def select_all(table): from db import conn, cur sql = "select * from " + table cur.execute(sql) conn.commit() lines = cur.fetchall() return lines
def uinfo(): if request.method == "POST": form = request.form username = session["username"] if "email" in form: curr.execute("UPDATE users SET email=%s WHERE username=%s", [form["email"],username]) else: if not "newpassword" in form or not "oldpassword" in form or not "password2" in form: flash("Please fill in all three entries to change your password", "danger") return render_template("userinfo.html", thispage='userinfo', username=session["username"]) if form["newpassword"] != form["password2"]: flash("Your new and confirmation passwords do not match", "danger") return render_template("userinfo.html", thispage='userinfo', username=session["username"]) curr.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=%s AND passwd_hash=%s", [username, hashlib.sha256(form["oldpassword"]).hexdigest()]) if not curr.fetchone(): flash("Your old password is incorrect", "danger") return render_template("userinfo.html", thispage='userinfo', username=session["username"]) curr.execute("UPDATE users SET passwd_hash=%s WHERE username=%s", [hashlib.sha256(form["newpassword"]).hexdigest(), username]) conn.commit() username = session["username"] curr.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=%s", [username]) u = curr.fetchone() wp_username = u[2] email = u[4] return render_template("userinfo.html", thispage='userinfo', username=session["username"], wp_username=wp_username, email=email)
def delete(name): #This function should return a value indicating success of failure sql = "DELETE FROM project WHERE name='" + name + "';" c = conn.cursor() c.execute(sql) conn.commit() shutil.rmtree("./projects/" + name + "/")
def create_account(username, password, email, wp_username): """ Create an account given a username/password combination. """ cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT username, email FROM users") fall = cur.fetchall() usernames = [matching[0] for matching in fall] emails = [matching[1] for matching in fall] if username in usernames or len(username) < 4 or len(email) < 7 or email in emails: return False registration_uuid = uuid.uuid1() emsg = PMMail(api_key = os.environ.get('POSTMARK_API_KEY'), subject = "Welcome to wedge!", sender = "*****@*****.**", to = email, text_body = """Hello! Welcome to wedge, the Wikipedia game. You can get going immediately; wedge will track all your Wikipedia edits and automatically classify them. Good luck, and edit well! In order to use your account, please click this link to verify your account: -- The wedge team""" % (registration_uuid), tag = "welcome") emsg.send() passwd_hash = hashlib.sha256(password).hexdigest() cur.execute("INSERT INTO users (username, passwd_hash, email, wp_username, enabled, reguuid) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (username, passwd_hash, email, wp_username, False, registration_uuid.hex)) conn.commit() cur.close() return True
def check(f, wpusername): result = f(wpusername) if result: name = query = "INSERT INTO achievements (uid, name) VALUES ((SELECT uid FROM users WHERE wp_username=%s), %s)" cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(query, (wpusername, name)) conn.commit()
def save_student(student_name, point, major, student_class, age): sql = """ insert into students(student_name, point, major, student_class, age) VALUES(%s, %s,%s,%s,%s); """ cur.execute(sql, (student_name, point, major, student_class, age)) conn.commit()
def commit_history(self): # first delete any old stored history # note that if the max lines config variable is shortened that some history will hang around # I don't see this as a huge problem session.execute('DELETE FROM history LIMIT %d' % len(self.history) ) # now insert everything we have stored so far session.executemany( 'INSERT INTO history VALUES (?,?,?)', self.history) conn.commit()
def shutdown(self): self.proto.send('Exiting. Good bye.','channel') self.proto.close() self.mem.commit_history() # make sure we store all the history of this session # close up anything in the db as well conn.commit() conn.close()
