コード例 #1
 def _hour_fit(self, date0, date1):
     Given two dates find the minimum and maximum hours where the sun 
     h0 = np.min(self.hour_fit_df.loc[date0:date1])['t0']
     h1 = np.max(self.hour_fit_df.loc[date0:date1])['t1']
     h0 = d_time(int(h0[:2]), int(h0[3:5]))  #snip out hours and minutes
     h1 = d_time(int(h1[:2]), int(h1[3:5]))
     return (h0, h1)
コード例 #2
 def spt_model_const_coef(self,t_start,t_end,coef_arr,d_fc,muni,\
                          hours = 'all',hour_buff = False):
     Gets the spatio temporal model in the range [t_start,t_end] with some
     forecast delta for for a muni.
     t_start/t_end : pd.Timestamp
         Begin and end time for model
     coef_arr : list/tuple with nested numpy.ndarrays
         Coefficients for the model - are kept constant fo the period
     hours : (datetime.time,datetime.time)
         If less hours whan the whole days is wanted set this as datetime
     d_fc : datetime.time 
         How many hours into the futue should be forecasted
     muni : int
         Municipality beeing fitted for
     rng : pd.date_range
         range the model have been fitted for
     mu_t : pd.DataFrame
         Dataframe with fitted values
     rng = pd.date_range(t_start, t_end, freq="15min")
     if hours != 'all':
         if hour_buff:
             buffer = 15
             h0_h = hours[0].hour
             h0_min = hours[0].minute
             h1_h = hours[1].hour
             h1_min = hours[1].minute
             #add small buffers
             h0 = pd.Timedelta(hours=h0_h, minutes=h0_min - buffer)
             h1 = pd.Timedelta(hours=h1_h, minutes=h1_min + buffer)
             h0 = d_time(hour=h0.components.hours,
             h1 = d_time(hour=h1.components.hours,
             h0, h1 = hours[0], hours[1]
         rng = rng[rng.indexer_between_time(h0, h1)]
         hours = ["00:00",
                  "23:00"]  #there is an import bug i don't want to fix
         rng = rng[rng.indexer_between_time(hours[0], hours[1])]
     mu_r = CRPS.spatio_mod_res(rng,self.SPP_res,self.WS_res,self.WD_res,\
     mu_t = CRPS.spatio_mod(rng, mu_r,
                            self.rad_vals[muni].loc[rng])  #total mean
     return (rng, mu_t)
コード例 #3
def import_muni_forecast_simu(t_start,t_end,info = ("GHI",),muni_list = "all",\
                              res = "H"):
    Imports forecast from list of municipilaties. See ?import_forecast for more info.
        t_start,t_end: Pandas timestamp in 2017
        muni_list: Should be list or tuple with valid municipality numbers
        res: Resulution of forecast, can be set to "15min" in order to match SPP data
        Se ?import_forecast for info about other input
        forecast_simu object initialies in muni mode. Se ?foecast_simu for more info
    t_max = pd.Timestamp(2018, 1, 1, 0)
    if t_start > t_max or t_end > t_max:
        raise (ValueError("Select a daterange within 2017"))

    if t_start.time() != d_time(0, 0) or t_end.time() != d_time(0, 0):
        raise (ValueError("t_start and t_end should be whole dates only, \n"
                          "i.e hours = 0 and minutes = 0. \n"
                          "Use the hours argument to get less hours on a day"))

    if not isinstance(info, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and info != "all":
        raise (TypeError("info argument should be tuple, list or numpy array"))

    if not isinstance(muni_list, (list, tuple)) and muni_list != 'all':
        raise (ValueError("muni_list should be list or tuple"))

    grid_list, conv_sheet = muni_list_to_grid_list(muni_list)
    if muni_list == 'all':  #transform grid list into all because faster later
        grid_list = 'all'
        muni_list = conv_sheet.index

    #structure for forecasts
    days = pd.date_range(t_start, t_end, freq="D")
    h_dic = dict.fromkeys(['00', '06', '12', '18'])
    fc_dic = dict.fromkeys(days.date)
    for day in days:
        #Load data
        h_dic_day = copy.deepcopy(h_dic)  #used for storing forecasts
        fc_grid = import_single_forecast_from_mat(day,info = info,\
                                                  grid_list = grid_list,\
                                                  res = res)
        for h in fc_grid.keys():
            fc_muni = _average_grid_to_muni(fc_grid[h], info, conv_sheet,
            h_dic_day[h] = forecast(GHI = fc_muni["GHI"],WD = fc_muni["WD"],\
                   WS = fc_muni["WS"],mode = "simu",h_freq=res,hours = 'all')
        fc_dic[day.date()] = h_dic_day

    return (forecast_simu(fc_dic, info, h_freq=res))
コード例 #4
def _vola_val(SPP_res, rng, d_fc=d_time(1)):
    Calculates valatility value based of SPP residuals SPP_res. rng is a time
    index seris - a subset of the values of SPP_res. d_fc is the timelag used 
    in the forecast. 
    k_max = 2  #cannot be changed currently
    SPP_arr_temp = SPP_res.values
    M = k_max * SPP_arr_temp.shape[1]
    sum_arr0 = (SPP_arr_temp[:-1] -
                SPP_arr_temp[1:])**2  #Get sum squared for time delay
    sum_arr1 = sum_arr0[:-1] + sum_arr0[
        1:]  #Collects sums over rows with delay 1
    sum_arr2 = np.sum(sum_arr1, axis=1)  #sum over rows
    vola = np.sqrt(sum_arr2 / M)  #volatility value
    #[2:] becasue the two first times dont have enough avalable data
    vola_df = pd.DataFrame({'vola':vola,'idx':SPP_res.index[2:]}).\
    vola_df_rng = vola_df.loc[rng - pd.Timedelta(hours = d_fc.hour,\
                                                 minutes = d_fc.minute)]
    #incorpolate lag, and take out wanted values in rng
    N = vola_df_rng.shape[0]
    vola_val = vola_df_rng.values.reshape(N, )

