def orders_list(): if request.method == 'POST': splitted_status = request.form.get('select_status').split("-") if splitted_status[1] == 'Удалить': db.del_order(splitted_status[0]) flash('Заказ№{} удален.'.format(splitted_status[0])) return render_template('orders.html', orders=db.get_orders()) else: db.update_status(splitted_status[0], splitted_status[1]) return render_template('orders.html', orders=db.get_orders()) else: return render_template('orders.html', orders=db.get_orders())
def employee_home(): orders = db.get_orders(db.get_connection()) if request.method == 'POST': if request.form["myforms"]=="complete_order": db.finish_order(db.get_connection(),request.form['order_id']) return redirect(url_for('employee_home')) if request.form["myforms"]=="add_menu": item_type = request.form['type'] if(item_type == "combo"): db.add_combo(db.get_connection(),request.form['item'],request.form['price']) if(item_type == "pizza"): db.add_pizza(db.get_connection(),request.form['item'],request.form['price']) if(item_type == "side"): db.add_side(db.get_connection(),request.form['item'],request.form['price']) if(item_type == "subs"): db.add_sub(db.get_connection(),request.form['item'],request.form['price']) if request.form["myforms"]=="rem_menu": item_type = request.form['type_id'] if(item_type == "combo"): db.delete_combo(db.get_connection(),request.form['item_id']) if(item_type == "pizza"): db.delete_pizza(db.get_connection(),request.form['item_id']) if(item_type == "side"): db.delete_side(db.get_connection(),request.form['item_id']) if(item_type == "subs"): db.delete_sub(db.get_connection(),request.form['item_id']) return render_template('employee.html',employee=session['username'],orders=orders)
def getOrders(): lat = float(request.args.get('lat')) lng = float(request.args.get('lng')) zoom = int(request.args.get('zoom')) return jsonify({ 'orders': db.get_orders(map.get_map_area(lat, lng, zoom)) })
def index(): if db.test_connection(): message = "База даних під'єднана" else: message = "Не вдалося встановити з'єднання з базою даних" orders = db.get_orders() counterparties = db.get_counterparties() return render_template('index.html', message=message, orders=orders, counterparties=counterparties)
def update_orders(): orders = db.get_orders() handle = gemini.Gemini() for order in orders: data = handle.check_order(order[1]) if data['is_live'] == False: db.edit_transaction(*order) db.delete_order(order[1]) if order[2] == 'buy': db.edit_balance(order[0], 0, order[4]) elif order[2] == 'sell': db.edit_balance(order[0], order[4], 0) print('Processed: ', order[1]) time.sleep(0.1)
def get_round_to_view(): if request.method == 'GET': rounds = db.get_initiators_first_and_last_name_and_round_id() return render_template("viewRound.html", head_title="Rounds", page_title="Rounds", rounds=rounds) elif request.method == 'POST': round_id = request.form.get("round-id") orders = db.get_orders(round_id) return render_template("viewOrder.html", head_title="Orders", page_title="Orders", orders=orders)
def admin(): orders = db.get_orders() render_template('admin.html', orders=orders) if request.method == 'POST': ordernumber = request.form['order_number'] order_status = request.form['status'] i = 0 for order in orders: i = i + 1 if int(ordernumber) == i: db.update_status(ordernumber, order_status) flash('Изменения сохранены') return redirect(url_for('index')) else: return render_template('admin.html', orders=orders)
def get_orders(): orders = db.get_orders() return render_template("orders.html", head_title="Orders", page_title="Orders", orders=orders)
def orders(): with open('links.html', 'r') as l: return '<h1>Open Orders</h1><p>username, order_id, option, complete, usd_value, eth_value</p>{}{}'.format(db.get_orders (session['username']),
def main( symbols: list[str] = typer.Argument(None, help='The symbols you want to buy if they dip enough, separated by spaces. Either use pairs like '\ 'BTC/USDT ETH/USDT or main symbols withouth a quote currency. e.g: BTC ETH', show_default=False), amount_usd: float = typer.Option(config['General']['order_amount_usd'], '--amount-usd', '-a', help='Amount to buy of symbol in base currency'), increase_amount_by: float = typer.Option(config['General']['increase_amount_by'], '--increase-amount-by', '-i', help='The increase in the amount to buy when a symbol was already bought in the last 24 hours'), freq: float = typer.Option(config['General']['frequency'], '--freq', '-f', help='Frequency in minutes to check for new price drops'), min_drop: float = typer.Option(config['General']['min_drop'], '--min-drop', '-m', help='Min drop in percentage in the last 24 hours for placing a buy order'), min_next_drop: float = typer.Option(config['General']['min_next_drop'], '--min-next-drop', '-n', help='The min additional drop in percentage to buy a symbol previoulsy bought'), quote_currency: str = typer.Option('USDT', help='Quote currency to use when none is given in symbols list'), dry_run: bool = typer.Option(config['General']['dry_run'], help='Run in simmulation mode. Don\'t buy anything'), reset_cache: bool = typer.Option(False, '--reset-cache', '-r', help='Reset info of previous operations'), silent: bool = typer.Option(False, '--silent', '-s', help='Silent mode. Do not send notifications to chat'), verbose: bool = typer.Option(False, '--verbose', '-v', help='Verbose mode')): """ Example usage: python BTC ETH DOT --freq 10 --min-drop 7 --min-aditional-drop 2 Start checking prices of BTC/USDT ETH/USDT and DOT/USDT every 10 minutes Buy the ones with a drop in the last 24h greater than 7% If a symbols was previouly bought, buy again only if it is down 2% from last buy price """ if verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) bot_token = os.environ.get('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN') if bot_token is None: bot_token = config['IM']['telegram_bot_token'] if bot_token is None: logging.error('Set the Telegram bot token in the config.yaml or in the TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN environment variable') raise typer.Exit(code=-1) chat_id = config['IM']['telegram_chat_id'] if not symbols: symbols = config['General']['tickers'] symbols = [s.upper() for s in symbols] symbols = [f'{s}/{quote_currency}' if '/' not in s else s for s in symbols] api_key = os.environ.get('BINANCE_API_KEY') api_secret = os.environ.get('BINANCE_API_SECRET') if api_key is None or api_secret is None: msg = ('Add your credentials to BINANCE_API_KEY and BINANCE_API_SECRET ' 'environment variables to stop being asked on every execution') logger.warning() if api_key is None: api_key = typer.prompt('Enter your Binance API key').trim() if api_secret is None: api_secret = typer.prompt('Enter your Binance API secret').trim() # print_header(symbols, freq, amount_usd, min_drop, min_next_drop, dry_run) binance = ccxt.binance( { 'apiKey': api_key, 'secret': api_secret, 'enableRateLimit': True, } ) # Check if symbols are supported by the exchange non_supported_symbols = crypto.get_non_supported_symbols(binance, symbols) if len(non_supported_symbols) > 0: logging.error((f'The following symbol(s) are not supported in {}: ' f'{", ".join(non_supported_symbols)}. Execution stoped\n')) raise typer.Exit(code=-1) # Load previous orders if reset_cache: orders = {} else: orders = db.get_orders() if min_drop == -1: std_devs = data.get_std_dev(binance, symbols) print_header(symbols, freq, amount_usd, increase_amount_by, min_drop, min_next_drop, dry_run, quote_currency, orders) while True: tickers = binance.fetch_tickers(symbols) # now ='%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S') # print(f'Last check: {now} - Hit Ctrl + C to exit', end='\r') for symbol, ticker in tickers.items(): buy_first_time = False buy_again = False if min_drop == -1: min_drop = std_devs[symbol] * 100 * 2 # Two standard deviations if symbol in orders and crypto.bought_less_than_24h_ago(symbol, orders, dry_run): discount_pct = (ticker['last'] / orders[symbol]['price'] - 1) * 100 buy_again = discount_pct < -min_next_drop else: buy_first_time = ticker['percentage'] < -min_drop if buy_first_time or buy_again: try: order = crypto.place_order(exchange=binance, symbol=symbol, price=ticker['last'], amount_in_usd=amount_usd, previous_orders=orders, increase_amount_by=increase_amount_by, dry_run=dry_run) except InsufficientFunds: retry_after = config['General']['retry_after'] msg = f'Insufficient funds. Trying again in {retry_after} minutes...' logger.warning(msg) if not silent: utils.send_msg(bot_token, chat_id, msg) time.sleep(retry_after * 60) continue else: orders[symbol] = order msg = f'Buying ${order["amount"]*order["price"]:.1f} of {symbol} @ {ticker["last"]:,}' if buy_again: msg += f': {discount_pct:.1f}% down from previous buy' else: msg += f': {ticker["percentage"]:.1f}% lower than 24h ago' if dry_run: msg += ' (Dummy mode)' if not silent: utils.send_msg(bot_token, chat_id, msg) else: logger.debug(f'{symbol} currently selling at {ticker["last"]} ({ticker["percentage"]:.1f}%)') logger.debug(f'Checking again for price drops in {freq} minutes...\n') time.sleep(freq * 60)