コード例 #1
def render_col(my_data, headers, col, url=False, dataset=False):
    value = my_data[headers.index(col)]
    if not value:
        return {"raw": None, "pretty": "N/A", "name": "N/A"}

    attr_type = col
    if "_iocode" in col:
        attr_type = "iocode"

    if dataset:
        alt_type = "{}_{}".format(dataset, attr_type)
        if alt_type in attr_cache:
            attr_type = alt_type

    if attr_type not in attr_cache:
        if isinstance(value, basestring):
            return_value = value
            # do simple number formating
            return_value = num_format(value, col)
        name = return_value
        # lookup the attr object and get the name
        attr = fetch(value, attr_type)
        url_name = attr["url_name"] if "url_name" in attr and attr["url_name"] else attr["id"]
        attr = attr["display_name"] if "display_name" in attr else attr["name"]
        name = attr
        if attr_type in PROFILES or attr_type in CROSSWALKS:
            attr = u"<a href='{}'>{}</a>".format(url_for("profile.profile", attr_type=attr_type, attr_id=url_name), attr)
        return_value = attr

    if url:
        return_value = u"<span class='stat-span' data-url='{}'>{}</span>".format(url, return_value)
    return {"raw": value, "pretty": return_value, "name": name}
コード例 #2
ファイル: multi_fetcher.py プロジェクト: DataUSA/datausa-site
def render_col(my_data, headers, col, url=False, dataset=False):
    value = my_data[headers.index(col)]
    if not value:
        return {"raw": None, "pretty": "N/A", "name": "N/A"}

    attr_type = col
    if "_iocode" in col:
        attr_type = "iocode"

    if dataset:
        alt_type = "{}_{}".format(dataset, attr_type)
        if alt_type in attr_cache:
            attr_type = alt_type

    if attr_type not in attr_cache:
        if isinstance(value, basestring):
            return_value = value
            # do simple number formating
            return_value = num_format(value, col)
        name = return_value
        # lookup the attr object and get the name
        attr = fetch(value, attr_type)
        url_name = attr["url_name"] if "url_name" in attr and attr["url_name"] else attr["id"]
        attr = attr["display_name"] if "display_name" in attr else attr["name"]
        name = attr
        if attr_type in PROFILES or attr_type in CROSSWALKS:
            attr = u"<a href='{}'>{}</a>".format(url_for("profile.profile", attr_type=attr_type, attr_id=url_name), attr)
        return_value = attr

    if url:
        return_value = u"<span class='stat-span' data-url='{}'>{}</span>".format(url, return_value)
    return {"raw": value, "pretty": return_value, "name": name}
コード例 #3
ファイル: profile.py プロジェクト: shaneengel/datausa-site
    def growth(self, **kwargs):
        key = kwargs.get("key")
        fmt = kwargs.get("format", "pretty")
        offset = int(kwargs.get("offset", "0"))
        kwargs["format"] = "raw"

        if "_moe" in key:
            kwargs["row"] = str(0 + offset)
            dx2 = self.var(**kwargs)
            if not dx2 or dx2 == "N/A":
                dx2 = 0
            kwargs["row"] = str(1 + offset)
            dx1 = self.var(**kwargs)
            if not dx1 or dx1 == "N/A":
                dx1 = 0
            kwargs["key"] = key[:-4]
            kwargs["row"] = str(0 + offset)
            x2 = self.var(**kwargs)
            kwargs["row"] = str(1 + offset)
            x1 = self.var(**kwargs)
            if not x1 or x1 == "N/A" or not x2 or x2 == "N/A":
                return "N/A"
            f1 = (math.pow(-x2 / math.pow(float(x1), 2), 2) * math.pow(dx1, 2))
            f2 = (math.pow(1 / x1, 2) * math.pow(dx2, 2))
            value = math.sqrt(f1 + f2)
            kwargs["row"] = str(0 + offset)
            x2 = self.var(**kwargs)
            kwargs["row"] = str(1 + offset)
            x1 = self.var(**kwargs)
            if not x1 or x1 == "N/A" or not x2 or x2 == "N/A":
                return "N/A"
                value = (float(x2) - x1) / x1

