def lya_splices(stars='all'): if stars == 'all': stars = rc.stars[:11] stars.remove('gj551') dw = 0.05 for star in stars: pan = io.readpan(star) pan = utils.keepranges(pan, 1100, 1300) pan = utils.evenbin(pan, dw) sf = db.findfiles('u', star, 'coadd', 'cos_g130m') spec, = spec = utils.evenbin(spec, dw) lf = db.findfiles('u', star, 'mod', 'lya') lya, = plt.figure() [ss(s, err=False) for s in [pan, spec, lya]] plt.xlim(1210, 1222) up, _ = utils.flux_integral(spec, 1217, 1220) plt.ylim(0, up * 4) plt.legend(['pan', 'cos', 'lya'], loc='best') plt.savefig( os.path.join(rc.scratchpath, 'lya splices', '{} linear.pdf'.format(star))) mx = spec['flux'].max() plt.ylim(mx / 1e7, mx) plt.yscale('log') plt.savefig( os.path.join(rc.scratchpath, 'lya splices', '{} log.pdf'.format(star)))
def phxFit(star='gj832', ax=None): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.autoscale(axis='x', tight=True) ax.set_yscale('log') pan = io.readpan(star) bolo = utils.bolo_integral(star) xf = db.findfiles('ir', 'phx', star, fullpaths=True) phx =[0] phx['flux'] *= pan['normfac'][-1] pan = pan[pan['instrument'] != pan['instrument'][-1]] fmin = np.min(pan['error'][pan['error'] > 0]) / bolo rng = [phx['w0'][0], 6000.] phx, pan = [ utils.keepranges(spec, rng, ends='loose') for spec in [phx, pan] ] phx, pan = [utils.fancyBin(s, mindw=10.0) for s in [phx, pan]] pan['flux'][pan['flux'] < pan['error'] / 2.0] = np.nan pan['normflux'] = pan['flux'] / bolo phx['normflux'] = phx['flux'] / bolo ymax = 10**np.ceil(np.log10(np.max(phx['normflux']))) ymin = 10**np.floor(np.log10(fmin) - 3) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) pline = plot.specstep(pan, ax=ax, color='k', err=False, key='normflux') xline = plot.specstep(phx, ax=ax, color='gray', err=False, key='normflux') ax.legend((pline, xline), ('$HST$ Data', 'PHOENIX Model'), loc='lower right')
def phxCompare(star, wlim=None, maxpow=None, mindw=None, ax=None): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() xf = db.findfiles('ir', 'phx', star, fullpaths=True) pf = db.panpath(star) phx =[0] pan =[0] normfac = pan['normfac'][-1] if wlim is not None: phx, pan = utils.keepranges(phx, wlim), utils.keepranges(pan, wlim) if maxpow or mindw: pan = utils.fancyBin(pan, maxpow=maxpow, mindw=mindw) phx = utils.fancyBin(phx, maxpow=maxpow, mindw=mindw) Fbol = utils.bolo_integral(star) pan['normflux'] = pan['flux'] / Fbol pan['normerr'] = pan['error'] / Fbol phx['normflux'] = phx['flux'] * normfac / Fbol line = specstep(pan, key='normflux', label='Panspec', ax=ax) specstep(pan, key='normerr', label='Panspec Error', ax=ax, color=line.get_color(), ls=':') specstep(phx, key='normflux', label='Phoenix', ax=ax, color='r', alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlim(wlim) ax.legend(loc='best')
