def set_owners(database_path, owners_spec_json): """ Configure the database to associate the specified macs and owners. """ # print "decoding json spec", owners_spec_json owners_spec = json.loads(owners_spec_json) # print "owners_spec", owners_spec if owners_spec: dbwrapper = DBWrapper(database_path) for mac, owner in owners_spec.items(): dbwrapper.set_owner(mac, owner)
def __init__(self, task_queue, result_queue, start_point=1): self.location = Location() self.task_queue = task_queue self.result_queue = result_queue #self.start_id = start_id self.current_point = start_point self.fetch_step = self.task_queue.maxsize self.dbwrapper = DBWrapper() if self.task_queue.maxsize > self.result_queue.maxsize: raise ValueError( 'The size of task queue is smaller than result queue.')
def __init__(self, task_id, task_queue, result_queue, start_point=1): self.task_id = task_id self.location = Location() self.median_price_sub = Medi_price_sub() self.propt_sold_history = Propt_sold_history() self.task_queue = task_queue self.result_queue = result_queue #self.start_id = start_id self.current_point = start_point self.excp_point = 0 self.fetch_step = self.task_queue.maxsize self.dbwrapper = DBWrapper() self.result_queue_maxsize = self.result_queue.maxsize self.result_queue_qsize = 0 if self.task_queue.maxsize > self.result_queue.maxsize: raise ValueError( 'The size of task queue is smaller than result queue.')
def add_subid(self, *, date=None): dbwrapper = DBWrapper() if date != None: date_format = re.compile(r'(\d{4})\-(\d{1,2})\-(\d{1,2})') date_YMD = date_format.match(date).groups() date_YMD = list(map(int, date_YMD)) if len(date_YMD) != 3: print( '[!]Eror: Optional param of add_subid requires a string like \'2017-1-1\'' ) raise TypeError if date_YMD[0] > 1900 and date_YMD[1] <= 12 and date_YMD[ 2] <= 31 and date_YMD[1] > 0 and date_YMD[2] > 0: pass else: print( '[!]Eror: Optional param of add_subid requires a string like \'2017-1-1\'' ) raise ValueError else: sql_latestdate = 'SELECT MAX(update_date) FROM %s' % TB_INCREM latest_date = dbwrapper.db_fetchall(sql_latestdate) date = latest_date[0][0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') sql_gethistory = 'SELECT id,state,postcode,suburb FROM %s WHERE suburb_id is NULL AND update_date=\'%s\'' latest_history = dbwrapper.db_fetchall(sql_gethistory % (TB_INCREM, date)) sql_getsubid = 'SELECT id FROM %s WHERE state=\'%s\' AND postcode=\'%s\' AND suburb=\'%s\'' sql_updatesubid = 'UPDATE %s SET suburb_id=%s WHERE id=%s' with DBConn() as db: for item in latest_history: suburb_id = db.fetchall( sql_getsubid % (TB_POSTCODES, item[1], item[2], item[3])) print('[*]id=%s, state=%s, postcode=%s, suburb=%s' % (item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3])) if len(suburb_id) != 1 or len(suburb_id[0]) != 1: print( '[*]Error: Fetch suburb_id failed: id=%s, state=%s, postcode=%s, suburb=%s' % (item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3])) else: suburb_id = suburb_id[0][0] db.execute(sql_updatesubid % (TB_INCREM, suburb_id, item[0]))
def refresh_db(database_path, scrapy_settings=None): dbwrapper = DBWrapper(database_path) alerts = {} for target in list(dbwrapper.targets()): target_name = target.get('name') assert target_name, "target_name must be valid" last_result = dbwrapper.latest_result_json(target_name) print "OLD RESULT: %s" % str(last_result) this_result = get_html_crawler_records( record_spec=target['record_spec'], field_specs=target['field_specs'], start_urls=[target['url']], settings=scrapy_settings) print "NEW RESULT: %s" % str(this_result) delta = ResultDiff(last_result, this_result).difference() print "DELTA: %s" % delta if delta: dbwrapper.insert_result(target_name=target_name, result=this_result, stamp=get_safe_timestamp()) alerts[target_name] = delta return alerts
def refresh_db(database_path, arp_scan_settings): """ Refresh a darp database with the latest scan results. """ alerts = {} dbwrapper = DBWrapper(database_path) # do a scan newScan = ArpScan(**arp_scan_settings).results newDevices = [] if newScan: newDevices = newScan.get('devices') # get latest scan oldDevices = dbwrapper.latest_scan() stamp = get_safe_timestamp() for device in newDevices: dbwrapper.insert_sighting(stamp=stamp, **device) alerts = generate_mac_alerts(dbwrapper, oldDevices, newDevices, stamp) return alerts
