コード例 #1
ファイル: netperf_class.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
    def __init__(self, db_list=[], subset=False):
        Load class and get the data from netperf table to MongoDB

            netperf = NetPerf(db,subset=False)


            while True:
                if netperf.need_update():
                    data,error = netperf.data()


        self.logging = getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self.logging.debug( "Dlevent.init()" )

        self.db = {}
        self.database_list = db_list
        self.db_subset = subset
        self.cache = []
        self.error_cache = []

        self.tables = ['netperf']
コード例 #2
ファイル: db2mongo_libs.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
def update_collection(mongo_db, name, data, index=[]):

    logging = getLogger()

    logging.info("update_collection(%s)" % name)

    # Verify if we need to update MongoDB
    if data:

        temp_name = "%s_temp" % name

        logging.debug("Update temp collection %s with data" % temp_name)
        collection = mongo_db[temp_name]

        for entry in data:
            logging.debug("collection.update(%s)" % entry["id"])
            collection.update({"id": entry["id"]}, {"$set": entry}, upsert=True)

        # Create/update some indexes for the collection
        if index and len(index) > 0:
            index_db(collection, index)

        logging.debug("Move collection %s => %s" % (temp_name, name))
        collection.rename(name, dropTarget=True)

        logging.debug("NO DATA FROM OBJECT: %s" % name)
コード例 #3
ファイル: dlevent_class.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
    def __init__(self, db=False, subset=False):
        Load class and get the data from dlevent table to MongoDB
        Class to query a Datascope dlevent database and cache
        values in memory.

            dlevent = Dlevent(db,subset=False)


            while True:
                if dlevent.need_update():
                    data,error = dlevent.data()


        self.logging = getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self.logging.debug( "Dlevent.init()" )

        self.db = False
        self.database = db
        self.db_subset = subset
        self.cache = []
        self.error_cache = []

        self.tables = ['dlevent']
        self.dbs_tables = {}
コード例 #4
ファイル: db2mongo_libs.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
def test_table(dbname, tbl, verbose=False):
    Verify that we can work with table.
    Returns path if valid and we see data.

    logging = getLogger()

    path = False

        with datascope.closing(datascope.dbopen(dbname, "r")) as db:
            db = db.lookup(table=tbl)

            if not db.query(datascope.dbTABLE_PRESENT):
                logging.warning("No dbTABLE_PRESENT on %s" % dbname)
                return False

            if not db.record_count:
                logging.warning("No %s.record_count" % dbname)

            path = db.query("dbTABLE_FILENAME")

    except Exception, e:
        logging.warning("Prolembs with db[%s]: %s" % (dbname, e))
        return False
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self, filename=False, start='oldest'):

        self.logging = getLogger('stateFile')

        self.logging.debug( "stateFile.init()" )

        self.filename = filename
        self.packet = start
        self.time = 0
        self.strtime = 'n/a'
        self.latency = 'n/a'
        self.pid = 'PID %s' % os.getpid()

        if not filename: return

        self.directory, self.filename = os.path.split(filename)

        if self.directory and not os.path.isdir( self.directory ):
            os.makedirs( self.directory )

        self.file = os.path.join( self.directory, self.filename )

        self.logging.debug( 'Open file for STATE tracking [%s]' % self.file )
        if os.path.isfile( self.file ):

        if not os.path.isfile( self.file ):
            raise pocException( 'Cannot create STATE file %s' % self.file )
コード例 #6
ファイル: metadata_class.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
    def __init__(self):
        Need a class to load the information in the dlsensor table
        and stores all values in a local dict. The tool returns the name
        for the provided serial. You can search for a sensor or for
        a digitizer. If not found then you get NULL value. In this case
        we set NULL to be "-".

            cache_object = dlsensor_cache()

            cache_object.add( dlident, dlmodel, snident, snmodel, time, endtime )

            sname = cache_object.sensor(snident, time)
            dname = cache_object.digitizer(dlident, time)


        self.logging = getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)


        self.defaultTime = 0.0
        self.defaultEndtime = 9999999999.9
        self.sensors = {}
        self.digitizers = {}
コード例 #7
ファイル: metadata_class.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
    def __init__(self, db=False, orbs={}, db_subset=False, orb_select=False):
        Class to load information from multiple Datascope tables that track
        station configuration and metadata values. Some information is
        appended to the objects if a value for an ORB is provided and the
        station is found on it. We track all packets related to the station
        and we have the option to extract some information from the pf/st

