コード例 #1
ファイル: serve.py プロジェクト: saraedum/sage-patchbot
def ticket_list():
    authors = None
    machine = None
    if 'query' in request.args:
        query = json.loads(request.args.get('query'))
        status = request.args.get('status', 'needs_review')
        if status == 'all':
            query = {}
        elif status in ('new', 'closed'):
            query = {'status': {'$regex': status + '.*' }}
        elif status in ('open'):
            query = {'status': {'$regex': 'needs_.*|positive_review' }}
            query = {'status': status}
        if 'todo' in request.args:
            query['patches'] = {'$not': {'$size': 0}}
            query['spkgs'] = {'$size': 0}
        if 'authors' in request.args:
            authors = request.args.get('authors').split(':')
            query['authors'] = {'$in': authors}
        if 'machine' in request.args:
            machine = request.args.get('machine').split('/')
            query['reports.machine'] = machine
    if 'order' in request.args:
        order = request.args.get('order')
        order = 'last_activity'
    if 'base' in request.args:
        base = request.args.get('base')
        if base == 'all':
            base = None
        base = 'latest'
    if 'author' in request.args:
        query['authors'] = request.args.get('author')
    if 'participant' in request.args:
        query['participants'] = request.args.get('participant')
    all = patchbot.filter_on_authors(tickets.find(query).sort(order), authors)
    if 'raw' in request.args:
        if 'pretty' in request.args:
            indent = 4
            indent = None
        response = make_response(json.dumps(list(all), default=lambda x: None, indent=indent))
        response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/plain'
        return response
    summary = dict((key, 0) for key in status_order)
    def preprocess(all):
        for ticket in all:
            ticket['report_count'], ticket['report_status'], ticket['report_status_composite'] = get_ticket_status(ticket, machine=machine, base=base or 'latest')
            if 'reports' in ticket:
                ticket['pending'] = len([r for r in ticket['reports'] if r['status'] == 'Pending'])
            summary[ticket['report_status']] += 1
            yield ticket
    ticket0 = db.lookup_ticket(0)
    versions = list(set(report['base'] for report in ticket0['reports']))
    versions = [(v, get_ticket_status(ticket0, v)) for v in versions if v != '4.7.']
    return render_template("ticket_list.html", tickets=preprocess(all), summary=summary, base=base, base_status=get_ticket_status(db.lookup_ticket(0), base), versions=versions, status_order=status_order)
コード例 #2
ファイル: serve.py プロジェクト: saraedum/sage-patchbot
 def format_info(info):
     new_info = {}
     for key, value in info.items():
         if key == 'patches':
             new_info['patches'] = format_patches(ticket, value)
         elif key == 'reports' or key == 'pending':
         elif key == 'depends_on':
             deps_status = {}
             for dep in tickets.find({'id': {'$in': [int(a) for a in value]}}, ['status', 'id']):
                 if 'closed' in dep['status']:
                     dep['style'] = 'text-decoration: line-through'
                     dep['style'] = ''
                 deps_status[dep['id']] = dep
             new_info[key] = ', '.join("<img src='/ticket/%s/status.png?fast' height=16><a href='/ticket/%s' style='%s'>%s</a>" % (a, a, deps_status[a]['style'], a) for a in value)
         elif key == 'authors':
             new_info[key] = ', '.join("<a href='/ticket/?author=%s'>%s</a>" % (a,a) for a in value)
         elif key == 'participants':
             new_info[key] = ', '.join("<a href='/ticket/?participant=%s'>%s</a>" % (a,a) for a in value)
         elif isinstance(value, list):
             new_info[key] = ', '.join(value)
         elif key not in ('id', '_id'):
             new_info[key] = value
     return new_info
コード例 #3
ファイル: serve.py プロジェクト: embray/sage-patchbot
def machines():
    list of recently working machines, with some statistics
    # aggregate requires server version >= 2.1.0
    query = get_query(request.args)
    if 'authors' in request.args:
        authors = request.args.get('authors').split(':')
        authors = None
    all = filter_on_authors(tickets.find(query).limit(100), authors)
    machines = {}
    for ticket in all:
        for report in ticket.get('reports', []):
            machine = tuple(report['machine'])
            if machine in machines:
                stats = machines[machine]
                stats = machines[machine] = MachineStats(machine)
            stats.add_report(report, ticket)
    all = []
    return render_template("machines.html",
                           status=request.args.get('status', 'needs_review'))
コード例 #4
ファイル: serve.py プロジェクト: rwst/patchbot
def trusted_authors():
    Defines the set of trusted authors