    return (vola_val)
コード例 #5
 def spt_fit_update_coef(self,t_start,t_end,muni,d_fc = d_time(1),\
                         window_length = 10,\
                         max_iter = 50,coef_lim = 5,print_progress = False,\
                         update_every = 'H',start_hour = None):
     Get coefficients spatio temporal model in the interval t_start,t_end
     and updating the coefficients every d_time
     t_start,t_end : pd.Timestamp
         Start/end time for fitting coefficients
     update_every: pandas freq format
         How often parameters should be updated. ex. 'H' for every hours
     See ?spp_fit_scalar for more info
     fit_rng = pd.date_range(t_start, t_end, freq=update_every)
     if not isinstance(start_hour, type(None)):
         fit_rng += pd.Timedelta(hours = start_hour.hour,\
                                 minutes = start_hour.minute)
     #remove hours where sun has set from range
     hour_fit = self._hour_fit(t_start.date(), t_end.date())
     fit_rng = fit_rng[fit_rng.indexer_between_time(hour_fit[0],
     coef_dic = {}
     if print_progress:
         print("Moddel will be fitted for the following intervals:")
     for t in fit_rng:
         if print_progress:
             print("%s, " % str(t.time()), end="")
         coef_dic[t] =  self.spt_fit_scalar(t,muni,d_fc = d_fc,\
                     window_length = window_length,max_iter = max_iter,\
                     coef_lim = coef_lim,print_progress = False)
     return (coef_dic)
コード例 #6
 def testgetOldestEntry(self):
     entry = Case.getOldestEntry(self.case)
     d = datetime(2010, 5, 1)
     t = d_time(16, 53, 24)
     u = "file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/John/My%20Music/Anarchy%20in%20Tokyo%20+%20The%20Struggle%20-%2030%20Seconds%20To%20Mars.mp3"
コード例 #7
 def testgetNewestEntry(self):
     entry = Case.getNewestEntry(self.case)
     d = datetime(2010, 8, 1)
     t = d_time(14, 8, 22)
     u = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Search&search=Cryptography&go=Go"
コード例 #8
 def testgetTimeGraph(self):
     startdate = datetime(2010, 5, 1)
     enddate = datetime(2010, 5, 1)
     starttime = d_time(0, 0, 0)
     endtime = d_time(23, 59, 59)
     rem = FilterQuery()   
     rem.add_element('URL Parts','domain','Is','bbc.co.uk', None) 
     remove_funcs = [rem]
     high = FilterQuery()
     high.add_element('URL Parts','domain','Is','google.com', None) 
     highlight_funcs = [high]
     qhigh, qnot, qrem = Case.getTimeGraph(startdate, enddate, starttime, endtime, 
                                           remove_funcs, highlight_funcs)
     for point in qrem, qhigh, qnot:
         self.assertEqual(point[0][0], time.mktime((startdate + timedelta(hours=1)).timetuple()) * 1000) 
     self.assertEqual(len(qhigh), 10)
     self.assertEqual(len(qnot), 15)
     self.assertEqual(len(qrem), 4)
コード例 #9
 def setUp(self):
     v = datetime.now()
     self.d = datetime(v.year, v.month, v.day, 0, 0, 0, 0) - timedelta(hours=1) 
     self.t = d_time(self.d.hour, self.d.minute, self.d.second, self.d.microsecond)
     self.u = "http://example.org"
     self.bn = "Firefox"
     self.bv = "3.0"
     self.bs = "places.sqlite"
     self.p = "netanalysis"
     self.ti = "Example.org"
     self.result = get_plotable(self.d, self.t, self.u, self.bn, self.bv, self.bs, self.p, self.ti)    
コード例 #10
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: pace-noge/apt-assessment
def convert_12_to_24(str_time):
    Cnvert time to 24 Format:
        str_time => String
        "12:00 PM"
    return python time objects
    s = time.strptime(str_time, "%I:%M %p")
    return d_time(s.tm_hour, s.tm_min)
コード例 #11
ファイル: order.py プロジェクト: greyjr/high_hostel
def prepare_existing_order_for_view(order_number):
    анализирует по номеру заказа его вид: активный/старый/бронь/ремонт/предоплаченный
    и возвращает ...
    order = Order.objects.get(id=order_number)
    order_from_base_dict = model_to_dict(order)

    order_from_base_dict['id_order'] = order_from_base_dict.pop('id')
    order_from_base_dict['duration'] = (
        order_from_base_dict['date_stop'] -
        order_from_base_dict['date_start']).days + 1
    order_from_base_dict['order_bed_str'] = str(
    order_from_base_dict['id_client'] = order_from_base_dict.pop('id')
    min_dur = min_duration(order_from_base_dict['date_start'])
    max_dur = max_duration(order_from_base_dict['order_bed'],

    context = {'daily_price': order.daily_price()}
    # readonly mode = [DURATION, CLIENT]
    readonly_mode = [True, True]

    if order_from_base_dict['is_reserved']:
        readonly_mode = [False, False]
        context['status'] = 'бронь'
    if datetime.combine(order_from_base_dict['date_stop'] + timedelta(1), d_time(time_checkout)) < datetime.now() and \
            order_from_base_dict['order_client'] != repair_id:
        context['status'] = 'закрыто'
    if order_from_base_dict['order_client'] == repair_id:
        context['status'] = 'ремонт'
        readonly_mode = [False, True]
    if order_from_base_dict['date_start'] > date.today(
    ) and not order_from_base_dict['is_reserved']:
        context['status'] = 'оплачено'
    if (order_from_base_dict['date_start'] <= date.today() <= order_from_base_dict['date_stop']) and not \
            order_from_base_dict['is_reserved'] and order_from_base_dict['order_client'] != repair_id:
        context['status'] = 'активно'
        readonly_mode = [False, True]
        max_dur = order_from_base_dict['duration']

    context['order_form'] = OrderEditForm(data=order_from_base_dict,
    return context
コード例 #12
    def __init__(self,SPP_fit,SPP_res,WS_res,WD_res,x_len,coef,coef_len_list,\
                 d_fc = d_time(1),eps = 1e-2):
        x_len : int
          Length of the variabel
        coef : tuple with nested dic's
          Tuple with dictionaries of coefficients
        SPP_arr = SPP_res.values
        WD_arr = WD_res.values
        WS_arr = WS_res.values
        self.SPP_fit = SPP_fit  #spp in desired hours
        self.SPP_arr = SPP_arr
        self.WS_arr = WS_arr
        self.WD_arr = WD_arr
        self.SPP_index = SPP_res.index
        self.fc_index = WS_res.index
        self.M = SPP_arr.shape[1]  #numbe of municipalities
        self.N = SPP_fit.shape[0]

        #setup timing
        self.rng = np.in1d(self.SPP_index, self.SPP_fit.index).nonzero()[0]
        self.rng_fc = np.in1d(self.fc_index, self.SPP_fit.index).nonzero()[0]
        self.d_fc = d_fc

        #setup coefficients
        self.coef_arr = list(_coef_arr_from_coef(coef, flip=True))
        #support changing
        self.coef_len_list = coef_len_list
        #used for indexing transforming x0 into the right parts
        self.coef_len_cumsum = np.cumsum(np.hstack(self.coef_len_list))

        #Setup volatility values and constaints regarding that
        self.vola_val = _vola_val(SPP_res, self.SPP_fit.index, d_fc)
        self.vola_val_max = self.vola_val.max()
        self.jac_setup = self._jac_setup(x_len)
        self.cons = ({'type':'ineq', #forcing x[-2] + x[-1]*v >= eps
                      'fun' : lambda x: np.array([x[-2] + x[-1]\
                      'jac' : lambda x: self.jac_setup[0]},

