def index(request): config = Config() conn = Connection(config.getConfig('db')) db = conn.getDatabase('biglittle') main = render_to_string('home.html') home = render_to_string('layout.html', {'contents': main}) return HttpResponse(home)
def index(request): config = Config() conn = Connection(config.getConfig('db')) db = conn.getDatabase() html = '<h1>Welcome to Book Someplace!</h1>' html += '<hr>' html += '<ul>' import pprint for item in db.common.find() : html += '<li>' + pprint.saferepr(item) + '</li>' html += '</ul>' main = render_to_string('home.html') home = render_to_string('layout.html', {'contents' : main}) return HttpResponse(home)
def __init__(self, config, result_class=None, publisher=None): if config.getConfig('db'): db_conf = config.getConfig('db') if result_class == 'User': conn = Connection(db_conf['host'], db_conf['port'], User) elif result_class == 'Loan': conn = Connection(db_conf['host'], db_conf['port'], Loan) else: conn = Connection(db_conf['host'], db_conf['port']) else: conn = Connection() self.db = conn.getDatabase(self.dbName) self.publisher = publisher self.collection = conn.getCollection(self.collectName)
def __init__(self, config): if config.getConfig('db'): conn = Connection(config.getConfig('db')) else: conn = Connection() self.db = conn.getDatabase(self.dbName) self.collection = conn.getCollection(self.collectName)
# testing database connection to collection # tell python where to find module source code import pprint import os, sys sys.path.append(os.path.realpath("src")) from config.config import Config from db.mongodb.connection import Connection # setting up the connection + collection conn = Connection('localhost', 27017) common = conn.getCollection('biglittle.common') # testing common collection query result = common.find() for item in result: pprint.pprint(item) key = 'paymentLen' query = {'key': key} result = common.find_one(query) print('Value for ' + key + ':') pprint.pprint(result.get('value'))
from web.responder import Html html_out = Html('templates/index.html') # check for form posting import cgi form = cgi.FieldStorage() if 'username' in form and 'password' in form: # pull username and pasword username = form['username'].value password = form['password'].value # do imports for authentication from web.auth import SimpleAuth from db.mongodb.connection import Connection from sweetscomplete.domain.customer import CustomerService from sweetscomplete.entity.customer import Customer # create CustomerService instance conn = Connection('localhost', 27017, Customer) cust_service = CustomerService(conn, 'sweetscomplete') # perform simple auth auth = SimpleAuth(cust_service, sess_storage) if auth.authenticate(username, password): success = True html_out.addHeader('Set-Cookie: token=' + auth.getToken() + ';path=/') message = "<b>HOORAY! Successful Login.</b>" else: message = "<b>SORRY! Unable to Login.</b>" # output login form + message html_out.addInsert('%message%', message) print(html_out.render())
# testing database connection to sweetscomplete.customer collection # tell python where to find module source code import os, sys sys.path.append(os.path.realpath("src")) from db.mongodb.connection import Connection from sweetscomplete.entity.product import Product # setting up the connection + collection conn = Connection('localhost', 27017, Product) prodCollect = conn.getCollection("sweetscomplete.products") # testing products collection query result = prodCollect.find_one() print("\nResult from Query:") print('Class: ' + str(type(result))) print('Key: ' + result.getKey()) print('Title: ' + result.getTitle()) print('Category: ' + result.get('category')) print('JSON: ' + result.toJson(['productPhoto']))
cgitb.enable(display=1, logdir=".") # custom imports from web.responder import Html from web.auth import SimpleAuth from db.mongodb.connection import Connection from sweetscomplete.domain.customer import CustomerService from sweetscomplete.entity.customer import Customer from sweetscomplete.domain.product import ProductService from sweetscomplete.entity.product import Product from sweetscomplete.entity.product_purchased import ProductPurchased from sweetscomplete.domain.purchase import PurchaseService from sweetscomplete.entity.purchase import Purchase # create CustomerService instance cust_conn = Connection('localhost', 27017, Customer) cust_service = CustomerService(cust_conn, 'sweetscomplete') prod_conn = Connection('localhost', 27017, Product) prod_service = ProductService(prod_conn, 'sweetscomplete') purch_conn = Connection('localhost', 27017, Purchase) purch_service = PurchaseService(purch_conn, 'sweetscomplete') # init vars sess_storage = os.path.realpath("../data") auth = SimpleAuth(cust_service, sess_storage) cust = auth.getIdentity() html_out = Html('templates/purchase.html') # go to login page if not authenticated if not cust: print("Location: /chapter_05/\r\n")