def blackbody_fit(star): """Return a function that is a blackbody fit to the phoenix spectrum for the star. The fit is to the unnormalized phoenix spectrum, so the fit function values must be multiplied by the appropriate normalization factor to match the normalized spectrum.""" phx ='ir', 'phx', star))[0] # recursively identify relative maxima until there are fewer than N points N = 10000 keep = np.arange(len(phx)) while len(keep) > N: temp, = argrelmax(phx['flux'][keep]) keep = keep[temp] Teff = rc.starprops['Teff_muscles'][star] efac = const.h * const.c / const.k_B / (Teff * u.K) efac = w = (phx['w0'] + phx['w1']) / 2.0 w = w[keep] planck_shape = 1.0 / w**5 / (np.exp(efac / w) - 1) y = phx['flux'][keep] Sfy = np.sum(planck_shape * y) Sff = np.sum(planck_shape**2) norm = Sfy / Sff return lambda w: norm / w**5 / (np.exp(efac / w) - 1)
def plotspec(version, ax): f, = db.findfiles(rc.hlsppath, star, 'broadband', version, res) spec, = spec = utils.keepranges(spec, 0, maxw) spec = utils.evenbin(spec, binto) plt.axes(ax) piecespec(spec) plt.text(0.05, 0.9, version, transform=ax.transAxes)
def phx_compare_single(star): pan =[0] xf = db.findfiles('ir', 'phx', star, fullpaths=True) phx =[0] phx['flux'] *= pan['normfac'][-1] bands = [rc.fuv, rc.nuv, [rc.vis[0], 5700.]] (pff, pfe) , (pnf, pne), (pvf, pve) = [utils.flux_integral(pan, *b) for b in bands] (xff, _) , (xnf, _), (xvf, _) = [utils.flux_integral(phx, *b) for b in bands] return ((pff - xff)/pff, pfe/pff), ((pnf - xnf)/pnf, pne/pnf), ((pvf - xvf)/pvf, pve/pvf)
def compareEUV(star): euvfile = db.findfiles('u', 'euv', star, fullpaths=True)[0] w, f, _ = np.loadtxt(euvfile).T I0 = np.trapz(f, w) print 'Trapz from Allison\'s file: %g' % I0 spec =[0] I1 = np.sum((spec['w1'] - spec['w0']) * spec['flux']) print 'Direct integration from spectbl version of Allison\'s file: %g' % I1 I2 = np.trapz(spec['flux'], (spec['w0'] + spec['w1']) / 2.0) print 'Trapz from spectbl version of Allison\'s file: %g' % I2 p =[0] keep = p['instrument'] == rc.getinsti('mod_euv_young') p = p[keep] I3 = np.sum((spec['w1'] - spec['w0']) * spec['flux']) print 'Direct integration from panspec EUV portion: %g' % I3
def readFlareTbl(star, inst, label): tblfile = db.findfiles(rc.flaredir, star, inst, label, 'flares', fullpaths=True) assert len(tblfile) == 1 tbl =[0]) w0, w1 = [], [] i = 0 while True: istr = str(i) if 'BANDBEG' + str(i) not in tbl.meta: break w0.append(tbl.meta['BANDBEG' + istr]) w1.append(tbl.meta['BANDEND' + istr]) i += 1 bands = np.array(zip(w0, w1)) return[0]), bands
def lya_galex_ratio(star): import numpy as np nuv = np.loadtxt( '/Users/rolo7566/Datasets/shared/filter response curves/galexNUV.txt', skiprows=1).T fuv = np.loadtxt( '/Users/rolo7566/Datasets/shared/filter response curves/galexFUV.txt', skiprows=1).T pan = io.readpan(star) lya, ='u', star, 'mod_lya')) lya = utils.flux_integral(lya)[0] w = (pan['w0'] + pan['w1']) / 2.0 f = pan['flux'] twf = lambda bp: np.trapz(np.interp(bp[0], w, f) * bp[1], bp[0]) NUV, FUV = map(twf, [nuv, fuv]) print star print 'Lya/NUV ratio = {:.2g}'.format(lya / NUV) print 'Lya/FUV ratio = {:.2g}'.format(lya / FUV)