                     {'type':'ineq', #forcing x[-2] >= 0 
                      'fun' : lambda x: x[-2],
                      'jac' : lambda x: self.jac_setup[1]})
コード例 #13
    def spt_fit_update_d_fc(self,t_start,t_end,muni,\
                            window_length = 10,\
                            max_iter = 50,coef_lim = 5,print_progress = False,\
                            d_fc_freq = '15min'):
        Get coefficients spatio temporal model in the from t_start up to
        t_end with a resulution of d_fc_freq
        t_start: pd.Timestamp
            Start/end time for fitting coefficients
        d_fc_freq: pandas freq format in min
            How often parameters should be updated. ex. 'H' for every hours
        See ?spp_fit_scalar for more info
        if d_fc_freq[-3:] != 'min':
            raise (NotImplementedError("d_fc_freq should be in minute format"))
        rng_fit = pd.date_range(t_start, t_end, freq=d_fc_freq)
        d_fc_int = eval(d_fc_freq[:2])
        #different fc with datetime format
        d_fc_rng = [
            d_time(hour=i * d_fc_int // 60, minute=i * d_fc_int % 60)
            for i in range(1, len(rng_fit))
        coef_dic = {}
        if print_progress:
            print("Moddel will be fitted for the following intervals:")
        for i in range(len(d_fc_rng)):
            if print_progress:
                print("%s, " % str(rng_fit[i + 1].time()), end="")
#            try:
            coef_dic[rng_fit[i + 1]] = self.spt_fit_scalar(
#            except:
#                coef_dic[rng_fit[i+1]] = np.nan
#                print("Failed %s" %str(rng_fit[i+1]),end="")
        return (rng_fit[1:], d_fc_rng, coef_dic)
コード例 #14
def spatio_mod_res(rng, SPP_res, WS_res, WD_res, coef_arr, d_fc=d_time(1)):
    Calculates spatio-temporal model for when time is for range rng currently 
    predicted an hour ahead. 
    OBS: remember to do simulation mode at some point
    t : pandas.Timestamp
    #sigma parameter is not utilised therefore [:-1]
    alpha, beta, gamma, delta = coef_arr[:-1]
    t_idx0 = np.in1d(SPP_res.index, rng).nonzero()[0]
    t_idx1 = np.in1d(WS_res.index, rng).nonzero()[0]
    mu_res = np.zeros(len(t_idx1))
    for i in range(len(t_idx1)):
        mu_res[i] = _mu_res(t_idx0[i],t_idx1[i],SPP_res.values,\
              WS_res.values,WD_res.values, alpha,beta,gamma,delta,\

    return (mu_res)
コード例 #15
    def spt_fit_sclaer_w_coefnr(self,t,muni,coef_len_list,d_fc = d_time(1),\
                                window_length = 10,max_iter = 50,\
                                coef_lim = 10,print_progress = False):
        Fit spatio temporal model at time t by setting amount of parameters 
        manually with coef_nr_list
        coef_len_lisr: list, tup
          List with nested lists with number of parameters for each mincipality and
          each type og parameter alpha/beta/gamma/delta
         see ?spt_fit_scalar for more info about parameters
        if t - pd.Timedelta(days=window_length) < self.rng[0]:
            raise(ValueError("Make sure that t - day_range > %s"\
        if d_fc.hour + d_fc.minute / 60 > 6:
            raise (ValueError("Make sure that d_fc > 6"))

        self.coef_lim = coef_lim
        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.print_progress = print_progress
        #setup timing
        t_past_max = t - pd.Timedelta(days=window_length)

        #start with one parameter for the chosen muncipality and build up
        hours_fit = self._hour_fit(t_past_max, t)

        coef_arr = CRPS.CPRS_fit(t_past_max,t,\
                               muni_list = self.muni_list,muni = muni, \
                               hour_fit = hours_fit, max_iter = max_iter,\
                               callback = False,d_fc = d_fc)
        return (coef_arr)
コード例 #16
def import_SPP(t_start,t_end,muni_list = "all",hours = "all",\
               sub_h_freq = "all",sub_D_freq = 'all'):
    Import serveral SPP files into a continius information with information
    every 15 minutes possibly with some hours takend out.
    Imports into the SPP class. 
         root: root to main svn folder with "\\" in the end. This will vary
         depending from where you run your script.
         t_start/t_end: Start/end time for your forecast as pandas timestamp.
         Select this value between 2017/01/01 and 2017/12/31.
         Only whole dates are allowed, no hours or minutes can be speficied. 

    Optional input:
        munilist: Speficify which muncipilaties you want date from using the
        municipilaty numbers. If left it will import data from all munipicilaties,
        else give a list/tuple/numpy array with the numbers.
        hours: Spefify which hours of the day you want to import.
        Example: hours = ("12:00","18:45") will give you the SPP in that
        timerange for the specified days. Should be a list/tuple with elements
        of type "hh,mm" as strings
        sub_h_freq (Subsample hours frequency): Define how to subsample on an
        hourly basis. E.g. sub_h_freq = "2H" will return SPP for every 2 hours.
        24 should be divisible by this value
        sub_D_freq (Subsample days frequency): Define how to subsample
        on a daily basis. E.g. sub_D_freq = "5D" will return SPP for every 5 days.

    Returns: SPP and instaled effect from speficied timerange as a SPP object.
    See ?SPP for more info 
    #Initialise timestamp with arguments specified. 
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(year = 2017,month = 1), print(t0)
    >>> 2017-01-01 00:00:00
    #Initialise timestamp without arguments specified
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,1); print(t0)
    >>> 2017-01-01 00:00:00

    #Import SPP in the timerange 1/1-2017 to 1/2-2017 for all minicipilaties the entire day
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,1); t1 = pd.Timestamp(2017,2,1)
    sp_imp = import_SPP(root,t0,t1); print(sp_imp)
    >>> SPP for the dates:
    >>> 2017-01-01 to 2017-02-01 in the timerange 00:00:00 to 23:45:00 every 15min's and every D's
    >>> SPP covers 98 municipilaties
    #You get dataframes with SPP and installed effect like this
    sp_dataframe = sp_imp.SPP, instP_datafam = sp_imp.instp
    #You can view SPP or installed effect it as an excel file like:
    #Even as an html file to view in your browser which gives a good overview
    #Import SPP in specific hours
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,1); t1 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,10,12)
    hours = ("05:00","22:00")
    sp_imp = import_SPP(root,t0,t1,hours = hours); print(sp_imp)
    >>> SPP for the dates:
    >>> 2017-01-01 to 2017-02-01 in the timerange 05:00:00 to 22:00:00 every 15min's and every D's
    >>> SPP covers 98 municipilaties
    #Import SPP by subsampling hours and days
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,1); t1 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,10,12)
    sub_hours = "2H"; sub_days = "5D"
    sp_imp = import_SPP(root,t0,t1,sub_h_freq = sub_hours,sub_D_freq = sub_days); print(sp_imp)
    >>> SPP for the dates:
    >>> 2017-01-01 to 2017-02-01 in the timerange 00:00:00 to 22:00:00 every 2H's and every 5D's
    >>> SPP covers 98 municipilaties
    #Chose which municipilaties you want to import data from with the
    muni_list argument. Let's try with Aalborg, Hjørring and Jammerbugt
    municipilaty which have the numbers 849, 851 and 860.
    muni_list = [849,851,860]
    sp_imp = import_SPP(root,t0,t1,munilist = munilist); print(sp_imp)
    >>> SPP for the dates:
    >>> 2017-01-01 to 2017-02-01 in the timerange 05:00:00 to 22:00:00 every 15min's and every D's
    >>> SPP covers 3 municipilaties
    #You can list the municipilaties you just importet with the .get_minicipilaties method
    >>> SPP have information about the following 3 municipaties:
    >>> - 849: Jammerbugt
    >>> - 851: Aalborg
    >>> - 860: Hjørring
    root = return_to_root()
    #Sanitycheck for different input
    if "Fortrolig_data" not in os.listdir(root):
        raise (OSError("Root is noot the svn shared folder"))

    if type(t_start) != pd._libs.tslib.Timestamp or type(
            t_end) != pd._libs.tslib.Timestamp:
        raise (TypeError("t_start and t_end should be pandas timestamp"))

    t_max = pd.Timestamp(2017, 12, 31, 23, 45)
    if t_start > t_max or t_end > t_max:
        raise (ValueError("Select a daterange within 2017"))

    if t_start.time() != d_time(0, 0) or t_end.time() != d_time(0, 0):
        raise (ValueError("t_start and t_end should be whole dates only, \n"
                          "i.e hours = 0 and minutes = 0. \n"
                          "Use the hours argument to get less hours on a day"))

    if not isinstance(hours, (str, list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        raise (TypeError("hours should be string, list typle or numpy array"))

    al_hours = ('00', '15', '30', '45')  #allowed hours
    if (hours[0][-2:] not in al_hours or hours[1][-2:] not in al_hours) and \
        raise (ValueError("Minute in hours should be 00, 15, 30 or 45"))

