コード例 #1
    def __extract_issue_ref(self):
      This method attempts to rebuild the IssueRef that the user chose the 
      last time that they scraped this comic.  If it can do so, it will 
      return that IssueRef. If not, it will return None, or the 
      string "skip" (see below).   
      If the user has manually added the magic CVDBSKIP flag to the tags or 
      notes for this book, then this method will return the string "skip", 
      which should be interpreted as "never scrape this book".

        # in this method, its easier to work with tags as a single string
        bd = self.__bookdata
        tagstring = ', '.join(bd.tags_sl)

        # check for the magic CVDBSKIP skip flag
        skip_found = re.search(r'(?i)' + ComicBook.CVDBSKIP, tagstring)
        if not skip_found:
            skip_found = re.search(r'(?i)' + ComicBook.CVDBSKIP, bd.notes_s)
        retval = "skip" if skip_found else None

        if retval is None:
            # if no skip tag, see if there's a key tag in the tags or notes
            issue_key = db.parse_key_tag(tagstring)

            if issue_key == None:
                issue_key = db.parse_key_tag(bd.notes_s)

            if issue_key == None:
                issue_key = int(bd.issue_key_s) if \
                   utils.is_number(bd.issue_key_s) else None

            if issue_key != None:
                # found a key tag! convert to an IssueRef
                retval = IssueRef(self.issue_num_s, issue_key,

        return retval
コード例 #2
 def __extract_issue_ref(self): 
    This method attempts to rebuild the IssueRef that the user chose the 
    last time that they scraped this comic.  If it can do so, it will 
    return that IssueRef. If not, it will return None, or the 
    string "skip" (see below).   
    If the user has manually added the magic CVDBSKIP flag to the tags or 
    notes for this book, then this method will return the string "skip", 
    which should be interpreted as "never scrape this book".
    # in this method, its easier to work with tags as a single string
    bd = self.__bookdata
    tagstring = ', '.join(bd.tags_sl)
    # check for the magic CVDBSKIP skip flag
    skip_found = re.search(r'(?i)'+ComicBook.CVDBSKIP, tagstring)
    if not skip_found:
       skip_found = re.search(r'(?i)'+ComicBook.CVDBSKIP, bd.notes_s)
    retval = "skip" if skip_found else None
    if retval is None:   
       # if no skip tag, see if there's a key tag in the tags or notes
       issue_key = db.parse_key_tag(tagstring)
       if issue_key == None:
          issue_key = db.parse_key_tag(bd.notes_s)
       if issue_key == None:
          issue_key = int(bd.issue_key_s) if \
             utils.is_number(bd.issue_key_s) else None
       if issue_key != None:
          # found a key tag! convert to an IssueRef
          retval = IssueRef(self.issue_num_s, issue_key, 
             self.__bookdata.title_s, self.__bookdata.cover_url_s);
    return retval
コード例 #3
    def __add_key_to_tags(self, tags_sl, issue_key):
      Returns the given tag list, but with a "key tag" for the given issue_key 
      added in (iff key tags are supported by the current database 
      implementation.)  If the given string already contains a valid 
      key tag, the tag will be REPLACED with the new one, otherwise the new key 
      tag will be appended to the end of the list.
      If the given issue_key is None, the tags will be updated with the
      magic CVDBSKIP tag instead of a regular key tag.
      This method never returns None. 

        updated_tagstring_s = None  # our return value

        # 1. clean up whitespace and None in our tagstring parameter
        tagstring_s = ', '.join(tags_sl).strip() if tags_sl else ''

        key_tag_s = db.create_key_tag_s(issue_key) \
           if issue_key != None else ComicBook.CVDBSKIP
        if key_tag_s and tagstring_s:
            # 2. we have both a new key tag AND a non-empty tagstring; find and
            #    replace the existing tag (if it exists in the tagtring)
            #    with the new one.
            matches = False
            prev_issue_key = db.parse_key_tag(tagstring_s)
            if prev_issue_key:
                prev_key_tag_s = db.create_key_tag_s(prev_issue_key)
                if prev_key_tag_s:
                    regexp = re.compile(r"(?i)" + prev_key_tag_s)
                    matches = regexp.search(tagstring_s)
            if matches:
                # 2a. yup, found an existing key tag--replace it with the new one
                updated_tagstring_s = re.sub(regexp, key_tag_s, tagstring_s)
                # 2b. nope, no previous key tag found--just append the new key tag
                if tagstring_s[-1] == ",":
                    tagstring_s = tagstring_s[:-1]
                updated_tagstring_s = tagstring_s + ", " + key_tag_s
        elif key_tag_s:
            # 3. no previous tagstring, so the key tag *becomes* the new tagstring
            updated_tagstring_s = key_tag_s
            # 4. there's no key tag available, so don't change the tagstring.
            updated_tagstring_s = tagstring_s