def lightcurveCompendium(stars='hosts', figure=None, flarecut=2.0, flarelabel='SiIV', dt=30.0, colorful=False): """ Create a compendium of lightcurves for the specified stars highlighting flares. """ fig = plt.gcf() if figure is None else figure if colorful: colors = itertools.cycle(['b', 'g', 'r']) else: colors = itertools.cycle(['k']) inst = 'hst_cos_g130m' if stars == 'hosts': stars = filter( lambda s: len(db.findfiles('u', inst, 'corrtag_a', s)) >= 4, rc.observed) ## SET UP AXES ## ----------- # setup axes with just bottom axis showing fig.set_facecolor('w') fig.add_axes((0.23, 0.14, 0.72, 0.84), frameon=False) ax = fig.axes[0] xax = ax.get_xaxis() xax.tick_bottom() yax = ax.get_yaxis() yax.set_visible(False) ax.set_clip_on(False) fntsz = mpl.rcParams['font.size'] spacedata = (fntsz / 72.0 / fig.get_figwidth()) / 0.8 * 14000 # common keywords to use in errorbar plot ekwds = dict(fmt='.', capsize=0.0) alphaNF = 0.1 if colorful else 0.4 ## MAKE LIGHTCURVES ## ---------------- bands = rc.flare_bands[inst] offset, offsets = 0.0, [] for star, color in zip(stars, colors): # get flare info flares, bands = io.readFlareTbl(star, inst, flarelabel) curve = reduce.auto_curve(star, inst, dt=30.0, bands=bands, groups=[range(len(bands))]) t0, t1, cps, err = zip(*curve)[0] t = (t0 + t1) / 2.0 # get rid of gaps s, j, _ = mnp.shorten_jumps(t, maxjump=10 * dt, newjump=30 * dt) # identify flare pts flares = flares[flares['PEWratio'] > flarecut] flare_ranges = np.array([flares['start'], flares['stop']]).T flarepts = mnp.inranges(t, flare_ranges) # normalize the data to median med = np.median(cps[~flarepts]) y = cps / med y -= 1.0 e = err / med # normalize data to max - min ymax = np.max(y) y /= ymax e /= ymax # cull negative outliers good = y > -ymax s, y, e, flarepts = [a[good] for a in [s, y, e, flarepts]] # offset data in y offset = offset - np.min(y - e) offsets.append(offset) yo = y.copy() + offset # plot data ax.errorbar(s[~flarepts], yo[~flarepts], e[~flarepts], alpha=alphaNF, color=color, **ekwds) ax.axhline(offset, linestyle='--', color='k', alpha=0.5) flarecolor = 'r' if color == 'k' else color ax.errorbar(s[flarepts], yo[flarepts], e[flarepts], color=flarecolor, **ekwds) # make arrow xy = (0.0, offset) xytext = (0.0, offset + 1.1) arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle='<-', color=color) ax.annotate('', xy=xy, xytext=xytext, arrowprops=arrowprops) # label arrow ymaxstr = '{:4.1f}'.format(ymax + 1.0) ax.text(-0.5 * spacedata, offset, '1.0', va='bottom', ha='right', color=color, fontsize=fntsz * 0.8) ax.text(-0.5 * spacedata, offset + 1.1, ymaxstr, va='top', ha='right', color=color, fontsize=fntsz * 0.8) # label star starlbl = starprops['name tex'][star] ax.text(-3.0 * spacedata, offset + 0.5, starlbl, va='center', ha='right', color=color) # increase offset offset += np.max(y + e) offset += 0.3 ax.autoscale(axis='both', tight=True) # add x axis line and label ax.axhline(0, color='k') ax.set_xlabel('Time, Observation Gaps Shortened (s)')
def lyavsdata(star): data, = mod, ='u', 'lya', star, fullpaths=True)[0]) specstep(data) specstep(mod) plt.xlim(1208, 1222)
