def add_computer(): """ Reads in Text file created by powershell() assigns it to a variable then passes the Info to Computer, LastLogon Class which creates an object. Lastly the function passes the returned object to db.insert data """ file1 = 'f:\Windows_10_Refresh\Powershell\SysConfig.txt' with open (file1, 'r') as f1: text = if text: name = text[0] username = text[1] windows = text[2] cpu = text[3] currentamount = text[4] totalslots = text[5] lastlogon = text[6] ipaddress = text[7] computer = Computer(name=name, username=username, windows=windows, cpu=cpu, currentamount=currentamount, totalslots=totalslots, lastlogon=lastlogon, ipaddress=ipaddress) db.update_data(computer) else: print("")
def get_maximum_price(message): while int(db.get_user(message.from_user.username)['max_price']) == -1: try: max_price = int( message.text) if int(message.text) >= 0 else bot.send_message(, 'Please, enter correct price') db.update_data(message.from_user.username, 'max_price', max_price) user = db.get_user(message.from_user.username) search_type = user['search_type'] beds = user['beds'] baths = user['baths'] min_price = user['min_price'] max_price = user['max_price'] markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2) markup.add( types.InlineKeyboardButton('Yes', callback_data='correct'), types.InlineKeyboardButton('No', callback_data='incorrect')) bot.send_message(, f'You want to {search_type} Property\nCity: San Fransico\nBeds: {beds}\nBaths: {baths}\nMin Price: {min_price}\nMax Price: {max_price}\n', reply_markup=markup) except Exception as e: print(e)
def get_data(movie_id): url = "{}".format(movie_id) r = requests.get(url, headers=HEADERS) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.status_code) content = r.content s = content.find("<span class=\"year\">") s = content.find("(", s + 1) e = content.find("</span>", s + 1) year = int(content[s + 1:e - 1]) s = content.find("<script type=\"application/ld+json\">") s = content.find("{", s + 1) e = content.find("</script>", s + 1) json_data = json.loads(content[s:e - 1], strict=False) name = json_data.get(u'name') score = json_data.get(u'aggregateRating').get(u'ratingValue') if score: score = float(score) else: score = "NULL" votes = json_data.get(u'aggregateRating').get(u'ratingCount') if votes: votes = int(votes) else: votes = "NULL" if db.check_exists(movie_id): db.update_data(movie_id, name, year, score, votes) else: db.insert_data(movie_id, name, year, score, votes)"finish %s %s %s %s %s", movie_id, name, year, score, votes) global backup_list if len(backup_list) < 100: find_next(content)
def user_entering_description(message): if len(message.text) < 10 or len(message.text) > 255: bot.send_message(, "Слишком короткое/длинное описание!") return else: db.update_data(, 'description', message.text) bot.send_message(, "Хорошо, введите цену (BYN):") db.set_state(, config.States.S_SEND_PRICE.value)
def user_entering_title(message): if len(message.text) < 3 or len(message.text) > 30: bot.send_message(, "Слишком короткое/длинное название!") return else: db.update_data(, 'title', message.text) bot.send_message(, "Понял, теперь описание:") db.set_state(, config.States.S_SEND_DESCRIPTION.value)
def user_entering_city(message): if len(message.text) < 2 or len(message.text) > 30: bot.send_message(, "Введите настоящий город!") return else: db.update_data(, 'city', message.text) bot.send_message(, "Хорошо, ваш заголовок:") db.set_state(, config.States.S_SEND_TITLE.value)
def user_entering_price(message): if not message.text.isdigit(): bot.send_message(, "Только цифры:)") return if int(message.text) < 1 or int(message.text) > 10000: bot.send_message(, "Введите нормальную цену:)") return else: db.update_data(, 'price', message.text) bot.send_message(, "Пришлите мне одно фото товара") db.set_state(, config.States.S_SEND_PHOTO.value)
def get_minimum_price(message): while int(db.get_user(message.from_user.username)['min_price']) == -1: try: min_price = int( message.text) if int(message.text) >= 0 else bot.send_message(, 'Please, enter correct price') db.update_data(message.from_user.username, 'min_price', min_price) bot.send_message(, "Write the maximum price.") bot.register_next_step_handler(message, get_maximum_price) except Exception as e: pass
def user_sending_photo(message): contacts = "@{}".format(message.from_user.username) db.update_data(, 'contacts', contacts) db.update_data(, 'photo',[-1].file_id) result = db.fetch( announc = Announcement(result) bot.send_photo(,, caption="Поздравляю! Можете отправить объявление на модерацию.\n\n{}". format(announc.showInfo()), reply_markup=keyboard.endKeyboard(), parse_mode="Markdown") db.set_state(, config.States.S_START.value)
