コード例 #1
    def is_empty(self):
        Returns true if the table is empty (or contains only a default assignment),
        false otherwise

        :return: true if empty, false otherwise
        if len(self._table) == 0:
            return True

        if len(self._table) > 1:
            return False

        return list(self._table.keys())[0] == Assignment.create_default(
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, init_state, system, paused):
        from dialogue_system import DialogueSystem
        if not isinstance(init_state, DialogueState) or not isinstance(
                system, DialogueSystem) or not isinstance(paused, bool):
            raise NotImplementedError("UNDEFINED PARAMETERS")
        Creates the planning process. Timeout is set to twice the maximum sampling
        ime. Then, runs the planner until the horizon has been reached, or the
        planner has run out of time. Adds the best action to the dialogue state.

        :param init_state: initial dialogue state
        self.system = system
        self.paused = paused

        self.is_terminated = False

        settings = system.get_settings()
        # setting the timeout for the planning
        timeout = Settings.max_sampling_time * 2

        # if the speech stream is not finished, only allow fast, reactive responses
        if init_state.has_chance_node(settings.user_speech):
            timeout = timeout / 5.0

        # TODO: ScheduledExecutorService
        # service.schedule(() -> isTerminated = true, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

        # step 1: extract the Q-values
        eval_actions = self.get_q_values(init_state, settings.horizon)

        # step 2: find the action with highest utility
        best_action = eval_actions.get_best()[0]
        if eval_actions.get_util(best_action) < 0.001:
            best_action = Assignment.create_default(

        # step 3: remove the action and utility nodes
        action_vars = init_state.get_action_node_ids()

        # step 4: add the selection action to the dialogue state
        self.is_terminated = True
コード例 #3
    def get_best(self):
        Returns the most likely assignment of values in the table. If none could be
        found, returns an empty assignment.

        :return: the assignment with highest probability
        if len(self._table) == 0:
            self.log.warning("table is empty, cannot extract best value")
            raise ValueError()

        max_prob = -np.inf
        max_assignment = None
        for assignment in self._table.keys():
            prob = self._table[assignment]
            if prob > max_prob:
                max_prob = prob
                max_assignment = assignment

        # TODO: check refactor > there is no case of max_assignment is None
        return max_assignment if max_assignment is not None else Assignment.create_default(