コード例 #1
    def authenticate_credentials(self, key):  # pylint:disable=arguments-differ
            auth_parts = base64.b64decode(key).decode('utf-8').split(
        except (TypeError, UnicodeDecodeError, binascii.Error):
            msg = 'Invalid basic header. Credentials not correctly base64 encoded.'
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

        if len(auth_parts) != 2:
            msg = 'Invalid token header. Token should contain token and uuid.'
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

        token = auth_parts[0]
        token_uuid = auth_parts[1]

        ephemeral_token = RedisEphemeralTokens(token_uuid)
        if not ephemeral_token:
            msg = 'Invalid token.'
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

        scope = ephemeral_token.scope
        if not ephemeral_token.check_token(token=token):
            msg = 'Invalid token header'
            raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)

        return EphemeralUser(scope=scope), None
コード例 #2
    def test_objects(self):
        token = RedisEphemeralTokens()
        assert token.key is not None
        assert token.redis_key == RedisEphemeralTokens.KEY_EPHEMERAL_TOKENS.format(

        assert token.get_state() is None
        assert token.salt is None
        assert token.ttl is None
        assert token.scope is None

        token = RedisEphemeralTokens.generate(
            scope=token.get_scope(1, 'experiment', 1))

        assert token.get_state() is not None
        assert token.salt is not None
        assert token.ttl == conf.get(TTL_EPHEMERAL_TOKEN)
        assert token.scope == token.get_scope(1, 'experiment', 1)
        assert token.check_token('foo') is False
        # Checking delete the token
        assert token.get_state() is None

        token = RedisEphemeralTokens.generate(
            scope=token.get_scope(1, 'experiment', 1))
        assert token.check_token(None) is False
        # Checking delete the token
        assert token.get_state() is None

        token = RedisEphemeralTokens.generate(
            scope=token.get_scope(1, 'experiment', 1))
        valid = RedisEphemeralTokens.make_token(token)
        assert token.check_token(valid) is True

        # Checking delete the token
        assert token.get_state() is None
        assert token.salt is None
        assert token.ttl is None
        assert token.scope is None