コード例 #1
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: aminnj/dis
def get_snt_samples(entity, selectors, short=True):

    from db import DBInterface
    db = DBInterface(fname="allsamples.db")

    match_dict = {"dataset_name": entity}

    # if we didn't specify a sample_type, then assume we only want CMS3 and not BABY
    if not selectors or not any(map(lambda x: "sample_type" in x, selectors)):

        # but if user specified an analysis, then don't restrict to CMS3
        if not any(map(lambda x: "analysis" in x, selectors)) \
                and not any(map(lambda x: "baby_tag" in x, selectors)):

    if selectors:
        for more in selectors:
            key = more.split("=")[0].strip()
            val = more.split("=")[1].strip()
            match_dict[key] = val

    samples = db.fetch_samples_matching(match_dict)
    samples = sorted(
        key=lambda x: x.get("cms3tag", "") + str(x.get("nevents_out", "0")),

    if short:
        # import datetime
        new_samples = []
        for sample in samples:
            if sample["sample_type"] == "CMS3":
                for key in ["sample_id","filter_type","assigned_to", \
                            "comments","twiki_name", "analysis", "baby_tag"]:
                    del sample[key]
            elif sample["sample_type"] == "BABY":
                for key in ["sample_id","filter_type","assigned_to", \
                    del sample[key]
            # if "timestamp" in sample:
            #     sample["timestamp"] = str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(sample["timestamp"]))
        samples = new_samples

    return samples
コード例 #2
def do_test():
    sample = {
        "twiki_name": "Run2SamplesReMINIAOD_25ns",
        "sample_type": "CMS3",
        "filter_type": "NoFilter",
        "nevents_in": 30301601,
        "nevents_out": 30301601,
        "xsec": 18610,
        "kfactor": 1.11,
        "filter_eff": 1,
        "baby_tag": "",
        "analysis": "",
        "timestamp": int(time.time()),
        "gtag": "74X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v2",
        "cms3tag": "CMS3_V07-04-11",
        "assigned_to": "Rafael",
        "comments": "xsec from MCM"

    # :memory: uses RAM instead of saving a file
    # db = DBInterface(fname=":memory:")
    db = DBInterface(fname=":memory:")

    # empty DB and re-initialize table

    # make some more fake samples
    sample1 = sample.copy()

    sample2 = sample.copy()
    sample2["cms3tag"] = "the_tag_2"

    sample3 = sample.copy()
    sample3["cms3tag"] = "the_tag_3"
    sample3["nevents_out"] = 12345

    # insert samples

    # next line shouldn't add a new row since there's duplicate checking

    assert (len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"sample_type": "CMS3"})) == 3
            )  # should match all three samples
    assert (len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"cms3tag": "the_tag_2"})) == 1
            )  # should match only sample2
    assert (len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"nevents_out": 12345})) == 1
            )  # should match only sample3
    assert (len(
            "cms3tag": "the_tag_3",
            "nevents_out": 12345
        })) == 1)  # should match only sample3

    # get sample2, change the evt count (leaving the rest), update it
    sample = db.fetch_samples_matching({"cms3tag": "the_tag_2"})[0]
    sample["nevents_out"] = 666

    assert (len(
            "cms3tag": "the_tag_2",
            "nevents_out": 666
        })) == 1)
    assert (len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"sample_type": "CMS3"})) == 3
            )  # still only have 3 samples
    assert (len(db.read_to_dict_list("select * from sample")) == 3
            )  # check that this method returns all samples

    assert (len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"cms3tag": "the_tag_4"})) == 0
            )  # shouldn't match anything

    # if we change the cms3tag and try to update the sample, it's actually a new sample, so another row gets added
    sample = db.fetch_samples_matching({"cms3tag": "the_tag_2"})[0]
    sample["cms3tag"] = "the_tag_4"

    assert (len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"cms3tag": "the_tag_4"})) == 1
            )  # should now match one sample
    assert (len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"sample_type": "CMS3"})) == 4
            )  # and we have 4 rows now

    assert (db.fetch_samples_matching({"duck": 1}) == []
            )  # unrecognized key returns nothing
    assert (db.fetch_samples_matching({}) == []
            )  # empty selection dict returns nothing

    assert (db.update_sample({}) == False)  # don't do anything if empty
    assert (db.update_sample({"duck": 1}) == False
            )  # don't do anything if unrecognized key

    assert (len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"cms3tag": "*_tag_*"})) == 3
            )  # check wildcard support