def writehlsp(star_or_spectbl, components=True, overwrite=False): """ Writes spectbl to a standardized MUSCLES FITS file format that also includes all the keywords required for the archive. Parameters ---------- spectbl : astropy table in MUSCLES format The spectrum to be written to a MSUCLES FITS file. name : str filename for the FITS output overwrite : {True|False} whether to overwrite if output file already exists Returns ------- None """ if type(star_or_spectbl) is str: star = star_or_spectbl pfs = db.allpans(star) pan = read(filter(lambda s: 'native_resolution' in s, pfs))[0] writehlsp(pan, components=components, overwrite=overwrite) dpan = read(filter(lambda s: 'dR=' in s, pfs))[0] writehlsp(dpan, components=False) return else: spectbl = star_or_spectbl star = spectbl.meta['STAR'] srcspecs = spectbl.meta['SOURCESPECS'] name = spectbl.meta['NAME'] pan = 'panspec' in name mod = 'mod' in name hlspname = db.hlsppath(name) # add a wavelength midpoint column w = (spectbl['w0'] + spectbl['w1']) / 2.0 spectbl['w'] = w spectbl['w'].description = 'midpoint of the wavelength bin' spectbl['w'].unit = 'Angstrom' # CREATE PRIMARY EXTENSION prihdr = fits.Header() if pan: prihdr['TELESCOP'] = 'MULTI' prihdr['INSTRUME'] = 'MULTI' prihdr['GRATING'] = 'MULTI' insts = [] for specname in srcspecs: tel = db.parse_observatory(specname) spec = db.parse_spectrograph(specname) grating = db.parse_info(specname, 3, 4) insts.append([rc.HLSPtelescopes[tel], rc.HLSPinstruments[spec], rc.HLSPgratings[grating]]) insts = set(tuple(inst) for inst in insts) for i,inst in enumerate(insts): tkey, ikey, gkey = 'TELESC{:02d}'.format(i), 'INSTRU{:02d}'.format(i), 'GRATIN{:02d}'.format(i) prihdr[tkey], prihdr[ikey], prihdr[gkey] = inst else: prihdr['TELESCOP'] = rc.HLSPtelescopes[db.parse_observatory(name)] prihdr['INSTRUME'] = rc.HLSPinstruments[db.parse_spectrograph(name)] prihdr['GRATING'] = rc.HLSPgratings[db.parse_grating(name)] if 'hst' in name: # clooge. meh. band = name[0] f = db.findfiles(band, name, fullpaths=True)[0] aper_key = 'APER_ID' if 'fos' in name else 'APERTURE' if 'custom' in name or 'coadd' in name: srcspecs = fits.getdata(f, 'sourcespecs') srcids = [db.parse_id(s) for s in srcspecs['sourcespecs']] srcpaths = [db.sourcespecfiles(star, id)[0] for id in srcids] apertures = [fits.getval(sf, aper_key) for sf in srcpaths] assert len(set(apertures)) == 1 prihdr['APERTURE'] = apertures[0] else: prihdr['APERTURE'] = fits.getval(f, aper_key) if 'xmm' in name or 'cxo' in name: hdr = fits.getheader(db.name2path(name)) prihdr['GRATING'] = 'NA' if 'multi' in name: prihdr['DETECTOR'] = 'MULTI' prihdr['DETECT00'] = 'PN' prihdr['DETECT01'] = 'MOS1' prihdr['DETECT02'] = 'MOS2' prihdr['FILTER'] = 'MULTI' prihdr['FILTER00'] = hdr['pn_filter'] prihdr['FILTER01'] = hdr['mos1_filter'] prihdr['FILTER02'] = hdr['mos2_filter'] if 'pn' in name: prihdr['DETECTOR'] = 'PN' prihdr['FILTER'] = hdr['pn_filter'] if 'acs' in name: prihdr['DETECTOR'] = hdr['DETNAM'] prihdr['FILTER'] = 'OBF' prihdr['TARGNAME'] = star.upper() prihdr['RA_TARG'] = rc.starprops['RA'][star] prihdr['DEC_TARG'] = rc.starprops['dec'][star] prihdr['PROPOSID'] = 13650 prihdr['HLSPNAME'] = 'Measurements of the Ultraviolet