def on_callback_query(self, msg): query_id, from_id, query_data = telepot.glance(msg, flavor='callback_query'), str(msg)) #log('callback chat id {} from {}: {}'.format(self.chat_id, from_id, str(msg))) if self.callback and self.sender_id != from_id: # once in callback mode, ignore everyone else return if self.message is None: # probably bot restarted self.message = (self.chat_id, msg['message']['message_id']) log_callback(msg, self.callback) if self.callback: callback = self.callback self.callback = None callback.kwargs[callback.argname] = query_data self.dbc = db.open_connection() callback.callback(self, **callback.kwargs) db.close_connection(self.dbc) return if query_data in commands.all_commands: self.command = query_data self.dbc = db.open_connection() commands.all_commands[query_data](self) db.close_connection(self.dbc) return #bot.answerCallbackQuery(query_id) #, text='Got it') # Destroy message if we can't understand what it is. Probably an old message. self.burn_message(self.message)
def login_user(request): returnValue = None statusCode = None setCookie = False # open connection connection = db.get_connection() cursor = db.get_cursor(connection) try: # process request jsonUser = request.get_json(force=True) user = db.try_login_user(cursor, jsonUser["username-input-login"], jsonUser["password-input-login"]) if user: tokens.set_user_session(user) setCookie = True returnValue = jsonify(user) statusCode = 200 else: returnValue = jsonify({'error': 'UNKNOWN_CREDENTIALS'}) statusCode = 202 except Exception as e: print('Caught this error: ' + repr(e)) returnValue = jsonify({'error': str(e)}) statusCode = 500 finally: # close connection db.close_cursor(cursor) db.close_connection(connection) response = make_response(returnValue, statusCode) if setCookie: tokens.set_user_cookie(response) return response
def post(self, body): emp_number = self.emp_number eattach_id = str(int(time())) eattach_desc = body['comment'] eattach_filename = body['file_name'] eattach_attachment = b64decode(body["select_file"]).hex() eattach_size = int((len(body["select_file"]) * 3 / 4) - body["select_file"].count("=", -2)) eattach_size = str(eattach_size) eattach_type = guess_type(eattach_filename)[0] screen = self.screen attached_by = self.emp_number field = "(`emp_number`,`eattach_id`,`eattach_desc`, `eattach_filename`, `eattach_size`, `eattach_attachment`, `eattach_type`,`screen`,`attached_by`)" values = "('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', x'%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % ( emp_number, eattach_id, eattach_desc, eattach_filename, eattach_size, eattach_attachment, eattach_type, screen, attached_by) table = "`hs_hr_emp_attachment`" statement = "INSERT INTO %s %s VALUES %s" % (table, field, values) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) connection.commit() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) result = { "file_id": eattach_id, "comment": eattach_desc, "file_name": eattach_filename, "size": eattach_size, "type": eattach_type, "date_added": self.get_meta(eattach_id)[9] } return result
def get_summary(mobile_number): connection = db.open_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql_select_query = "SELECT USER_ID FROM USER_INFO where MOBILE_NUMBER = {0}".format(mobile_number) cursor.execute(sql_select_query) result_set = cursor.fetchall() db.close_connection() if len(result_set) > 0: user_id = [i[0] for i in result_set][0] connection = db.open_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql_select_query = "SELECT * FROM ANSWER_HISTORY LEFT JOIN FIXED_QUESTIONS ON ANSWER_HISTORY.QUESTION_ID = \ FIXED_QUESTIONS.QUESTION_ID WHERE TRACKER_ID = {0}".format(user_id) cursor.execute(sql_select_query) result_set = cursor.fetchall() details = [] for row in result_set: temp = {} temp['ANSWER'] = row[4] temp['QUESTION'] = row[7] temp['DAY'] = row[2] details.append(temp) return details else: return "Number not found"