    # print "Calculations correct"

    return True
コード例 #3
ファイル: db_tester.py プロジェクト: aminnj/makers
def do_test():
    sample = {
                "dataset_name": "/DYJetsToLL_M-10to50_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8/RunIISpring15MiniAODv2-74X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v2-v1/MINIAODSIM",
                "twiki_name": "Run2SamplesReMINIAOD_25ns",
                "sample_type": "CMS3",
                "filter_type": "NoFilter",
                "nevents_in": 30301601,
                "nevents_out": 30301601,
                "xsec": 18610,
                "kfactor": 1.11,
                "filter_eff": 1,
                "gtag": "74X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v2",
                "cms3tag": "CMS3_V07-04-11",
                "location": "/hadoop/cms/store/group/snt/run2_25ns_MiniAODv2/DYJetsToLL_M-10to50_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8_RunIISpring15MiniAODv2-74X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v2-v1/V07-04-11/",
                "assigned_to": "Rafael",
                "comments": "xsec from MCM"

    # :memory: uses RAM instead of saving a file
    # db = DBInterface(fname=":memory:")
    db = DBInterface(fname=":memory:")

    # empty DB and re-initialize table

    # make some more fake samples
    sample1 = sample.copy()

    sample2 = sample.copy()
    sample2["cms3tag"] = "the_tag_2"

    sample3 = sample.copy()
    sample3["cms3tag"] = "the_tag_3"
    sample3["nevents_out"] = 12345

    # insert samples

    # next line shouldn't add a new row since there's duplicate checking

    assert( len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"sample_type":"CMS3"})) == 3 ) # should match all three samples
    assert( len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"cms3tag":"the_tag_2"})) == 1 ) # should match only sample2
    assert( len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"nevents_out":12345})) == 1 ) # should match only sample3
    assert( len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"cms3tag":"the_tag_3","nevents_out":12345})) == 1 ) # should match only sample3

    # get sample2, change the evt count (leaving the rest), update it
    sample = db.fetch_samples_matching({"cms3tag":"the_tag_2"})[0]
    sample["nevents_out"] = 666

    assert( len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"cms3tag":"the_tag_2","nevents_out":666})) == 1 )
    assert( len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"sample_type":"CMS3"})) == 3 ) # still only have 3 samples
    assert( len(db.read_to_dict_list("select * from sample")) == 3 ) # check that this method returns all samples

    assert( len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"cms3tag":"the_tag_4"})) == 0 ) # shouldn't match anything

    # if we change the cms3tag and try to update the sample, it's actually a new sample, so another row gets added
    sample = db.fetch_samples_matching({"cms3tag":"the_tag_2"})[0]
    sample["cms3tag"] = "the_tag_4"

    assert( len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"cms3tag":"the_tag_4"})) == 1 ) # should now match one sample
    assert( len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"sample_type":"CMS3"})) == 4 ) # and we have 4 rows now

    assert( db.fetch_samples_matching({"duck":1}) == [] ) # unrecognized key returns nothing
    assert( db.fetch_samples_matching({}) == [] ) # empty selection dict returns nothing

    assert( db.update_sample({}) == False ) # don't do anything if empty
    assert( db.update_sample({"duck":1}) == False ) # don't do anything if unrecognized key

    assert( len(db.fetch_samples_matching({"cms3tag":"*_tag_*"})) == 3 ) # check wildcard support


    # print "Calculations correct"

    return True
コード例 #4
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: aminnj/makers
def handle_query(arg_dict):

    query_type = arg_dict.get("type","basic")
    query = arg_dict.get("query", None).strip()
    short = arg_dict.get("short", False)