def popup_bearbeiten(self): """ Ruft das Popup Eintrag Bearbeiten und ruft ein columntree Update. """ selected = self.columntree.selection() if len(selected) < 1: messagebox.showinfo(title="Fehler", message="Kein Eintrag zum Bearbeiten ausgewählt!") elif len(selected) > 1: selected = self.columntree.selection() t_ids_bezahlt = [] for item in selected: t_ids_bezahlt.append((self.columntree.set(item, column="id"), self.columntree.set(item, column="bezahlt"))) popup = Toplevel(self) d = popup_bearbeiten_bezahlt.EintraegeBearbeiten(t_ids_bezahlt, popup) popup.update_idletasks() popup.update() popup.focus_set() popup.grab_set() popup.wait_window(popup) if d.result: db.update_data_bezahlt(d.result) self.update_tabelle() else: t_id = self.columntree.set(selected[0], column="id") datum = self.columntree.set(selected[0], column="datum") projekt = self.columntree.set(selected[0], column="projekt") startzeit = self.columntree.set(selected[0], column="startzeit") endzeit = self.columntree.set(selected[0], column="endzeit") protokoll = self.columntree.set(selected[0], column="protokoll") bezahlt = self.columntree.set(selected[0], column="bezahlt") popup = Toplevel(self) d = popup_bearbeiten.EintragBearbeiten(t_id, datum, projekt, startzeit, endzeit, protokoll, bezahlt, popup) popup.update_idletasks() popup.update() popup.focus_set() popup.grab_set() popup.wait_window(popup) if d.result: db.update_data(d.result) self.update_tabelle()
def editar(self): print("---------------") print("Editar contacto") print("---------------") nom_buscado = input("Introduzca el nombre del contacto: ") get_data(nom_buscado) print( 'A continuacion solicitaremos que ingrese los datos para actualizarlos' ) nombre = input("Introduzca el nuevo nombre: ") apellido = input("Introduzca el nuevo apellido: ") telefono = input("Introduzca el nuevo teléfono: ") email = input("Introduzca el nuevo email: ") update_data(nom_buscado, nombre, apellido, telefono, email) '''condition = False
def update_user_data(): user_id = jwt.decode(request.headers.get('token')[1:-1], app.config['SECRET_KEY'], algorithms='HS256')["user"] request_body = request.get_json() data = request_body["data"] return jsonify(update_data(user_id, data))
def mess(message): resp = db.update_data() subs = db.get_subs() for user in subs: bot.send_message(user[1], messages.mess_gen(resp), parse_mode="Markdown")
def get_baths_num(message): while int(db.get_user(message.from_user.username)['baths']) == 0: try: if int(message.text) <= 0: bot.send_message(, 'Number of baths cannot be less than zero') elif int(message.text) > 6: bot.send_message(, 'It should be very big house, please try again') else: baths = int(message.text) db.update_data(message.from_user.username, 'baths', baths) bot.send_message(, "Write the minimum price.") bot.register_next_step_handler(message, get_minimum_price) except Exception as e: bot.send_message(, 'Number of baths, please')
def get_beds_num(message): while int(db.get_user(message.from_user.username)['beds']) == 0: try: if int(message.text) <= 0: bot.send_message(, 'Number of beds cannot be less than zero') elif int(message.text) > 6: bot.send_message(, 'It should be very big house, please try again') else: beds = int(message.text) db.update_data(message.from_user.username, 'beds', beds) bot.send_message(, 'Write how many bathrooms do you want.') bot.register_next_step_handler(message, get_baths_num) except Exception as e: print(e) bot.send_message(, 'Number of beds, please')
for i in data: print(i) print('\n........................................................\n\n') for i in data: check_protocolo(driver,wait,i) time.sleep(5) try: element = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH,'//*[@id="situacaoViabilidade"]'))) finally: status = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="situacaoViabilidade"]') status= str(status.get_attribute('innerHTML')) status = status[1:] if status == "Deferida": print('... Protocolo Acima está Deferida!!!') TESTE_DOWNLOAD(driver,wait) update_data(i,status) elif status == "Indeferida": print('... Protocolo Acima está Indeferida!!!') TESTE_DOWNLOAD(driver,wait) update_data(i,status) elif status == "Cancelada Pelo Usuário": print('... Protocolo Acima Foi cancelada pelo Usuário!!!') update_data(i,status) elif status == "Protocolada'": print('... Protocolo Acima continua Protocolada!!!') print("-------------------------------------------------------\n\n") driver.close() print("\n...Encerrada a Verificação!!!\n-------------------------------------------------------\n\n")
def updatehanzi(data): d = (data["hanzi"], data["type"], data["learned"], data["passed"], data["id"]) r = db.update_data(db.sql_connection(), d) return r
def user_entering_category(message): db.update_data(, 'category', message.text) bot.send_message(, "Супер. Напишите ваш город:", reply_markup=keyboard.hideKeyboard()) db.set_state(, config.States.S_ENTER_CITY.value)