def get_meanings(word): query = f"SELECT meaning FROM dictionary WHERE expression='{word.lower()}'" print(query) cur.execute(query) conn.commit() meanings = cur.fetchone() if meanings: meanings = meanings[0].replace('{', '').replace('}', '').split(',') return meanings
def materials_mining(): cursor.execute("SELECT metal, id FROM user_game") metal_db = cursor.fetchall() for x in metal_db: metal_value = 0.2 metal = float(x[0]) + metal_value cursor.execute("UPDATE game SET metal = " + str(metal) + " WHERE id = " + str(x[1]) + "") conn.commit()
def forget_all(self,keyvalue): phrase = self.get_phrase_by_text(keyvalue) try: session.execute('DELETE FROM responses WHERE phrase_id=?',[phrase['id']]) session.execute('DELETE FROM phrase WHERE phrase_id=?',[phrase['id']] ) conn.commit() except (AttributeError,KeyError): raise PhraseNotFound('That phrase does not exist') return True
def forget_response(self,keyvalue,response): phrase = self.get_phrase_by_text(keyvalue) try: response = self.get_response_by_text(response, phrase['id']) try: response_id = response['id'] session.execute('DELETE FROM responses WHERE id=?',[response_id]) conn.commit() except (AttributeError,KeyError): raise ResponseNotFound('That response does not exist') except (AttributeError,KeyError): raise PhraseNotFound('That phrase does not exist')
def compile_training_data(): curr.execute("SELECT added, deled, is_good FROM training_diffs") #format {"word": [a_spam, d_spam, a_good, d_good]} words = {} print "Begin sum words" for row in curr.fetchall(): added = row[0].lower() deled = row[1].lower() added_words = re.findall(r'[\w]+', added) deled_words = re.findall(r'[\w]+', deled) for word in added_words: if is_blacklisted(word): continue if word not in words: words[word] = get_word_status(word) if row[2] == 0: words[word][0] += 1 else: words[word][2] += 1 for word in deled_words: if is_blacklisted(word): continue if word not in words: words[word] = get_word_status(word) if row[2] == 0: words[word][1] += 1 else: words[word][3] += 1 print "Begin commit word updates" curr.execute("DELETE FROM training_words") for word in words: word_data = words[word] curr.execute("INSERT INTO training_words (word, add_spam, add_good, del_spam, del_good) \ VALUES (%(word)s, %(aspam)s, %(agood)s, %(dspam)s, %(dgood)s)", {"word":word, "aspam": word_data[0], "dspam":word_data[1], "agood":word_data[2], "dgood":word_data[3]}) conn.commit() print "Begin commiting probabilities" curr.execute("SELECT sum(add_spam) + sum(add_good) + sum(del_spam) + sum(del_good) FROM training_words LIMIT 1") zum = curr.fetchone() zum = zum[0] curr.execute("DELETE FROM classifier_cache") curr.execute("SELECT word, add_spam, add_good, del_spam, del_good FROM training_words") for row in curr.fetchall(): curr.execute("INSERT INTO classifier_cache (word, p_add_spam, p_add_good, p_del_spam, p_del_good) VALUES \ (%(word)s, %(aspam)s::float/%(sum)s, %(agood)s::float/%(sum)s, %(dspam)s::float/%(sum)s, %(dgood)s::float/%(sum)s)", {"word" : row[0], "aspam":row[1]*1000.0, "agood":row[2]*1000.0, "dspam":row[3]*1000.0, "dgood":row[4]*1000.0, "sum":zum}) conn.commit() print "Done"
async def harambe(self, message: discord.Message) -> None: """forever in our ~~memes~~ hearts""" if message.server is None: return server_id = c.execute('select * from harambe where server=?', (server_id, )) result = c.fetchone() # result: [ server_id, last, number, chain, max ] if result is not None: # previous server # message.timestamp is a native datetime.datetime object # so in the database we are storing a datetime.datetime object # (=> str(datetime.datetime), it's a string-encoded ISO-based date) d_last = datetime.datetime.strptime(result[1], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') d_new = message.timestamp d_diff = d_new - d_last if d_diff.days >= 2: # update last in db c.execute( '''update harambe set last=?, number=number+1, chain=0 where server=?''', (str(d_new), server_id)) conn.commit() await, 'days since harambe was last mentioned: ' '%s --> 0' % d_diff.days) elif d_diff.days == 1: if result[3] >= result[4]: c.execute('update harambe set max=?', (result[3] + 1, )) c.execute( '''update harambe set last=?, number=number+1, chain=chain+1 where server=?''', (str(d_new), server_id)) conn.commit() await, 'daily harambe chain: %s' % str(result[3] + 1)) else: c.execute( '''update harambe set number=number+1 where server=?''', (server_id, )) conn.commit() else: d_new = message.timestamp c.execute( '''insert into harambe values (?, ?, 1, 0, 0)''', (server_id, str(d_new))) conn.commit()
