コード例 #1
ファイル: att.py プロジェクト: dgaedcke/att
	def setAtts(self, domain, att_dict, keepOld=False):
		#  str below simulates:  "'{domain}', '{attribute}', '{value}', {keepOld}"...
		# which is based on query_insert_atts
		# insertVals() returns a tuple of 8 values
		# this is a list comprehension
		valuesList = ["'{0[0]}', '{0[1]}', '{0[2]}', {0[3]}, {0[4]}, {0[5]}, {0[6]}, '{0[7]}'".format(insertVals(k, t, domain, keepOld)) for k, t in att_dict.items()]
		insert_vals = '), ('.join(valuesList) # make vals str from list
		insert_vals = query_insert_atts.format(insert_vals)
		# print('------')
		# print(insert_vals)
		# print('------')
		sqlExec(insert_vals) # insert into temp table

		testMode = 0 # set to 16 if you want the sproc to return test results
		# setting to 32 could potentially delete ALL your data
		results = call('storeAtts', (self['id'], self['company_id'], len(valuesList), 1, 1, 1, testMode))
		#  begin test code
		if testMode == 16:
			for row in results:
				for col in row:
					print(col + ' = ' + str(row.get(col) or 'none'))
			print('Next Set:')
		# end test code
		return results
コード例 #2
ファイル: att.py プロジェクト: dgaedcke/att
def loadAllAtts(instance, att_names='all'): # , *argsAsSequ
	entVals = instance['_entity']
	attList = call('loadAtts', (entVals['ent_id'], entVals['ent_ety_id'], entVals['ent_com_id'], '', 0, 0) );
	if not attList:
		print('no att vals found')
		attList = tuple()
	instance['_atts_count'] = len(attList[0])
	instance['_all_atts_loaded'] = True
	cacheAtts(instance, attList)
	return len(attList) # instance['atts']
コード例 #3
ファイル: att.py プロジェクト: dgaedcke/att
	def fetch(self, domain_name, att_names_values):
		# if att_names_values is not formated (ie a dict), i need to make it look like:
		#  name:dewey gaedcke,age:39,dob:11081963,sex:m,'
		# CALL searchForEntity('user', 'attribute', 'name:dewey gaedcke,age:39,dob:11081963,sex:m,', 4, 3, 0);
		# att_names_values, value_count = strFromParam(att_names_values)
		value_count = 4
		ent_list = call('searchForEntity', (self.type, domain_name, att_names_values, value_count, self.company_id, 0))
		return ent_list # contains list of user ID's who have exact match for att:val in att_names_values
コード例 #4
ファイル: att.py プロジェクト: dgaedcke/att
def loadEntity(instance, xxx_id):
	results = call('att.loadEntity', (instance['type'], xxx_id, instance['company_id'], 0))[0]
	# get 1st row of result tuple
	instance['_entity'] = results
	instance['_all_atts_loaded'] = False
	# print(instance['_entity'])
	instance['id'] = results['ent_id']
	instance['ety_id'] = results['ent_ety_id']
	if instance['id'] is None or instance['id'] <= 0:
		raise ValueError
	return instance
コード例 #5
ファイル: att.py プロジェクト: dgaedcke/att
	def getAtts(self, domain = '', att_list = []): # empty list means all
		"""retrieve atts for an entity
		you can pass simply a comma delim att_name list, or a list of:
		getAtts(domain, att_dict = {'attribute': 'dob', 'attribute': 'facebookHandle', 'preference': 'uiSetting'})
		returns a dictionary of lists (domain_name, attribute_name, value, datatype, mod_dttm, att_id)
			empty or "all" in domain (P1) means: get atts for all domains
			empty dict (P2) means all atts for the specified domains
		if domain in ('all','','ALL'):
			domain = ''
		fld_delim = ':'
		row_delim = ','
		att_names = ''
		att_param_count = 0
		# if not gettina all atts (or all in a given domain), we need to make P4 look like:
		# domain:att_name,domain:att_name,
		if att_list and domain: # both not empty
			param2_type = type(att_list)
			# DictType, StringType, ListType, TupleType
			if param2_type == ListType or param2_type == TupleType:
				# sp_param_type = 'list'
				att_param_count = len(att_list)
				padStr = row_delim + domain + fld_delim
				att_names = padStr.join(att_list)
				att_names = domain + fld_delim + att_names + row_delim
				# print('when att_list is list/tuple, params=' + att_names)

			elif param2_type == DictType:
				# sp_param_type = 'dict'
				att_param_count = len(att_list)
				for dom, att in att_list.items():
					att_names = att_names + dom + fld_delim + att + row_delim
				# print('when att_list is dict, params=' + att_names)
			elif param2_type == StringType:
				# sp_param_type = 'string'
				if att_list.find(fld_delim) == -1: # there is only ONE field (att_name) in this string
					# need to add the domain
					for att in att_list.split(row_delim):
						att_param_count = att_param_count + 1
						att_names = att_names + domain + fld_delim + att + row_delim
				# print('when att_list is string, params=' + att_names)
			# P4 should either be a domain name, or a list of domain:att_name, vals
			domain = att_names # end of if stmt
		# call loadAtts(p_ent_id, p_ent_ety_id, p_ent_com_id, p_att_list, p_att_count, p_encode);
		attList = call('loadAtts', (self['id'], self['ety_id'], self['company_id'], domain, att_param_count, 0))
		# print(attList)
		cacheAtts(self, attList)
		return attList
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: chendss/cloneWebPage
def search():
    api_param = request.args
    value = get(api_param, 'value', '')
    commad = f"select * from data where text like '%{value}%'"
    data = call(commad)
    res = []
    for item in data:
        d = {
            "id": item[0],
            'path': item[1],
            "title": item[3],
            "cover": item[4],
            "description": item[5],
            "url": item[6],
    return {"list": res}
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: chendss/cloneWebPage
import os
import requests
import shutil
from pydash import get
from flask_cors import CORS
from copy_factory import CopyFactory
from db import create_table, insert_data, call, del_data, search_data
from tools import replace_fo, extract_html_text, md5, request_get
from flask import Flask, redirect, abort, make_response, jsonify, send_file, request, render_template, send_from_directory

create_table('data', 'id-id,path,text,title,cover,description,url')  # 创建一张表
call('ALTER TABLE data ADD url TEXT')

app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='template', static_folder='/dist')
CORS(app, supports_credentials=True)
CORS(app, resources=r'/*')
root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
                    "dist")  # html是个文件夹

def init_folder(href):
    name = md5(href)
    p = './dist/{}'.format(name)
    except BaseException as e:
        print('异常', e)
    return p
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_db.py プロジェクト: lgastako/db
 def test_call_no_args(self):
     assert db.call("always1") == 1
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_db.py プロジェクト: palbee/db
 def test_call_no_args(self):
     assert db.call("always1") == 1