    Currently, somebody is trusted if he/she is the author of a closed patch with 'fixed' status
    authors = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for ticket in tickets.find({'status': 'closed : fixed'}):
        for author in ticket["authors"]:
            authors[author] += 1
    for ticket in tickets.find({'status': 'closed', 'resolution': 'fixed'}):
        for author in ticket["authors"]:
            authors[author] += 1
    if 'pretty' in request.args:
        indent = 4
        indent = None
    response = make_response(json.dumps(authors, default=lambda x: None, indent=indent))
    response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/plain'
    return response
コード例 #5
ファイル: serve.py プロジェクト: saraedum/sage-patchbot
def trusted_authors():
    authors = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for ticket in tickets.find({'status': 'closed : fixed'}):
        for author in ticket["authors"]:
            authors[author] += 1
    if 'pretty' in request.args:
        indent = 4
        indent = None
    response = make_response(json.dumps(authors, default=lambda x: None, indent=indent))
    response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/plain'
    return response
コード例 #6
ファイル: serve.py プロジェクト: fchapoton/sage-patchbot
def ticket_list():
    authors = None
    machine = None
    query = get_query(request.args)
    if 'machine' in request.args:
        machine = request.args.get('machine').split(':')
    if 'authors' in request.args:
        authors = request.args.get('authors').split(':')
    if 'order' in request.args:
        order = request.args.get('order')
        order = 'last_activity'
    limit = int(request.args.get('limit', 10000))
    print query
    if 'base' in request.args:
        base = request.args.get('base')
        if base == 'all':
            base = None
        base = 'latest'
    all = patchbot.filter_on_authors(tickets.find(query).sort(order).limit(limit), authors)
    if 'raw' in request.args:
        def filter_reports(all):
            for ticket in all:
                ticket['reports'] = list(reversed(sorted(current_reports(ticket), key=lambda report: parse_datetime(report['time']))))[:10]
                for report in ticket['reports']:
                    report['plugins'] = '...'
                yield ticket
        all = filter_reports(all)
        if 'pretty' in request.args:
            indent = 4
            indent = None
        response = make_response(json.dumps(list(all), default=lambda x: None, indent=indent))
        response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/plain'
        return response
    summary = dict((key, 0) for key in status_order)
    def preprocess(all):
        for ticket in all:
            ticket['report_count'], ticket['report_status'], ticket['report_status_composite'] = get_ticket_status(ticket, machine=machine, base=base or 'latest')
            if 'reports' in ticket:
                ticket['pending'] = len([r for r in ticket['reports'] if r['status'] == 'Pending'])
            summary[ticket['report_status']] += 1
            yield ticket
    ticket0 = db.lookup_ticket(0)
    versions = list(set(report['base'] for report in ticket0['reports']))
    versions = [(v, get_ticket_status(ticket0, v)) for v in versions if v != '4.7.']
    return render_template("ticket_list.html", tickets=preprocess(all), summary=summary, base=base, base_status=get_ticket_status(db.lookup_ticket(0), base), versions=versions, status_order=status_order, compare_version=compare_version)
コード例 #7
ファイル: serve.py プロジェクト: embray/sage-patchbot
    def format_info(info):
        new_info = {}
        for key, value in info.items():
            if key in ['patches', 'reports', 'pending']:
            elif key == 'depends_on':
                deps_status = {}