    #fetch stem stata, also used later
    stem_path = "Fortrolig_data/stem_data/muni_data.xlsx"  #load muni numbers from file
    stem = pd.read_excel(root + stem_path)
    muninr = stem['KOMMUNENR']

    if not set(muni_list).issubset(set(muninr)) and muni_list != 'all':
        raise (
            ValueError("muni_list contains a muninumber that is not valid."))

    if not isinstance(sub_h_freq, str):
        raise (
            ValueError("Frequency hour argument must be string.\ne.g. \"2H\""))

    if sub_h_freq[-1] != 'H' and sub_h_freq != 'all':
        raise (
            NotImplementedError("Currenly only hour sub sampling is allowed"))

    if sub_D_freq[-1] != 'D' and sub_D_freq != 'all':
        raise (
            NotImplementedError("Currenly only day sub sampling is allowed"))

    #Import more sanity check in neccesary later

    #handle timerange

    t_end = t_end.replace(hour=23, minute=45)
    if sub_h_freq == 'all':
        sub_h_freq = "15min"

    #resample days
    if sub_D_freq == 'all':
        sub_D_freq = "D"

    rng = pd.date_range(t_start, t_end,
                        freq=sub_h_freq)  #daterange for forecast
    h_int = rng.freq.delta.components.hours  #get hours as int
    sub_h_nr = int(h_int / 0.25)  #how many samples skibbed hourly
    if sub_h_nr == 0:  #sub_h_freq = 'all' this value is set to 1 so no value are skibbed
        sub_h_nr = 1

    if 24 % sub_h_nr != 0:
        raise (ValueError(
            "Freqency in hours must be a multible of 24, e.g. 2,6,12"))

    if hours == "all":
        hours = ("00:00", "23:45")

    day_rng = pd.date_range(t_start, t_end,
                            freq=sub_D_freq)  #Timerange with only the dates
    rng = choose_days_from_timerange(rng, day_rng)

    rng = rng[rng.indexer_between_time(hours[0], hours[1])]
    spd = int(len(rng) / len(day_rng))  #samples pr. day
    s_day0 = 4 * rng[0].hour + int(rng[0].minute / 15)
    s_day1 = -(4 * (24 - rng[-1].hour) - 1 - int(rng[-1].minute / 15))

    #Avoid empty matrix when indexing
    if s_day0 == 0:
        s_day0 = None
    if s_day1 == 0:
        s_day1 = None

    #handle only single choise of municipilaties
    #List with indicies of chosen municipilaties
    if muni_list == "all":
        muni_index = range(len(muninr))  #All indicies
        muni_list = muninr
        #Ensure list is sorted numerically in order to get right indicies
        #List with indicies of chosen municipilaties
        muni_index = np.in1d(muninr, muni_list).nonzero()[0]

    #Create data structures
    #N is total number of samples, M is number of minicipilaties and K is number of days
    N, M, K = len(rng), len(muni_index), len(day_rng)
    SSP_dat = np.zeros((N, M))
    instP_dat = np.zeros((K, M))
    folder_path = "Fortrolig_data/2017_SPP/"
    idx_count = 0
    for t in day_rng:  #Runs thorugh every day in timerange (15min*24*hours = 96)
        data_path = "%d/%d/" % (t.month, t.day)  #Specific day and hour
        SSP_dat[idx_count*spd:idx_count*spd + spd] = \
        sio.loadmat(root + folder_path + data_path + 'SPP.mat')\
        # ['X'] pick out the data matrix information
        # [s_day0:s_day1] picks out the relevant times
        # [:,muni_index] picks out the relevant munipicilaties

        instP_dat[idx_count] = np.take(sio.loadmat(root + folder_path + \
                 data_path + "InstEff.mat")['InstEff'].T[0],muni_index)
        #np.take picks out the relevent inficies using muni_index list

        idx_count += 1

    #Convert to dataframe, overwrites matricies
    SSP_df = pd.DataFrame(SSP_dat, index=rng, columns=muni_list)
    instP_df = pd.DataFrame(instP_dat, index=day_rng, columns=muni_list)

    #Set names in dataframe
    SSP_df.columns.name = 'KOMMUNENR'
    instP_df.columns.name = 'KOMMUNENR'
    muni_names = stem['KOMMUNENAVN'].iloc[
        muni_index]  #Get relevant municipilaties
    #    #Return as forecast object with specified information
    return (SPP(SSP_df, muni_names, instP_df, sub_h_freq, sub_D_freq))
コード例 #17
    def spt_fit_scalar(self,t,muni,d_fc = d_time(1),window_length = 10,\
                       max_iter = 50,coef_lim = 10,\
                       print_progress = False,
                       BIC_mode = 'var_sig'):
        Calculates coefficients for spatio temporal model for one time and for 
        one delta_fc using scoring rules and fitting with the BIC for model 
        t : pd.Timestamp
            Time what time it is. Ex pd.Timestamp(2017,5,4,12) can acces the 
            data up till 12:00 04/05-2012 
        muni : int
            Municipality number for the munipality beeing optimiced for. 
        d_fc : datetime.time
            Delta forecast, how far into the future should be predicted. 
            Ex d_fc = d_time(1) will predict 1 hour into the future
        windiow_length, int
            How long in the past the model should be fitted with. Ex 
            window_length = 45 will use a window from that point and 45 days
            into the past.
        max_iter : int, optional
            Maxmimum number of iterations the fitting function will utilize. 
        coef_lim : int, optional
            Maxmimum number of time lag coefficients any coefficient can have.
        BIC_mode : str, optional
            BIC can be calculated under different assumptions about the model
            for 'classic' mode it uses the maximum likelihood assuming constant
            varaince and for 'var_sig' it uses the volatitity value to compute
            the maximum likelihood value. 
        coef : Coefficients for the model with information about what the model
        order became. 
        if t - pd.Timedelta(days=window_length) < self.rng[0]:
            raise(ValueError("Make sure that t - day_range > %s"\
        if d_fc.hour + d_fc.minute / 60 > 6:
            raise (ValueError("Make sure that d_fc < 6H"))

        if not BIC_mode in ('classic', 'var_sig'):
            raise (
                ValueError("BIC_mode should be either 'classic' or 'var_sig'"))

        #implement some sanity checks

        #set some preferences
        self.coef_lim = coef_lim
        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.print_progress = print_progress
        self.BIC_mode = BIC_mode
        #setup timing
        t_past_max = t - pd.Timedelta(days=window_length)