def get(self): field = "A.`emp_firstname`, A.`emp_middle_name`, A.`emp_lastname`, A.`employee_id`, A.`emp_other_id`, A.`emp_dri_lice_num`, A.`emp_dri_lice_exp_date`, A.`emp_bpjs_no`, A.`emp_npwp_no`, A.`emp_bpjs_ket_no`, D.`id` AS `work_shift_id`, A.`emp_gender`, A.`emp_marital_status`, E.`id` AS `nation_code`, A.`emp_birthday`, B.`id` AS `emp_religion`, A.`emp_birth_place`" table = "(((`hs_hr_employee` AS A JOIN `ohrm_religion` AS B ON A.`emp_religion`=B.`id`) JOIN `ohrm_employee_work_shift` AS C ON A.`emp_number`=C.`emp_number`) JOIN `ohrm_work_shift` AS D ON C.`work_shift_id`=D.`id`) JOIN `ohrm_nationality` AS E ON A.`nation_code`=E.`id`" sql_filter = "A.`emp_number` LIKE %s" % self.emp_number statement = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s LIMIT 0,1" % (field, table, sql_filter) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) result = cursor.fetchone() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) if isinstance(result[6], datetime.datetime): license_expiry_date = result[6].isoformat() else: license_expiry_date = "" result = { "first_name": result[0], "middle_name": result[1], "last_name": result[2], "employee_id": result[3], "no_ktp": result[4], "drivers_license_number": result[5], # "license_expiry_date": result[6].isoformat(), "license_expiry_date": license_expiry_date, "no_bpjs_kesehatan": result[7], "no_npwp": result[8], "no_bpjs_ketenagakerjaan": result[9], "work_shift": str(result[10]), "gender": str(result[11]), "marital_status": result[12], "nationality": str(result[13]), "date_of_birth": result[14].isoformat(), "religion": str(result[15]), "place_of_birth": result[16] } return result
def run(): db.init() try:'\nPress Ctrl+C to stop') ros = get_ros()'\nRead sensors every %s seconds...' % REPEAT_DELAY_SECONDS) while True: start = time.time() sys.stdout.write('\r\033[K') for pin_num, (sensor_type, ro) in enumerate(zip(SENSOR_TYPES, ros)): val = dt = sys.stdout.write('%s=%g ' % (sensor_type, val)) sys.stdout.flush() temp, hum = openweather.get_temperature_and_rel_humidity() db.store_measurement(dt, sensor_type, val, ro, temp, hum) upload_recorded() sleep = REPEAT_DELAY_SECONDS + start - time.time() if sleep > 0: time.sleep(sleep) except KeyboardInterrupt:'Stopped by user') db.close_connection()
def get_brewery(): b = True if 'brewery' in request.args: bry = '.*' + request.args['brewery'] + '.*' elif 'sid' in request.args: bry = request.args['sid'] b = False else: return "No brewery provided. You fool." conn = db.establish_connection() cur = db.create_cursor(conn) out = "" try: if b: cur.execute('SELECT * FROM Breweries WHERE name ~* %s', (bry, )) else: cur.execute('SELECT * FROM Breweries WHERE StateID=%s', (bry, )) for brew_data in cur: out += "<h1>Here's a brewery</h1><p>" + str( brew_data) + "</p><a href='/beer?id=" + str( brew_data[4]) + "'>BEERS</a>" # cur.execute('SELECT * FROM Beers WHERE BreweryId=%s',(brew_data[4],)) # for item in cur: # out+="<p>"+str(item)+"</p>" except Exception as e: out = "<h1>Here's an error</h1><p>" + str(e) + "</p>" finally: # conn.commit() db.close_connection(conn, cur) return out
def run(): db.init() try: ros = get_ros() delay = DEFAULT_SECONDS_BETWEEN_READINGS while True: start = time.time() sys.stdout.write('\r\033[K') for pin_num, (sensor_type, ro) in enumerate(zip(SENSOR_TYPES, ros)): val = dt ='%s=%g ' % (sensor_type, val)) temp, hum = openweather.get_temperature_and_rel_humidity() db.store_reading(dt, sensor_type, val, ro, temp, hum) delay = upload_recorded() try: delay = float(delay) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: delay = DEFAULT_SECONDS_BETWEEN_READINGS logging.error('Cannot parse delay: %s' % e)'Wait %s seconds...' % delay) sleep = delay - time.time() + start if sleep > 0: time.sleep(sleep) except KeyboardInterrupt: db.close_connection()
def main_menu(): done = False while not done: print('Battleship Main Menu') print('----------------------------------------') print('(C) Display class list') print('(S) Display ship list') print('(AC) Add a new class') print('(AS) Add a new ship') print('(DC) Delete a class') print('(DS) Delete a ship') print('(X) Exit') choice = input('Please make your selection: ').upper() if choice == 'C': list_classes() elif choice == 'S': list_ships() elif choice == 'AC': add_new_class() elif choice == 'AS': add_new_ship() elif choice == 'DC': delete_class() elif choice == 'DS': delete_ship() elif choice == 'X': db.close_connection() done = True else: print('¯\_(ツ)_/¯')