        if fmt == "text":
            return "{} {}".format(num_format(abs(value), "growth"),
                                  "growth" if value >= 0 else "decline")
        elif fmt == "pretty":
            return num_format(abs(value), "growth")
            return value
コード例 #4
ファイル: profile.py プロジェクト: shaneengel/datausa-site
    def sum(self, **kwargs):
        namespace = kwargs.get("namespace")
        key = kwargs.get("key")
        formatting = kwargs.get("format", "pretty")

        var_map = self.variables

        if var_map:
            if namespace in var_map:
                total = sum([
                    r[key]["raw"] for r in var_map[namespace] if r[key]["raw"]
                if formatting == "pretty":
                    return num_format(total, key)
                    return total
            return "N/A"
            raise Exception("vars.yaml file has no variables")
コード例 #5
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: liquidmedialab/datausa-site
def tileAPI(column):
    url = "{}{}&limit={}".format(API, column["url"], TILEMAX)
    r = requests.get(url).json()

    show = re.findall(r"show=([a-z_0-9]+)", url)[0]
    order = re.findall(r"order=([a-z_0-9]+)", url)[0]
    sumlevel = re.findall(r"sumlevel=([a-z_0-9]+)", url)[0]
    if show == "geo":
        sumlevel = sumlevelMap[sumlevel]
    data = datafold(r)

    for d in data:
        attr_id = d[show]
        attr = fetch(attr_id, show)
        slug = attr["url_name"] if attr["url_name"] else attr_id
        d["title"] = attr["display_name"] if "display_name" in attr else attr[
        # d["subtitle"] = "{}: {}".format(DICTIONARY[order], num_format(d[order], order))
        d["subtitle"] = SUMLEVELS[show][sumlevel]["label"]
        d["link"] = "/profile/{}/{}".format(show, slug)
        d["image"] = "/search/{}/{}/img".format(show, attr_id)
        d["type"] = {
            "icon": "/static/img/icons/{}.svg".format(show),
            "title": SUMLEVELS[show][sumlevel]["label"],
            "type": TYPEMAP[show],
            "depth": "{}".format(sumlevel).replace("_", " ")

    column["icon"] = "/static/img/icons/{}.svg".format(show)
    column["data"] = data
    column["source"] = r["source"]
    if show in footMap:
        column["footer"] = {
            "link": "/search/?kind={}".format(show),
            "text": "{} more".format(num_format(footMap[show]))
    return column
コード例 #6
ファイル: manip.py プロジェクト: franm/datausa-site
def stat(params, col="name", dataset=False, data_only=False, moe=False, truncate=0):

    # convert request arguments into a url query string
    rank = int(params.pop("rank", "1"))
    if "limit" in params:
        limit = int(params["limit"])
        limit = 1
    if rank > 1 and limit == 1:
        params["limit"] = rank
    query = RequestEncodingMixin._encode_params(params)
    url = "{}/api?{}".format(API, query)
    stat_url = "{}?{}&col={}&dataset={}&moe={}&rank={}".format(url_for("profile.statView"), query, col, dataset, moe, str(rank))

        r = requests.get(url).json()
    except ValueError:
        app.logger.info("STAT ERROR: {}".format(url))
        return {
            "url": stat_url,
            "value": "N/A"

    if data_only:
        return r
        r = datafold(r)

    if dataset == "stat":
        if isinstance(r[0][col], list):
            r = [{params["show"]:x} for x in r[0][col]]
            col = "name"

    if len(r) == 0:
        return {
            "url": stat_url,
            "value": "N/A"

