
        # Rotation
        x, _ = random_transform(face, None,
        show(x, 'rotation')

        # Width shift
        x, _ = random_transform(face, None,
        show(x, 'width shift')