Spectral Characteristics of Low-mass Exoplanet Host Stars' prihdr['HLSPACRN'] = 'MUSCLES' prihdr['HLSPLEAD'] = 'R. O. Parke Loyd' prihdr['PR_INV_L'] = 'France' prihdr['PR_INV_F'] = 'Kevin' if not (pan or mod): mjd0 = np.min(spectbl['minobsdate']) mjd1 = np.max(spectbl['maxobsdate']) if np.isfinite(mjd0): date0 = Time(mjd0, format='mjd') prihdr['DATE-OBS'] = date0.isot prihdr['EXPSTART'] = date0.mjd if np.isfinite(mjd1): date1 = Time(mjd1, format='mjd') prihdr['EXPEND'] = date1.mjd expt = spectbl['exptime'] if 'xmm' in name: prihdr['EXPTIME'] = expt[0] prihdr['EXPDEFN'] = 'MEAN' if 'cxo' in name: prihdr['EXPTIME'] = expt[0] if not np.allclose(expt, expt[0]): expmed = np.median(expt) prihdr['EXPTIME'] = expmed prihdr['EXPDEFN'] = 'MEDIAN' prihdr['EXPMAX'] = np.max(expt) prihdr['EXPMIN'] = np.min(expt[expt > 0]) prihdr['EXPMED'] = expmed else: prihdr['EXPTIME'] = expt[0] if not (pan or mod) or 'phx' in name: try: inst = db.parse_instrument(name) normfac = rc.normfacs[star][inst][0] panspec = readpan(star) insti = rc.getinsti(inst) assert insti == spectbl['instrument'][0] normfac_vec = panspec['normfac'][panspec['normfac'] == insti] if len(normfac_vec) > 0: assert np.isclose(normfac_vec, normfac) except KeyError: normfac = 1.0 prihdr['normfac'] = (normfac, 'normalization factor used by MUSCLES') prihdr['WAVEMIN'] = w[0] prihdr['WAVEMAX'] = w[-1] prihdr['WAVEUNIT'] = 'ang' prihdr['AIRORVAC'] = 'vac' if not pan or 'constant' in name: mid = len(w) / 2 prihdr['SPECRES'] = w[mid] prihdr['WAVERES'] = w[mid+1] - w[mid] prihdr['FLUXMIN'] = np.min(spectbl['flux']) prihdr['FLUXMAX'] = np.max(spectbl['flux']) prihdr['FLUXUNIT'] = 'erg/s/cm2/ang' if 'phx' not in name else 'arbitrary' # CREATE SPECTRUM EXTENSION spechdr = fits.Header() spechdr['EXTNAME'] = 'SPECTRUM' spechdr['EXTNO'] = 2 cols = ['w', 'w0', 'w1', 'flux'] descriptions = ['midpoint of the wavelength bin', 'left/blue edge of the wavelength bin', 'right/red edge of the wavelength bin', 'average flux over the bin'] fitsnames = ['WAVELENGTH', 'WAVELENGTH0', 'WAVELENGTH1', 'FLUX'] fmts = ['D']*4 if 'mod' not in name: cols.extend(['error', 'exptime', 'flags', 'minobsdate', 'maxobsdate']) descriptions.extend(['error on the flux', 'cumulative exposure time for the bin', 'data quality flags (HST data only)', 'modified julian date of start of first exposure', 'modified julian date of end of last exposure']) fitsnames.extend(['ERROR', 'EXPTIME', 'DQ', 'EXPSTART', 'EXPEND']) fmts.extend(['D']*2 + ['I'] + ['D']*2) if pan: # add a normalized flux column spectbl = utils.add_normflux(spectbl) spectbl['normflux'].unit = 'Angstrom-1' spectbl['normerr'].unit = 'Angstrom-1' prihdr['BOLOFLUX'] = utils.bolo_integral(spectbl.meta['STAR']) # add header keywords for lorentzian fit prihdr['LNZ_NORM'] = spectbl.meta['LNZ_NORM'] prihdr['LNZ_GAM'] = spectbl.meta['LNZ_GAM'] cols.extend(['instrument', 'normfac', 'normflux', 'normerr']) descriptions.extend(['bitmask identifying the source instrument(s). See "instlgnd" extension for a legend.', 'normalization factor applied to the source