class Scheduler(object): def __init__(self, task_id, task_queue, result_queue, start_point=1): self.task_id = task_id self.location = Location() self.median_price_sub = Medi_price_sub() self.propt_sold_history = Propt_sold_history() self.task_queue = task_queue self.result_queue = result_queue #self.start_id = start_id self.current_point = start_point self.excp_point = 0 self.fetch_step = self.task_queue.maxsize self.dbwrapper = DBWrapper() self.result_queue_maxsize = self.result_queue.maxsize self.result_queue_qsize = 0 if self.task_queue.maxsize > self.result_queue.maxsize: raise ValueError( 'The size of task queue is smaller than result queue.') # transform some attributes of Class Scheduler into dict def scheduler2dict(self): return { 'current_point': self.current_point, 'excp_point': self.excp_point } def dict2scheduler(self, d): self.current_point = d['current_point'] self.excp_point = d['excp_point'] return self # assign works specifically for grabbing information about suburbs' median price def work_median_price(self): sql = 'SELECT * FROM postcodes WHERE id>=%s and id<%s' # fetch all valid information from database and put them in task_queue results = self.dbwrapper.db_fetchall( sql, [self.current_point, self.current_point + self.fetch_step]) # there are many items remain if len(results) > 0: for r in results: = r[0] self.location.postcode = r[1] self.location.state = r[2] self.location.region = r[3] self.location.suburb = r[5] # deal with items with NULL informaion if self.location.region == None: print( '[*]An item fetched from database is abondoned: id:%s, postcode:%s, state:%s, suburb:%s' % (, self.location.postcode, self.location.state, self.location.suburb)) else: # put without blocking, transform instance into json to make it more general try: self.task_queue.put_nowait( json.dumps(self.location, default=Location.location2dict)) except asyncio.queues.QueueFull as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) self.location.data_clean() self.current_point += self.fetch_step print( '[*]Successfully fetch %s items from database and put %s items in task queue.' % (self.fetch_step, self.task_queue.qsize())) # finish fetching all the items else: # should let the crawler know that :) return 'done' # assign works for grabbing suburb's position which are probably ploygon def work_suburb_position(self): sql = 'SELECT * FROM postcodes_copy_sample WHERE id>=%s and id<%s' # fetch all valid information from database and put them in task_queue results = self.dbwrapper.db_fetchall( sql, [self.current_point, self.current_point + self.fetch_step]) # there are many items remain if len(results) > 0: for r in results: = r[0] self.location.postcode = r[1] self.location.state = r[2] self.location.region = r[3] self.location.suburb = r[5] # deal with items with NULL informaion if self.location.region == None: print( '[*]An item fetched from database is abondoned: id:%s, postcode:%s, state:%s, suburb:%s' % (, self.location.postcode, self.location.state, self.location.suburb)) else: # put without blocking, transform instance into json to make it more general try: self.task_queue.put_nowait( json.dumps(self.location, default=Location.location2dict)) except asyncio.queues.QueueFull as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) self.location.data_clean() self.current_point += self.fetch_step print( '[*]Successfully fetch %s items from database and put %s items in task queue.' % (self.fetch_step, self.task_queue.qsize())) # finish fetching all the items else: # should let the crawler know that :) return 'done' def work_sold_history(self): sql = 'SELECT * FROM postcodes_copy_sample WHERE id>=%s and id<%s' # fetch all valid information from database and put them in task_queue results = self.dbwrapper.db_fetchall( sql, [self.current_point, self.current_point + self.fetch_step]) # there are many items remain if len(results) > 