def login_user(mobile_number): connection = db.open_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql_select_query = "SELECT * FROM USER_INFO WHERE MOBILE_NUMBER = '{0}'".format(mobile_number) cursor.execute(sql_select_query) result_set = cursor.fetchall() db.close_connection() return len(result_set)
def get_all(self): field = "`kdsaldo`, `tahun`,`bulan`, `masuk`, `keluar`, `saldoakhir`" table = "`saldokas`" statement = "SELECT %s FROM %s LIMIT 0,1000" % (field, table) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) result = cursor.fetchall() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return result
def api_get_beer(): name = None abbr = None abv = None brew = None style = None results = 20 vals = [] if 'name' in request.args: name = ".*" + request.args['name'] + ".*" vals.append(name) if 'brew' in request.args: brew = ".*" + request.args['brew'] + ".*" vals.append(brew) if 'style' in request.args: style = ".*" + request.args['style'] + ".*" vals.append(style) if 'abv' in request.args: abv = request.args['abv'] vals.append(abv) if 'abbr' in request.args: abbr = request.args['abbr'] vals.append(abbr) if 'results' in request.args: try: results = int(request.args['abbr']) except Exception as e: return str(e) if len(vals) == 0: return jsonify( 'Usage: supply a beername, brewery, state abbreviation, style, or abv' ) conn = db.establish_connection() cur = db.create_cursor(conn) vals.append(results) try: qbase = 'SELECT * FROM Beers WHERE TRUE' abbrq = '' if abbr == None else ' AND stateid=(SELECT stateid FROM States WHERE abbr=%s)' brewq = '' if brew == None else ' AND breweryid= ANY (SELECT breweryid FROM Breweries WHERE name ~* %s)' beerq = '' if name == None else ' AND name ~* %s' abvq = '' if abv == None else ' AND abv=%s' styleq = '' if style == None else ' AND style ~* %s' qend = ' ORDER BY ratings DESC LIMIT %s' cur.execute(qbase + beerq + brewq + styleq + abvq + abbrq + qend, vals) # if name != None: # cur.execute(qbase+brewq+abbrq,vals) # elif beer != None: # cur.execute(qbase+beerq+abbrq,vals) # else: # cur.execute(qbase+'TRUE'+abbrq,vals) results = cur.fetchall() except Exception as e: results = str(e) finally: db.close_connection(conn, cur) return jsonify(results)
def delete(self, body): table = "`saldokas`" sql_filter = "`kdsaldo` = %s" % (body["kdsaldo"]) statement = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s" % (table, sql_filter) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) connection.commit() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return cursor.rowcount
def get_all(self): field = "`id`, `name`" table = "`ohrm_religion`" statement = "SELECT %s FROM %s LIMIT 0,1000" % (field, table) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) result = cursor.fetchall() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return result
def get_all(self): field = "`cou_code`, `cou_name`" table = "`hs_hr_country`" statement = "SELECT %s FROM %s LIMIT 0,1000" % (field, table) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) result = cursor.fetchall() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return result
def get_all(self): field = "`kdpemasukan`, `tanggal`, `norumah`, `kdrw`, `kdrt`, `nokk`, `jumlah`, `keterangan`, `dokumen_bayar`, `terverifikasi`" table = "`tr_pemasukan`" statement = "SELECT %s FROM %s LIMIT 0,1000" % (field, table) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) result = cursor.fetchall() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return result
def get_all(self): field = "`kdpengeluaran`, `tanggal`, `jumlah`, `keterangan`" table = "`tr_pengeluaran`" statement = "SELECT %s FROM %s LIMIT 0,1000" % (field, table) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) result = cursor.fetchall() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return result
def get_all(self): field = "`kdrw`, `kdrt`, `norumah`, `nokk`, `nmkk`, `statustinggal`, `pengurus`" table = "`tbl_warga`" statement = "SELECT %s FROM %s LIMIT 0,1000" % (field, table) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) result = cursor.fetchall() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return result