        #start with one parameter for the chosen muncipality and build up
        muni_idx = np.where(self.muni_list == muni)[0][0]
        n_alpha = [0 for i in range(self.M)]
        n_alpha[muni_idx] = 1
        n_beta = [0 for i in range(self.M)]
        n_gamma = [0 for i in range(self.M)]
        n_delta = [0 for i in range(self.M)]
        self.coef_nr_list = (n_alpha, n_beta, n_gamma, n_delta)
        hours_fit = self._hour_fit(t_past_max, t)

        coef_0, vola_val = CRPS.CPRS_fit(t_past_max,

        self.current_vola_val = vola_val
        #used for computing BIC-mode

        #fit for SPP coefficients
        if self.print_progress:
            print("Fitting SPP")
        coef_arr = self._fit_for_information(0,coef_0,d_fc,muni_idx,\

        if self.print_progress:
            print("\nFitting WS")
        coef_arr = self._fit_for_information(1,coef_arr,d_fc,muni_idx,\

        #fit for cos(WD) coefficients
        if self.print_progress:
            print("\nFitting cos(WD)")

        coef_arr = self._fit_for_information(2,coef_arr,d_fc,muni_idx,\
        #fit for sin(WD) coefficients
        coef_arr = self._fit_for_information(3,coef_arr,d_fc,muni_idx,\
        return (coef_arr)
コード例 #18
def _setup(t_start, t_end, muni_list, hours='all'):
    Internal function but can be used externally with specified arguments. 
    Imports relevant spp data and forecast data. Then it removes the diurnal
    part by using the radiation model and models for the forecast. Finally
    returns everyting as different classes. This function is used for setting
    up the fitting of the spatio-temporal correction model. Is also used to
    setup for forcasting with the correction model.
    if hours == 'all':
        hours = ['00:00', '23:45']

    M = len(muni_list)

    if t_start.time() != d_time(0, 0) or t_end.time() != d_time(0, 0):
        raise (ValueError("t_start and t_end should be whole dates only, i.e \
                     hours = 0 and minutes = 0. \nUse the hours argument to\
                     get less hours on a day"))

    #import the information
    SPP_scada = SPP.import_SPP(t_start, t_end,\
                         hours = hours, muni_list = muni_list).SPP

    #replace minutes to zero for the fc forecast
    hours_fc = ["%s:00" % (hours[0][:2]), "%s:00" % (hours[1][:2])]

    #There might miss 3 samples in the end of the day so we and another day
    #to combat that.
    if pd.Timestamp(hours[1]).time() > d_time(23, 0):
        t_end_fc = t_end + pd.Timedelta(days=1)
        t_end_fc = t_end

    fc_rng = fc.import_muni_forecast(t_start,t_end_fc, muni_list = muni_list,\
                                     hours = hours_fc,\
                                     info = 'all')

    fc_rng.hours = hours
    minutes = (eval(hours[0][-2:]), eval(hours[1][-2:]))

    #interpolate wind speed and direction
    fc_rng.WS = fc_rng.WS.resample('15min').interpolate(medthod="time")
    fc_rng.WD = fc_rng.WD.resample('15min').interpolate(medthod="time")

    # =========================================================================
    # remove diurnal patterns using different models
    # =========================================================================

    #for SPP
    rad_mod = rad.RadiationModel(fc_rng, minutes=minutes)
    rad_vals = rad_mod()
    rad_vals = rad_vals.loc[
        SPP_scada.index]  #remove the extra day if necessary
    SPP_res = pd.DataFrame(SPP_scada.values - rad_vals.values,\
                      index  = SPP_scada.index,\
                      columns = SPP_scada.columns)

    #for wind speed
    WS_mod = WS_WD_mod.WS_mod()
    rng = pd.date_range(t_start,t_end+pd.Timedelta(days = 1,hours = -1),\
                        freq = '15min')
    rng = rng[rng.indexer_between_time(hours_fc[0], hours_fc[1])]
    WS_mu = WS_mod(rng, muni_list)
    WS_res = pd.DataFrame(fc_rng.WS.loc[rng].values - WS_mu.values,\
                      index  = rng,columns = fc_rng.WS.columns)

    # for wind direction
    WD_mod = WS_WD_mod.WD_mod()
    WD_mu = WD_mod(muni_list)
    WD_res = np.deg2rad(fc_rng.WD.loc[rng] - WD_mu.values.reshape(M, ))
    return (SPP_scada, rad_vals, SPP_res, WS_res, WD_res)
コード例 #19
def import_forecast(t_start,t_end,hours = "all",info = ("GHI",),\
                    grid_list = "all",sub_h_freq = 'all',\
                    sub_D_freq = 'all'):
    Import serveral forecasts into a continius forecast with information in
    the speficied hours. Imports into the forecast class. 
         t_start/t_end: Start/end time for your forecast as pandas timestamp.
         Select this value between 2017/01/01 and 2017/12/31. Only whole dates
         are allowed, no hours or minutes can be speficied. 

    Optional input:
        info: Specify which info you want from the forecast. If left returns
        forecast with GHI information. If you want other information give tuple
        with string entries describing the info.
        Example: info = ("GHI","WS","WD"), ("WS",) and so on. If info = "all",
        then GHI, WS and WD will be given. 
        gridnr: Specifiy if you only want forecast from spefific grid numbers.
        If left it will import data from all grid numbers, else give a
        list/tuple/numpy array with the numbers.
        hours: Specify which timeragne of hours you want for each day.
        Example: hours = ["04:00","22:00"] for forecasts in that timerange each day. 
        sub_h_freq: Subsample in hours/minutes.
        Example: sub_h_freq = "2H" for samples only every 2 hours.
        sub_D_freq: Subsample in days.
        Example: sub_D_freq = "5D" for samples only every 5 days
    Returns: Forecast from speficied timerange as a forecast object.
    See ?forecast for more info 
    #Initialise timestamp with arguments specified. 
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(year = 2017,month = 1,day = 1), print(t0)
    >>> 2017-01-01 00:00:00
    #Initialise timestamp without arguments specified
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,1); print(t0)
    >>> 2017-01-01 00:00:00

    #Import forecast with GHI information
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,1); t1 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,10)
    fc = import_forecast(t0,t1); print(fc)
    >>> Forecast in the timerange:
    >>> 2017-01-01  to 2017-01-10 in the hours
    >>> 00:00:00 to 23:00:00 every D's and every H's
    >>> Forecast contains:
    >>>     - GHI:Global horisontal irridiance
    >>> Forecast covers 354 grid points
    #You get dataframes with GHI like this
    GHI_dataframe = fc.GHI
    #You can view GHI as an excel file like:
    #Even as an html file to view in your browser which gives a good overview
    #Import forecast with all information (GHI,Windspeed and Winddirection)
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,1); t1 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,10)
    fc = import_forecast(t0,t1,info = "all"); print(fc)
    >>> Forecast in the timerange:
    >>> 2017-01-01 to 2017-01-10 in the hours
    >>> 00:00:00 to 23:00:00 every D's and every H's
    >>> Forecast contains:
    >>>   - GHI:Global horisontal irridiance
    >>>   - WS :Wind speed
    >>>   - WD :Wind Direction
    >>> Forecast covers 354 grid points
    #Import forecast at timerange on a day
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,1); t1 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,10)
    hours = ("05:00","22:00")
    fc = import_forecast(t0,t1,info = "all",hours = hours); print(fc)
    >>> Forecast in the timerange:
    >>> 2017-01-01 to 2017-01-10 in the hours
    >>> 05:00:00 to 22:00:00 every D's and every H's
    >>> Forecast contains:
    >>>   - GHI:Global horisontal irridiance
    >>>   - WS :Wind speed
    >>>   - WD :Wind Direction
    >>> Forecast covers 354 grid points
    #Import specific grid numbers
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,1); t1 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,10)
    grid_list = [190,315,1413]
    fc = import_forecast(t0,t1,info = "all",grid_list = grid_list); print(fc)
    >>> Forecast in the timerange:
    >>> 2017-01-01 to 2017-01-10 in the hours
    >>> 05:00:00 to 22:00:00 every D's and every H's
    >>> Forecast contains:
    >>>   - GHI:Global horisontal irridiance
    >>>   - WS :Wind speed
    >>>   - WD :Wind Direction
    >>> Forecast covers 3 grid points
    #Import using subsampling
    #t0 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,1); t1 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,10)
    sub_hours = "2H"; sub_days = "5D"
    fc = import_forecast(t0,t1,sub_h_freq = sub_hours,sub_D_freq = sub_days); print(fc)
    >>> Forecast at the dates:
    >>> 2017-01-01 to 2017-01-06 in the hours
    >>> 00:00:00 to 22:00:00 every 5D's and every 2H's
    >>> Forecast contains:
    >>>   - GHI:Global horisontal irridiance
    >>> Forecast covers 354 grid points
    root = return_to_root()
    #Sanitycheck for different input
    if "Fortrolig_data" not in os.listdir(root):
        raise (OSError("Root is noot the svn shared folder"))