    # if the output key is 'name', fetch attributes for each return and create an array of 'name' values
    # else create an array of the output key for each returned datapoint
    vals = []
    show = params["show"].split(",")[-1]
    if col == "ratio":
        if limit == 1:
            vals = sorted([v for k, v in r[0].iteritems() if k in params["required"].split(",")], reverse=True)
            if vals[0] == 0 or vals[1] == 0:
                val = 0
                val = vals[0]/vals[1]
            return num_format(val, key=col)
            denom = max([d[params["order"]] for d in r[1:]])
            return num_format(r[0][params["order"]]/denom, key=col)

    if col == "diff":
        return num_format(r[0][params["order"]] - r[1][params["order"]], key=col)

    if col in COLMAP or "-" in col:
        vals = datapivot(r, col.split("-"), sort="desc")

        vals = [v for v in vals[rank - 1:limit]]

        if moe:
            top = [v["moe"] for v in vals]
            top = [v["name"] for v in vals]
            vals = [v["value"] for v in vals]

        if rank > 1:
            r = r[rank-1:]

        if moe:
            top = [d[moe] for d in r]
        elif col == "name":
            if dataset in ["acs", "pums"]:
                attr = "{}_{}".format(dataset, show)
                attr = show

            top = [fetch(d[show], attr) for d in r]

            if attr in PROFILES or attr in CROSSWALKS:
                top = [(t["id"], t["display_name"] if "display_name" in t else t[col], t["url_name"] if "url_name" in t and t["url_name"] else t["id"]) for t in top]
                top = [u"<a href='{}'>{}</a>".format(url_for("profile.profile", attr_type=attr, attr_id=t[2]), t[1]) if attr != "geo" or t[0][:3] != "140" else t[1] for t in top]
                top = [t["display_name"] if "display_name" in t else t[col] for t in top]

        elif col == "id":
            top = [d[show] for d in r]
            top = [d[col] for d in r]

    if col != "id":
        if moe:
            col = moe
        top = [num_format(t, col) if isinstance(t, (int, float)) else t for t in top]

    # coerce all values to strings
    top = [u"{}".format(t) if t != "" else u"N/A" for t in top]

    if col == "id":
        top = u",".join(top)
        num_items = len(top)

        if truncate and num_items > truncate:
            top, rest = top[:int(truncate)], top[int(truncate):]
            # now stringify
            top = u"{}; <a href='#' class='show-more pri-link'>& {} more</a>".format(u"; ".join(top), len(rest))
            if len(rest) > 1:
                rest = u"; ".join(rest)
                rest = u"and {}".join(rest[-1])
            top = u"<span>{}</span><span class='the_rest'>{}</span>".format(top, rest)

            if num_items > 1:
                top[-1] = u"and {}".format(top[-1])
            if num_items == 2:
                top = u" ".join(top)
                top = u"; ".join(top)

    # otherwise, return the list joined with commans
    return {
        "url": stat_url,
        "value": top,
        "data": vals
コード例 #7
 def rank_max(self, **kwargs):
     return num_format(profile_cache[self.attr_type]["ranks"][self.sumlevel(**kwargs)], condense=False)
コード例 #8
    def percent(self, **kwargs):
        """str: 2 columns divided by one another """

        attr_type = kwargs.get("attr_type", self.attr_type)
        attr_id = kwargs.get("attr_id", self.attr["id"])

        r = {"num": 1, "den": 1}
        for t in r.keys():
            key = kwargs.get(t)

            params = {}
            params["limit"] = 1
            params["year"] = kwargs.get("year", "latest")
            params = param_format(params)
            t_type = kwargs.get("{}_type".format(t), attr_type)
            params["show"] = kwargs.get("show", t_type)
            params[t_type] = kwargs.get("{}_id".format(t), attr_id)
            params["exclude"] = kwargs.get("exclude", kwargs.get("{}_exclude".format(t), ""))

            if "top:" in key:

                params["col"], params["force"] = key.split(":")[1].split(",")
                r["{}_key".format(t)] = params["col"]
                r[t] = self.top(**params)["data"][0]

            elif "var:" in key:

                keys = key.split(":")[1].split(",")
                if len(keys) == 2:
                ns, col, row = keys
                r["{}_key".format(t)] = col
                r[t] = self.var(namespace=ns, key=col, row=row, format="raw")

            elif "," in key:

                num, den = key.split(",")
                subparams = {}
                subparams["num"] = num
                subparams["den"] = den
                subparams["data_only"] = True
                subparams["num_id"] = params[t_type]
                subparams["den_id"] = params[t_type]
                r["{}_key".format(t)] = None
                r[t] = self.percent(**subparams)


