コード例 #1
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: kaf3in0/DiscordQuesterBOT
async def premiaza(ctx, quest_id: int, force= ''):
    s = session()
    # Get the author of the message and check if he is an admin in the database
    msgUser = User.getByDiscordID(s, ctx.author.id)
    if msgUser.is_admin == False:
        await ctx.send("Misto incercare bosule, dar nu esti tu bossul %s" %(ctx.author.name))

    # Is it forced reward?    
    if force != '-f':
            force = False
    elif force == '-f':
            force = True

    # Reward all the mentioned users with the quest
    mentions = ctx.message.mentions
    for mention in mentions:
        user = User.getByDiscordID(s, mention.id)
        # Execute the give reward function and also check if it met all the conditions
        check = user.giveReward(s, quest_id, force)
        if check == False:
            await ctx.send("NU poti oferii premiul de la questul %s deoarece acesta nu este activ" % (quest_id))

        # Let users know that they were rewarded
        quest = Quest.getByID(s, quest_id)
        string = ('Pentru completarea cu succes a questului \'%s\' <@%s> a fost premiat cu:' % (quest.name, user.discord_id)
         +'\nxp: %s' % (quest.xp)
         +'\nsect coins: %s'% (quest.sect_coins)
        stringStartRanks = '' 
        stringEndRanks = ''            
        if quest.ranks.__len__() < 1:
            stringStartRanks = '\nrankul: '
            stringStartRanks = '\nrankurile: '

        for rank in quest.ranks:
            stringEndRanks = stringEndRanks + rank.name + ', ' 
        string = string + stringStartRanks + stringEndRanks[:stringEndRanks.__len__() - 2]
        await ctx.send(string)
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: kaf3in0/DiscordQuesterBOT
async def idee(ctx, text: str):
    s = session()
    user = User.getByDiscordID(s, ctx.author.id)
    ideea = Ideea(name = ctx.message.clean_content[6:], user = user)
    await ctx.send("Ideea ta: \'%s\' \na fost inregistrata cu succes :D" % (ideea.name))
    #TODO: hmmmmm, maybe change to admins
    owner = bot.get_user(256853098914381835)
    await owner.send(f"**{ctx.author.name}** a avut urmatoarea idee: \n*{ideea.name}*")
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: kaf3in0/DiscordQuesterBOT
def updateUsers():
    Update the discord server for new users, new nicknames, new names and new admins
    print("Checking Discord Users for updates")
    s = session()
    members = bot.get_all_members()

    for member in members:
        # Ignore bots
        if member.bot == True:
        user = User.getByDiscordID(s, member.id)
        #user = s.query(User).filter(User.discord_id == member.id).first()
        # If the user doesn't exist we add it to the database
        if user == None:
            print("Added discord user %s to the database" % (member.name))
            user = User(discord_id = member.id, discord_name = member.name, discord_server_name = member.nick)
        # Chekc if the user changed his name, update it if so
        if user.discord_name != member.name:
            print("Updated user's name %s to %s" %(user.discord_name, member.name))
            user.discord_id = member.name
        # Check if the nickname on the server changed, update it if so
        if user.discord_server_name != member.nick:
            print("Updated user's nick %s to %s" % (user.discord_server_name, member.nick))
            user.discord_server_name = member.nick

        # Check if the user has the admin role, update it if so
        count = 0
        for role in member.roles:
            # TODO: GET THE ADMIN ROLE NAME FROM THE DATABASE INSTEAD, fro better scalability
            if role.name == 'QuesterADMIN' and user.is_admin == False:
                print("Updated user %s to admin role" %(user.discord_name))
                user.is_admin = True
            if role.name == 'QuesterADMIN' and user.is_admin == True:
                print(f'{user.discord_name} is already admin')
                count += 1
        #if count == 0 and user.is_admin == True:
            #print('{user.discord_name} is not admin anymore'):
            # TODO: How to make this work with multiple servers ?
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: kaf3in0/DiscordQuesterBOT
async def info(ctx):
    s = session()
    #await ctx.send('CURios mic ce esti, ia cu paine:')
    mentions = ctx.message.mentions
    for mention in mentions:
        user = User.getByDiscordID(s,mention.id)
        string = ('\nxp: %s' % (user.xp)
                + '\nsect coins: %s' % (user.sect_coins)
        stringRanks = ''
        stringStartRanks = '\nrankuri: '
        for rank in user.ranks:
            stringRanks = stringRanks + rank.quest_rank.name + ', ' 
        string = string + stringStartRanks + stringRanks[:stringRanks.__len__() - 2]
        await ctx.send(string)