def read_from_sql(token_id, begin, end, query): params = { "token_id": token_id, "begin": parse_timestamp(begin), "end": parse_timestamp(end), "default_status": default_status } df = pd.read_sql(con=conn, sql=query, params=params, parse_dates=True, index_col='createdAt') conn.commit() return df
def inserir_versao(versao): try: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( "insert into VERSAO (MAJOR, MINOR, BANCO, DATA, DESENVOLVIMENTO, " + "PRODUCAO, HABILITADA) " + "values (%s::bigint, %s::bigint, %s::bigint, %s, %s, " + "%s, %s)", (versao.major, versao.minor, versao.banco,,,, versao.habilitada)) cur.close() conn.commit() return "Ok" except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: logging.error(error) return str(error)
def fill_table(name, passwd): metal = "1" stone = "5" hel3 = "8" rubbish = "22" gold = "0" silicon = "0" premium = str(, 8, 12)) cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO user_game (login, password, metal, stone, hel3, rubbish, gold, silicon, premium, experience) VALUES " "('" + name + "','" + passwd + "','" + metal + "','" + stone + "','" + hel3 + "','" + rubbish + "','" + gold + "','" + silicon + "','" + premium + "','0')") conn.commit()
async def set_message(self, from_chat_id: int, to_chat_id: int, from_message_id: int, to_message_id: int): """ :param from_chat_id: chat_id of the origin message. :param to_chat_id: chat_id of the message the bot just forwarded. :param from_message_id: message_id of the origin message. :param to_message_id: message_id of the message the bot just forwarded. :return: True """ cur.execute(f"INSERT INTO msgs_to_{to_chat_id} VALUES (?,?,?)", (from_chat_id, from_message_id, to_message_id)) conn.commit()
async def writeNote(event): if '/note@best_open_bot' in event.raw_text or '/note' in event.raw_text: text = event.raw_text.split('/note')[1] if text == '': await event.reply( 'Write name and note!\n\n/note <name_of_note> <note>') elif len(text.split(' ')) == 2: await event.reply('Write note!\n\n/note <name_of_note> <note>') else: name = text.split(' ')[1] note_text = text.split(name + ' ')[1] cur.execute( f"""INSERT INTO notes (NAME, TEXT) VALUES('{name}', '{note_text}');""" ) conn.commit() await event.reply('Note has been saved')
def verifye(): if not request.args or not "key" in request.args: return redirect("/") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT reguuid, username, enabled FROM users where reguuid::text=%s", (request.args["key"],)) results = cur.fetchone() if not results: flash("UUID not found in database; if you came here from a registration email, please check that you have entered the URL correctly. %s" % (request.args["key"]), "danger") return redirect("/") elif results[2] == 1: flash("Account already enabled.", "warning") return redirect("/") cur.execute("UPDATE users SET enabled=%s WHERE reguuid=%s", (True, results[0])) conn.commit() cur.close() flash("%s, your account has been successfully activated. Please log in." % (results[1]), "success") return redirect("/login")
async def f(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None: """pays respects""" u = (, ) c.execute('select * from respect where user=?', u) u_ = c.fetchone() if u_ is not None: # user exists in db; increase respect c.execute('update respect set f=f+1 where user=?', u) conn.commit() else: # user does not exist in db c.execute('insert into respect values(?, 1)', u) conn.commit() await '%s p-p-pays their respects... all that respect just for little me...' %