spectrum', 'flux density normalized by the bolometric flux', 'error on bolometrically-normalized flux density']) fitsnames.extend(['INSTRUMENT', 'NORMFAC', 'BOLOFLUX', 'BOLOERR']) fmts.extend(['J', 'D', 'D', 'D']) for i, desc in enumerate(descriptions): spechdr['TDESC' + str(i+1)] = desc if 'COMMENT' in spectbl.meta and len(spectbl.meta['COMMENT']) > 1 and not pan: spechdr['COMMENT'] = spectbl.meta['COMMENT'] datas = [spectbl[col].data for col in cols] units = [spectbl[col].unit.to_string() for col in cols] fitscols = [fits.Column(array=a, name=n, format=fmt, unit=u) for a, n, fmt, u in zip(datas, fitsnames, fmts, units)] spechdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(fitscols, header=spechdr) = 'SPECTRUM' for fname, data in zip(fitsnames, datas):[fname] = data prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr) hdus = [prihdu, spechdu] # INSTRUMENT LEGEND if pan: lgndhdr = fits.Header() lgndhdr['comment'] = legendcomment lgndhdr['extno'] = 3 lgndhdr['comment'] = ('Not all of these instruments were used to acquire data for this particular spectrum. ' 'Therefore, not all the listed HLSP files will exist in the database. Also note that ' 'polynomial fits for filling spectral gaps were not saved as separate spectra.') vals = rc.instvals instnames = rc.instruments pieces = [s.split('_') for s in instnames] tels, insts, gratings = zip(*pieces) tels = [rc.HLSPtelescopes[t] for t in tels] insts = [rc.HLSPinstruments[inst] for inst in insts] gratings = [rc.HLSPgratings[g] for g in gratings] dummynames = ['-_' + s + '_' + star for s in instnames] hlspnames = [path.basename(db.hlsppath(n)) for n in dummynames] names = ['BITVALUE', 'TELESCOPE', 'INSTRUMENT', 'GRATING', 'HLSP_FILE'] datas = [vals, tels, insts, gratings, hlspnames] lens = [max(map(len, d)) for d in datas[1:]] fmts = ['J'] + [str(n) + 'A' for n in lens] fitscols = [fits.Column(n, fmt, array=a) for n, fmt, a in zip(names, fmts, datas)] lgndhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(fitscols, header=lgndhdr) = 'INSTLGND' hdus.append(lgndhdu) if components: specs, lyaspec = read_panspec_sources(star) if lyaspec is not None: specs.append(lyaspec) for inst in instnames: spec = filter(lambda s: inst in s.meta['NAME'], specs) if len(spec) == 0: continue assert len(spec) == 1 spec = spec[0] writehlsp(spec, overwrite=overwrite) # SOURCE SPECTRA LIST if 'hst' in name: srchdr = fits.Header() srchdr['COMMENT'] = ('This extension contains a list of HST rootnames (9 character string in HST files ' 'downloaded from MAST) and dataset IDs of the exposures used to create this spectrum ' 'file. The dataset IDs can be used to directly locate the observations through the MAST ' 'HST data archive search interface. Multiple identifiers indicate the spectra were ' 'coadded.') srchdr['EXTNO'] = 3 specnames = spectbl.meta['SOURCESPECS'] if len(specnames) == 0: specnames = [name] rootnames = [s.split('_')[5] for s in specnames] files = [db.choosesourcespecs(db.findfiles(band, star, rn))[0] for rn in rootnames] id_key = 'ROOTNAME' if 'fos' in name else 