    # parse extra information in query if it's not just the dataset
    # /Gjet*/*/*, cms3tag=*07*06* | grep location,dataset_name
    # ^^dataset^^ ^^^selectors^^^   ^^^^^^^^^^^pipes^^^^^^^^^^
    selectors = None
    pipes = None
    if "|" in query:
        first = query.split("|")[0].strip()
        pipes = query.split("|")[1:]

        if "," in first:
            entity = first.split(",")[0].strip()
            selectors = first.split(",")[1:]
            entity = first
    elif "," in query:
        entity = query.split(",")[0].strip()
        selectors = query.split(",")[1:]
        entity = query.strip()

    failed = False
    fail_reason = ""
    warning = ""
    payload = {}

    if "*" in entity and query_type in ["basic","files"]:
        query_type = "listdatasets"

    if query_type in ["basic", "files", "listdatasets", "mcm", "driver", "lhe", "parents", "dbs"]:
        if proxy_hours_left() < 5: proxy_renew()

    if not entity:
        failed = True
        fail_reason = "Dataset not specified"

        if query_type == "basic":
            info = dataset_event_count(entity)
            if not info:
                failed = True
                fail_reason = "Dataset not found"
            payload = info

        elif query_type == "listdatasets":
            datasets = list_of_datasets(entity, short)
            if not datasets:
                failed = True
                fail_reason = "No datasets found"
            payload = datasets

        elif query_type == "files":
            files = get_dataset_files(entity)
            payload = filelist_to_dict(files, short)

        elif query_type == "runs":
            payload = get_dataset_runs(entity)

        elif query_type == "pick":
            payload, warning = get_pick_events(entity, selectors)

        elif query_type == "pick_cms3":
            payload, warning = get_pick_cms3(entity, selectors)

        elif query_type == "config":
            config_info = get_dataset_config(entity)
            payload = config_info

        elif query_type == "mcm":
            if selectors:
                if "this" == selectors[0].lower():
                    gen_sim = entity
                gen_sim = get_specified_parent(entity, typ="GEN-SIM", fallback="AODSIM")

            if short:
                info = get_slim_mcm_json(gen_sim)
                info = get_mcm_json(gen_sim)["results"]
            info["sample"] = gen_sim
            payload = info

        elif query_type == "parents":

            lineage = []
            dataset = entity
            while dataset:
                    dataset = get_dataset_parent(dataset)
                if dataset: lineage.append(dataset)

            info = {}
            info["parents"] = lineage
            payload = info

        elif query_type == "driver":
            if selectors:
                if "this" == selectors[0].lower():
                    gen_sim = entity
                gen_sim = get_specified_parent(entity, typ="GEN-SIM", fallback="AODSIM")

            info = get_mcm_json(gen_sim)["results"]
            dataset_base = info["dataset_name"]
            campaign = info["prepid"]
            driver = get_mcm_setup(campaign)
            payload = { "dataset": dataset_base, "cmsDriver": driver }

        elif query_type == "lhe":
            lhe = get_specified_parent(entity, typ="LHE")
            # lhe = get_dataset_parent(gen_sim)
            files = get_dataset_files(lhe)
            payload["files"] = filelist_to_dict(files, short)

        elif query_type == "snt":
            from db import DBInterface
            db = DBInterface(fname="allsamples.db")

            match_dict = {"dataset_name": entity}

            if selectors:
                for more in selectors:
                    key = more.split("=")[0].strip()
                    val = more.split("=")[1].strip()
                    match_dict[key] = val

            samples = db.fetch_samples_matching(match_dict)

            if short:
                new_samples = []
                for sample in samples:
                    for key in ["sample_id","filter_type","assigned_to", \
                        del sample[key]
                samples = new_samples

            payload = samples

        elif query_type == "update_snt":
            from db import DBInterface
            db = DBInterface(fname="allsamples.db")
            s = {}
            for keyval in query.split(","):
                key,val = keyval.strip().split("=")
                s[key] = val
            payload = s
            did_update = db.update_sample(s)

            payload["updated"] = did_update

        elif query_type == "dbs":
            payload = get_url_with_cert(query)
            # payload = "/DYJetsToLL_M-50_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8/RunIISpring16MiniAODv1-PUSpring16_80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_v3-v1/MINIAODSIM"

            failed = True
            fail_reason = "Query type not found"
        failed = True
        fail_reason = traceback.format_exc()

    if pipes:
        for pipe in pipes:
            pipe = pipe.strip()
            parts = pipe.split(" ",1)
            if len(parts) == 1:
                verb = parts[0].strip()
            elif len(parts) == 2:
                verb, keys = parts
                keys = map(lambda x: x.strip(), keys.split(","))
                verb = parts[0]

            if verb == "grep":
                if type(payload) == list:
                    for ipay in range(len(payload)):
                        if type(payload[ipay]) is not dict: continue