                def is_int(a):
                        return True
                    except ValueError:
                        return False
                for dep in tickets.find({'id': {'$in': [int(a) for a in value
                                                        if is_int(a)]}},
                                        ['status', 'id']):
                    if 'closed' in dep['status']:
                        dep['style'] = 'text-decoration: line-through'
                        dep['style'] = ''
                    deps_status[dep['id']] = dep
                new_info[key] = ', '.join("<img src='/ticket/%s/status.svg?fast' height=16><a href='/ticket/%s' style='%s'>%s</a>" % (a, a, deps_status[a]['style'], a) for a in value)
            elif key == 'authors':
                new_info[key] = ', '.join("<a href='/ticket/?author=%s'>%s</a>" % (a, a) for a in value)
            elif key == 'authors_fullnames':
                link = u"<a href='http://git.sagemath.org/sage.git/log/?qt=author&amp;q={}'>{}</a>"
                auths = u", ".join(link.format(a.replace(u" ", u"%20"), a)
                                   for a in value)
                trust_check = u"(<a href='/trust_check?who="
                trust_check += u",".join(u"{}".format(a) for a in value)
                trust_check += u"'>Check trust</a>) "
                new_info[key] = trust_check + auths
            elif key == 'participants':
                parts = ', '.join("<a href='/ticket/?participant=%s'>%s</a>" % (a, a) for a in value)
                new_info[key] = parts
            elif key == 'git_branch':
                new_info[key] = '<a href="http://git.sagemath.org/sage.git/log/?h=%s">%s</a>' % (value, value)
            elif key == 'spkgs':
                new_info[key] = ', '.join("<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (a, a) for a in value)
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                new_info[key] = ', '.join(value)
            elif key not in ('id', '_id'):
                new_info[key] = value
        return new_info
コード例 #8
ファイル: serve.py プロジェクト: embray/sage-patchbot
def compute_trusted_authors():
    Define the trusted authors.

    Currently, somebody is trusted if he/she is the author of a closed patch
    with 'fixed' status.

    The result is a dict, its keys being the trusted authors.

    This needs work ! We cannot rely on the branch names!
    authors = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for ticket in tickets.find({'status': 'closed', 'resolution': 'fixed'}):
        for author in ticket.get("authors_fullnames", []):
            a = author.strip()
            if a:
                authors[a] += 1
        # code below is temporary and for backward compatibility only
        for author in ticket.get("authors", []):
            a = author.strip()
            if a:
                authors[a] += 1
    return authors
コード例 #9
ファイル: serve.py プロジェクト: embray/sage-patchbot
def latest_base(betas=True):
    versions = list(tickets.find({'id': 0}).distinct('reports.base'))
    if not betas:
        versions = list(filter(re.compile(r'[0-9.]+$').match, versions))
    return versions[-1]
コード例 #10
ファイル: serve.py プロジェクト: embray/sage-patchbot
def ticket_list():
    authors = None
    machine = None

    if 'base' in request.args:
        base = request.args.get('base')
        if base == 'all':
            base = None
        elif base == 'develop':
            base = 'latest'
        base = 'latest'

    query = get_query(request.args)
    if 'machine' in request.args:
        machine = request.args.get('machine').split(':')
    if 'authors' in request.args:
        authors = request.args.get('authors').split(':')
    if 'order' in request.args:
        order = request.args.get('order')
        order = 'last_activity'
    limit = int(request.args.get('limit', 1000))

    all = filter_on_authors(tickets.find(query).sort(order).limit(limit), authors)
    if 'raw' in request.args:
        # raw json file for communication with patchbot clients
        def filter_reports(all):
            for ticket in all:
                current = sorted(current_reports(ticket),
                                 key=lambda report: report['time'])
                ticket['reports'] = list(reversed(current))[:10]
                for report in ticket['reports']:
                    report['plugins'] = '...'
                yield ticket
        all = filter_reports(all)
        if 'pretty' in request.args:
            indent = 4
            indent = None
        response = make_response(json.dumps(list(all), default=lambda x: None,
        response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'
        return response

    summary = {key: 0 for key in status_order}

    def preprocess(all):
        for ticket in all:
            ticket['report_count'], ticket['report_status'], ticket['report_status_composite'] = get_ticket_status(ticket, machine=machine, base=base or 'latest')
            if 'reports' in ticket:
                ticket['pending'] = len([r for r in ticket['reports']
                                         if r['status'] == 'Pending'])
            summary[ticket['report_status']] += 1
            yield ticket

    ticket0 = tickets.find_one({'id': 0})
    base_status = get_ticket_status(ticket0, base)
    versions = list(set(report['base'] for report in ticket0['reports']))
    versions = [v for v in versions if compare_version(v, OLDEST) == 1]
    versions = [(v, get_ticket_status(ticket0, v)) for v in versions]

    return render_template("ticket_list.html", tickets=preprocess(all),
                           summary=summary, base=base, base_status=base_status,
                           versions=versions, status_order=status_order,