0: for r in results: = r[0] self.location.postcode = r[1] self.location.state = r[2] self.location.region = r[3] self.location.suburb = r[5] # deal with items with NULL informaion if self.location.region == None: print( '[*]An item fetched from database is abondoned: id:%s, postcode:%s, state:%s, suburb:%s' % (, self.location.postcode, self.location.state, self.location.suburb)) else: # put without blocking, transform instance into json to make it more general try: self.task_queue.put_nowait( json.dumps(self.location, default=Location.location2dict)) except asyncio.queues.QueueFull as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) self.location.data_clean() self.current_point += self.fetch_step print( '[*]Successfully fetch %s items from database and put %s items in task queue.' % (self.fetch_step, self.task_queue.qsize())) # finish fetching all the items else: # should let the crawler know that :) return 'done' def work_latest_history(self): toplist = 50 if self.current_point < toplist: try: toplimit = min((self.current_point + self.fetch_step - 1), toplist) for i in range(self.current_point, toplimit + 1): self.task_queue.put_nowait(i) self.current_point = toplimit + 1 except asyncio.queues.QueueFull as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) else: return 'done' def work_corelogic_auction(self): states = ['VIC', 'NSW', 'QLD', 'SA', 'WA', 'NT', 'ACT', 'TAS'] if self.current_point < len(states) - 1: try: for _ in range(min(len(states), self.task_queue.maxsize)): self.task_queue.put_nowait(states[self.current_point - 1]) self.current_point += 1 print('[*]Put %s items in task queue' % min(len(states), self.task_queue.maxsize)) except asyncio.queues.QueueFull as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) else: return 'done' # receive results of suburbs' median price def result_median_price(self): sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO median_price_suburb (postcodes_id, house_buy, house_buy_update_date, house_buy_2br, house_buy_3br, house_buy_4br, ' \ 'house_rent, house_rent_update_date, house_rent_2br, house_rent_3br, house_rent_4br, ' \ 'unit_buy, unit_buy_update_date, unit_buy_2br, unit_buy_3br, unit_buy_4br,' \ 'unit_rent, unit_rent_update_date, unit_rent_2br, unit_rent_3br, unit_rent_4br,' \ 'trend, update_date) ' \ 'VALUE (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' self.result_queue_qsize = self.result_queue.qsize() for _ in range(self.result_queue_qsize): # get result with blocking, # because if not blocking for queue.get(), there may be a case that the latest results may beyond the upper size limit of queue try: self.median_price_sub = json.loads( self.result_queue.get_nowait(), object_hook=self.median_price_sub.dict2mediprice) self.result_queue.task_done() except asyncio.queues.QueueEmpty as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) except ValueError as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) self.dbwrapper.db_execute(sql_insert, [ self.median_price_sub.postcodes_id, self.median_price_sub.house_buy, self.median_price_sub.house_buy_update_date, self.median_price_sub.house_buy_2br, self.median_price_sub.house_buy_3br, self.median_price_sub.house_buy_4br, self.median_price_sub.house_rent, self.median_price_sub.house_rent_update_date, self.median_price_sub.house_rent_2br, self.median_price_sub.house_rent_3br, self.median_price_sub.house_rent_4br, self.median_price_sub.unit_buy, self.median_price_sub.unit_buy_update_date, self.median_price_sub.unit_buy_2br, self.median_price_sub.unit_buy_3br, self.median_price_sub.unit_buy_4br, self.median_price_sub.unit_rent, self.median_price_sub.unit_rent_update_date, self.median_price_sub.unit_rent_2br, self.median_price_sub.unit_rent_3br, self.median_price_sub.unit_rent_4br, self.median_price_sub.trend, self.median_price_sub.update_date ]) print( '[*]Successfully get %s items from result queue and save them in database.' % self.result_queue_qsize) # receive results of suburbs' position def result_suburb_position(self): sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO median_price_suburb_copy_sample (postcodes_id, position) VALUE (%s, %s)' sql_update = 'UPDATE median_price_suburb_copy_sample SET position=%s WHERE postcodes_id=%s' self.result_queue_qsize = self.result_queue.qsize() for _ in range(self.result_queue_qsize): try: self.median_price_sub = json.loads( self.result_queue.get_nowait(), object_hook=self.median_price_sub.dict2mediprice) self.result_queue.task_done() except asyncio.queues.QueueEmpty as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) except ValueError as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) r = self.dbwrapper.db_execute(sql_update, [ self.median_price_sub.position, self.median_price_sub.postcodes_id ]) # examine if this suburb had a record if r == 0: self.dbwrapper.db_execute(sql_insert, [ self.median_price_sub.postcodes_id, self.median_price_sub.position ]) print( '[*]Successfully get %s items from result queue and save them in database.' % self.result_queue_qsize) # receive results of properties' sold history def result_sold_history(self): sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO overall_sold_history_sample (suburb_id, full_address, property_type, price,' \ 'bedrooms, bathrooms, carspaces, sold_date, agent, url, update_date) ' \ 'VALUE (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' sql_update = 'UPDATE overall_sold_history_sample SET suburb_id=%s, full_address=%s, property_type=%s, price=%s,' \ 'bedrooms=%s, bathrooms=%s, carspaces=%s, sold_date=%s, agent=%s, update_date=%s ' \ 'WHERE url=%s' self.result_queue_qsize = self.result_queue.qsize() for _ in range(self.result_queue_qsize): try: suburb_sold_history = json.loads( self.result_queue.get_nowait()) for key, value in suburb_sold_history.items(): for i in range(len(value)): self.propt_sold_history = json.loads( value[i], object_hook=self.propt_sold_history. dict2soldhistory) self.dbwrapper.db_execute(sql_insert, [ self.propt_sold_history.suburb_id, self.propt_sold_history.full_address, self.propt_sold_history.property_type, self.propt_sold_history.price, self.propt_sold_history.bedrooms, self.propt_sold_history.bathrooms, self.propt_sold_history.carspaces, self.propt_sold_history.sold_date, self.propt_sold_history.agent, self.propt_sold_history.url, self.propt_sold_history.update_date ]) self.result_queue.task_done() except asyncio.queues.QueueEmpty as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) except ValueError as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) except mysql.connector.Error as e: with open(DB_SAVE_FAIL_PATH, 'a') as f: f.write('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % (self.propt_sold_history.suburb_id, self.propt_sold_history.full_address, self.propt_sold_history.property_type, self.propt_sold_history.price, self.propt_sold_history.bedrooms, self.propt_sold_history.bathrooms, self.propt_sold_history.carspaces, self.propt_sold_history.sold_date, self.propt_sold_history.agent, self.propt_sold_history.url, self.propt_sold_history.update_date)) print( '[*]Successfully get %s items from result queue and save them in database.' % self.result_queue_qsize) def result_latest_history(self): sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO overall_sold_history_increment (state, postcode, suburb, full_address, property_type, price,' \ 'bedrooms, bathrooms, carspaces, sold_date, agent, url, update_date) ' \ 'VALUE (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' self.result_queue_qsize = self.result_queue.qsize() for _ in range(self.result_queue_qsize): try: suburb_sold_history = json.loads( self.result_queue.get_nowait()) for key, value in suburb_sold_history.items(): for i in range(len(value)): self.propt_sold_history = json.loads( value[i], object_hook=self.propt_sold_history. dict2soldhistory) # examine if this property has had the record # if r == 0: self.dbwrapper.db_execute(sql_insert, [ self.propt_sold_history.state, self.propt_sold_history.postcode, self.propt_sold_history.suburb, self.propt_sold_history.full_address, self.propt_sold_history.property_type, self.propt_sold_history.price, self.propt_sold_history.bedrooms, self.propt_sold_history.bathrooms, self.propt_sold_history.carspaces, self.propt_sold_history.sold_date, self.propt_sold_history.agent, self.propt_sold_history.url, self.propt_sold_history.update_date ]) self.result_queue.task_done() except asyncio.queues.QueueEmpty as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) except ValueError as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) except mysql.connector.Error as e: with open(DB_SAVE_FAIL_PATH, 'a') as f: f.write( '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % (self.propt_sold_history.state, self.propt_sold_history.postcode, self.propt_sold_history.suburb, self.propt_sold_history.full_address, self.propt_sold_history.property_type, self.propt_sold_history.price, self.propt_sold_history.bedrooms, self.propt_sold_history.bathrooms, self.propt_sold_history.carspaces, self.propt_sold_history.sold_date, self.propt_sold_history.agent, self.propt_sold_history.url, self.propt_sold_history.update_date)) print( '[*]Successfully get %s items from result queue and save them in database.' % self.result_queue_qsize) def result_corelogic_auction(self): sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO corelogic_auction_results (state,scheduled_auctions,results_available,clearance_rate,sold_prior_to_auction,' \ 'sold_at_auction,sold_after_auction,withdrawn,passed_in,auction_date,update_date) ' \ 'VALUE (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' self.result_queue_qsize = self.result_queue.qsize() auction_result = Auction_result() for _ in range(self.result_queue_qsize): try: auction_result = json.loads( self.result_queue.get_nowait(), object_hook=auction_result.dict2auction) self.dbwrapper.db_execute(sql_insert, [ auction_result.state, auction_result.scheduled_auctions, auction_result.results_available, auction_result.clearance_rate, auction_result.sold_prior_to_auction, auction_result.sold_at_auction, auction_result.sold_after_auction, auction_result.withdrawn, auction_result.passed_in, auction_result.auction_date, auction_result.update_date ]) self.result_queue.task_done() except asyncio.queues.QueueEmpty as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) except ValueError as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) except mysql.connector.Error as e: with open(DB_SAVE_FAIL_PATH, 'a') as f: f.write('state=%s\n' % acution_result.state) print( '[*]Successfully get %s items from result queue and save them in database.' % self.result_queue_qsize) # re-fetch the pages which are not crawled in the first place def exceptions_median_price(self, lines): valid_line = re.compile( r'^TASK [%s]: CANNOT_CRAWL: id=(\d+), postcode=(\d+), suburb=([A-Za-z0-9\s]+), state=(VIC|NSW|QLD|TAS|SA|WA|ACT|NT)' % self.task_id) #for line in lines: while self.excp_point < len(lines): if valid_line.match(lines[self.excp_point]) != None: info = valid_line.match(lines[self.excp_point]).groups() = info[0] self.location.postcode = info[1] self.location.suburb = info[2] self.location.state = info[3] # put without blocking, transform instance into json to make it more general try: self.task_queue.put_nowait( json.dumps(self.location, default=Location.location2dict)) except asyncio.queues.QueueFull as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) self.location.data_clean() self.excp_point += 1 if self.task_queue.full() == True: print( '[*]Successfully extract %s items from exceptions and put them in task queue.' % self.task_queue.qsize()) break # all exceptions has been read and extract else: if self.task_queue.empty() == False: print( '[*]Successfully extract %s items from exceptions and put them in task queue.' % self.task_queue.qsize()) # should let the crawler know that :) if self.task_queue.empty() == True: return 'done' # re-fetch the pages which are not crawled in the first place def exceptions_suburb_position(self, lines): valid_line = re.compile( r'^TASK [%s]: CANNOT_CRAWL: id=(\d+), postcode=(\d+), suburb=([A-Za-z0-9\s]+), state=(VIC|NSW|QLD|TAS|SA|WA|ACT|NT)' % self.task_id) #for line in lines: while self.excp_point < len(lines): if valid_line.match(lines[self.excp_point]) != None: info = valid_line.match(lines[self.excp_point]).groups() = info[0] self.location.postcode = info[1] self.location.suburb = info[2] self.location.state = info[3] # put without blocking, transform instance into json to make it more general try: self.task_queue.put_nowait( json.dumps(self.location, default=Location.location2dict)) except asyncio.queues.QueueFull as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) self.location.data_clean() self.excp_point += 1 if self.task_queue.full() == True: print( '[*]Successfully extract %s items from exceptions and put them in task queue.' % self.task_queue.qsize()) break # all exceptions has been read and extract else: if self.task_queue.empty() == False: print( '[*]Successfully extract %s items from exceptions and put them in task queue.' % self.task_queue.qsize()) # should let the crawler know that :) if self.task_queue.empty() == True: return 'done' def exceptions_sold_history(self, lines): valid_line = re.compile( r'^TASK [%s]: CANNOT_CRAWL: suburb_id=(\d+), postcode=(\d+), suburb=([A-Za-z0-9\s]+), ' r'state=(VIC|NSW|QLD|TAS|SA|WA|ACT|NT), url=([A-Za-z0-9+-=&%?.]+)' % self.task_id) #for line in lines: while self.excp_point < len(lines): if valid_line.match(lines[self.excp_point]) != None: info = valid_line.match(lines[self.excp_point]).groups() = info[0] self.location.postcode = info[1] self.location.suburb = info[2] self.location.state = info[3] # put without blocking, transform instance into json to make it more general try: self.task_queue.put_nowait( json.dumps(self.location, default=Location.location2dict)) except asyncio.queues.QueueFull as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) self.location.data_clean() self.excp_point += 1 if self.task_queue.full() == True: print( '[*]Successfully extract %s items from exceptions and put them in task queue.' % self.task_queue.qsize()) break # all exceptions has been read and extract else: if self.task_queue.empty() == False: print( '[*]Successfully extract %s items from exceptions and put them in task queue.' % self.task_queue.qsize()) # should let the crawler know that :) if self.task_queue.empty() == True: return 'done' def exceptions_latest_history(self, lines): valid_line = re.compile(r'^TASK [%s]: CANNOT_CRAWL: list_id=(\d+)' % self.task_id) #for line in lines: while self.excp_point < len(lines): if valid_line.match(lines[self.excp_point]) != None: info = valid_line.match(lines[self.excp_point]).groups() list_id = info[0] # put without blocking, transform instance into json to make it more general try: self.task_queue.put_nowait(list_id) except asyncio.queues.QueueFull as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) self.excp_point += 1 if self.task_queue.full() == True: print( '[*]Successfully extract %s items from exceptions and put them in task queue.' % self.task_queue.qsize()) break # all exceptions has been read and extract else: if self.task_queue.empty() == False: print( '[*]Successfully extract %s items from exceptions and put them in task queue.' % self.task_queue.qsize()) # should let the crawler know that :) if self.task_queue.empty() == True: return 'done' # assign works for coroutines through queue def assign_work(self): # ensure all the tasks have been done if self.task_queue.empty() != True: print( '[!]Error: task queue is not empty, cannot put other tasks in') raise AttributeError for case in Switch(self.task_id): if case(1): r = self.work_median_price() break if case(2): r = self.work_suburb_position() break if case(3): r = self.work_sold_history() break if case(4): r = self.work_latest_history() break if case(5): r = self.work_corelogic_auction() break if case(): print('[!]Error: invalid task id') if r == 'done': return 'done' # receive results from coroutines through queue def rev_result(self): for case in Switch(self.task_id): if case(1): self.result_median_price() break if case(2): self.result_suburb_position() break if case(3): self.result_sold_history() break if case(4): self.result_latest_history() break if case(5): self.result_corelogic_auction() break if case(): print('[!]Error: invalid task id') # Abondon the tasks when we