# enable error display import cgitb cgitb.enable(display=1, logdir='../data') # custom imports from config.config import Config from web.responder.html import HtmlResponder from db.mongodb.connection import Connection from sweetscomplete.domain.product import ProductService from sweetscomplete.entity.product import Product # create CustomerService instance config = Config() db_config = config.getConfig('db') prod_conn = Connection(db_config['host'], db_config['port'], Product) prod_service = ProductService(prod_conn, db_config['database']) # HTML output message = 'SORRY! Unable to find information on this product' response = HtmlResponder('templates/details.html') # check for form posting import cgi form = cgi.FieldStorage() if 'product' in form: # get product key key = form['product'].value
cgitb.enable(display=1, logdir='../data') # custom imports from config.config import Config from web.responder.html import HtmlResponder from web.auth import SimpleAuth from db.mongodb.connection import Connection from sweetscomplete.domain.customer import CustomerService from sweetscomplete.entity.customer import Customer from sweetscomplete.domain.product import ProductService from sweetscomplete.entity.product import Product # create CustomerService instance config = Config() db_config = config.getConfig('db') cust_conn = Connection(db_config['host'], db_config['port'], Customer) cust_service = CustomerService(cust_conn, db_config['database']) prod_conn = Connection(db_config['host'], db_config['port'], Product) prod_service = ProductService(prod_conn, db_config['database']) # init vars auth = SimpleAuth(cust_service, config.getConfig('session_storage')) cust = auth.getIdentity() # HTML output response = HtmlResponder('templates/select.html') response.addInsert('%message%', '<br>') response.addInsert('%ajax_url%', config.getConfig('ajax_url')) # output if cust :
# sweetscomplete.entity.product.Product read/add/edit/delete # tell python where to find module source code import os,sys sys.path.append(os.path.realpath("src")) import pprint from db.mongodb.connection import Connection from datetime import date from sweetscomplete.entity.product import Product from sweetscomplete.domain.product import ProductService # setting up the connection + collection conn = Connection('localhost',27017,Product) service = ProductService(conn, 'sweetscomplete') # initialize test data key = '00000000' doc = '''\ { "productKey" : "%key%", "productPhoto": "TEST", "skuNumber" : "TEST0000", "category" : "test", "title" : "Test", "description" : "test", "price" : 1.11, "unit" : "test", "costPerUnit" : 2.22, "unitsOnHand" : 333
cgitb.enable(display=1, logdir=".") # custom imports from config.config import Config from web.responder.html import HtmlResponder from web.auth import SimpleAuth from db.mongodb.connection import Connection from sweetscomplete.domain.customer import CustomerService from sweetscomplete.entity.customer import Customer from sweetscomplete.domain.purchase import PurchaseService from sweetscomplete.entity.purchase import Purchase # create CustomerService instance using configuration class config = Config() db_config = config.getConfig('db') cust_conn = Connection(db_config['host'], db_config['port'], Customer) cust_service = CustomerService(cust_conn, db_config['database']) purch_conn = Connection(db_config['host'], db_config['port'], Purchase) purch_service = PurchaseService(purch_conn, db_config['database']) # init vars auth = SimpleAuth(cust_service, config.getConfig('session_storage')) cust = auth.getIdentity() response = HtmlResponder('templates/history.html') # get page number import cgi info = cgi.FieldStorage() if 'page' in info: pageNum = int(info['page'].value)