            metadata = Metadata(db,orbs,db_subset,orb_select)


            while True:
                if metadata.need_update():
                    data,error = metadata.data()

        self.logging = getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self.logging.debug( "Metadata.init()" )

        self.orbs = {}
        self.cache = {}
        self.db = False
        self.database = db
        self.dbs_tables = {}
        self.perf_db = False
        self.perf_subset = False
        self.orbservers = orbs
        self.timezone = 'UTC'
        self.error_cache = {}
        self.perf_days_back = 30
        self.db_subset  = db_subset
        self.orb_select = orb_select
        self.timeformat = '%D (%j) %H:%M:%S %z'

        self.tables = ['site']

        self.seismic_sensors = {}

        self.tags        = False
        self.deployment  = False
        self.sensor      = False
        self.comm        = False
        self.digitizer   = False
        self.balers      = False
        self.windturbine = False

        self.dlsensor_cache = False
コード例 #8
ファイル: db2mongo_libs.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
def find_status(blob, sta, debug=False):
    Sometimes we don't know if the station is active or offline.
    Look in the object for it's status.
    logging = getLogger()

    for status in blob:
        for snet in blob[status]:
            if sta in blob[status][snet]:
                logging.info("find_status(%s) => %s" % (sta, status))
                return status

    logging.info("find_status(%s) => False" % sta)
    return False
コード例 #9
ファイル: db2mongo_libs.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
def find_snet(blob, sta, debug=False):
    Sometimes we don't know if the snet value of a station.
    Look in the object for it's snet.
    logging = getLogger()

    for status in blob:
        for snet in blob[status]:
            if sta in blob[status][snet]:
                logging.info("find_snet(%s) => %s" % (sta, snet))
                return snet

    logging.info("find_snet(%s) => False" % sta)
    return False
コード例 #10
ファイル: db2mongo_libs.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
def run(cmd, directory="./"):
    logging = getLogger()
    logging.debug("run()  -  Running: %s" % cmd)
    p = subprocess.Popen([cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=directory, shell=True)
    stdout, stderr = p.communicate()

    if stderr:
        raise db2mongoException("STDERR present: %s => \n\t%s" % (cmd, stderr))

    for line in iter(stdout.split("\n")):
        logging.debug("stdout:\t%s" % line)

    if p.returncode != 0:
        raise db2mongoException("Exitcode (%s) on [%s]" % (p.returncode, cmd))

    return stdout
コード例 #11
    def __init__(self, collection, orb, orb_select=None, orb_reject=None,
                    default_orb_read=0, statefile=False, reap_wait=3,
                    timeout_exit=True, reap_timeout=5 ):
        Class to read an ORB for POC packets and update a MongoDatabase
        with the values. Set the serial of the instrumetn as the main
        id and just update that entry with the latest packet that comes
        into the ORB. We can also run with the clean option and clean the
        archive before we start putting data in it.
        There is a position flag to force the reader to jump to a particular part
        of the ORB and the usual statefile to look for a previous value
        for the last packet id read.

        self.logging = getLogger('poc_class')

        self.logging.debug( "Pocs.init()" )

        self.poc = Poc()
        self.cache = {}
        self.orb = False
        self.errors = 0
        self.orbname = orb
        self.lastread  = 0
        self.timezone = 'UTC'
        self.position = False
        self.error_cache = {}
        self.timeout_exit = timeout_exit
        self.reap_wait = int(reap_wait)
        self.statefile  = statefile
        self.collection = collection
        self.orb_select = orb_select
        self.orb_reject  = orb_reject
        self.reap_timeout = int(reap_timeout)
        self.timeformat = '%D (%j) %H:%M:%S %z'
        self.default_orb_read  = default_orb_read

        # StateFile
        self.state = stateFile( self.statefile, self.default_orb_read )
        self.position = self.state.last_packet()
        #self.last_time = self.state.last_time()

        if not self.orb_select: self.orb_select = None
        if not self.orb_reject: self.orb_reject = None
コード例 #12
ファイル: db2mongo_libs.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
def clean_cache_object(cache, id="dlname"):
    Prepare memory dictionary for injection of data into
    a MongoDb structure. We have several requirements:
    1) Base key "dlname" on every element. Unless "id" is defined.
    2) All data should be convertible by json.load()
    3) Base key "time" should be present. This is the time of the data.
    We will create a new key "id" for our returned object. This
    will be unique and if objects repeat in the cache then the
    function will silently overwrite previous entries. We append
    a new key "lddate" with the time of the object creation.
    All data returned should be strings and could be sent directly
    to MongoDB.