have triggered the anti-spider mechanism of the web server. if self.result_queue_maxsize >= 64 and self.result_queue_qsize < round( 0.38 * self.result_queue_maxsize): return 'abondon' else: return 'done' # deal with exceptions, re-fetch the pages that are not be crawled in the normal work def manage_exceptions(self, exceptions): if isinstance(exceptions, list) != True: print('[!]Error: read exceptions error') raise TypeError if exceptions == []: print('[*] Terrific! All the pages are crawled successfully') return 'done' for case in Switch(self.task_id): if case(1): r = self.exceptions_median_price(exceptions) break if case(2): r = self.exceptions_suburb_position(exceptions) break if case(3): r = self.exceptions_sold_history(exceptions) break if case(4): r = self.exceptions_latest_history(exceptions) break if case(5): print('[!]EXCEPTION: No action temporarily') r = 'done' break if case(): print('[!]Error: invalid task id') if r == 'done': return 'done' else: return 'continue'
def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.dbwrapper = DBWrapper()
class Domain_auction(object): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.dbwrapper = DBWrapper() def has_dir(self,): if os.path.exists(self.path): if not os.path.isdir(self.path): print('[!]Error: Invalid path: %s' % self.path) raise ValueError print('[*]Directory \'%s\' has exist' % self.path) else: os.mkdir(self.path) print('[*]Directory \'%s\' is created' % self.path) return True def fetch_result(self): cities = ['Sydney', 'Melbourne', 'Brisbane', 'Adelaide', 'Canberra'] url = u'' headers= { 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36'} print('[*]Downloading pdf...') for city in cities: req = urllib.request.Request(url % city, headers=headers) filename = os.path.basename(url % city) resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req) with open(os.path.join(self.path,filename), 'wb') as f: f.write( print('[*]Auction results of %s is fetched' % city) def del_dir(self): for filename in os.listdir(self.path): os.remove(os.path.join(self.path,filename)) os.rmdir(self.path) print('[*]Temporary directory \'%s\' is deleted' % self.path) def save2db(self, result): if len(result) != 10: print('[!]Error: There isn\'t enough information that is parsed') sql = 'INSERT INTO %s (city, listed_auctions, reported_auctions, sold, withdrawn, clearance_rate, ' \ 'total_sales, median, auction_date, update_date) ' \ 'VALUES (\'%s\', %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, \'%s\', \'%s\')' self.dbwrapper.db_execute(sql % (TB_AUCTION, result['city'], result['listed_auctions'], result['reported_auctions'], result['sold'], result['withdrawn'], result['clearance_rate'], result['total_sales'], result['median'], result['auction_date'], result['update_date'])) def str2date(self, date): Month = Enum('Month', ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December')) date = date.split(' ') if len(date) == 4: date = date[1:] dd_format = re.compile(r'(\d{1,2})(st|nd|rd|th)') dd = dd_format.match(date[0]).groups()[0].zfill(2) mm = str(getattr(Month, date[1]).value).zfill(2) yy = date[2] date = yy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd return date def parse(self, text): text = text.split('\n') for i in range(len(text)): line = text[i].replace('%','').replace('$','').replace(',','').strip() if line == 'Property Snapshot': break f1 = lambda x: x.replace('%','').replace('$','').replace(',','').strip() f2 = lambda x: x if x.isdigit() else 'NULL' key_lines = list(map(f1, text[i+2:i+15:2])) key_lines = list(map(f2, key_lines)) print('Auction date: %s' % self.str2date(text[i-1])) print('Number Listed Auctions: %s' % key_lines[0]) print('Number Reported Auctions: %s' % key_lines[1]) print('Sold: %s' % key_lines[2]) print('Withdrawn: %s' % key_lines[3]) print('Cleared: %s%%' % key_lines[4]) print('Total Sales: $%s' % key_lines[5]) print('Median: $%s' % key_lines[6]) return {'auction_date': self.str2date(text[i-1]), 'listed_auctions': key_lines[0], 'reported_auctions': key_lines[1], 'sold': key_lines[2], 'withdrawn': key_lines[3], 'clearance_rate': key_lines[4], 'total_sales': key_lines[5], 'median': key_lines[6]} def readpdf(self): for filename in os.listdir(self.path): with open(os.path.join(self.path, filename), 'rb') as f: reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(f) content = reader.getPage(0).extractText() city = filename.replace('_Domain.pdf','') print('---------------------------') print('CITY: %s' % city) r = self.parse(content) r['city'] = city r['update_date'] ='%Y-%m-%d') self.save2db(r)