                params["required"] = key
                r["{}_key".format(t)] = key

                # convert request arguments into a url query string
                query = RequestEncodingMixin._encode_params(params)
                url = u"{}/api?{}".format(API, query)

                    r[t] = datafold(requests.get(url).json())
                except ValueError:
                    app.logger.info("STAT ERROR: {}".format(url))
                    return "N/A"

                if len(r[t]) == 0:
                    return "N/A"
                r[t] = r[t][0][key]

            if r[t] in [None, "N/A"]:
                return "N/A"

        diff = kwargs.get("diff", False)
        text = kwargs.get("text", False)
        if text and text in TEXTCOMPARATORS:
            r["num"] = float(num_format(r["num"], r["num_key"], False, suffix=False).replace(",", ""))
            r["den"] = float(num_format(r["den"], r["den_key"], False, suffix=False).replace(",", ""))

        if r["num"] == 0 or r["den"] == 0:
            val = 0
        elif diff:
            val = r["num"] - r["den"]
            val = float(r["num"])/float(r["den"])

        if kwargs.get("invert", False):
            val = 1 - val

        if kwargs.get("data_only", False):
            return val

        if text and text in TEXTCOMPARATORS:
            text = TEXTCOMPARATORS[text]
            if diff:
                if val > 0:
                    return text[0]
                elif val < 0:
                    return text[1]
                    return text[2]
                if val > 1:
                    return text[0]
                elif val < 1:
                    return text[1]
                    return text[2]
        elif diff or kwargs.get("ratio", False):
            return num_format(abs(val))
            return "{}%".format(num_format(val * 100))
コード例 #9
ファイル: profile.py プロジェクト: tgarland1/datausa-site
 def rank_max(self, **kwargs):
     return num_format(profile_cache[self.attr_type]["ranks"][self.sumlevel(**kwargs)], condense=False)
コード例 #10
ファイル: profile.py プロジェクト: tgarland1/datausa-site
    def percent(self, **kwargs):
        """str: 2 columns divided by one another """

        attr_type = kwargs.get("attr_type", self.attr_type)
        attr_id = kwargs.get("attr_id", self.attr["id"])

        r = {"num": 1, "den": 1}
        for t in r.keys():
            key = kwargs.get(t)

            params = {}
            params["limit"] = 1
            params["year"] = kwargs.get("year", "latest")
            params = param_format(params)
            t_type = kwargs.get("{}_type".format(t), attr_type)
            params["show"] = kwargs.get("show", t_type)
            params[t_type] = kwargs.get("{}_id".format(t), attr_id)
            params["exclude"] = kwargs.get("exclude", kwargs.get("{}_exclude".format(t), ""))

            if "top:" in key:

                params["col"], params["force"] = key.split(":")[1].split(",")
                r["{}_key".format(t)] = params["col"]
                r[t] = self.top(**params)["data"][0]

            elif "var:" in key:

                keys = key.split(":")[1].split(",")
                if len(keys) == 2:
                ns, col, row = keys
                r["{}_key".format(t)] = col
                r[t] = self.var(namespace=ns, key=col, row=row, format="raw")

            elif "," in key:

                num, den = key.split(",")
                subparams = {}
                subparams["num"] = num
                subparams["den"] = den
                subparams["data_only"] = True
                subparams["num_id"] = params[t_type]
                subparams["den_id"] = params[t_type]
                r["{}_key".format(t)] = None
                r[t] = self.percent(**subparams)


                params["required"] = key
                r["{}_key".format(t)] = key

                # convert request arguments into a url query string
                query = RequestEncodingMixin._encode_params(params)
                url = u"{}/api?{}".format(API, query)

                    r[t] = datafold(requests.get(url).json())
                except ValueError:
                    app.logger.info("STAT ERROR: {}".format(url))
                    return "N/A"

                if len(r[t]) == 0:
                    return "N/A"
                r[t] = r[t][0][key]

            if r[t] in [None, "N/A"]:
                return "N/A"