    logging = getLogger()

    logging.info("clean_cache_object(%s)" % id)

    results = []

    for entry in cache:
        if not id in entry:

        # Convert to JSON then back to dict to stringify numeric keys
        entry = json.loads(json.dumps(entry))

            # Try to find object for id
            if id != "id":
                entry["id"] = entry[id]
            # Generic id for this entry
            entry["id"] = len(results)

        # add entry for autoflush index
        entry["time_obj"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(entry["time"])

        # add entry for last load of entry
        entry["lddate"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(stock.now())


    return results
コード例 #13
ファイル: db2mongo_libs.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
def get_md5(test_file, debug=False):
    Verify the checksum of a table.
    Return False if no file found.
    logging = getLogger()

    logging.debug("get_md5(%s) => test for file" % test_file)

    if os.path.isfile(test_file):
        f = open(test_file)
        md5 = hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest()
        return md5
        raise db2mongoException("get_md5(%s) => FILE MISSING!!!" % test_file)

    return False
コード例 #14
ファイル: db2mongo_libs.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
def index_db(collection, indexlist):
    Set index values on MongoDB
    logging = getLogger()

    re_simple = re.compile(".*simple.*")
    re_text = re.compile(".*text.*")
    re_sparse = re.compile(".*sparse.*")
    re_hashed = re.compile(".*hashed.*")
    re_unique = re.compile(".*unique.*")


    for field, param in indexlist.iteritems():

        unique = 1 if re_unique.match(param) else 0
        sparse = 1 if re_sparse.match(param) else 0

        style = 1
        if re_text.match(param):
            style = "text"
        elif re_hashed.match(param):
            style = "hashed"
        elif re_simple.match(param):
            style = 1

            expireAfter = float(param)
            expireAfter = False

            "ensure_index( [(%s,%s)], expireAfterSeconds = %s, unique=%s, sparse=%s)"
            % (field, style, expireAfter, unique, sparse)
        collection.ensure_index([(field, style)], expireAfterSeconds=expireAfter, unique=unique, sparse=sparse)


    for index in collection.list_indexes():
コード例 #15
ファイル: db2mongo_libs.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
def extract_from_db(db, steps, fields, subset=""):
    logging = getLogger()

    if subset:
        steps.extend(["dbsubset %s" % subset])

    logging.debug("Extract from db: " + ", ".join(steps))

    results = []

    with datascope.closing(datascope.dbopen(db, "r")) as dbview:
        dbview = dbview.process(steps)
        logging.debug("Records in new view: %s" % dbview.record_count)

        if not dbview.record_count:
            logging.warning("No records after deployment-site join %s" % dbview.query(datascope.dbDATABASE_NAME))
            return None

        for temp in dbview.iter_record():
            results.append(dict(zip(fields, temp.getv(*fields))))

    return results
コード例 #16
ファイル: db2mongo_libs.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
def verify_db(db):
    logging = getLogger()

    logging.debug("Verify database: [%s]" % (db))

    name = False

    if isinstance(db, str):
        with datascope.closing(datascope.dbopen(db, "r")) as pointer:

            if pointer.query(datascope.dbDATABASE_COUNT):
                name = pointer.query(datascope.dbDATABASE_NAME)
                logging.info("%s => valid" % name)

                logging.warning("PROBLEMS OPENING DB: %s" % db)

        logging.error("Not a valid parameter for db: [%s]" % db)

    return name
コード例 #17
ファイル: event_class.py プロジェクト: UCSD-ANF/anfsrc
    def __init__(self, db=False, subset=False):
        Class to query a Datascope event database and cache
        them in memory. The origin table is the main source
        of information. The system will try to join with the
        event table if present. The netmag table will be imported
        into memory and used to expand the events.

            events = Events(db,subset=False)


            while True:
                if events.need_update():
                    data,error = events.data()

        self.logging = getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self.logging.debug( "Events.init()" )

        self.db = False
        self.database = False
        self.db_subset = False
        self.cache = []
        self.cache_error = []
        self.mags = {}

        # event table is not tested here.
        self.tables = ['origin','netmag']
        self.dbs_tables = {}

        self.timeformat = False
        self.timezone = False