'-d', required=True, help='Дата обновления в формате ГГГГ-ММ-ДД') args = parser.parse_args() filename = args.filename date = folder_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] currentDirectory = os.getcwd() # Файл twbx - архив zip, который можно распаковать с помощью любого архиватора shutil.unpack_archive(filename, extract_dir=folder_name, format='zip') path_to_extract = glob.glob(currentDirectory + '/' + folder_name + '/**/*.hyper', recursive=True)[0] # получаем данные после нужной нам даты data = DBWrapper().get_new_data(date) # подключаемся к экстракту, удаляем старые данные и добавляем новые extract = Extract(path_to_extract) extract.delete_data(date) extract.insert_data(data) del extract # После того, как данные в экстракте обновлены, его нужно снова запаковать и поменять расширение с .zip на .twbx archive_name = shutil.make_archive(folder_name, 'zip', folder_name) os.rename(filename, filename + ".backup") # далаем бэкап предыдущей версии отчета os.rename(folder_name + ".zip", folder_name + ".twbx")
class Scheduler(object): def __init__(self, task_queue, result_queue, start_point=1): self.location = Location() self.task_queue = task_queue self.result_queue = result_queue #self.start_id = start_id self.current_point = start_point self.fetch_step = self.task_queue.maxsize self.dbwrapper = DBWrapper() if self.task_queue.maxsize > self.result_queue.maxsize: raise ValueError( 'The size of task queue is smaller than result queue.') # assign works for coroutines through queue def assign_work(self): sql = 'SELECT * FROM postcodes_copy WHERE id>=%s and id<%s' # fetch all valid information from database and put them in task_queue results = self.dbwrapper.db_fetchall( sql, [self.current_point, self.current_point + self.fetch_step]) # there are many items remain if len(results) > 0: for r in results: = r[0] self.location.postcode = r[1] self.location.state = r[2] self.location.suburb = r[5] # put without blocking, transform instance into json to make it more general try: self.task_queue.put_nowait( json.dumps(self.location, default=Location.location2dict)) except asyncio.queues.QueueFull as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) self.location.data_clean() self.current_point += self.fetch_step print( '[*]Successfully fetch %s items from database and put them in task queue.' % self.fetch_step) # finish fetching all the items else: # should let the crawler know that :) return 'done' # receive results from coroutines through queue def rev_result(self): sql = 'UPDATE postcodes_copy SET region=%s, sub_region=%s, phone_area=%s, latitude=%s, longitude=%s WHERE id=%s' result_qsize = self.result_queue.qsize() for _ in range(result_qsize): # get result without blocking, # because if blocking for queue.get(), u can't ensure that the number of results could smaller than the upper size limit of queue try: self.location = json.loads( self.result_queue.get_nowait(), object_hook=self.location.dict2location) self.result_queue.task_done() except asyncio.queues.QueueEmpty as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) except ValueError as e: print('[!]Error: ', e) # save the result in database self.dbwrapper.db_execute(sql, [ self.location.region, self.location.sub_region, self.location.phone_area, self.location.latitude, self.location.longitude, ]) print( '[*]Successfully get %s items from result queue and save them in database.' % result_qsize) # Abondon the tasks when we have triggered the anti-spider mechanism of the web server. if (self.result_queue.maxsize > 64): if (result_qsize < round(0.4 * self.result_queue.maxsize != result_qsize)): return 'abondon' else: return 'continue'