                        if len(keys) > 1:
                            d = {}
                            for key in keys: d[key] = payload[ipay].get(key,None)
                            payload[ipay] = d
                            payload[ipay] = payload[ipay].get(keys[0],None)
                elif type(payload) == dict:
                    if len(keys) > 0:
                        d = {}
                        for key in keys: d[key] = payload.get(key,None)
                        payload = d
            elif verb == "stats":
                if type(payload) == list:
                    nums = []
                    for elem in payload:
                        try: nums.append(float(elem))
                        except: pass

                    if len(nums) > 0:
                        payload = {
                                "N": len(nums),
                                "total": sum(nums),
                                "minimum": min(nums),
                                "maximum": max(nums),
                        payload = {"N": len(payload)}

    return make_response(arg_dict, payload, failed, fail_reason, warning)
コード例 #5
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: aminnj/makers
def handle_query(arg_dict):

    query_type = arg_dict.get("type", "basic")
    query = arg_dict.get("query", None).strip()
    short = arg_dict.get("short", False)

    # parse extra information in query if it's not just the dataset
    # /Gjet*/*/*, cms3tag=*07*06* | grep location,dataset_name
    # ^^dataset^^ ^^^selectors^^^   ^^^^^^^^^^^pipes^^^^^^^^^^
    selectors = []
    pipes = []
    if "|" in query:
        first = query.split("|")[0].strip()
        pipes = query.split("|")[1:]

        if "," in first:
            entity = first.split(",")[0].strip()
            selectors = first.split(",")[1:]
            entity = first
    elif "," in query:
        entity = query.split(",")[0].strip()
        selectors = query.split(",")[1:]
        entity = query.strip()

    failed = False
    fail_reason = ""
    warning = ""
    payload = {}

    if "*" in entity and query_type in ["basic", "files"]:
        query_type = "listdatasets"

    if query_type in [
            "basic", "files", "listdatasets", "mcm", "driver", "lhe",
            "parents", "dbs"
        if proxy_hours_left() < 5: proxy_renew()

    if not entity:
        failed = True
        fail_reason = "Dataset not specified"

        if query_type == "basic":
            info = dataset_event_count(entity)
            if not info:
                failed = True
                fail_reason = "Dataset not found"
            payload = info

        elif query_type == "listdatasets":
            datasets = list_of_datasets(entity, short, selectors=selectors)
            if not datasets:
                failed = True
                fail_reason = "No datasets found"
            payload = datasets

        elif query_type == "sites":
            if "/store/" in entity:
                payload = get_file_replicas(entity)
                datasets = list_of_datasets(entity, short=True)
                if not datasets:
                    failed = True
                    fail_reason = "No datasets found"
                payload = get_replica_fractions(datasets)

        elif query_type == "files":
            files = get_dataset_files(entity, selectors=selectors)
            payload = filelist_to_dict(files, short, num=10)

        elif query_type == "runs":
            payload = get_dataset_runs(entity)

        elif query_type == "pick":
            payload, warning = get_pick_events(entity, selectors)

        elif query_type == "pick_cms3":
            payload, warning = get_pick_cms3(entity, selectors)

        elif query_type == "config":
            config_info = get_dataset_config(entity)
            payload = config_info

        elif query_type == "mcm":
            if selectors:
                if "this" == selectors[0].lower():
                    gen_sim = entity
                gen_sim = get_specified_parent(entity,

            if short:
                info = get_slim_mcm_json(gen_sim)
                info = get_mcm_json(gen_sim)["results"]
            info["sample"] = gen_sim
            payload = info

        elif query_type == "parents":

            lineage = []
            dataset = entity
            while dataset:
                    dataset = get_dataset_parent(dataset)
                if dataset: lineage.append(dataset)

            info = {}
            info["parents"] = lineage
            payload = info

        elif query_type == "driver":
            if selectors:
                if "this" == selectors[0].lower():
                    gen_sim = entity
                gen_sim = get_specified_parent(entity,