        return updated_tagstring_s.split(", ")
コード例 #4
 def __add_key_to_tags(self, tags_sl, issue_key):
    Returns the given tag list, but with a "key tag" for the given issue_key 
    added in (iff key tags are supported by the current database 
    implementation.)  If the given string already contains a valid 
    key tag, the tag will be REPLACED with the new one, otherwise the new key 
    tag will be appended to the end of the list.
    If the given issue_key is None, the tags will be updated with the
    magic CVDBSKIP tag instead of a regular key tag.
    This method never returns None. 
    updated_tagstring_s = None   # our return value
    # 1. clean up whitespace and None in our tagstring parameter
    tagstring_s = ', '.join(tags_sl).strip() if tags_sl else ''
    key_tag_s = db.create_key_tag_s(issue_key) \
       if issue_key != None else ComicBook.CVDBSKIP 
    if key_tag_s and tagstring_s:
       # 2. we have both a new key tag AND a non-empty tagstring; find and 
       #    replace the existing tag (if it exists in the tagtring) 
       #    with the new one. 
       matches = False
       prev_issue_key = db.parse_key_tag(tagstring_s)
       if prev_issue_key:
          prev_key_tag_s = db.create_key_tag_s(prev_issue_key)
          if prev_key_tag_s:
             regexp = re.compile(r"(?i)" + prev_key_tag_s)
             matches = regexp.search(tagstring_s)
       if matches:
          # 2a. yup, found an existing key tag--replace it with the new one
          updated_tagstring_s = re.sub(regexp, key_tag_s, tagstring_s)
          # 2b. nope, no previous key tag found--just append the new key tag
          if tagstring_s[-1] == ",":
             tagstring_s = tagstring_s[:-1]
          updated_tagstring_s = tagstring_s +", " + key_tag_s
    elif key_tag_s:
       # 3. no previous tagstring, so the key tag *becomes* the new tagstring
       updated_tagstring_s = key_tag_s
       # 4. there's no key tag available, so don't change the tagstring.
       updated_tagstring_s = tagstring_s
    return updated_tagstring_s.split(", ")
コード例 #5
    def __add_key_to_notes(self, notestring_s, issue_key):
      Returns a copy of the given comic book note string, but with a "key tag" 
      for the given issue_key appended onto the end (iff key tags are
      supported by the current database implementation.)  If the given 
      notes string already contains a valid key tag, the existing tag will be 
      REPLACED with the new one.
      If the given issue_key is None, the note string will be updated with the
      magic CVDBSKIP tag instead of a regular key tag.
      This method never returns None. 
        updated_notestring_s = None  # our return value

        # 1. clean up whitespace and None in our notestring parameter
        notestring_s = notestring_s.strip() if notestring_s else ''

        # Create a key-note that looks like either:
        # 1) Scraped metadata from ComicVine [CVDB9999].
        # 2) Scraped metadata from ComicVine [CVDB9999] on 2013.05.14 21:43:06.
        key_tag_s = db.create_key_tag_s(issue_key) \
           if issue_key != None else ComicBook.CVDBSKIP
        date_s = " on "+strftime(r'%Y.%m.%d %X') \
           if self.__scraper.config.note_scrape_date_b else ""
        key_note_s = 'Scraped metadata from {0} [{1}]{2}.'.format(
            "ComicVine", key_tag_s, date_s) if key_tag_s else ''