        diff = kwargs.get("diff", False)
        text = kwargs.get("text", False)
        if text and text in TEXTCOMPARATORS:
            r["num"] = float(num_format(r["num"], r["num_key"], False, suffix=False).replace(",", ""))
            r["den"] = float(num_format(r["den"], r["den_key"], False, suffix=False).replace(",", ""))

        if r["num"] == 0 or r["den"] == 0:
            val = 0
        elif diff:
            val = r["num"] - r["den"]
            val = float(r["num"])/float(r["den"])

        if kwargs.get("invert", False):
            val = 1 - val

        if kwargs.get("data_only", False):
            return val

        if text and text in TEXTCOMPARATORS:
            text = TEXTCOMPARATORS[text]
            if diff:
                if val > 0:
                    return text[0]
                elif val < 0:
                    return text[1]
                    return text[2]
                if val > 1:
                    return text[0]
                elif val < 1:
                    return text[1]
                    return text[2]
        elif diff or kwargs.get("ratio", False):
            return num_format(abs(val))
            return "{}%".format(num_format(val * 100))
コード例 #11
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: liquidmedialab/datausa-site
def home():
    g.page_type = "home"

    carousels = []

    maps = [

    mapTotal = 0
    for section in mapdata:
        mapTotal = mapTotal + len(mapdata[section])

        "title": "Maps",
        "icon": "/static/img/icons/demographics.svg",
        "data": tileMaps(maps),
        "footer": {
            "link": "/map",
            "text": "{} more".format(mapTotal - TILEMAX)

        "Cities & Places",
            "geo/new-york-ny", "geo/los-angeles-county-ca", "geo/florida",
            "geo/suffolk-county-ma", "geo/illinois"
        "footer": {
            "link": "/search/?kind=geo",
            "text": "{} more".format(num_format(footMap["geo"] - TILEMAX))

            "naics/622", "naics/23", "naics/31-33", "naics/722Z", "naics/44-45"
        "footer": {
            "link": "/search/?kind=naics",
            "text": "{} more".format(num_format(footMap["naics"] - TILEMAX))

            "soc/252020", "soc/151131", "soc/1110XX", "soc/412031",
        "footer": {
            "link": "/search/?kind=soc",
            "text": "{} more".format(num_format(footMap["soc"] - TILEMAX))

        "Higher Education",
            "cip/513801", "cip/110701", "cip/520201", "cip/420101",
        "footer": {
            "link": "/search/?kind=cip",
            "text": "{} more".format(num_format(footMap["cip"] - TILEMAX))

    cartDatasets = [{
        "map_patients_diabetic_medicare_enrollees_65_75_lipid_test_total_ county",
        "Diabetic Lipid Tests by County",
    }, {
        "map_adult_smoking_ state",
        "Adult Smoking by State"
    }, {
        "map_leg_amputations_per_1000_enrollees_total_ county",
        "Leg Amputations by County",
    }, {
        "map_pop_ county",
        "Population by County"
    }, {
        "map_median_property_value_ county",
        "Median Property Value by County"

        "rank": "cart",
        "title": "Download",
        "icon": "/static/img/cart-big.png",
        "data": cartDatasets,
        "footer": {
            "link": "/cart",
            "text": "View Cart"

    stories = StoryPreview.generate_list()[0]
    story_order = [
        "opioid-addiction", "poverty-health", "worker-evolution",
        "medicare-physicians", "hardest-working"
        key=lambda story: story_order.index(story.story_id.split("_")[1])
        if story.story_id.split("_")[1] in story_order else TILEMAX)
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    for i, story in enumerate(stories):
        delta = now - story._date_obj
        stories[i] = {
            "new": int(delta.days) < 30,
            "link": "/story/{}".format(story.story_id),
            "image": story.background_image,
            "title": story.title,
            "subtitle": "By {}".format(story.authors[0]["name"]),
            "type": {
                "icon": "/static/img/icons/about.svg",
                "title": TYPEMAP["story"],
                "type": "story"

        "rank": "story",
        "title": "Latest Stories",
        "icon": "/static/img/icons/about.svg",
        "data": stories[:TILEMAX],
        "footer": {
            "link": "/story/",
            "text": "{} more".format(len(stories) - TILEMAX)

    return render_template("general/home.html", carousels=carousels)