    if type(t_start) != pd._libs.tslib.Timestamp or type(
            t_end) != pd._libs.tslib.Timestamp:
        raise (TypeError("t_start and t_end should be pandas timestamp"))

    t_max = pd.Timestamp(2018, 1, 1, 0)
    if t_start > t_max or t_end > t_max:
        raise (ValueError("Select a daterange within 2017"))

    if t_start.time() != d_time(0, 0) or t_end.time() != d_time(0, 0):
        raise (ValueError("t_start and t_end should be whole dates only, \n"
                          "i.e hours = 0 and minutes = 0. \n"
                          "Use the hours argument to get less hours on a day"))

    if not isinstance(info, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and info != "all":
        raise (TypeError("info argument should be tuple, list or numpy array"))

    if (hours[0][-2:] != "00" or hours[1][-2:] != "00") and \
        raise (ValueError("Hours should be whole \"hh\:00\", e.g. \"08:00\""))

    if not isinstance(sub_h_freq, str):
        raise (
            ValueError("Frequency hour argument must be string.\ne.g. \"2H\""))

    if sub_h_freq[-1] != 'H' and sub_h_freq != 'all':
        raise (
            NotImplementedError("Currenly only hour sub sampling is allowed"))

    if sub_D_freq[-1] != 'D' and sub_D_freq != 'all':
        raise (
            NotImplementedError("Currenly only day sub sampling is allowed"))

    #Fetch stem data (grid) - used for sanity check but also later on
    grid_path = "Fortrolig_data/stem_data/forecast_grid"  #load grid numbers from file
    grid = sio.loadmat(root + grid_path + ".mat")['forecast_grid'].T[0]

    if not set(grid_list).issubset(set(grid)) and grid_list != 'all':
        raise (ValueError("One or more elements in grid_list is invalid:\n"
                          "forecast for that grid point is not known"))

    #Import more sanity check in neccesary later

    #handle timerange
    if sub_h_freq == 'all':
        sub_h_freq = "H"

    if sub_D_freq == 'all':
        sub_D_freq = "D"

    t_end = t_end.replace(hour=23)
    rng = pd.date_range(t_start, t_end,
                        freq=sub_h_freq)  #daterange for forecast
    h_int = rng.freq.delta.components.hours  #get hours as int
    if 24 % h_int != 0:
        raise (ValueError(
            "Freqency in hours must be a multible of 24, e.g. 2,6,12"))

    if hours == "all":
        hours = ("00:00", "23:00")
    day_rng = pd.date_range(t_start, t_end, freq=sub_D_freq)
    rng = choose_days_from_timerange(rng, day_rng)  #subsample days
    rng = rng[rng.indexer_between_time(hours[0],
                                       hours[1])]  #remove unwanted hours
    spd = int(len(rng) / len(day_rng))  #samples pr. day
    s_day0 = rng[0].hour
    s_day1 = -((24 - rng[-1].hour) - 1)

    #Avoid empty matrix when indexing
    if s_day0 == 0:
        s_day0 = None
    if s_day1 == 0:
        s_day1 = None

    if grid_list == "all":
        grid_index = range(len(grid))  #All indicies
        grid_list = grid
        grid_index = np.in1d(grid, grid_list).nonzero()[0]
        #List with indicies of chosen grid numbers

    #Create data structures
    if info == "all":
        info = ("GHI", "WD", "WS")
    data = dict.fromkeys(info)  #Big ass data matrix
    N, M = len(rng), len(grid_index)
    #Create datamatrix for forecast types
    for key in data.keys():
        data[key] = np.zeros((N, M))

    folder_path = "Fortrolig_data/2017_forecast/"
    idx_count = 0
    for t in day_rng:  #Runs thorugh every 6th element in timerange excluding the last
        data_path = "%d/%d/" % (t.month, t.day)  #Specific day and hour
        for key in data.keys():  #load from file and write to matrix
            data[key][idx_count*spd:idx_count*spd + spd] = \
            np.matrix(pd.read_pickle(root + folder_path + data_path +\
                                     key + 'day.p'))\
            # [s_day0:s_day1] picks out the relevant times
            # [:,muni_index] picks out the relevant munipicilaties
        idx_count += 1

    #Convert to dataframe, overwrites matricies
    dataframes = dict.fromkeys(["GHI", "WD", "WS"])  #dictionary for dataframes
    for key in data.keys():
        dataframes[key] = pd.DataFrame(data[key], index=rng, columns=grid_list)
        dataframes[key].columns.name = 'GRIDNR'
    #Return as forecast object with specified information
    return(forecast(GHI = dataframes["GHI"],WD = dataframes["WD"],\
                    WS = dataframes["WS"],h_freq=sub_h_freq,D_freq = sub_D_freq))
コード例 #20
def CPRS_fit(t_start,
             muni_list=[849, 851, 860],
             hour_fit=['04:00', '20:00'],
    Given data, muni info, forecast lag and some info about the model, it finds
    coefficients for the linear model:
        c(n,t) = u^r(n,t) such that c(n,t) ~ N(u^r(n,t),sig^2(n,t))
        where u^r(n,t) is a mean residual function after the radiation model and 
        sig^2(n,t) is the variance funtion. 
        u^r(n,t) = sum_{n}(sum_{lag}  alpha(n,lag)*u^r(n,t-lag)
                                    + beta(n,lag)*ws(n,t-lag)
                                    + gamma(n,lag)*sin(wd(n,t-lag))
                                    + delta(n,lag)*cos(wd(n,t-lag)))
        where u^r is residual SPP, ws is windspeed, wd is wind direction and
        n is municipality and t is time. 
        sig^2(n,t) = b0 + b1*v(t-1) 
        where v is volaitity value
    The continious rankes proberbility score (CRPS) is used and the mean 
    score function is used as an measure for goodnes of fit. The function
    is minimiced using the scipy minimize funtion with the
    Sequential Least Squares Problem (SLSQP) method.
    t_start/t_end : pandas Timestamp
        start and end date for fitting. 
    SPP_res : pandas dataframe
        dataframe with residual SPP values
    WD_res : pandas dataframe
        dataframe with residual wind direction values
    WS_res : pandas dataframe
        dataframe with residual wind speed values
    muni_list : list/tuple 
        List of municipalites for wich the model is fitted for. 
    coef_len_list : list, tup
      List with nested lists with number of parameters for each mincipality and
      each type og parameter alpha/beta/gamma/delta
    muni : int
        Number of the muncipality whics is beeing optimized for. 
    d_fc : datetime.time, optional
        The time lag for which the model is beeing optimized for. Defaults to
        one hour. 
    hour_fit : list/tuple, optional
        Not all hours duing a day are desired optimice for. Set this argument
        in order to chose which hours of the day are decired to optimice for.
        Defaults to the hours 04:00 - 20:00
    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations the minimization algorithm should take.
        Defaults to 30
    callback : bool, optional
        The minimixation algotithm may print the count after each iteration
        and return out score history as result. Set to True if wanted. Defaults
        to False. 
    x0 : nun
    spp_k is the lag fittet for spp vales
    fc_k is the lag fitted for forecasts
    #Setup range for evaluating score.
    rng = pd.date_range(t_start, t_end, freq="15min")
    rng_fit = rng[rng.indexer_between_time(hour_fit[0], hour_fit[1])]
    spp_res_fit = SPP_res[muni].loc[rng_fit]