def get_school_info(school_id): conn = db.connect(settings.DB_HOST, settings.DB_USER, settings.DB_PASSWD, settings.DB_NAME) # school uf school_uf = db.get_school_uf(conn, school_id) if school_uf is not None: uf_score_avg = db.get_uf_score_avg(conn, school_uf) school_city = db.get_school_city(conn, school_id) if school_city is not None: city_score_avg = db.get_city_score_avg(conn, school_city) # num students total_students = db.get_total_lines(conn, school_id) total_absents = db.get_total_absents(conn, school_id) # avg avg_score1, avg_score2, avg_score3, avg_score4, avg_score5, avg_total = db.get_score_avg(conn, school_id) # sex score_avg_sex = db.get_score_avg_sex(conn, school_id) # score interval score_count = [ db.get_count_per_score_interval(conn, 0, 0, school_id), db.get_count_per_score_interval(conn, 1, 99, school_id), db.get_count_per_score_interval(conn, 100, 199, school_id), db.get_count_per_score_interval(conn, 200, 299, school_id), db.get_count_per_score_interval(conn, 300, 399, school_id), db.get_count_per_score_interval(conn, 400, 499, school_id), db.get_count_per_score_interval(conn, 500, 599, school_id), db.get_count_per_score_interval(conn, 600, 699, school_id), db.get_count_per_score_interval(conn, 700, 799, school_id), db.get_count_per_score_interval(conn, 800, 899, school_id), db.get_count_per_score_interval(conn, 900, 999, school_id), db.get_count_per_score_interval(conn, 1000, 1000, school_id) ] db.close_connection(conn) score_interval_data = [ ['notas', 'alunos', { 'role': 'annotation' }], ["0", int(score_count[0]), int(score_count[0])], ["1-99", int(score_count[1]), int(score_count[1])], ["100-199", int(score_count[2]), int(score_count[2])], ["200-299", int(score_count[3]), int(score_count[3])], ["300-399", int(score_count[4]), int(score_count[4])], ["400-499", int(score_count[5]), int(score_count[5])], ["500-599", int(score_count[6]), int(score_count[6])], ["600-699", int(score_count[7]), int(score_count[7])], ["700-799", int(score_count[8]), int(score_count[8])], ["800-899", int(score_count[9]), int(score_count[9])], ["900-999", int(score_count[10]), int(score_count[10])], ["1000", int(score_count[11]), int(score_count[11])] ] return render_template('school_info.html', **locals())
def get_all(self): field = "`tahun`, `kdrw`, `kdrt`, `norumah`, `jan`, `feb`, `mar`, `apr`, `may`, `jun`, `jul`, `aug`, `sep`, `oct`, `nop`, `des`" table = "`tr_iuran`" statement = "SELECT %s FROM %s LIMIT 0,1000" % (field, table) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) result = cursor.fetchall() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return result
def delete(self, file_id): table = "`hs_hr_emp_attachment`" sql_filter = "`emp_number` = %s AND `eattach_id` = %s" % ( self.emp_number, file_id) statement = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s" % (table, sql_filter) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) connection.commit() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return cursor.rowcount
def put(self, body): field = "`terverifikasi`='%s'" % (body['terverifikasi']) table = "`tr_pemasukan`" sql_filter = "`kdpemasukan`='%s'" % (body['kdpemasukan']) statement = "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s" % (table, field, sql_filter) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) connection.commit() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return cursor.rowcount
def delete(self, dependent_id): table = "`hs_hr_emp_dependents`" sql_filter = "`emp_number`='%s' AND `ed_seqno` = '%s'" % ( self.emp_number, dependent_id) statement = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s" % (table, sql_filter) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) connection.commit() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return cursor.rowcount
def delete(self, body): table = "`tbl_warga`" sql_filter = "`kdrw` = '%s' AND `kdrt` = '%s' AND `norumah` = '%s'" % ( body['kdrw'], body['kdrt'], body['norumah']) statement = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s" % (table, sql_filter) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) connection.commit() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return cursor.rowcount