            info = get_mcm_json(gen_sim)["results"]
            dataset_base = info["dataset_name"]
            campaign = info["prepid"]
            driver = get_mcm_setup(campaign)
            payload = {"dataset": dataset_base, "cmsDriver": driver}

        elif query_type == "lhe":
            lhe = get_specified_parent(entity, typ="LHE")
            # lhe = get_dataset_parent(gen_sim)
            files = get_dataset_files(lhe)
            payload["files"] = filelist_to_dict(files, short)

        elif query_type == "snt":
            from db import DBInterface
            db = DBInterface(fname="allsamples.db")

            match_dict = {"dataset_name": entity}

            # if we didn't specify a sample_type, then assume we only want CMS3 and not BABY
            if not selectors or not any(
                    map(lambda x: "sample_type" in x, selectors)):

                # but if user specified an analysis, then don't restrict to CMS3
                if not any(map(lambda x: "analysis" in x, selectors)) \
                        and not any(map(lambda x: "baby_tag" in x, selectors)):

            if selectors:
                for more in selectors:
                    key = more.split("=")[0].strip()
                    val = more.split("=")[1].strip()
                    match_dict[key] = val

            samples = db.fetch_samples_matching(match_dict)
            samples = sorted(samples,
                             key=lambda x: x.get("cms3tag", "") + str(
                                 x.get("nevents_out", "0")),

            if short:
                new_samples = []
                for sample in samples:
                    if sample["sample_type"] == "CMS3":
                        for key in ["sample_id","filter_type","assigned_to", \
                                    "comments","twiki_name", "analysis", "baby_tag"]:
                            del sample[key]
                    elif sample["sample_type"] == "BABY":
                        for key in ["sample_id","filter_type","assigned_to", \
                            del sample[key]
                samples = new_samples

            payload = samples

        elif query_type == "update_snt":
            from db import DBInterface
            db = DBInterface(fname="allsamples.db")
            s = {}
            for keyval in query.split(","):
                key, val = keyval.strip().split("=")
                s[key] = val
            payload = s
            did_update = db.update_sample(s)

            payload["updated"] = did_update

        elif query_type == "delete_snt":
            from db import DBInterface
            db = DBInterface(fname="allsamples.db")
            s = {}
            for keyval in query.split(","):
                key, val = keyval.strip().split("=")
                s[key] = val
            payload = s
            did_delete = db.delete_sample(s)

            payload["deleted"] = did_delete

        elif query_type == "dbs":
            if "raw" in selectors:
                payload = get_url_with_cert(query.rsplit(",", 1)[0],
                payload = base64.b64encode(payload)
                payload = get_url_with_cert(query)
            # payload = "/DYJetsToLL_M-50_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8/RunIISpring16MiniAODv1-PUSpring16_80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_v3-v1/MINIAODSIM"

            failed = True
            fail_reason = "Query type not found"
        failed = True
        fail_reason = traceback.format_exc()

    if pipes:
        for pipe in pipes:
            pipe = pipe.strip()
            parts = pipe.split(" ", 1)
            if len(parts) == 1:
                verb = parts[0].strip()
            elif len(parts) == 2:
                verb, keys = parts
                keys = map(lambda x: x.strip(), keys.split(","))
                verb = parts[0]

            if verb == "grep":
                if type(payload) == list:
                    for ipay in range(len(payload)):
                        if type(payload[ipay]) is not dict: continue

                        if len(keys) > 1:
                            d = {}
                            for key in keys:
                                if key in payload[ipay]:
                                    d[key] = payload[ipay][key]
                                    d[key] = get_derived_quantity(
                                        payload[ipay], key)
                            payload[ipay] = d
                            payload[ipay] = payload[ipay].get(keys[0], None)
                elif type(payload) == dict:
                    if len(keys) > 0:
                        d = {}
                        for key in keys:
                            d[key] = payload.get(key, None)
                        payload = d
            elif verb == "stats":
                if type(payload) == list:
                    nums = []
                    for elem in payload:

                    if len(nums) > 0:
                        payload = {
                            "N": len(nums),
                            "total": sum(nums),
                            "minimum": min(nums),
                            "maximum": max(nums),
                        payload = {"N": len(payload)}

    return make_response(arg_dict, payload, failed, fail_reason, warning)