        if key_note_s and notestring_s:
            # 2. we have both a new key-note (based on the key tag), AND a
            #    non-empty notestring; find and replace the existing key-note (if
            #    it exists in the notestring) with the new one.
            matches = False
            prev_issue_key = db.parse_key_tag(notestring_s)
            if prev_issue_key:
                prev_key_tag = db.create_key_tag_s(prev_issue_key)
                if prev_key_tag:
                    regexp = re.compile( r"(?i)Scraped.*?" + prev_key_tag \
                        + "(]\.|.*?[\d\.]{8,} [\d:]{6,}\.)")
                    matches = regexp.search(notestring_s)
            if matches:
                # 2a. yup, found an existing key-note--replace it with the new one
                updated_notestring_s = re.sub(regexp, key_note_s, notestring_s)
                # 2b. nope, no previous key-note found.  try looking for the key
                #     tag on it's own (i.e. if the user added it by hand)
                if prev_issue_key:
                    prev_key_tag = db.create_key_tag_s(prev_issue_key)
                    if prev_key_tag:
                        regexp = re.compile(r"(?i)" + prev_key_tag)
                        matches = regexp.search(notestring_s)
                if matches:
                    # 2c. yup, found a key tag--replace it with the new one
                    updated_notestring_s = re.sub(regexp, key_tag_s,
                    # 2b. nope, no previous key found--just append the new key-note
                    updated_notestring_s = notestring_s + "\n\n" + key_note_s
        elif key_note_s:
            # 3. no previous notestring, so the key-note *becomes* the new string
            updated_notestring_s = key_note_s
            # 4. there's no key tag available, so don't change the tagstring.
            updated_notestring_s = notestring_s

        return updated_notestring_s
コード例 #6
 def __add_key_to_notes(self, notestring_s, issue_key):
    Returns a copy of the given comic book note string, but with a "key tag" 
    for the given issue_key appended onto the end (iff key tags are
    supported by the current database implementation.)  If the given 
    notes string already contains a valid key tag, the existing tag will be 
    REPLACED with the new one.
    If the given issue_key is None, the note string will be updated with the
    magic CVDBSKIP tag instead of a regular key tag.
    This method never returns None. 
    updated_notestring_s = None # our return value
    # 1. clean up whitespace and None in our notestring parameter
    notestring_s = notestring_s.strip() if notestring_s else ''
    # Create a key-note that looks like either:
    # 1) Scraped metadata from ComicVine [CVDB9999]. 
    # 2) Scraped metadata from ComicVine [CVDB9999] on 2013.05.14 21:43:06. 
    key_tag_s = db.create_key_tag_s(issue_key) \
       if issue_key != None else ComicBook.CVDBSKIP
    date_s = " on "+strftime(r'%Y.%m.%d %X') \
       if self.__scraper.config.note_scrape_date_b else "" 
    key_note_s = 'Scraped metadata from {0} [{1}]{2}.'.format(
       "ComicVine", key_tag_s, date_s) if key_tag_s else ''
    if key_note_s and notestring_s:
       # 2. we have both a new key-note (based on the key tag), AND a 
       #    non-empty notestring; find and replace the existing key-note (if 
       #    it exists in the notestring) with the new one. 
       matches = False
       prev_issue_key = db.parse_key_tag(notestring_s)
       if prev_issue_key:
          prev_key_tag = db.create_key_tag_s(prev_issue_key)
          if prev_key_tag:
             regexp = re.compile( r"(?i)Scraped.*?" + prev_key_tag \
                 + "(]\.|.*?[\d\.]{8,} [\d:]{6,}\.)")                                   
             matches = regexp.search(notestring_s) 
       if matches:
          # 2a. yup, found an existing key-note--replace it with the new one
          updated_notestring_s = re.sub(regexp, key_note_s, notestring_s)
          # 2b. nope, no previous key-note found.  try looking for the key
          #     tag on it's own (i.e. if the user added it by hand)
          if prev_issue_key:
             prev_key_tag = db.create_key_tag_s(prev_issue_key)
             if prev_key_tag:
                regexp = re.compile(r"(?i)" + prev_key_tag)
                matches = regexp.search(notestring_s)
          if matches:
             # 2c. yup, found a key tag--replace it with the new one
             updated_notestring_s = re.sub(regexp, key_tag_s, notestring_s)
             # 2b. nope, no previous key found--just append the new key-note
             updated_notestring_s = notestring_s + "\n\n" + key_note_s 
    elif key_note_s:  
       # 3. no previous notestring, so the key-note *becomes* the new string
       updated_notestring_s = key_note_s
       # 4. there's no key tag available, so don't change the tagstring.
       updated_notestring_s = notestring_s
    return updated_notestring_s