def delete(self, body): table = "`tr_iuran`" sql_filter = "`tahun` = '%s' AND `kdrw` = '%s' AND `kdrt` = '%s' AND `norumah` = '%s'" % ( body["tahun"], body["kdrw"], body["kdrt"], body["norumah"]) statement = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s" % (table, sql_filter) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) connection.commit() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return cursor.rowcount
def get_all(self): field = "`emp_number`,`eec_seqno`,`eec_name`,`eec_relationship`,`eec_home_no`,`eec_mobile_no`,`eec_office_no`,`eec_address`" table = "`hs_hr_emp_emergency_contacts`" sql_filter = "`emp_number`='%s'" % (self.emp_number) statement = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s LIMIT 0,1000" % (field, table, sql_filter) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) result = cursor.fetchall() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return result
def get(self): field = "`emp_number`,`emp_street1`,`emp_street2`,`city_code`,`provin_code`,`emp_zipcode`,`coun_code`,`emp_hm_telephone`,`emp_mobile`,`emp_work_telephone`,`emp_work_email`,`emp_oth_email`" table = "`hs_hr_employee`" sql_filter = "`emp_number` = %s" % self.emp_number statement = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s LIMIT 0,1" % (field, table, sql_filter) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) result = cursor.fetchone() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return result
def put_comment(self, body): field = "`eattach_desc` = '%s'" % body['comment'] table = "`hs_hr_emp_attachment`" sql_filter = "`emp_number`='%s' AND `screen`='%s' AND `eattach_id` = '%s'" % ( self.emp_number, self.screen, body['file_id']) statement = "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s" % (table, field, sql_filter) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) connection.commit() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return cursor.rowcount
def get_all(self): field = "`emp_number`, `ed_seqno`, `ed_name`, `ed_relationship_type`, `ed_relationship`, `ed_date_of_birth`, `ed_gender`" table = "`hs_hr_emp_dependents`" sql_filter = "`emp_number`='%s'" % (self.emp_number) statement = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s LIMIT 0,1000" % (field, table, sql_filter) connection = db.open_connection() cursor = db.sql_cursor(connection, statement) result = cursor.fetchall() db.close_connection(connection, cursor) return result
def _start_pennyworth_db_connection(request): """ Starts a connection to the pennyworth db. """ if request.config.getoption('use_database') or request.config.getoption( 'use_auth'): db.start_connection(request.config.getoption('stage')) yield db.close_connection() # Since the yield above is in a conditional, it doesn't always execute, and when # it doesn't, pytest raises a ValueError because it "did not yield a value" else: yield None
def main():"Starting dataset evaluator...") while True: db.init_db_connection(config.PG_CONNECT) pending_job = db.dataset_eval.get_next_pending_job() if pending_job:"Processing job %s..." % pending_job["id"]) evaluate_dataset(pending_job) else:"No pending datasets. Sleeping %s seconds." % SLEEP_DURATION) db.close_connection() time.sleep(SLEEP_DURATION)
import db import re import HTMLParser working_file = open('working-file.csv', 'a+') error_file = open('error_file.txt', 'a+') h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() count = 0 db.open_connection() for (text, id) in db.query('SELECT text, id FROM quotes2'): try: processed_text = re.sub(r'<.*> ', '', text) processed_text = h.unescape(processed_text) processed_text = processed_text.lower() processed_text = re.sub(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z\s]', '', processed_text) processed_text = processed_text.replace('\n', ' ') processed_text = processed_text.replace('\r', ' ') processed_text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', processed_text) working_file.write(str(id) + ',' + processed_text + '\n') except: error_file.write('Error => id:' + str(id)) count += 1 error_file.write('Total: ' + str(count)) db.close_connection() working_file.close() error_file.close()