    #Setup optimization
    coef = init_coef(muni_list, *coef_len_list, muni)  #tuple with coef dic's
    x0 = _theta_from_coef(coef)  #coefeficients to be altered
    global S  #needs to be global in order for the callback function to work.
    S = S_fam(spp_res_fit,SPP_res,WS_res,WD_res,len(x0),coef,coef_len_list,\
              d_fc = d_fc)
    if callback:
        global count, hist  #is needed in order for callback function to work
        count = 0
        hist = np.zeros(max_iter + 1)
        opt.minimize(S, x0,constraints= S.cons,\
                    method='SLSQP', options={'disp': True,'maxiter':max_iter},\
                                             callback = _cbk)
        #writes to S instance
        if return_vola_val:
            return (hist[:count], S.coef_arr, S.vola_val)
            return (hist[:count], S.coef_arr)
        opt.minimize(S, x0,constraints= S.cons,\
                    method='SLSQP', options={'maxiter':max_iter})
        if return_vola_val:
            return (S.coef_arr, S.vola_val)
            return (S.coef_arr)
コード例 #21
def _mu_res(t_idx0,
    t_idx0 : int
        index in the ssp matrix (row wise)
    t_idx1 : int
        index in the forecast matrix (row wise)
    SPP_arr : numpy.ndarray
        SPP data for one or more municipalities where the radiation model have 
        been substracted
    WS_arr : numpy.ndarray
        Wind speed data for one or more municipalities where model have been 
    WD_arr : numpy.ndarray
        Wind direction data for one or more municipalities where model
        have been substracted
    alpha, beta, gamma, delta : numpy.nddarray
        parameters for spp/ws, sin(WS), cos(ws)
    d_fc : datetime.time, optional

    #get dimentions of different matriceis
    spp_k_max = alpha.shape[0]
    ws_k_max = beta.shape[0]
    sinwd_k_max = gamma.shape[0]
    coswd_k_max = delta.shape[0]

    #handle indicies
    lag = d_time_to_quaters(d_fc)  #total number of quarters

    #These are the indicies of the maximum lag. This value depends on the
    #number of parameters included in the model is calculated with regards to
    spp_t_lag_max = t_idx0 - (spp_k_max - 1) - lag
    lag_fc = 0  #OBS: we know forecast well in advance so we dont have to add
    #lag to this set lag_fc = lag if we want lag back
    ws_t_lag_max = t_idx1 - 4 * (ws_k_max -
                                 1) - lag_fc  # 4 for quarters in hour
    sinwd_t_lag_max = t_idx1 - 4 * (sinwd_k_max - 1) - lag_fc
    coswd_t_lag_max = t_idx1 - 4 * (coswd_k_max - 1) - lag_fc

    #These are the indicies for the minimum lag. It corresponds to the lag
    #in the model. 1 is subtracted because of Pythons way of indexing.
    spp_t_lag_min = t_idx0 - (lag - 1)
    fc_t_lag_min = t_idx1 - (lag_fc - 1)  #will give the index +1
    spp_slice = SPP_arr[spp_t_lag_max:spp_t_lag_min]

    ws_slice = WS_arr[ws_t_lag_max:fc_t_lag_min][::4]  #only one sample pr hour
    sinwd_slice = WD_arr[sinwd_t_lag_max:fc_t_lag_min][::4]
    coswd_slice = WD_arr[coswd_t_lag_max:fc_t_lag_min][::4]

    mu_r = fast_sum((spp_slice, ws_slice, sinwd_slice, coswd_slice),\
                    (alpha, beta, gamma, delta))
    return (mu_r)
コード例 #22
def import_forecast_from_mat(t_start, t_end, info=("GHI", ), gridnr="all"):
    Import serveral forecasts into a continius forecast with information every
    hour. Imports into the forecast class. 
         root: root to main svn folder with "\\" in the end. This will vary
         depending from where you run your script.
         t_start/t_end: Start/end time for your forecast as pandas timestamp.
         Select this value between 2017/01/01 00:00 and 2018/01/01 00:00.

    Optional input:
        info: Specify which info you want from the forecast. If left returns
        forecast with GHI information. If you want other information give tuple
        with string entries discribing the info.
        Example: info = ("GHI","WS","WD"), ("WS",) and so on. If info = "all",
        then GHI, WS and WD will be given. 
        gridnr: Specify if you only want forecast from specific grid numbers.
        mode: Se "Modes" below
    Modes: forecast have two modes: "newest" and "simulation"
    "newest" imports forecasts where the newest information is loaded at any
    given moment. For example it will load the first 6 hours of a forecast and
    load the next 6 hours of the following forecast and so on.
    "simulation" imports forecasts where the information available simulates
    the real time situation. For example the forecast from 12:00 on a day is
    only available at around 15:00 and will therefore be loded at that time.
    Simulation mode is currently not implemented. 
    Returns: Forecast from speficied timerange as a forecast object.
    See ?forecast for more info 
    #Initialise timestamp with arguments specified. 
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(year = 2017,month = 1,day = 1), print(t0)
    >>> 2017-01-01 00:00:00
    #Initialise timestamp without arguments specified
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,1); print(t0)
    >>> 2017-01-01 00:00:00