'ASN_ID' dataids = [fits.getval(f, id_key) for f in files] custom = [('custom' in s) or ('x2d' in s) for s in specnames] assert all(custom) or (not any(custom)) srchdr['CUSTOM'] = custom[0], 'spectrum extracted from x2d (bad x1d)' if 'gj551' in name: if 'g230lb' in name: rootnames = dataids = ['OCR7QQANQ', 'OCR7QQANQ'] if 'g430l' in name: rootnames = dataids = ['OCR7QQAOQ', 'OCR7QQAPQ'] if 'g750l' in name: rootnames = dataids = ['OCR7QQARQ', 'OCR7QQASQ', 'OCR7QQAQQ'] fitscols = [fits.Column(name='ROOTNAME', format='9A', array=rootnames), fits.Column(name='DATASET_ID', format='9A', array=dataids)] srchdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(fitscols, header=srchdr) = 'SRCSPECS' hdus.append(srchdu) if 'xmm' in name or 'cxo' in name: srchdr = fits.Header() if 'xmm' in name: srchdr['COMMENT'] = ('This extension contains a list of observation IDs (DATASET_ID used for consistency ' 'with HST data) that can be used to locate the data in the XMM archives. XMM data ' 'all come from only a single observation (unlike the HST observations), ' 'but this extension is retained in place of a keyword for consistency with the HST ' 'files.') if 'cxo' in name: srchdr['COMMENT'] = ('This extension contains a list of observation IDs (DATASET_ID used for consistency ' 'with HST data) that can be used to locate the data in the CXO archives.') srchdr['EXTNO'] = 3 obsids = _parse_keys_sequential(hdr, 'OBS_ID') col = fits.Column(name='DATASET_ID', format='10A', array=obsids) srchdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([col], header=srchdr) = 'SRCSPECS' hdus.append(srchdu) hdus = fits.HDUList(hdus) hdus.writeto(hlspname, clobber=overwrite)
def readphotons(star, inst): pf = db.findfiles('photons', star, inst, fullpaths=True) assert len(pf) == 1 ph =[0]) return ph, ph['events'].data
def getcurves(): """ Use this just to save time by not recreating curves each time you reload the function. """ curves = [] for star in stars: tagfiles = db.findfiles('u', 'corrtag_a', 'cos_g130m', star, fullpaths=True) x1dfiles = db.findfiles('u', 'x1d', 'cos_g130m', star, fullpaths=True) curve = cv.autocurve(tagfiles, x1dfiles, dt=dt, bands=bands, groups=groups) curves.append(curve[0]) s, e, y, maxnorm, offsets, flarepts = [], [], [], [], [], [] offset = 0.0 for curve, flarerng in zip(curves, flarerngs): t = (curve['t0'] + curve['t1']) / 2.0 t =[1:] # get rid of gaps ss, j, _ = mnp.shorten_jumps(t, maxjump=10 * dt) s.append(ss) # normalize the data to median f = curve['cps'].data[1:] fmed = np.median(f) yy = f / fmed yy -= 1.0 ee = curve['cps err'].data[1:] / fmed # normalize data to max - min ymax = np.max(yy) yy /= ymax ee /= ymax # identify flare pts i = np.arange(len(yy)) ff = mnp.inranges(i, flarerng) # cull negative outliers good = yy / ee > -2.0 ss, yy, ee, ff = [a[good] for a in [ss, yy, ee, ff]] y.append(yy) e.append(ee) flarepts.append(ff) maxnorm.append(ymax) offset = offset - np.min(yy - ee) offsets.append(offset) offset += np.max(yy + ee) offset += 0.2 stuff = zip(s, y, e, flarepts, maxnorm, offsets) return stuff