def inserir_script(script): try: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( "insert into SCRIPT (VERSAOOID, TIPOSCRIPTOID, DESCRICAO, CODIGO, SKIP, " + "TIPOBANCO, OLDCODIGO, ORDEM, BANCO) " + "values (%s::bigint, %s::bigint, %s, %s, %s, " + "%s, %s, %s::bigint, %s)", (script.versao_id, script.tipo_script_id, script.descricao, script.codigo, script.skip, script.tipobanco, script.oldcodigo, script.ordem, script.banco)) cur.close() conn.commit() return "Ok" except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: logging.error(error) return str(error)
def process_diff(diffiduser): try: diffid, user = diffiduser except: return cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT wp_username FROM users") rusers = [r[0] for r in cur.fetchall()] if user not in rusers: return diff = get_diff_for_diffid(diffid) zum = 0 for f in score_funcs: zum += f(diff[0], diff[1]) cur.execute("INSERT INTO edits (username, added, deled, score, page_title, summary) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (user, diff[0], diff[1], zum, diff[2], diff[3])) conn.commit() cur.close() achievements.check_all_achievements(user)
def run_nmap(): # function to run nmap scan c = conn.cursor() return #TODO: Remove this, only here because the standard nmap package doesn't seem to implement this functionality nm = nmap.PortScanner() # init #Hardcode this or employ proper configuration for stuff nm.scan(hosts=project.current[2], ports=project.current[3], arguments=settings[int(project.current[4])]) iternmcsv = iter(nm.csv().splitlines()) next(iternmcsv) for row in iternmcsv: if(row.split(';')[6] == "open"): cmd = "INSERT INTO r_nmap VALUES (NULL, " + str(project.current[0]) + ", datetime('now', 'localtime')" for entr in row.split(';'): cmd += ", '" + entr + "'" cmd += ", 0);" c.execute(cmd) conn.commit()
def getNewMessages(): cur.execute( ''' SELECT time_stamp, message_type, message FROM emergency_message WHERE reviewed = FALSE; ''' ) messages = cur.fetchall() message_count = len(messages) if message_count == 0: return False message_string = '%s new emergency messages have been added to the database!\n\n----------------------------------------\n' % ( str(message_count)) for message in messages: message_string += '''message time: {0}\n message type: {1}\n message: {2}\n------------------------------------\n '''.format( *message) cur.execute(''' UPDATE emergency_message SET reviewed = TRUE; ''') conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() return message_string
def inserir_item_versao(item_versao): try: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( "insert into ITENSVERSAO (VERSAOOID, DEVOID, TICKETOID, PROJECTOID, MODULO, " + "APLICACAO, RELEASE, DESCRICAO, TESTE, DATA) " + "values (%s::bigint, %s::bigint, %s, %s, %s, " + "%s, %s::bigint, %s, %s, %s)", (item_versao.versao_id, item_versao.dev_id, item_versao.ticket, item_versao.projeto, item_versao.modulo, item_versao.aplicacao, item_versao.release, item_versao.descricao, item_versao.teste, cur.close() conn.commit() return "Ok" except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: logging.error(error) return str(error)
def create_table(): cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_game " "(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, " "login TEXT, " "password TEXT, " "metal TEXT, " "stone TEXT, " "hel3 TEXT, " "rubbish TEXT, " "gold TEXT, " "silicon TEXT, " "premium TEXT," "experience TEXT)") cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS builds " "(id TEXT, " "name_1 TEXT, " "name_2 TEXT)") conn.commit()
def load_muni_locations(): files = os.listdir("../munipings") for f in files: timestamp, _ = f.split(".") content = open("../munipings/" + f, 'r').read() try: parsed_data = parse_muni_data(content) for vehicle in parsed_data: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( "INSERT INTO muni_locations VALUES (%i, to_timestamp(%i), '%s', '%s', ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(%f %f)'), %i, %i, %i)" % (int(vehicle.vehicle_id), int(timestamp), vehicle.route_tag, vehicle.direction_tag, float(vehicle.lon), float(, int(vehicle.heading), int( vehicle.speed), int(vehicle.secs_since_report))) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) print("Broken file: %s" % timestamp)