    #Hours can be 0,6,12 or 18
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,1,12); print(t0)
    >>> 2017-01-01 12:00:00
    #Import forecast with GHI information
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,1); t1 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,10)
    fc = import_forecast(root,t0,t1); print(fc)
    >>> Forecast in the timerange:
    >>> 2017-01-01 00:00:00 to 2017-01-10 00:00:00
    >>> Forecast contains:
    >>>     - GHI:Global horisontal irridiance
    >>> Forecast covers 354 grid points
    #Import forecast wilh all information
    t0 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,1); t1 = pd.Timestamp(2017,1,10,12)
    fc = import_forecast(root,t0,t1,info = "all"); print(fc)
    >>> Forecast in the timerange:
    >>> 2017-01-01 00:00:00 to 2017-01-10 12:00:00
    >>> Forecast contains:
    >>>   - GHI:Global horisontal irridiance
    >>>   - WS :Wind speed
    >>>   - WD :Wind Direction
    >>> Forecast covers 354 grid points
    #Sanitycheck for different input
    root = return_to_root()
    if "Fortrolig_data" not in os.listdir(root):
        raise (OSError("Root is noot the svn shared folder"))

    if type(t_start) != pd._libs.tslib.Timestamp or type(
            t_end) != pd._libs.tslib.Timestamp:
        raise (TypeError("t_start and t_end should be pandas timestamp"))

    t_max = pd.Timestamp(2018, 1, 1, 0)
    if t_start > t_max or t_end > t_max:
        raise (ValueError("Select a daterange within 2017"))

    if t_start.time() != d_time(0, 0) or t_end.time() != d_time(0, 0):
        raise (ValueError("t_start and t_end should be whole dates only, \n"
                          "i.e hours = 0 and minutes = 0. \n"
                          "Use the hours argument to get less hours on a day"))

    if not isinstance(info, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and info != "all":
        raise (TypeError("info argument should be tuple, list or numpy array"))

    if gridnr != "all":
        raise (NotImplementedError("Currently it is only possible to return"
                                   "forecasts for all gridnumbers.\n"
                                   "Leave gridnr = \"all\""))

    #Import more sanity check in neccesary later

    #Create data structures
    if info == "all":
        info = ("GHI", "WD", "WS")
    t_end = t_end - pd.Timedelta(hours=1)
    rng = pd.date_range(t_start, t_end, freq="H")  #daterange for forecast
    grid_path = "Fortrolig_data/stem_data/forecast_grid"  #load grid numbers from file
    grid = sio.loadmat(root + grid_path + ".mat")['forecast_grid'].T[0]
    data = dict.fromkeys(info)  #Big ass data matrix
    N, M = len(rng), len(grid)
    #Create datamatrix for forecast types
    for key in data.keys():
        data[key] = np.zeros((N, M))

    folder_path = "Fortrolig_data/2017_forecast/"
    t = t_start

    #For the first forecast we include the first point
    t = pd.Timestamp(rng[0::6][0])
    data_path = "%d/%d/" % (t.month, t.day)  #Specific day and hour
    hour_str = zeropad_hourstring(str(t.hour))  #ass 0 if single digit
    for key in data.keys():  #load from file and write to matrix
        data[key][:7] =\
        sio.loadmat(root + folder_path + data_path + key + hour_str + \

    #Else we dont include the first point and an extra in the end
    idx_count = 1
    for t in rng[0::6][
            -1]:  #Runs thorugh every 6th element in timerange excluding the last
        data_path = "%d/%d/" % (t.month, t.day)  #Specific day and hour
        hour_str = zeropad_hourstring(str(t.hour))  #ass 0 if single digit
        for key in data.keys():  #load from file and write to matrix
            data[key][idx_count*6 + 1:idx_count*6 + 7] =\
            sio.loadmat(root + folder_path + data_path + key + hour_str + \
        idx_count += 1
    #In the end we dont include an extra point
    #Remember: The first point in forecast is usually bad
    t = pd.Timestamp(rng[0::6][-1])
    data_path = "%d/%d/" % (t.month, t.day)  #Specific day and hour
    hour_str = zeropad_hourstring(str(t.hour))  #ass 0 if single digit
    for key in data.keys():  #load from file and write to matrix
        data[key][idx_count*6 + 1:idx_count*6 + 6] =\
        sio.loadmat(root + folder_path + data_path + key + hour_str + \

    #Convert to dataframe, overwrites matricies
    dataframes = dict.fromkeys(("GHI", "WD", "WS"))  #dictionary for dataframes
    for key in data.keys():
        dataframes[key] = pd.DataFrame(data[key], index=rng, columns=grid)
    #Return as forecast object with specified information
    return(forecast(GHI = dataframes["GHI"],WD = dataframes["WD"],\
                    WS = dataframes["WS"]))
コード例 #23
def take_month_matrix(start_date):
    interval = 28
    start_date -= timedelta(int(interval / 2) - 1)
    # на входе дата в формате date (не в datetime!)

    date_days = [(start_date + timedelta(i)).day for i in range(interval)]
    week = ['пн', 'вт', 'ср', 'чт', 'пт', 'сб', 'вс']
    week_days = (week[start_date.weekday():] + week * 5)[:interval]
    line_blank = []
    for i in range(interval):
        if week_days[i] in ['сб', 'вс']:
            line_blank.append(['free_w', 'none'])
            line_blank.append(['free__', 'none'])

    matrix = []
    beds = list(Bed.objects.all().values_list())
    for bed in beds:
        get_bed_orders = Order.objects.filter(order_bed_id=bed[0],
                                              date_start__lte=start_date +
                                              timedelta(interval - 1),
        if bed[2] == 1:
                'комната ' + str(bed[1]) +
                '.  стоимость в сутки {} грн.'.format(

        line = line_blank[:]

        for order in get_bed_orders:
            left = (order.date_start -
                    start_date).days if (order.date_start -
                                         start_date).days > -1 else 0
            right = \
                (order.date_stop - start_date).days if (order.date_stop - start_date).days < interval else interval - 1

            if datetime.now() > datetime.combine(
                    order.date_stop + timedelta(1), d_time(time_checkout)):
                color = 'past__'
            elif datetime.now() < datetime.combine(
                    d_time(time_checkin)) and order.is_reserved:
                color = 'pre_or'
            elif datetime.now() < datetime.combine(
                    d_time(time_checkin)) and not order.is_reserved:
                color = 'paid__'
                color = 'actual'

            if order.order_client_id == 9999:
                color = 'repair'

            for i in range(right - left + 1):
                line[left + i] = [color, order.id]

        matrix.append([bed[2], line])

    # строка названия месяца/месяцев. если для названия мало места (1-2 дня попадает) то пустая строка
    month_line = []
    colspan = 1
    month_names = [
        '', 'январь', 'февраль', 'март', 'апрель', 'май', 'июнь', 'июль',
        'август', 'сентябрь', 'октябрь', 'ноябрь', 'декабрь'
    for i in range(interval):
        if (start_date + timedelta(i + 1)).day == 1 or i == interval - 1:
            month = month_names[(start_date +
                                 timedelta(i)).month] if colspan > 1 else ''
            month_line.append([month, colspan])
            colspan = 1
            colspan += 1

    return {
        'matrix': matrix,
        'date_days': date_days,
        'week_days': week_days,
        'month_line': month_line,
        'half_interval': int(interval / 2),
        'start_date': start_date
コード例 #24
                ors_placed[strike] = {instrument_type + '_buy_value': position['buy_price']}

    return ors_placed

record_file = 'F:/Trading_Responses/instruments' + datetime.today().strftime("%Y_%m_%d") + '.txt'

# Initialise
kite = util.intialize_kite_api()

# orders_placed = fetch_positions_set_orders_placed(kite)
orders_placed = {}

last_spot_price = kite.quote(SPOT)[SPOT]['last_price']

STRADDLE_LAST_TIME = d_time (12, 0, 0, 0)
indian_timezone = timezone('Asia/Calcutta')
while datetime.now (indian_timezone).time () < util.MARKET_START_TIME:

while True:
        symbols = get_atm_strike_symbols(last_spot_price, orders_placed)

        quotes = kite.quote(symbols)

        records = {}
        curr_time = datetime.now()

        for nse_option_id, quote in quotes.items():