def train(revid2=None): if request.method=="POST": form = request.form constructive = form["constructive"] revid = form["diffid"] addedstring, deledstring, title, summary = get_diff_for_diffid(revid) cur.execute("INSERT INTO training_diffs (added, deled, is_good) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (addedstring, deledstring, constructive)) conn.commit() while not revid2: revid2 = randint(45000000, 58500000) c = urlopen("" % revid2).read() c = json.loads(c) if "pages" not in c["query"]: revid2 = None continue pages = c["query"]["pages"] diff = pages.values()[0]["revisions"][0]["diff"]["*"] comment = pages.values()[0]["revisions"][0]["comment"] print comment return render_template("train.html", diff=diff, diffid=revid2, editsummary=comment)
def build(self): cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM builds") result = cursor.fetchall() if not result: cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO builds (id, name_1, name_2) VALUES ('" + str( + "','0','0')") conn.commit() else: for x in result: if int(x[0]) == self.name_1 = x[1] self.name_2 = x[2] break else: print("erroro") cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO builds (id, name_1, name_2) VALUES ('" + str( + "','0','0')") conn.commit()
def saveXML(self): print('Storing new xml elements into the database') for insert_dict in self.insert_dict_list: insert_string = ''' INSERT INTO emergency_message (message_id, time_stamp, message_type, region_area, canceled_time_stamp, message) VALUES ('{messageId}', '{timestamp}', '{message_type}', '{regionArea}', '{canceledTimestamp}', '{message}' ) '''.format(**insert_dict) try: cur.execute(insert_string) except: print('duplicate entry') conn.commit()
def process_results(queue, args): conn = psycopg2.connect(**db_args) cur = conn.cursor() while True: item = queue.get() if item is None: return boxes, meta, VERSION = item (roff, coff, filename, valid_geom, done, height, width, img_geom) = meta img_geom = shape(img_geom) bounds = img_geom.bounds ref_point = (bounds[3], bounds[0]) # top left corner for _, r in boxes.iterrows(): minx, miny = raster_to_proj(r.x1 + coff, r.y1 + roff, img_geom, ref_point) maxx, maxy = raster_to_proj(r.x2 + coff, r.y2 + roff, img_geom, ref_point) building = box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy) cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO buildings.buildings (filename, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, roff, coff, score, project, ts, version, geom) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s::uuid, ST_GeomFromText(%s, 4326)) """, (filename, int(r.x1), int(r.y1), int(r.x2), int(r.y2), roff, coff, r.score,, args.ts, VERSION, building.wkt)) if done: cur.execute( "UPDATE buildings.images SET last_tested=%s WHERE project=%s AND filename=%s", (args.ts,, filename)) conn.commit() print('Committed image: %s' % filename)
def crwal_main(): start_ts = get_timestamp_s() try: with conn.cursor() as cursor: # get last task id try: sql = 'select * from crwal_task order by id desc limit 1;' cursor.execute(sql) result = cursor.fetchone() last_task_id = result[0] conn.commit() except Exception as e: conn.rollback() raise e task_id = last_task_id + 1 # get last url id try: sql = 'select * from egg_price order by url_id desc limit 1;' cursor.execute(sql) result = cursor.fetchone() last_url_id = result[0] conn.commit() except Exception as e: conn.rollback() raise e # insert task into db sql = 'insert into crwal_task values ({0},{1},{2},{3},"crwaling","")'.format( task_id, start_ts, 0, last_url_id, task_id) try: cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() except Exception as e: conn.rollback() raise e print("Crwal task " + str(task_id) + " start at " + get_time_str(start_ts)) print("Last url id is " + str(last_url_id)) # try crwal url_id = last_url_id + 1 err_count = 0 while True: # exit if err_count > 10: print( "More than 10 errors occurr continuously, end crwal task " + str(task_id)) break # make soup and find string html = urlopen("" + str(url_id)).read().decode("GBK") soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="lxml") string = soup.find('div', {"class": "sner"}) if string: string = string.get_text() else: print("Fail to obtain data from url_id " + str(url_id) + ", ec: " + str(err_count)) err_count += 1 time.sleep(1) continue # pick date location price from string date = re.findall(r"据鸡蛋价格网统计,(\d{4})年(\d{2})月(\d{2})日", string) location = re.findall(r"据鸡蛋价格网统计,\d{4}年\d{2}月\d{2}日(.+)鸡蛋价格", string) price = re.findall( r"据鸡蛋价格网统计,\d{4}年\d{2}月\d{2}日.+鸡蛋价格为:(\d+.?\d+)元/公斤", string) # try pick try: date_str = '{0}-{1}-{2}'.format(date[0][0], date[0][1], date[0][2]) location_str = location[0] price_str = price[0] except Exception as e: print(e) print("Fail to obtain data from url_id " + str(url_id) + ", ec: " + str(err_count)) err_count += 1 time.sleep(1) continue # insert price into db try: sql = 'insert into egg_price values ({0},"{1}","{2}",{3},{4})'.format( url_id, date_str, location_str, price_str, task_id) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() except Exception as e: conn.rollback() raise e print("Successfully added data " + date_str + " " + location_str + " " + price_str + " from url_id " + str(url_id)) url_id += 1 err_count = 0 time.sleep(0.1) # crwal end end_ts = get_timestamp_s() try: sql = 'update crwal_task set end_time = {0}, status = "finished" where id = {1}'.format( end_ts, task_id) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() except Exception as e: conn.rollback() raise e print("Crwal task " + str(task_id) + " end at " + get_time_str(end_ts)) except Exception as e: print(e) end_ts = get_timestamp_s() print("Crwal task " + str(task_id) + " end at " + get_time_str(end_ts))
) #BeautifulSoup - это обертка для парсинга, он принимает два значения: 1)html код парсинга 2)тип парсера который следует использовать lxml - Python биндинг популярнойи и очень быстрой С библиотеки collect = soup.find_all( 'a', class_='link_gtm-js link_pageevents-js ddl_product_link') #product_links = (tag.get('href') for tag in collect.find('a'))#Берем ссылки классов тегов, как бы обошли сам тег а и взли только его ссылки for link in collect: linka = link.get('href') print(linka) get_product_info(linka) #вызываем функцию try: if data['price'] == -1: continue cur = conn.cursor() # создаём объект для работы с запросами o = int( data['price'].replace(" ", "") ) # на сайте цена в виде строки мы приводим её к числовому типу и удаляем пробелы из неё cur.execute( sql, (data['link'], data['name'], o) ) # преобразуем строку, попутно подставляя в неё переменные в запрос conn.commit( ) #отправляем запрос в базу данных, для изменения данных time.sleep(20) except MySQLdb.Error as err: print("Query error: {}".format( err)) #выводит ошибку если она есть conn.rollback() #отменяет изменения cur.close() #закрывает курсор conn.close() #закрывает коннект except MySQLdb.Error as err: print("Connection error: {}".format(err)) conn.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python from db import conn import os, sys, json, base64 TABLE = os.getenv("TABLE", 'data') assert TABLE == "data" or TABLE == "suggestions" if __name__ == "__main__": for f in sys.argv[1:]: bn = os.path.basename(f) print "uploading", f, "as", bn dat = "data:image/png;base64,"+base64.b64encode(open(f).read()) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("INSERT into "+TABLE+" (name, data) VALUES (%s, %s)", (bn, dat)) conn.commit() cur.close()
def save_users(email, password): sql = "insert into users(email, password)VALUES(%s, %s)" % (email, password) cur.execute(sql) conn.commit()
def del_student(id): sql = "delete from students where id=%s" cur.execute(sql,(id,)) conn.commit()
def create(name, hosts, ports, prots, http_s): # function to create a project c = conn.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO project VALUES (NULL, '" + name + "', '" + hosts + "', '" + ports + "', '" + prots + "', '" + http_s + "');") conn.commit() os.makedirs("./projects/" + name)